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試卷測驗 - 95 年 - 95 初等考試_社會行政、人事行政、原住民族行政、教育行政、財稅行政、金融保險、統計、會計、經建行政、地政、圖書資訊管理:英文#4079
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        Several years ago, when I was teaching my Love Class, we decided to attempt an assignment. We agreed to approach those people in our lives whom we valued and loved and express verbally that we “truly loved and appreciated them.” We found that what appeared on the surface to be a simple, natural thing was rather more difficult than what we had imagined. Most of the students were lovingly tongue-tied. They felt ill at ease, even embarrassed by expressing their love. Several never completed the assignment. When we discussed and shared our experiences we agreed that it was strange indeed that so many found it threatening to communicate love. Though we have learned that unexpressed love is the greatest cause of our sorrow and regrets, we usually wait until people have died to honor them publicly and to express our love for them.
【題組】36.What was the homework that the teacher assigned?  
(A)The students had to write a thank-you note to the people they love.  
(B)The students had to express their love in spoken words to the people they love.  
(C)The students had to call on the people they love and invite them for dinner.  
(D)The students had to buy a present to the people they love.

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【題組】37.Why was the homework so difficult to finish?
(A)It was difficult to find the right persons to help. 
(B)It cost a lot of money to buy the materials needed. 
(C)It took a long time to collect the information needed. 
(D)It was difficult to speak out one’s true feelings toward others.

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【題組】38.What is the main idea of the story?
(A)Enjoy making friends while we can. 
(B)Don’t be shy to tell people we love them when they are still alive. 
(C)Don’t study too hard for any assignment. 
(D)Do look after the people you love while they are alive.

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【題組】39.According to the story, which of the statements is true? 
(A)Love is the power to compete with others. 
(B)If we want to succeed, we have to learn how to love other people. 
(C)It is difficult for most people to express love verbally. 
(D)Parents usually love their children more than children love their parents.


40. Peter wants to fry an egg, but he needs a good ____ to do it.


41. After a long discussion, no one _______ a solution. 
(A)kept up with 
(B)got along with  
(C)put up with 
(D)came up with


42.The doctor tested the _______ of my eyes: up, down, left, and right. 


43.Having ______ another film, the actor immediately began working on a new one.  
(B)been completing 


44. Would you answer the door for Linda? She ____ her hair in the bathroom.
(B)is washing 
(C)has washed 
(D)was washing

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        One cold day, a young woman walked into a small country town. She was very ill and weak, and she was going to have a baby. After a while she could not walk any more and she fell down in the road. Some people came to help her.
        The young woman had no money,  45  they took her to the town workhouse. In those days that was where people went if they were  46  look after themselves. Here her baby was born, and, soon after that, the poor young woman died. No one knew who she was or  47  she had come from.
        The people at the workhouse called the child Tony. They sent him to a place where he lived with some other children.  48  had a mother or a father. Here, an old woman named Mrs. Taylor looked after them all.
         It was not a happy life for Tony and his little friends.


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(A)so difficult to 
(B)too poor to 
(C)rich enough to 
(D)very bad to

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(A)None of them 
(B)Nothing of them 
(C)Any of them 
(D)Either of them

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49. Edith:When is the party? 
Edith:Great, I’ll look forward to it.
(A)It’s on Saturday night. 
(B)Tomorrow is Saturday. 
(C)It’s seven o’clock right now. 
(D)I have no idea when he is coming..

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50. David:I have a terrible cold. 
David:I did.
(A)It’s very cold, isn’t it? 
(B)Indeed? I hope it will snow tonight. 
(C)Really? Will it get colder tomorrow? 
(D)That’s too bad. You’d better go see a doctor.


試卷測驗 - 95 年 - 95 初等考試_社會行政、人事行政、原住民族行政、教育行政、財稅行政、金融保險、統計、會計、經建行政、地政、圖書資訊管理:英文#4079-阿摩線上測驗
