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試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 高雄市市立國民小學教師聯合甄選_專長類:英語#115053
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1. After teaching demonstrations, Professor Kao is always offering ______ ideas and comments, which are clear and direct and give us a new perspective on the bilingual visual art instruction.


2. As the population __________ up to 88 hundred millions in the last decade, traditional economies faltered and were supplanted by agricultural production reliant on few species.


3. This newly approved drug has been _________ as a major breakthrough in the fight against breast cancer.


4. Excessive construction of photoelectric cells on the farmland would __________ the soil seriously.


5. Netflix _____ another 1.75m subscribers in the first quarter, taking its global users to 232.5m.


6. The president of Moldova said that Russia was trying to overthrow her pro-EU government by _____ her country and stirring up protests.


7. African-American cuisine is often unfairly _____ for over-relying on fried and processed foods.


8. To _____ plagiarism, the new bill requires companies to program their models to include watermarks on AI-generated texts.


9. Facial recognition technology can actually worsen racial _____ in policing, which may result from the lack of Black faces in the algorithms’ training data sets.


10. The elements of language are generally _____ of sounds that are either words, significant parts of words, or word groupings.
(C)a prospect
(D)a symphony


11. He was not lavish, nor, on the contrary, _____; for, whenever he knew that money was needed for a noble, useful, or benevolent purpose, he supplied it quietly and sometimes anonymously.


II. Passage Construction 
       The effects of poverty on biomedical status continue through infancy and early childhood. Throughout infancy and early childhood poor children, regardless of cultural group, are less likely to be provided appropriate health care–regular physical examinations, routine vaccinations, and the like. Poor children   (12)   to various accidents, injuries, and illnesses which have the effects of slightly increasing the risk of possible neurological dysfunction and have the indirect effects of reducing the child’s energy level and opportunity to   (13)   . Nutrition status also varies by income level. It is rare in the United States for children to   (14)   , but many children apparently suffer from chronic subnutrition. Research has shown that a large proportion, perhaps half or more, of all children in Head Start programs suffer anemia caused by poor diet. Although the nutritional status of these children was not poor to the extent of causing life-threatening circumstances, the subnutrition responsible for the anemia could very well   (15)   , increased susceptibility to illness, and lowered participation in other socialization experiences.

【題組】12. _____
(A)suffer from severe malnutrition
(B)translate into lower energy level
(C)suffer greater exposure
(D)profit from other socialization experiences


【題組】13. _____
(A)suffer from severe malnutrition
(B)translate into lower energy level
(C)suffer greater exposure
(D)profit from other socialization experiences


【題組】14. _____
(A)suffer from severe malnutrition
(B)translate into lower energy level
(C)suffer greater exposure
(D)profit from other socialization experiences


【題組】15. _____
(A)suffer from severe malnutrition
(B)translate into lower energy level
(C)suffer greater exposure
(D)profit from other socialization experiences


16. _____________ , the builder of the Louvre.
(A)Perrault was a typical architect of the baroque style
(B)A typical architect of the baroque style is Perrault
(C)A typical architect of the baroque style being Perrault
(D)Perrault’s baroque style architecture


17. Among the most precious stones, diamond is the hardest, long-lasting substance _________.
(A)science knows
(B)knowing science
(C)science is known
(D)known to science


18. Pioneers liked to settle _______ there were plenty of wild animals for food.


19. Not until the early 1800’s, _____________.
(A)globally increasing the corn acreage began
(B)the acreage of corn began to increase globally
(C)did the acreage of corn begin to increase globally
(D)with the beginning of globally increased corn acreage


20. If the yield of agricultural crops _________ up from 9.8 percent, it would have been the highest average yield since 1982.
(A)would go
(B)has gone
(C)will go
(D)had gone IV. Error Correction


21. Magellan, a 16th century Portuguese navigator, sailed west to reach the East Indies, thereby proved that the earth was round. 
(A) a
(B)sailed west
(D)the earth


22. Some special steps must be done by the government to improve the current economic situation.  
(B)be done 
(C)to improve 


23. A number of English teachers required to meet the needs of children English education needs is rapidly increasing.  
(A)A number 
(B)required to meet 
(C)the needs of
(D)rapidly increasing


24. Prey seek to survive by tricking the perceptual and cognitive systems of the predators, and predators look to eat by breaking of the camouflage of the prey.


25. A seminal meta-analysis of research on leadership characteristics, published in 2002 in Timothy Judge, then at the University of Florida, and colleagues, found a link between managerial effectiveness and personality traits such as being stable, agreeable, and dependable.
(D)such as


26. Semiconductors are central to modern life—they power everything from advance weapons system to toasters—but the supply chain is alarmingly fragile.


27. Globally, inflation has begun to decline primarily because energy prices have ease since the summer and because supply chains, long gummed up by the pandemic, are operating more smoothly.
(B)have ease 
(D)gummed up


28. Although Canadian immersion research has had considerable influence on certain types of European bilingual education programs, but it cannot be directly transferable to other social contexts.
(A)has had


29. Classroom observation is likely to induce anxiety, particularly when, as is  most common, the observer is a master teacher or administrator. Nevertheless, teachers report a high degree of benefit from being observed or observing by expert teachers.
(A) particularly
(B) master teacher
(C) Nevertheless
(D) or observing by


30. Bilingualism could be conceptualized as a form of capital that, like all capital,  can be used to negotiate social goods and benefits and can depreciate or gain  in valuable.
(A)as a form of 
(D)in valuable


V. Cloze 
       From the perspective of developmental psychology and neuroscience, learning to use and understand language   (31)   a child's brain development. Through   (32)   evidence on developmentally normal children, as well as through some extreme cases of language   (33)   , that there is a "sensitive period" of language acquisition in which human infants have the ability to learn any language. Several researchers have found that the human brain may be automatically   (34)   to learn languages, while this ability does not last into adulthood in the same way that it exists during childhood. By around age 12, language acquisition has typically been   (35)   , and it becomes more difficult to learn a language in the same way a native speaker would do.

(A)parallel to
(B)analogue with
(C)similar to
(D)conforming to










       The differences in the forms of writing, and the different skills required of writer and reader in relation to them, are more appropriately understood as different social practices related to,   (36)   , different functions they are attempting to fulfill. They are   (37)   , therefore, in terms of different social structures,   (38)   in terms of the supposed “intrinsic” qualities of writing per se. Exponents of the “autonomous” model of literacy, by searching for absolutes, especially in what is currently limited data,   (39)   the risk of having to change their supposition concerning the “intrinsic” qualities of writing every time a new form of literacy practice is   (40)   , which undermines their claims to “universality.”
(A)amongst other things
(D)on the other hand




(A)more than
(B)rather than
(C)more or less






VI. Reading Comprehension 
       The Native Americans of northern California were highly skilled at basketry, using the reeds, grasses, bards, and roots they found around them to fashion articles of all sorts and sizes. Of all these experts, none excelled the Pomo - a group who lived near the coast during the 1800's. The Pomo people were masters of decoration. Some of their baskets were completely covered with shell pendants; others with feathers that made the baskets' surfaces as soft as the breasts of birds. Moreover, the Pomo people made use of more weaving techniques than did their neighbors. Pomo baskets made by Pomo Indian people are recognized worldwide for their exquisite appearance, range of technique, fineness of weave, and diversity of form and use. 
       Making the baskets required great skill and knowledge in collecting and preparing the needed materials. Materials for weaving baskets changed with the seasons and years, so did the materials used for the baskets. The materials used to make the baskets - including but not limited to, swamp canes, saguaro cactuses, rye grass, black ash, willow shoots, sedge roots, and the root of the gray pine—were harvested annually. 
       Although a wide variety of materials was available, the Pomo people used only a few. The warp was always made of willow, and the most commonly used welt was sedge root, a woody fiber that could easily be separated into strands no thicker than a thread. For color, the Pomo people used the bark of redbud for their twined work and dyed bullrush root for black in coiled work. Though other materials were sometimes used, these four were the staples in their finest basketry. Although the basketry materials used by the Pomo people were limited, the designs were amazingly varied.

【題組】41. What is the author's main point in the second paragraph?
(A)The neighbors of the Pomo people tried to improve on the Pomo basket weaving techniques.
(B)The Pomo people were the most skilled basket weavers in their region.
(C)The Pomo people learned their basket weaving techniques from other Native Americans.
(D)The Pomo baskets have been handed down for generations.


【題組】42. What best distinguished Pomo baskets from baskets of other groups?
(A)the range of sizes, shapes, and various designs
(B)the unusual geometric
(C)the absence of decoration
(D)the rare materials used



43. The word "fashion" in line 2 is closest in meaning to _____.



44. The Pomo people used each of the following materials to decorate baskets EXCEPT _____.



45. The word "staples" in the last is closest in meaning to _____.
(D)basic elements


       Madagascar’s fabulously improbable wildlife, from gremlin-like aye-ayes to satanic leaf-tailed geckos, may be thanks to dozens of dramatic oceanic journeys that would put Robinson Crusoe to shame, new research says. 
       “It seems like a far-fetched idea that animals could survive drifting across the sea, because it’s hard enough for humans to survive that, let alone animals,” says Matthew Borths, a curator of fossils at Lemur Center at Duke University. 
       But a comparison of genetic data from modern Malagasy species with the fossil record of their ancestors from the African mainland has revealed that this is likely what happened for most land vertebrates, according to the research, published in May in the journal Biological Reviews.
       Reptiles, amphibians, and mammals from mainland Africa would have been stranded on giant rafts of vegetation and floated to Madagascar, where they eventually evolved into the wildlife we know today. Some 95 percent of mammals and 98 percent of reptiles are endemic to the country, which means they live nowhere else in the world.
       While it seems improbable for animals to survive the roughly 30 to 35 days it would have taken to get across the Mozambique Channel, the vegetation may have held fruits or other food sources, as well as trapped rain to keep the animals alive.
       “With geological time, something which is statistically unlikely or highly unlikely becomes a certainty. If you keep throwing the dice for five million years, eventually you’re going to come up with 10 sixes,” says study co-author Jason Ali, a geophysicist at the University of Hong Kong.

【題組】46. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?
(A)Why is Madagascar’s wildlife so unique?
(B)How to cross the Mozambique Channel in 30 days.
(C)Colonialism and Madagascar’s wildlife.
(D)Indigenous species 101.


【題組】47. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A)Most of the mammals in Madagascar can also be found on the African mainland.
(B)It would have taken animals 30 to 35 days to cross the Mozambique Channel.
(C)Robinson Crusoe was the first man to cross the Mozambique Channel.
(D)Matthew Borths believes that it is impossible for animals to survive drifting across the sea.


【題組】48. According to the passage, how did animals cross the Mozambique Channel?
(A)through man-made bridges connecting Madagascar and the African mainland
(B)through 15th-century smugglers
(C)through prehistoric land bridges
(D)through giant rafts composed of vegetation


【題組】49. According to the passage, which of the following indicates that animals crossed the ocean to Madagascar?
(A)dietary habits
(B)written texts
(C)fossil records
(D)video footage


【題組】50. What does Jason Ali mean by “eventually you’re going to come up with 10 sixes”?
(A)Even seemingly impossible things can happen if you wait long enough.
(B)Nothing is impossible if you try hard enough.
(C)There is a difference between dreams and reality.
(D)Some things will never come true.


試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 高雄市市立國民小學教師聯合甄選_專長類:英語#115053-阿摩線上測驗
