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試卷測驗 - 111 年 - 111 關務特種考試_五等_各科別:英文#107529
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1 The video camera recorded the ______ scene: people running for their lives from the random shooting.
(A) afraid
(B) frightened
(C) scary
(D) speedy


2 Mobile phones have made it possible for us to keep in touch with people when we are ______ .
(A) at ease
(B) under watch
(C) up and down
(D) on the move


3 Many scientists point out that global warming ______ the rise of temperature on earth.
(A) leads to
(B) results from
(C) derives from
(D) consists in


4 Michael's employees find him a difficult boss because no matter what they do, he always finds something to ______ .
(A) localize
(B) compliment
(C) criticize
(D) legalize


5 When I was downtown yesterday, I saw the police ______ a thief.
(A) chase
(B) was chasing
(C) are chasing
(D) had been chasing


6 You need to watch out because there ______ many thieves in the market.
(A) is
(B) was
(C) should be
(D) be


7 ______ do you go to a movie? Once or twice a month?
(A) What time
(B) How long
(C) What month
(D) How often

8( ).

請依下文回答第 8 題至第 10 題
        David sat down on the windowsill and stared into the darkness. Every word the children's parents had __8__ to one another was deeply engraved upon his mind. His hands, his legs, his whole body were shaking, and he was __9__ to control himself. He had realized that he must go and go soon, but the fact that danger was so near at hand was something he __10__ not realized.

(A) spoken
(B) told
(C) said
(D) talked

9( ).

(A) legal
(B) illegal
(C) able
(D) unable

10( ).

(A) has
(B) had
(C) has been
(D) had been

11( ).

請依下文回答第 11 題至第 15 題
         Last week, I went to Summit Grove Camp in York, Pennsylvania. The camping trip for my church__11__ on Friday night. All my friends went to the camp on Friday, __12__I had to work on Friday night. I went to the camp by myself on Saturday morning. I drove alone about an hour on Interstate 95. In the early morning, there weren't many cars on the highway. I felt sleepy, so I thought I would get some coffee to make me feel better. I turned at the __13__that said "service area." I followed the signs, but I got lost. I went on a road that took me into a forest. There were a lot of trees. I didn't see anybody there. I was very frightened. I turned back, but I got lost again. Luckily, I saw one car __14__me from the opposite direction. It was a small road, so I waved him down and asked directions to get back to I-95. __15__ I got back on the highway, I drove straight to the camp. I didn't feel sleepy anymore because I was frightened. Finally, I got to the camp. I met my friends and had a good time.

(A) begins
(B) began
(C) has begun
(D) would begin

12( ).

【題組】 12
(A) but
(B) then
(C) thus
(D) indeed

13( ).

(A) corner
(B) exit
(C) gate
(D) entrance

14( ).

【題組】 14
(A) running over
(B) jumping towards
(C) rolling over
(D) coming towards

15( ).

【題組】 15
(A) But
(B) If
(C) Once
(D) Whereas

16( ).

請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題
         Today many people live longer lives with more physical and mental strength. The “life cycle” from childhood to adulthood and into older age is different from that of previous generations. How are ideas about the life cycle changing?
        One American writer, Gail Sheehy, has identified some new trends in the life cycle. She separates life into decades, 10-year sections. Her definitions are optimistic and positive, and they may help people understand themselves as they grow older.
        The ages between twenty and thirty are times of experimentation. People in their twenties try many new things with a lot of energy. They search for a path for their lives. Their responsibilities are not usually serious, and they can experiment with lifestyle choices. But when they become thirty, they pass to a stage called “First Adulthood.” In this stage of life, people begin to think for themselves. They become independent and more ambitious. They begin to define themselves within society.
         In the next stage of life, the forties, people begin to prepare themselves for leadership positions. Gail Sheehy sees people in their forties as working hard. They want to be successful. They have to take care of their families and begin to be masters of their work and themselves. She calls moving from this stage into the fifties the passage to the “Age of Mastery.” People in their fifties have new positive feelings. They begin to see different things they can do with their lives. They become adventurers. They also begin to question their values. They want to live their lives better, with more truth. They struggle to understand the world and themselves.
         She calls the next stage the “Age of Integrity.” When people become sixty, they want to live their lives with real values. They work to keep their minds active, recommit themselves to their families with love, and begin to take some active risk-taking for the future. It is a time of real maturity. Ms. Sheehy calls people in their seventies wise, people in their eighties free, and those in their nineties noble. The life cycle Ms. Sheehy writes about is long and hopeful.

【題組】 16 According to the passage, what does the “life cycle” mean?
(A) The most important part of individual life.
(B) From childhood to old age.
(C) People living longer and healthier.
(D) A place where the elder people live together.

17( ).

【題組】 17 What is Gail Sheehy?
(A) A writer.
(B) A fortune-teller.
(C) A philosopher.
(D) A risk-taker.

18( ).

【題組】 18 Which of the following statements is NOT true about Ms. Sheehy’s “life cycle”?
(A) People in their thirties are independent.
(B) People in their forties are masters of their work.
(C) People in their fifties are ambivalent.
(D) People in their nineties are noble.

19( ).

【題組】 19 Which stage of life does the “Age of Integrity” refer to?
(A) The fifties.
(B) The sixties.
(C) The seventies.
(D) The eighties.

20( ).

【題組】20 Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?
(A) How to live a life positively.
(B) How to lead a healthy life.
(C) Changing hopes for a new life.
(D) New meanings of life cycles.

21( ).

請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題
          It’s lasted through good times that filled us with joy, and hard times that tested us. And I’ve even gotten a few words in along the way. On Tuesday night, I was so happy to see that my Explainer-in-Chief is still __21__ the job. I’m also grateful to the rest of my family and the friends of a lifetime. To all of you whose hard work brought us here tonight. And to those of you who joined our campaign this week. And __22__ a remarkable week it’s been! We heard the man from Hope, Bill Clinton. And the man of Hope, Barack Obama. America is stronger because of President Obama’s leadership, and I’m __23__ because of his friendship. We heard from our terrific vice president, the one-and-only Joe Biden, who spoke __24__ his big heart about our party’s commitment __25__ working people. First Lady Michelle Obama reminded us that our children are watching, and the president we elect is going to be their president, too.

(A) by
(B) for
(C) on
(D) at

22( ).

(A) what
(B) how
(C) where
(D) when

23( ).

(A) batter
(B) smoother
(C) better
(D) lighter

24( ).

(A) to
(B) by
(C) from
(D) for

25( ).

(A) for
(B) with
(C) in
(D) to

26( ).

請依下文回答第 26 題至第 30 題
          Student motivation has often been cited as one of the most important factors for success in second language (L2) education. According to many scholars, motivation is both a condition for, and a result of, effective instruction.Studies have indicated that lack of motivation for oral communication may be __26__ by providing the learners with a sense of competition. Competition not only means "winner takes all" but also allows students who __27__ in certain areas, such as occurrences of participation, to sense the difference between themselves and others, and then to compete with their peers to achieve "equal" status. Such a self-awareness is often the key to learners' motivation to participate in a class conversation. Students typically do not feel the need to respond to another student's words.However, in a competitive language conversation or discussion event, students are constantly in an __28__ state and are therefore more sensitive to the permissible conversation turns/junctures, which __29__ prepares them to be better able to participate in a conversation. Indeed, research has found out that learners are more motivated to participate in a classroom activity when the activity is competitive in nature; more importantly, a competitive activity was found to have the potential to __30__ the achievement gap for disadvantaged students and therefore facilitate the motivation of students at various L2 achievement status.

(A) overcome
(B) enhanced
(C) highlighted
(D) connected

27( ).

(A) master
(B) lag
(C) fall
(D) excel

28( ).

(A) enraged
(B) entertaining
(C) educational
(D) alert

29( ).

(A) by contrast
(B) at once
(C) so far
(D) in turn

30( ).

(A) minimize
(B) aggrandize
(C) publicize
(D) commercialize

31( ).

請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題
          Humans may not be the only ones to use grammar and vocabulary to speak and communicate. Scientists believe dolphins also use words and sentences to speak to each other. We have known for a long time that dolphins can communicate. New research has found that this communication is similar to the conversations humans have.Scientists say the clicks, whistles and other sounds that dolphins make appear to be sentences that let the sea creatures send messages to each other. The dolphins use their language to identify themselves, have relations with other dolphins, and do things together. Scientists say that one day, we may be able to understand dolphin language and talk to dolphins.
           Researchers at the Karadag Nature Reserve in Crimea made the discovery that dolphins had their own language after recording two Black Sea bottlenose dolphins. The dolphins were named Yasha and Yana. The scientists noticed that one dolphin listened to what the other was saying and then replied. Lead researcher Dr. Vyacheslav Ryabov said, "This exchange resembles a conversation between two people." He added, "This language exhibits all the design features present in the human spoken language. This indicates a high level of intelligence and consciousness in dolphins." Dr. Ryabov said the dolphins' language is, "a highly developed spoken language, like the human language."

【題組】31 What is the best title for this passage?
(A) Dolphins Can Speak Human Languages.
(B) Yasha and Yana Have One-way Conversations.
(C) Sea Creatures Send Messages in the Same Way.
(D) Dolphin Language May Have Grammar.

32( ).

【題組】32 Which of the following statements might be inferred from the passage?
(A) Dolphins might be able to feel and think as humans do.
(B) Dolphins are not as intelligent as we think.
(C) Dolphins have developed specific recording systems.
(D) Dolphins can imitate human spoken language.

33( ).

【題組】33 According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a feature found in the dolphin language?
(A) Sentence structure.
(B) Vocabulary.
(C) Social function.
(D) Naming system.

34( ).

【題組】34 According to the passage, what might dolphins’ language allow them to do?
(A) To communicate with other types of sea creatures.
(B) To form communities among themselves.
(C) To identify human races through consciousness.
(D) To design a wide selection of languages.

35( ).

【題組】35 In the passage, which of the following words is the closest in meaning to the word “exhibits”?
(A) Claims.
(B) Examines.
(C) Challenges.
(D) Displays.

36( ).

請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題
Mollie Carman, 55, developed psoriatic arthritis when she was a teenager. This is her story.
         It's hard to remember a time when I didn't have psoriatic disease. As a baby, I had psoriasis on my scalp—it is really sad that this disease can affect small children.
         Then, when I was about 13 years old, I developed a type of psoriasis called guttate psoriasis. Small pink lesions broke out on about 90% of my body. Around this time, I also started suffering from excruciating back pain. It was like a muscle spasm that I would wake up with and kept feeling the entire day. But while I was diagnosed with psoriasis fairly quickly, nobody seemed to know what was causing my back pain. My symptoms worsened in my 20s and 30s, even as I somehow managed to have four children by the time I was 33. The pain started to affect my neck and other joints, but I continued doing all the things I always did—hiking with my young kids, running, and swimming in Lake Michigan. I've had physical problems all my life, so I just assumed I was weak. Meanwhile, my dermatologist, primary care doctor, and other specialists told me I could have fibromyalgia, lupus, or rheumatoid arthritis. It seemed like I'd get a different possible diagnosis at every visit.
          I started reading all the medical books I could get my hands on and became familiar with psoriatic arthritis.But I didn't see a rheumatologist until 2002, when I was in my early 40s. I found a rheumatologist in Boise who is considered one of the best in the Northwest. He took an X-ray of my pelvis, and I finally got my diagnosis. It turned out that I have a condition called spondylitis, a type of psoriatic arthritis that can affect the bones in the pelvis. In my case, some of the joints in my lower spine had fused.
           By that time, though, a lot of damage had already been done. Treatment for psoriatic arthritis can't reverse existing damage. Plus, many of them don't work that well for me since my disease is already so advanced. My pubic bones have hardened and my joints have stiffened. I have had to have cervical spine surgery and a hip replacement.Every year it gets worse, especially in the winter, when it feels like I'm walking through quick sand.
           I urge those who think they might have psoriatic arthritis to find a good rheumatologist. The National Psoriasis Foundation, which I'm an advocate for, can help you find some in your area. And luckily, it's now much easier than it used to be to find a rheumatologist who specializes in the disease.

【題組】36 According to this passage, which of the following is true about Carmen?
(A) It was too painful for Carman to bike, hike or swim because of the disease.
(B) Carman began to have symptoms of lupus when she was 13 years old.
(C) It took Carmen almost three decades to get an accurate official diagnosis.
(D) Carman was finally diagnosed of guttate psoriasis arthritis in her 40s.

37( ).

【題組】37 According to this passage, which of the following is NOT true about psoriasis?
(A) Psoriasis is a type of skin condition that can affect small children.
(B) Spondylitis is a type of psoriatic arthritis that can affect the bones in the pelvis.
(C) Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic disease and its damages to the bones are irreversible.
(D) Psoriatic arthritis can be properly treated with the help of dermatologists.

38( ).

【題組】38 What treatment did Carmen get?
(A) Exercise and a healthy diet.
(B) Cerebral surgery and scalp replacement.
(C) Surgery in the neck and joints.
(D) Cervical spine surgery and a hip replacement.

39( ).

【題組】39 What does the word “excruciating” mean in this passage?
(A) Intense.
(B) Imaginary.
(C) Exciting.
(D) Endurable.

40( ).

【題組】40 What is the purpose of this passage?
(A) To provide financial support for the National Psoriasis Foundation.
(B) To increase awareness about different types of psoriasis.
(C) To provide accurate symptoms of psoriasis.
(D) To urge patients to seek help from dermatologists.

41( ).

請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
          Animals and plants can teach humans a lot about design and engineering. As a result, many engineers,scientists, and designers spend time studying them. When they have a problem, __41__ often has the answer. This science is called biomimetics. Bio means “living things” and mimetics means "copying." In other words,scientists—or biomimeticists—study animals and plants in order to copy their design. Velcro is probably the most famous example of biomimetics. Most people have some Velcro on an item of clothing. It was __42__ by the Swiss engineer George de Mestral in 1948. He was walking in the countryside when he pulled a burr off his pants. He noticed how well the burr __43__ his clothes so he studied its design. The result was Velcro, which became an __44__ alternative to the traditional zipper. In conclusion, biomimetics not only has helped to design our world but __45__ many more possibilities. Unfortunately, they might take a long time to develop. This isn't really surprising: It took nature millions of years to design its animals and plants.

(A) author
(B) nature
(C) culture
(D) lecture

42( ).

(A) invited
(B) inserted
(C) invented
(D) increased

43( ).

(A) stuck to
(B) stood for
(C) took off
(D) detached from

44( ).

(A) amiable
(B) adorable
(C) achievable
(D) affordable

45( ).

(A) pretends
(B) prevents
(C) promises
(D) promotes

46( ).

請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
           French children are considered as behaving themselves much better than children from other countries. French children usually listen more to their parents but are also seen as being more independent. The reason why French children are "better" kids has to do with the different parenting style made by the French couple. French parents always think of themselves first and let their children know about it. They often follow the rule when teaching their children. For example, they never allow their children to have snacks between meals because they want their children to stay hungry when having their real meals. And when they say no to their children, they really mean it.People might think that French parents are hard with their children, but they are not, in fact. They never punish their children but teach them in a loving way. While letting themselves have the time besides being parents, French parents also give their children free time to be themselves. Early in their childhood, French children sleep on their own and do not share the bed with their parents. Similarly, German parents make their children lead an independent life earlier. For instance, they have their children walk to school by themselves and let them make their own decisions.
          Both French and German parents put an emphasis on teaching their children to be independent while also asking them to show their respect to their parents and other people. Another parenting style, which is called as the "Tiger Mom" style, aims at training their children under very hard conditions to make them become better persons in the future. In order to enable the children to reach the high goals set up by the parents, this kind of parenting often obeys a hard rule. Ignoring totally the children’s interests and needs, those parents always push their children to the limits and ask them to achieve impossible goals. Some people regard this kind of parenting as helpful to the children as certain children who are parented under this kind of style can achieve to a high level. But there are still others who see it as cruel and unhealthy. No matter what kind of parenting it is, it is better for the parents to think about whether their parenting style can suit their children. If not, it is wise for the parents to think about not hurting their relationship with their children.

【題組】 46 Who is most likely to write this article?
(A) A film director.
(B) A music teacher.
(C) A parenting expert.
(D) An entertainment reporter.

47( ).

【題組】 47 Which of the following is the French style of parenting?
(A) A French father stops his son from crying by buying him a toy car.
(B) A French mother feeds her baby with her own milk even though it is painful for her.
(C) A French mother enjoys coffee with friends while her daughter is playing on her own.
(D) A French father lets his son eat cookies before meal even though he has told him not to do so.

48( ).

【題組】 48 How similar is the German style of parenting to the French one?
(A) They put the children’s needs first.
(B) They respect the decisions their children make.
(C) They feed their children snacks between meals.
(D) They care how well their children should behave.

49( ).

【題組】 49 What does the author think of the “Tiger Mom” parenting style?
(A) Parents should not choose this kind of parenting.
(B) Children feel happy under this kind of parenting.
(C) It takes time and money to practice this kind of parenting.
(D) There are both good and bad sides about this kind of parenting.

50( ).

【題組】 50 What can be concluded from this article?
(A) These different parenting styles are too good to be true.
(B) It is never too late to learn how to educate your children.
(C) The French parenting style is no better than a “Tiger Mom” style.
(D) A good parenting style should make both parents and children happy.


試卷測驗 - 111 年 - 111 關務特種考試_五等_各科別:英文#107529-阿摩線上測驗
