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       Welcome to Alex’s Daily Wonders. I’m Alex. Today I’m talking about one of the special things about the city of Caracas. Many people who live there don’t know the names of the streets. Some people don’t even know the name of the street they live on. Now you may wonder __41__ . Well, they use the names of street corners. Yes, their street corners have names. So, if you ask someone where the Bolivarian Museum is, they might say, “It’s between Society Corner and the Waterfall Corner, just a short walk from Saint Jacinto’s Corner.” 
       But__42__ ? Some corner names have stories or a history behind them. For example, there’s a story about Dead Man’s Corner, one of the city’s most famous corners. A long time ago, many people got sick and died on the streets and soldiers were sent to collect the bodies. When they were carrying the bodies past a street corner, one of the bodies cried out that he wasn’t dead! After that, people called that corner Dead Man’s Corner. However, not every corner has an interesting story like that. Some corner names just tell you __43__ , like Hospital Corner and New Bridge Corner. That’s our first wonder of the day. Next we’ll listen to some very special music. I think you’ll find it wonderful too. Don’t go away. I’ll be right back.

(A) which corner is the most famous
(B) when did they give street corners names
(C) where in Caracas do people use corner names
(D) how did Caracas’s street corners get their names


12. Students_____to go on the school trip should ask their parents first.
(A) who want
(B) want
(C) who they want
(D) what they want



【題組】35. What does it mean when people beg to differ?
(A) They do not agree.
(B) They look different.
(C) They cannot speak for others.
(D) They do not notice something.


       Since the Covid-19 pandemic started, people have begun “social distancing”— keeping a safe space between you and anyone you don’t live with. Though it has been a very popular topic this year, social distancing__40__ . In fact, it was widely used in the U.S. in the flu pandemic in 1918. But how well did it work? The Americans’ experience can tell us whether it really saved lives.664eb815408d5.jpg
       From the picture, we can see that__41__ started social distancing earlier than the other three cities. This helped the city keep the number of deaths down. Besides taking early action, keeping the action long enough was also important in fighting the pandemic. The picture shows that Portland and Denver did well in the first few weeks. However, both cities__42__ , and the numbers of deaths climbed again.
       But there was one thing Portland did right. The city used several ways of social distancing at the same time to deal with the pandemic.__43__ , sick people were kept away from healthy ones; schools were closed; public activities were not allowed. All these were useful in keeping people safe.
       The lessons of the 1918 pandemic bring us hope. While we are still learning to fight Covid-19, social distancing may be the best way to get us through the dark days, at least for now.

(A) Also
(B) At first
(C) However
(D) For example


