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36. I can't find my wallet. Can you ________ me some money?


Please _______ the whole contract and see if there are any problems.
(A)cut in
(B)get across
(C)make up
(D)go over


But for your help, I ______ then.
(A) should fail  
(B) should have failed  
(C) failed  
(D) fail  


1 The minister provided very strong _____ to support the tax reform in a public debate.
(A) questions
(B) arguments
(C) meanings
(D) favors


1 There are many factors that would_____ the quality of our relationships with others.
(A) effect
(B) expect
(C) afford
(D) affect


14 Most students think that there is a need to ____ bus fare, but not all students agree to have the fare increased by 35 percent.
(A) raise
(B) rise
(C) improve
(D) invent


1 As a classical music prodigy, Mozart from the age of six wielded extraordinary power over his _____, moving them to delight and enthusiasm.


36 Dad told Mary to ________ the phone in five minutes because she had been talking on the phone for an hour.
(A) hang up
(B) put down
(C) turn off
(D) chat with


      The typical American throws away about 590 kg. of garbage a year. For the nation as a whole, this 16 160million tons of waste a year, or enough to make a chain of 10-ton garbage trucks halfway to the moon. In the early 1990s,Japan recycled about 50% of its trash; the U.S. only about 10%, 17 estimates of the U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency. 
      In modern recycling plants, 18 can handle the metals and the glass, but people must separate the plastic by hand,so when people put out the garbage, they must separate the recyclable 19 the non-recyclable materials. Recycling is not a new idea. In emergencies like droughts and wars, people have recycled all kinds of materials andhave been very 20 about how much water and electricity they used. Today we must protect our planet Earth bybringing back the old habit of recycling.

(A) care
(B) careful
(C) cared
(D) carefully


36. Visitors love ______ the museum is so close to the shopping center and that several restaurants and cafes are within walking distance.
(A) as long as
(B) truth be told
(C) none other than
(D) the fact that


   Fanta is a world famous fruit-flavored carbonated soft drink. Today, there are more than 100 flavors all over the world. However, few know that the birth of this tasty drink is associated with Nazi Germany. 
    During WWII, there was a trading ban between the United States and Germany, which meant the Coca-Cola syrup was not allowed to be imported to the manufacturer in Germany. Max Keith, the head of the German Coca-Cola company, decided to develop a new soft drink in place of Coke, using ingredients available in the country at that time. He used apple fiber, leftover from cider pressing, and whey, a byproduct from cheese making, to develop a yellow-colored drink. Keith asked his employees to use their “Fantasie”(the German word for imagination) and create an impressive name for this new product. On hearing this, one of the employees Joe Knipp immediately came up with the name Fanta. Little did Keith and Knipp know that the mixture of leftovers would soon become popular and someday even take the world by storm. Throughout the war, the flavor of Fanta varied depending on what ingredients were available. Despite the severe devastation in Germany during the war, the company maintained stable profits, with an annual production of sixty million bottles.
    After the war, Fanta was introduced to the United States. Today, Fanta is available in 188 countries. Of the 100 flavors, Fanta Orange is the most popular one. Some flavors are available in some countries only. For example, in Japan there is Japanese Peach Fanta, and in Hong Kong there is Sour Green Apple Fanta. In Germany, elderflower is used to produce Fanta. Fanta never stops renewing itself, either by creating new flavors, bottles or with captivating advertising campaigns.

【題組】13.Why did Max Keith have to develop a new drink?
(A) The original formula was stolen by his rival.
(B)Germans were not allowed to consume sugar.
(C)Sales of Coke were dropping due to the breakout of WWII.
(D)He couldn’t get the syrup needed for the production of Coke.


6 Since my sister had to take the train early tomorrow morning, Mom told her____________ go to sleep late.
(B)do not
(C) to not  
(D) not to


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題

      Umbilical cord blood was once discarded as waste material but is now known to be a useful source of blood stem cells. After a baby is born, cord blood is left in the umbilical cord and placenta. It is easy to collect, with no risk to the mother or baby. It contains haematopoietic (blood) stem cells: rare cells normally found in the bone marrow. Haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) can make every type of cell in the blood – red cells, white cells and platelets. They have been used for many years in bone marrow transplants to treat blood diseases.

       Cord blood is used to treat children with cancerous blood disorders such as leukemia, or genetic blood diseases like Fanconi anemia. The cord blood is transplanted into the patient, where the HSCs can make new, healthy blood cells to replace those damaged by the patient’s disease or by a medical treatment such as chemotherapy for cancer. In this way, cord blood offers a useful alternative to bone marrow transplants for some patients. It also seems to be less likely than bone marrow to cause immune rejection or complications such as Graft versus Host Disease.

        However, cord blood transplants also have limitations. Treatment of adults with cord blood has so far proved to be very challenging, despite some successes. Cord blood can also only be used to treat blood diseases. No therapies for non-blood-related diseases have yet been developed using HSCs from either cord blood or adult bone marrow. A major limitation of cord blood transplantation is that the blood obtained from a single umbilical cord does not contain as many haematopoietic stem cells as a bone marrow donation. A transplant containing too few HSCs may fail or could lead to slow formation of new blood in the body in the early days after transplantation. This has been partially overcome by transplanting blood from two umbilical cords into larger children and adults. Some researchers have also tried to increase the total number of HSCs obtained from each umbilical cord by collecting additional blood from the placenta. Much research is focused on trying to increase the number of HSCs that can be obtained from one cord blood sample by growing and multiplying the cells in the laboratory. This is known as “ex vivo expansion”. Several preliminary clinical trials using this technique are underway. The results so far are mixed: some results suggest that ex vivo expansion reduces the time taken for new blood cells to appear in the body after transplantation; however, adult patients still appear to need blood from two umbilical cords. Neither solution is entirely satisfactory.

【題組】48 According to the author, what is the main problem about the cord blood transplants on adult patients?
(A)Adults tend to have stronger immune rejection complications.
(B)HSCs in cord blood is inadequate for the treatment of adults.
(C)A baby’s cord blood is effective only for his or her parents.
(D)HSCs in cord blood will be killed in “ex vivo expansion.”


3 Everyone admires Jane’s work, but she is very______about it. She thinks she is just being lucky to get the award.
(A) modest
(B) anxious
(C) aggressive
(D) confident


38 After accepting help from the Board of International Education, she was finally able to realize her dream of studying _____.
(A) abroad
(B) aboard
(C) along
(D) apart


