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試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 高雄市市立高級中等學校_聯合教師甄選試題:英文科#119997
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1. Israel and Palestine have been antagonistic towards each other for a long time. It is obvious that neither side in the conflict is willing to make peace _________.
(B) overtures


2. On a depressing, _______ Saturday morning in Iwase, a sleepy port district on the lip of the Toyama Bay on the Japan’s largest island seemed to be put under a spell.


3. As the author of the 6.5 million-copy bestseller, Andrew knows how to ______ the story by writing engaging plots, crafting memorable characters and introducing narrative tension.


4. Many foreigners do not ______ words when it comes to the road safety in Taiwan and some even say Taiwan’s “living hell” traffic is a tourism problem.


5. The Supreme Court of the United States refused to grant a last-minute _______ to a death row inmate facing the first ever US execution by using nitrogen hypoxia.


6. Growing up in a family of artists, Sarah was immersed in creativity and inspiration, fostering her passion for painting from an early age. In such a supportive _____, her artistic talents flourished, shaping her into the accomplished painter she is today.
(C) polemic


7. The abrupt shift in management strategy proved to be _____, as employees grappled with uncertainty and apprehension about the company's direction.


8. The company found itself _____ after several consecutive quarters of financial losses, prompting urgent measures to stabilize its operations.
(A)in the offing
(B)over the hump
(C)out on a limb
(D)in dire straits


9. Despite facing criticism and opposition, the CEO decided to _____ and pursue the controversial merger, firmly expressing his commitment to the company's strategic goals.
(A)spin his wheels
(B)nail his color to the mast
(C)offer the olive branch
(D)toss in a monkey wrench


10.The competition was fierce, with the finalists battling it out _____ for the coveted trophy, showcasing their skills and determination until the very end.
(A)in the pipeline
(B)on the fence
(C)down to the wire
(D)from the wrong side of the tracks

II. Translate the following passage into English. (10%) 
        語言的使用塑造了每個人的思維邏輯和內在世界,我和母親的世界在我習得更多字詞之後產生的分歧漸大。她以大量的建議試圖將我拖回應許之地, 而我以自我論述固守我的耽美流放地,面對我所說的話,她總是眉頭一皺,說: 「我聽不懂。」
       怎麼會聽不懂呢?明明用的是同一種語言呀!為什麼無法明白呢?我和 她都明白我們之間橫著一道巨大的溝壑,最初我們仍會試著以話語向彼此投擲,可是那些字眼都掉到溝底了,不起回音也不見功效,久而久之,我們便失 去了與彼此對話的力氣。每當我和妹妹聊起最近流行的動漫、明星,言談中夾雜日語、英文和圈內用語等等,那些是母親聽不懂的話語,她會像求知的孩子那般問著:「什麼什麼?妳們在說什麼?」而我因為懶得解釋的緣故,所以會 敷衍地回她:「沒有,沒事,反正妳又不知道。」
(摘錄自何玟珒《語言學》; 原文出處:https://web.arte.gov.tw/philology/Collection/content_a.aspx?AC_SNID=2238)

III. Test Design: 25%
1. Please design 3 reading comprehension questions according to the following text, including 1 multiple choice question and 2 competency-based questions. Please provide your answer for each question.(混合題,包含 1 題傳統閱讀測驗題以及 2 題素養題,形式不拘,請提供解答) 10%
The Classic Theater is going to replay the following five films, which are regarded as age-old classic movies, which can stand the test of time as time goes by. The admission fee of each film is 250 NT, with senior citizens (over 65) 50 % off and children (under 12) 20% off.

(A)Gone With the Wind: a 1939 film, adapted from the 1936 novel by Margaret Mitchell. It is set in the American South in the background of the American Civil War. The film tells the self-growth story of Scarlett O'Hara, the strongwilled daughter of a Georgia plantation owner and her marriage with Rhett Butler.

(B) Pride and Prejudice: a 1940 film, adapted from Jane Austen’s novel. Set in the British town in the 19th century, the film follows the character development of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy. They begin to know each other with prejudices and misunderstandings, but come to appreciate each other and finally get married.

(C) The Sound of Music: a 1965 American musical drama film. The film is about a young Austrian postulant, Maria, in Salzburg, Austria, who is sent to the villa of a retired naval officer and widower to be governess to his seven children. After bringing love and music into the lives of the family, she marries the officer and, together with the children, finds a way to survive the loss of their homeland to the Nazis.
(D) Roman Holiday: a 1953 American film. It starred Audrey Hepburn, who plays a European princess and visits Rome. At her leisure, she runs into an American reporter played by Gregory Peck.

(E) A Farewell to Arms: a 1957 film, adapted from Ernest Hemingway’s novel. It is set in the background of World War I, describing a love affair between the expatriate Henry and an English nurse, Catherine Barkley.

2. Summary and Cloze Test Design: 15%
2-1.Rewrite and summarize the following passage within 200 words. (10%).
2-2.Based on your summary, design FIVE cloze questions for 11th graders. (5%). Underline the word(s) which you would like to turn into a blank. Each question must include four alternatives,
(C), and
(D), with one of them being the best answer. The answer to each question must be provided.
        Facebook is the world’s largest social media network. Since its launch in 2004, Facebook has taken the world by storm and drawn 2 billion users worldwide. As Facebook says its mission is “to give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together,” it has indeed become one of the most popular ways that people interact, communicate, share photos or videos, live-stream, and share ideas online. However, it also has met with criticism, which jeopardizes the company’s reputation. Such controversies as privacy concerns, fake news, fake accounts and instances of ad fraud have substantially plagued the social media giant lately. 
       In response to the accusation of privacy concerns, the CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, revealed a series of changes to the company’s social platforms. He claimed the firm’s new focus on privacy would be “a major shift” on how the company is run. He also promised that Facebook wouldn’t share users’ personal data with the government without permission, a big privacy concern for many users. Messages sent via Messenger will be end-to-end encrypted, meaning Facebook itself won’t see the contents. Anyway, Facebook will center around looking for ways to encode privacy across the firm’s entire infrastructure. As to fake news surrounding Facebook, this problem dates back to fake accounts, which can be used to push fake news stories to the top of the news feed, giving them credibility and making it more difficult for users to distinguish whether they are accurate or not. In fact, Facebook is lacking in fact-checking system and thus has contributed to a news ecosystem that serves fake news alongside real news. As Facebook navigates these challenges, users are eager to see how the company will adapt to a more regulated social media landscape. To fix this problem, the Facebook app is being redesigned to make the news feed circulate only in community groups for fear of spreading misinformation widespread. By addressing privacy concerns, combating fake news, and enhancing transparency, Facebook aims to regain trust and continue fostering meaningful connections within its vast community. Hopefully, Facebook users are looking forward to seeing how Facebook will perform in a regulated social media world in the years to come.

IV. Essay Question 55% 
1. Elective Course Design (20%)
Please design an 18-week elective course for 11th graders under the topic of “English Tour Guide in Kaohsiung” with the syllabus provided. Your syllabus should include the following:
⚫ Course objectives
⚫ Content for each week
⚫ Assessments
⚫ Scoring criteria

2. Please first (1) write a model essay on the following topic (200 words in length) (10%) and (2)then elaborate on how you teach or guide your students to write a well-structured narrative essay.(10%)
隨著社群媒體的普及,表情符號(emoji)的使用也極為普遍。請參考下列表情符號,寫一篇英文作文,文分兩段。第一段說明人們何以喜歡使用表情符號, 並從下列的表情符號中舉一至二例,說明表情符號在溝通上有何功能。第二段 則以個人或親友的經驗為例,討論表情符號在訊息表達或解讀上可能造成的 誤會或困擾,並提出可以化解的方法。(112 學年度英文學測試題)66557a549e17b.jpg

3. As an English teacher, you are assigned to work with a teacher of science and technology for crossfield teaching. How will you integrate English in class and facilitate the teaching process? Please specify a topic you are going to teach and explain skills you will use.(15%)


試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 高雄市市立高級中等學校_聯合教師甄選試題:英文科#119997-阿摩線上測驗
