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28 A juvenile _____ in the United States is a person who is typically under the age of 17 and commits an act that otherwise would have been charged as a crime if they were adults.


34 If you are a first-time driver, you are required to obtain a driver _____ - especially if you are a teen driver.
(D) record


18 The WCO Council adopted the revised Kyoto Convention in June 1999 as the blueprint for modern and efficient Customs procedures in the 21st century. The Convention elaborates several key governing principles, including________ use of information technology.


The suspected suicide of actor and comedian Robin Williams is being linked, in part, to depression. Many Americans suffer from the condition. But, many also are trying to help people with depression. They are finding ways to bring attention to depression and ways to treat it. For example, thousands of people take part in what are called “Out of the Darkness Walks.” 38 They also hope to raise money for suicide prevention efforts and research into depression. Steve Iselin served in the Navy for 20 years. After his retirement, he began to look for another job. That is when he began feeling hopeless. He said,“I had a great sense of dread every day. Agony is another word that comes to mind. I didn’t want to do anything that I would normally like to do. I had no interest in seeing other people.” Steve Iselin did find a job. But he left after one week because he told himself he could not do the work. Everything he did seemed very difficult. Decisions were painful, even having to choose what he would wear that day or what to eat. Mr. Iselin was suffering from depression. Bob Gebbia heads the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. He says being depressed is very different from being sad or having a bad day. He says that about 20 million people are found to have clinical depression in the United States every year. 39 He notes that some people are more likely than others to get depressed. “Let’s say you lose your job, divorce, or, you know, a loss of someone.” After Robin Williams’ death, the American Foundation for the Prevention of Suicide released a statement. The foundation said Mr. Williams: “brought laughter into every life he touched; Robin also suffered from depression. 40 Every 13 minutes someone dies from suicide, and it is among the top ten causes of death in the U.S.” The group said more needs to be done to prevent suicides. It called for greater attention to mental health issues, warning signs, and effective forms of intervention and treatment. Steve Iselin was lucky. His wife recognized the signs of depression. She helped him get the expert care he needed. But he says that was not true of his brother’s son. Mr. Iselin says his nephew became depressed a few years later and killed himself. A year after his nephew’s death, Mr. Iselin visited his brother in San Francisco and heard about the “Out of the Darkness Walks.” The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention organized the event. Both men took part. 41 Since then, Steve Iselin has volunteered with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, taking part in many community walks.
(A) Mr. Gebbia says the cause could be a combination of genetic influences, changes in brain chemistry or environmental reasons.
(B) Steve Iselin said that was the first day his brother understood that perhaps he was not to blame for his son’s death.
(C) The walkers remember loved ones they lost to suicide.
(D) It is our hope that we are able to have an open conversation that depression and addictions are real illnesses that can sometimes be fatal.


請依下文回答第 26 題至第 30 題 With the rapid development of the social media on the Internet, people nowadays depend heavily on using it as a major means of communication with other people. The popularity of social media such as Line lies in its offer of differing functions to the public. Not only 26 allow people to communicate with others online, it can also enable them to share and exchange information between each other. As a more democratic kind of media than others such as TV and radio, social media like Line provides many-to-many communications. 27 , people who use it can set up a group and chat with many people in the group all at the same time. And if two or more people are using it in the meantime, it can become instant as people can text messages to each other and get the responses from each other immediately. One more 28 of using the Line is that sometimes it can help people re-connect with those friends with whom they have long lost contact. Although Line gives people many benefits, it still has its limitation. Despite that people are able to know whether their sent messages are read or not, it also puts them in a difficult situation sometimes. 29 people read the messages, they might not have the time or decide not to reply to any unwanted or hard-to-reply messages. If this happens, it could cause unnecessary misunderstanding and confusion between people. 30 , some people prefer making a phone call to texting messages through Line because they think that real interactions between people can only occur when people can hear each other’s voice or see each other face to face. No matter what it is, people need to adjust themselves to the changes the technology has made to their daily life.
(A) It is said
(B) There is no wonder
(C) As the saying goes
(D) That is to say


32 He felt quite under the weather and left his dinner _____ .


請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題
        A Tokyo-bound flight made a U-turn while flying over the Pacific Ocean and returned to Los Angeles because one passenger, for reasons still unclear, had boarded the wrong flight. All Nippon Airways Flight 175 left the Los Angeles International Airport at about 11:30 a.m. Tuesday Pacific Standard Time, spent about eight hours in the air and landed back in California just after 7:30 p.m., majorly inconveniencing its passengers, including model Chrissy Teigen, who live-tweeted the “flight to nowhere” to her 9.2 million followers. Teigen, who was traveling with her husband John Legend, wrote on Twitter that the plane was turned around about four hours into the flight. The Twitter world watched in amusement as Teigen kept her followers updated on the ordeal, which apparently involved an hours-long wait at the airport, unanswered questions, some police presence and a microwaveable Ramen meal.
        The incident involved two brothers, one of whom was an authorized All Nippon Airways, or ANA, passenger while the other had a United Airlines ticket, Transportation Security Administration spokesman Mike England said.
        The brothers, who were not identified, went through security screening without incident and had valid passports and boarding passes. Both were headed to Tokyo and were scheduled to leave around the same time. Both ended up on the ANA flight even though only one of them was an authorized passenger. It remains unclear how that happened. The airline said the decision to turn around was part of a security procedure.
        Weather concerns, mechanical problems, medical issues and terrorist threats are among the common reasons for diverting a plane. Others are unusual, but not unheard of.
        In 2015, for example, a British Airways flight flew back to Heathrow Airport just 30 minutes into the seven-hour flight to Dubai because of an overwhelming odor coming from the lavatory. A similar incident happened earlier this year, when a SpiceJet flight headed to New Delhi was diverted because of a “very foul smell” coming from the lavatory.

【題組】21 What is the main subject of this passage?
(A) Airline customer complaints.
(B) Violent treatment.
(C) Unusual flights.
(D) Client-oriented services.


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題
        A new mother finally gets her baby to sleep and steps into a hot shower — with her glasses on. At a familybarbecue she can’t __36__ the name of a relative she rarely sees. Many women experience “mommy brain”as a(n) __37__ , the lost ability to remember people’s names or keep their attention undivided. __38__ sciencereminds us that if we look at the changes without judgment, we may find that they come with advantages. Astudy found that even two years __39__ pregnancy, women had brain changes in regions involved in theability to understand what is going on in the mind of another person, strengthening a mother’s ability to pickup on a baby’s __40__ communications through facial expressions and gestures.

(A) element
(B) deficiency
(C) allowance
(D) strength


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
Communication is crucial for a social species and particularly for human infants who are dependent on others for years.When children start to learn language, they first learn to __41__ words (as well as emotional tones, etc.) and only later produce words or the signs of sign language. There is no good way to  __42__ exactly what an infant understands, so almost all of the research has been about what words children produce. As an important first step in producing language,a child must learn to produce the sounds of her language, __43__ she already can perceive. These efforts are known as babbling, and similar practice takes place in the hand movements of children learning signed languages. __44__ the child can produce enough of the basic phonemes of her language, the production of words starts and there is no looking back. The generally accepted __45__ is that a child learns an average of ten new words a day between the ages of 2 and 12. At the beginning, the learning is slower, more like ten words per week. With these early words, the child is able to name her experiences and communicate with her caregivers.

(A) recognize
(B) derive
(C) exchange
(D) combine


