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試卷測驗 - 109 年 - 109 高雄醫學大學_學士後醫學系招生考試:英文#86941
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1. The collapse of the company was described as the greatest financial debacle in US history.
(A) asylum
(B) carnage
(C) latitude
(D) fiasco
(E) panorama


2. This serial killer has not been caught and thus become a public menace to our community.
(A) initiation
(B) intimidation
(C) intimacy
(D) implantation
(E) immersion


3. Neurosurgeons have to be very meticulous in everything they do because even a tiny error can cause an irrevocable result.
(A) rebellious
(B) malicious
(C) indignant
(D) fastidious
(E) cursory


4. Reading this book will help you acquire a lot of knowledge and even become a more erudite person.
(A) bluffing
(B) exulting
(C) assiduous
(D) congenial
(E) sagacious


5. When health authorities have attempted to do so, there has been immediate and vociferous opposition, forcing a rapid reversal of policy.
(A) equivocal
(B) impending
(C) complementary
(D) strident
(E) veritable


6. The benevolence of the entrepreneurs was shown by their generous contributions to charity.
(A) betrothal
(B) beneficence
(C) belligerence
(D) bereavement
(E) beneficiary


7. The simple answer is that history shows mankind toyed with the idea of using biological agents for the annihilation of a vast number of people.
(A) enchantment
(B) equilibrium
(C) enticement
(D) eradication
(E) evacuation


8. The capricious nature of the virus has profoundly prolonged the development of the vaccine.
(A) mercurial
(B) notable
(C) prospective
(D) subtle
(E) tangible


9. Thanks to a series of serendipitous scientific discoveries, we are now enjoying the comfort of modern technology.
(A) egregious
(B) fortuitous
(C) insidious
(D) luminous
(E) ominous


10. Abstention from smoking and drinking alcohol is conducive to a healthy body.
(A) Dissidence
(B) Obstinacy
(C) Forbearance
(D) Presentiment
(E) Rigidity B. Please choose the best answer to complete each sentence.


11. This was an educational and _____ speech to remind us of the importance of environment preservation.
(A) castrating
(B) stimulating
(C) urinating
(D) berating
(E) discriminating


12. This program was highly _____ and won the best TV show in 1995.
(A) acclaimed
(B) disclaimed
(C) claimed
(D) proclaimed
(E) reclaimed


13. Be prepared if there is COVID-19 in your household; for example, consider alternative shopping options, such as ____ pickups or online deliveries.
(A) culpable
(B) culinary
(C) curative
(D) curbside
(E) custody


14. The effortless freshness and _____ of her singing put her into the front rank of popular and influential singers.
(A) accountability
(B) inevitability
(C) promiscuity
(D) spontaneity
(E) varsity


15. When our country was battling to overcome this disaster, an outbreak of cholera further _____ an already grim situation.
(A) arraigned
(B) aggravated
(C) arrogated
(D) abrogated
(E) assassinated


16. A court-appointed psychiatrist found that the well-to-do person charged with shoplifting was a _____.
(A) claustrophobic
(B) dipsomaniac
(C) kleptomaniac
(D) pyromaniac
(E) xenophobic


17. We can gain a market advantage by _____ our network of partners.
(A) admonishing
(B) deviating
(C) leveraging
(D) procrastinating
(E) upbraiding


18. His grandmother is in _____, but she’s still at risk of serious health complications, should she become infected.
(A) rendition
(B) remuneration
(C) recitation
(D) recession
(E) remission


19. A(n) _____ is someone who feels that the human race is degenerate, detestable, and unsalvageable.
(A) anthropologist
(B) misanthropist
(C) misogynist
(D) altruist
(E) alchemist


20. The educational reform that turned out to be successful was firstly considered as entirely _____.
(A) unconscious
(B) judicious
(C) salubrious
(D) contiguous
(E) preposterous 


A. Please choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
21. Maria studies harder than _____ in the corner.
(A) does the boy seated
(B) does the boy seat
(C) is the boy seated
(D) the boy who seated
(E) the boy is seated


22. I forgot _____ the door, so I went back home and locked it the second time.
(A) to lock
(B) locking
(C) lock
(D) locks
(E) of locking


23. It _____ for three days, and we still don’t know when it will stop.
(A) will be rained
(B) was raining
(C) has been rained
(D) has been raining
(E) is being raining


24. Jimmy and I were used to _____ with the light on, but the doctor told us to change this habit.
(A) sleep
(B) sleeping
(C) be sleeping
(D) slept
(E) have been slept


25. I watched two new films, _____ was very interesting.
(A) both of them
(B) both of which
(C) either of them
(D) neither of them
(E) neither of which 


B. For each sentence, please choose the underlined part that contains ungrammatical use of English
26. ( A )Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was ( B )afflicted with a heart problem, great care ( C )was taken to break to her as ( D )gently as possible  the news of ( E )her husband’s death.
(B)afflicted with 
(C)was taken 
(E)her husband’s death


【題組】27. The Spanish flu ( A )pandemic of 1918 has infected an ( B )estimated 500 million people worldwide—about ( C )four-eleventh of  ( D )the planet’s population—and killed an estimated 20 million to 50 million victims,( E )including 675,000 Americans.
(D)the planet’s population


【題組】28. ( A )With technology advances provide us with faster communication, more accurate information, and the ability to ( B )collaborate  ( C )around the world, organizations need to be aware of the important steps ( D )in ( E )mitigating risks.


【題組】29. The issue is ( A )a matter of privacy, ( B )on which he has no right ( C )to make ( D )comments, nor ( E )you should express any opinions.
(A)a matter of 
(B)on which 
(C)to make 
(E)you should


【題組】30. South Korea said there was no ( A )discernible development in the North, ( B )but Kim, ( C )missed the birthday of his grandfather,  the country’s founder, ( D )hasn’t been seen publicly ( E )since.
(D)hasn’t been seen 


III. Reading Comprehension: 40 points 
Please read the following excerpts/passages closely and then choose the best answer for each of the questions according to the contents. 
   Science is an _______ field; that is, it develops a body of knowledge by observing things and performing experiments. The deliberate process of gathering and analyzing data is called ‘the scientific method’ or ‘the scientific study.’ People often have this misconception of Linguistics not being a scientific study. Let us see whether Linguistics is indeed a scientific study of language.
   Etymologically, Linguistics is a scientific study of language. Like all the other sciences, Linguistics has a well-defined subject matter. It employs careful methods to observe, record and analyze various phenomena related to its subject matter, and hopes to present verifiable descriptions. Linguistics is based on observation, formation of hypothesis, testing, and verification. Some methods of observation include simple listening, phonetic transcription, and use of various instruments such as pitch makers.
   Linguists also have laboratories where they perform all these procedures in studying languages. They firstly observe linguistic events, make a hypothesis, and test to make it verifiable or provable as that of a scientific experiment. Thus, we can say that Linguistics is indeed a scientific study of language.

【題組】31. Which of the following words best completes the sentence in line 1?
(A) imperial
(B) imbecile
(C) incorrigible
(D) indecent
(E) impoverished


【題組】32. What could be the best title for this passage?
(A) Linguistics for Science
(B) Linguistics as Science
(C) Linguistics in Science
(D) Linguistics of Science
(E) Linguistics over Science


【題組】33. What is the most possible purpose of the author to write this passage?
(A) To argue that Linguistics is a scientific discipline
(B) To contrast the difference between Linguistics and Etymology
(C) To describe how linguistic research is manipulated
(D) To justify the importance of Linguistics over science
(E) To persuade people to study Linguistics


【題組】34. According to this passage, which of the following descriptions of Linguistics is incorrect?
(A) Some people may not consider Linguistics as science.
(B) The definition of Linguistics involves scientific methodology.
(C) Studies in Linguistics usually adopt absurd approaches.
(D) Linguistic research can be done in a controlled environment.
(E) Linguists often conduct research to verify their ideas.


【題組】35. According to paragraph 3, what is the general procedure of a piece of linguistic research?
(A) observe, analyze, describe, relate
(B) observe, analyze, hypothesize, verify
(C) observe, hypothesize, test, verify
(D) observe, record, analyze, listen
(E) observe, record, listen, analyze


   The body works like an automatic furnace, which heats up and cools down to maintain a constant temperature. When it puts out a lot more or a lot less heat than usual, the body may be trying to tell you there is a problem. It is when we go to a doctor or a pharmacist.
   For more than 100 years, 98.6℉ has been considered the norm al hum an body tem perature. B ut recently, a Stanford University research study, based on some 677,000 temperature readings collected from 190,000 people, points out that from 1862 to 2017, the human body temperature fell by 0.054℉ and 0.052℉ per decade for m ales and fem ales, respectively.
   The change in average height and weight is the possible explanation for some of the decline, because nowadays people have better nutrition, medical service, and public health. Most importantly, the effective use of antibiotics and vaccines control many of the inflammatory conditions that can drive up body temperature. The function of inflammation is to eliminate the cause of cell injury and initiate tissue repair. Besides, when people are ill, they usually take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and statins to fight inflammation, therefore preventing the body from heating up.
   The findings suggest doctors should practice more personalized temperature readings that take all the things that affect body temperature into consideration, such as height, weight, age, time of day and outside temperature.

【題組】36. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
(A) The body is like a furnace.
(B) Doctors should take temperature seriously.
(C) Inflammation is an important mechanism of body function.
(D) Reasons for the decline of normal body temperature.
(E) The wrong use of anti-inflammatory drugs.


【題組】37. What is the meaning of the underlined word “initiate” in paragraph 3?
(A) To cause something to become worse
(B) To cause something to begin
(C) To cause something to decline
(D) To cause something to disappear
(E) To cause something to stop


【題組】38. According to this passage, which of the following factors might not be able to prevent the body from heating up?
(A) antibiotics
(B) anti-depressant
(C) anti-inflammatory drugs
(D) statins
(E) vaccines


【題組】39. According to this passage, which of the following statements is incorrect?
(A) Advances in medicine lead to the rise of normal body temperature.
(B) After reading a patient’s temperature, the doctor should not rush to conclusion.
(C) Inflammation heats up body temperature.
(D) Stanford University’s research is based on the data collected over a long period.
(E) 98.6℉ is a commonly-accepted normal body temperature.


【題組】40. What is the best title for this passage?
(A) Do not Ignore Abnormal Inflammation
(B) Maintaining a Normal Temperature
(C) Why Human Body Temperature Drops
(D) Temperature Tells You Everything
(E) Your Age and Your Temperature


   The diagnosis of schizophrenia is based upon the self reports and behaviors of the individual. To be diagnosed with schizophrenia, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, a person must satisfy three criteria. First, he or she must demonstrate two or more schizophrenic symptoms. These could be delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, exaggeratedly disorganized behavior, or lack of motivation for motion. Second, he or she must be dysfunctional in a social or work setting. Finally, the disturbance must continue for at least six months. - [1] -
   Several subtypes of schizophrenia have been recognized. For example, a person with the catatonic subtype exhibits extreme withdrawal. - [2] - A person with the disorganized subtype has both thought disorders and inappropriate emotions. This type is known as hebephrenia. A person with the paranoid subtype has delusions and hallucinations but does not have thought disorders or inappropriate emotions. A new subtype currently under study is known as deficit syndrome. A person with this condition lacks emotions and is not interested in social interactions.5ee5a5c7ee2b4.jpg
   Psychotherapy is offered to some patients. The most commonly-used form is cognitive behavioral therapy. This therapy can be helpful in dealing with issues of self-esteem, social relationships, and understanding the nature of the condition. Research has shown that only about fourteen percent of patients make a full recovery with the help of psychotherapy, drugs, or a combination of both. - [4] - Other research indicates that patients in developing countries have higher cure rates than do patients in the U.S. - [5]- This suggests that drug therapy may not be as effective as talk therapy with schizophrenic patients.

【題組】41. What can be inferred from paragraph 4 about the use of drug therapy with schizophrenic patients?
(A) A higher percentage of people have schizophrenia in developing countries than in developed countries.
(B) Patients who talk about their drug therapy have lower cure rates.
(C) A full recovery is more likely with drug and talk therapy combined than with just drugs.
(D) Drug therapy is less available in developing countries than in the U.S.
(E) A higher percentage of schizophrenics in the U.S. have higher cure rates due to drug therapy.


【題組】42. To which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], [4], and [5] does the following sentence best belong? “If the symptoms result from a drug, medication, or medical condition, schizophrenia is not diagnosed.”
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]
(E) [5]


【題組】43. Why does the writer mention the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders in paragraph 1?
(A) To list three criteria for understanding schizophrenia
(B) To ridicule schizophrenic symptoms
(C) To explain how schizophrenic patients make self-reports
(D) To state why schizophrenia cannot be cured
(E) To illustrate how to cure schizophrenia


【題組】44. According to paragraph 2, a person who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and who is devoid of emotions and prefers to be left alone probably has which of the following subtypes?
(A) Deficit syndrome
(B) Catatonic subtype
(C) Hebephrenia
(D) Paranoid subtype
(E) Disorganized subtype


【題組】45. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in paragraph 3?
(A) Most schizophrenics are born in winter or spring, which can cause an infection in the womb.
(B) Data indicate birth order should be considered when diagnosing schizophrenia in the north.
(C) Birth season data suggest prenatal exposure to infection can lead to schizophrenia.
(D) Schizophrenia can begin before birth in the north because of high rates of urinary infection.
(E) Most schizophrenics also suffer from other diseases.


   Bubble tea isn’t a new arrival in the Tokyo drink landscape, but the beverage has recently enjoyed a popularity boom. - [1] - Perhaps you’ve passed a long line of adolescents in front of a store, or your Instagram feed has been overwhelmed by chunky straws and tapioca-filled, vacuum-sealed cups. - [2] -
   The drink — which consists of flavored tea, often mixed with milk and sugar, with black tapioca balls at the bottom, waiting to be sucked up — originally comes from Taiwan, and has gained popularity internationally over the past few decades. Its arrival in Japan is a little less clear, though it seems the first real inroads bubble tea made in the country came at the start of the millennium. But the beverage has never been a true trend here until now. While bubble tea has had its devotees over the past decade and a half, it only recently connected with Japanese teens, the arbiters of culinary cool across the archipelago. - [3] - Perhaps owing to bubble tea’s photogenic properties, its colorful, layered toppings and add-ins easily visible in plastic cups, online outlets have referred to it as a nationwide “tapioca boom.” You know it has spilled over into the mainstream when YouTubers and J-pop idols try to cash in on the trend.
   Although bubble tea comes in all kinds of flavors, customers tend to go for sweet options, with milk tea versions the most preferred. Sweetened versions have become so omnipresent that publications such as Joshi Spa have reported on how unhealthy the drink can be for you. - [4] –
   The Koiwa neighborhood seems to be a hot spot for memorable bubble tea drinks, housing places such as Toki Seven Tea, Golden Ratio and the chain Chatime. A recent arrival comes in the form of Takusha no Cha, located near Shin-Koiwa Station. This one has caught on with the Instagram crowd thanks to fruit-heavy takes on bubble tea that load up on slices of strawberry and whipped cream alongside the soft tapioca pearls. These creations are definitely not for those trying to cut calories, but they rise above usual social media bait thanks to the actually enjoyable fruity flavors.5ee5a64b060c1.jpg

【題組】46. According to paragraph 2, which of the following statements is true of the bubble tea in Japan?
(A) Bubble tea originates from Taiwan and arrived in Japan in the late 90s.
(B) Bubble tea becomes really popular in Japan because Japanese teens have an appetite for it.
(C) Bubble tea enters the mainstream in Japan a decade before it was widely touted by Japanese Internet celebrities and entertainers.
(D) Japanese teens connect bubble tea with the island of Taiwan.
(E) No Japanese has ever liked bubble tea for the ten and a half years after the millennium.


【題組】47. In paragraph 2, what do “photogenic properties” mean?
(A) Bubble tea easily reacts to light.
(B) Bubble tea has the properties of light.
(C) Bubble tea looks nice in photographs.
(D) People in photographs light up when they have bubble tea.
(E) The photographs of bubble tea come to light.


【題組】48. Which of the following descriptions can be inferred about the Koiwa neighborhood from paragraph 4?
(A) People in the Koiwa neighborhood can connect to the Internet at a higher speed without wires when they are having their bubble tea.
(B) The Koiwa neighborhood is densely populated because there are a lot of well-known bubble tea houses there.
(C) Bubble tea shops in the Koiwa neighborhood provide wireless Internet access to attract social media users to check in there.
(D) The newly-opened bubble tea shop becomes popular on social media because it adds a lot of fruit as well as whipped cream to its bubble tea.
(E) All bubble tea shops in the Koiwa neighborhood feature bubble tea mixed with fruits and whip cream to cater to social media users.


【題組】49. Which of the following statements best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in paragraph 5?
(A) Gong Cha has a lot of faraway branch stores in Tokyo so high-school-aged children in Tokyo are likely to drink Gong Cha’s bubble tea.
(B) Gong Cha is likely to have a lot of faraway branch stores in Kyoto because high-school-aged children there would like to drink its bubble tea.
(C) High-school-aged children would like to drink Gong Cha’s bubble tea because only Gong Cha has a lot of branch stores in a distant part of Tokyo.
(D) High-school-aged children in a distant part of Tokyo would like to drink Gong Cha’s bubble tea because they are likely to drink out of big red straws.
(E) Gong Cha has a lot of branch stores in a distant part of Kyoto because high-school-aged children would like to drink out of big red straws.


【題組】50. To which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], [4], and [5] does the following sentence best belong? “So maybe bubble tea isn’t something to sip on every single day, but its current popularity has resulted in an unprecedented variety of stores offering the drink in the city for the occasional indulgence”
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]
(E) [5]

IV. Essay Writing: 20 points
 Write an essay of at least 200 words in an appropriate style on the following topic.
 As a medical practitioner, you may need to face patients and families with strong emotions, especially when the patients’ conditions are critical. In what ways do you think it is important to deal with the emotions of the patients and families, and what will be your strategies to deal with them? Use examples to elaborate on your response.


試卷測驗 - 109 年 - 109 高雄醫學大學_學士後醫學系招生考試:英文#86941-阿摩線上測驗
