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【精選】 - 財政學 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文 - 公職◆行政法(包含行政程序法等) - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆法學知識(包括中華民國憲法、法學緒論) - 公職◆經濟學概論與財政學概論 - ..(3901~3925)
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請依下文回答第 11 題至第 15 題
        The clever fool syndrome would explain why one controversial study of Harvard Business School students found that, after a flying start, the alumni (presumably among the ablest young men of their day)gradually slipped back to the general level inside their chosen management __11__ . A Harvard graduate has no reason at all to suppose that he will manage more effectively than a less instructed contemporary. The Harvard man can only claim that he is more highly educated; and high education and high achievement in practical affairs don’t necessarily go together. John F Kennedy found that assembling America’s brightest brains in Washington neither got bills __12__ Congress nor avoided the Bay of Pigs; and many companies have discovered that business school diplomas are a thin __13__ against incompetence.
        An overwhelmingly large proportion of the highest and best American executives did study business. All this proves that an overwhelmingly large proportion of business-minded undergraduates got the real message,which is that a diploma will be good for their careers, starting with starting salaries. It does not follow that the education was of any other direct benefit either to the executive or his firm. __14__ , of course, that the schooling was wasted. As a general rule, the wise man recruits the finest intelligence he can find; and good minds are far better for good training. The question is only whether academic training in subjects that seem to have some connection with management  __15__  the best education for managing, and that is something that nobody can prove either way.

(A) with
(B) over
(C) through
(D) beyond


1 下列何者屬於財政學理論提及的政府配置功能?




1 何種法律規定,提出法律案若大幅增加歲出或減少歲入者,應指明彌補資金來源?
①預算法 ②公共債務法 ③財政紀律法


17 假設某稅制固定稅率為20%。逃漏稅被稽查成功除應補徵稅負外,另應納罰款,罰款公式為F=2y2+y,y為逃漏之應稅所得金額,而逃漏稅被成功查獲之機率為10%。假設所得為1元,則最適逃稅金額為多少元?
(A) 0.1 元
(B) 0.2 元
(C) 0.4 元
(D) 0.8 元


18 下列何者符合均等變量(equivalent variation)之定義?


11 X 商品由公營事業生產,Y 商品由民營企業生產,原先均以邊際成本來訂價,且 X 商品與 Y 商品互為代 替品。現政府對 Y 商品課徵從量貨物稅,此時為期增加社會福利,X 商品之訂價須如何?


14公務員服務法第16條規定:「公務員於其離職後3年內,不得擔任與其 離職前5年內之職務直接相關之營利事業董事、監察人、經理、執行業務 之股東或顧問」。依司法院釋字第637號解釋,此一規定是否對離職公務 員之職業自由造成限制?


5 下列成本效益的評估方法,何者較不會因公共計畫之規模大小及外部性歸類為成本或效益之作法而有錯誤引導?

10( ).

10 John's report is______with 100 full-color photographs that depict the grandeur of the landscape in this national park.
(A) illustrated
(B) contained
(C) connotated
(D) enlightened


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題 
        Terms considered proper for a group or phenomenon seem to change every generation or so. The term crippled, forexample, sounds abusive today,__ 36__ it was once considered civil by educated, sensitive people. Crippled began asa(n) __37__ term. However, a sad reality of human society is that there are negative associations and even dismissalharbored__ 38__  those with disabilities. Crippled thus became accreted with those overtones to the pointthat handicapped was fashioned as a replacement term __39__ from such baggage. Similarly, because humans stayedhuman, handicapped, later__40__     shades of abuse, also conditioned another replacement like disabled. Such a(n)periodic semantic renewal is an inevitable and healthy process.

(A) against
(B) for
(C) in
(D) with


29 關於法人違反行政法上義務應受行政罰者,下列敘述何者錯誤?
(A)私法人董事因執行職務致使該法人違反行政義務,而應與該私法人受同一規定之處罰者,以其有故意或 重大過失者為限
(B)私法人董事對其受僱人執行職務,因過失未盡防止義務,致使該私法人違反行政義務而受處罰者,應受 同一規定罰鍰之處罰
(C)私法人之董事依法應與私法人受同一規定處罰之罰鍰,原則上不得逾越新臺幣 1 百萬元


14 梭羅模型(Solow model)在穩定狀態(steady state)下,儲蓄率上升會造成下列何種影響?


16 根據 IS-LM 模型,貨幣需求增加對於所得與利率的影響為何?


44 I was entrusted to_______ to a local newspaper article analyzing the stock market.


22 具有持續效力之行政處分所依據之事實,事後發生有利於相對人之變更者,得依下列何項程序,向行政機 關申請撤銷、廢止或變更原處分?


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
       Nikola Tesla, a Serbian-American who emigrated to New York City in 1884, was a scientist and visionary who developed the basis for alternating current (AC) that most of us use today and pioneered numerous technologies that improve our everyday lives. Without his contribution to the AC electric power, we would be fifty years behind technologically than where we are today.
       In 1884, Tesla left Europe and worked for Thomas Edison, the developer of direct current (DC). It was said that Edison promised Tesla $50,000 to fix the problems with his DC system. When Tesla succeeded and demanded his reward, Edison claimed the offer was a joke, saying “When you become a full-fledged American, you will appreciate an American joke.” This prompted Tesla to quit and he ended up in a battle with Edison. Today, Tesla’s AC system is predominantly used to power most of the world’s electricity. DC motors are still used for some industrial machines, but often require more maintenance. 
         It is not just AC power that Tesla worked on. Motors, radios, X-rays, neon signs were advanced by his extraordinary mind. History often touts Italian entrepreneur Guglielmo Marconi as the inventor of radio, but actually he was using technology from seventeen of Tesla’s patents. The two inventors became embroiled in a patent war. In 1943, the United States Supreme Court revoked Marconi’s radio patents in favor of Tesla. Unfortunately, Tesla and Marconi had already passed away by the time the court handed down their decision.
       Tesla also invented one of the world’s earliest remote control and was a pioneer of X-ray technology. He took some of the first X-ray images of the human body and was one of the first scientists to hypothesize that X-rays could be harmful. The brilliant inventor contributed to reusable energy as well. Nine out of the twelve patents used to build the world’s first hydroelectric station, erected at Niagara Falls, New York, belonged to Tesla. He helped pave the way toward clean energy because he understood the physics behind energy and what might be possible in the future.
       Often referred to as “the man who invented the 20th century,” Tesla was involved in many more discoveries and creations. When he died in 1943, there was so much interest in what he was working on that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) raided his hotel room within hours of his death. Experts say Tesla envisioned his inventions improving people’s lives. Indeed, his innovative ideas were milestones of technology. The great pioneer believed “Invention is the most important product of men’s creative brain.”

【題組】49 Which of the following is NOT true about Tesla?
(A) He put forward ideas to make X-rays safer.
(B) He created one of the first remote controls.
(C) His AC system is more widely used than Edison's DC system.
(D) His patents were applied in the design of the first hydroelectric station.


42 甲申請之建造執照經核准後,若位於該建地旁邊之乙認為,該建照之核發損害其權利,遂依法提起訴願。若乙提起訴願後,主管機關因甲未履行負擔,而將原建造執照廢止,此時訴願機關應為何種訴願 決定?


17 依司法院釋字第791號解釋,下列敘述何者錯誤?


請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題
       Since the 1990s, a prolific amount of memoirs written and published about the lives of girls and womenin the third world appeared in the market, telling the stories of their wretched girlhood or womanhood.Those stories often depict miserable lives under the dictatorship of strict regimes or by the__  31__  oftraditional cultural practices such as genital cutting. In the narration of these lives, girls and women usuallysuffer from different forms of gender violence. But a clear majority of those stories also__32__a brightside by turning those victims into heroines. They exhibit how those unfortunate girls and womeneventually survive through those terrible ordeals or stand on their own two feet by fighting against all theodds.__ 33__ are especially able to change things for themselves as well as their fellows of the samegender. As the first in the series, Desert Flower is Dirie’s (auto)biography detailing her combat withthe 34 of female genital mutilation (FGM). In her third book,__35__ , Dirie works together withseveral allies to launch an investigation into the practice of FGM and explore the possibility of relatedjuridical protection of girls’/women's rights in several European countries. Dirie’s true story is a livingproof that anyone can succeed in overcoming all the obstacles if they’re brave and determined and havefaith in themselves.

(A) capsule
(B) faction
(C) imposition
(D) liability


11 下列何者得以法規命令規範之?


22 在僅有 A、B、C 三位選民的前提下,如果選民 A 對甲、乙、丙三個議案的偏好是支持甲案,並強力反對乙與丙的極端偏好。在不影響選民 B 與 C 的情況下,下列何種的投票制度,選民 A 比較容易影響投票的 結果?
(C)波達(J. de Borda)投票法


35. 依訴願法關於訴願之審議,下列敘述何者錯誤?


7 關於憲法第 7 條平等原則,依相關司法院大法官解釋,下列何者錯誤?
(A)所得稅法關於扶養其他親屬或家屬須未滿 20 歲或年滿 60 歲始得減除免稅額之規定,手段與目的之間具備實質關聯,符合憲法第 7 條平等原則
(B)祭祀公業條例關於本條例施行前已存在之祭祀公業,其派下員依規約認定之規定,與憲法第 7 條保障性別平等之意旨無違
(C)勞動基準法未如公務人員退休法規定請領退休金之權利不得扣押、讓與或供擔保,與憲法第 7 條平等原則並無牴觸
(D)民法第 4 編親屬第 2 章婚姻規定,未使相同性別二人,得為經營共同生 活之目的,成立具有親密性及排他性之永久結合關係,與憲法第 7 條保障人民平等權之意旨有違


12 原遺產及贈與稅法規定,應納稅款及滯納金,應自滯納期限屆滿之次日起加計利息,其中滯納金部分經大法官宣告違憲。其理由為何?


【精選】 - 財政學 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文 - 公職◆行政法(包含行政程序法等) - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆法學知識(包括中華民國憲法、法學緒論) - 公職◆經濟學概論與財政學概論 - ..(3901~3925)-阿摩線上測驗
