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【精選】 - 財政學 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文 - 公職◆行政法(包含行政程序法等) - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆法學知識(包括中華民國憲法、法學緒論) - 公職◆經濟學概論與財政學概論 - ..(3976~4000)
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24 下列有關我國現行地價稅稅制之敘述,何者錯誤?
(B)稅基為申報地價,申報地價不得超過公告地價上下 20%
(C)公告地價由各地方政府不動產評價委員會每 2 年評定一次


21 下列何種情況,訴願機關應以決定駁回?


48 姊弟甲、乙二人共同繼承其父丙的遺產後,至今尚未分割遺產,亦無任何 相關約定。下列敘述何者正確?

4( ).

請依下文回答第 6 題至第 10 題
        A big hole in the car park at SpaceX’s headquarters in Los Angeles is the first visible evidence of another of Elon Musk’s ventures. Mr. Musk who, besides leading SpaceX, a rocket company, also __6__     Tesla, a maker of electric cars, is going into the tunneling business. The goal of the Boring Company, as he dubs his new enterprise, is to __7__ into tunnels faster and more cheaply than is possible at the moment.  __8__ the pit in the car park, Mr. Musk says he has also begun a series of test tunnels for a project that will, if it comes to __9__ , carry cars under Los Angeles on high-speed sledges. In this way, people can __10__ the dreadful traffic jams above. More ambitiously, he claims to have official support for a 320 km (200-mile) tunnel that would, in half an hour, whisk peopole between New York and Washington, DC, in magnetically propelled capsules, using a technology he has dubbed the hyperloop.

(A) Apart from
(B) According to
(C) In view of
(D) In spite of


請依下文回答第 11 題至第 15 題
        The clever fool syndrome would explain why one controversial study of Harvard Business School students found that, after a flying start, the alumni (presumably among the ablest young men of their day)gradually slipped back to the general level inside their chosen management __11__ . A Harvard graduate has no reason at all to suppose that he will manage more effectively than a less instructed contemporary. The Harvard man can only claim that he is more highly educated; and high education and high achievement in practical affairs don’t necessarily go together. John F Kennedy found that assembling America’s brightest brains in Washington neither got bills __12__ Congress nor avoided the Bay of Pigs; and many companies have discovered that business school diplomas are a thin __13__ against incompetence.
        An overwhelmingly large proportion of the highest and best American executives did study business. All this proves that an overwhelmingly large proportion of business-minded undergraduates got the real message,which is that a diploma will be good for their careers, starting with starting salaries. It does not follow that the education was of any other direct benefit either to the executive or his firm. __14__ , of course, that the schooling was wasted. As a general rule, the wise man recruits the finest intelligence he can find; and good minds are far better for good training. The question is only whether academic training in subjects that seem to have some connection with management  __15__  the best education for managing, and that is something that nobody can prove either way.

(A) It is not followed
(B) Nor does it follow
(C) One follows
(D) What follows


請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題
        Issues concerning women’s bodily integrity and autonomy, such as abortion, rape, and sterilization, are subject to strong opinions that give rise to equally charged political policies. As with other issues pertaining to women’s bodies, prostitution discourse is largely concerned with determining whether this social practice is exploitative, empowering, or a consequence of immorality.
         Prostitution is here defined as a social practice by which men gain sexual access to the bodies of predominantly women, children, and sometimes other men, through the exchange of money, goods, or housing.Prostitution, as a social construct, arises from “men’s dominance and women’s subordination.”
         Most people take one of three salient positions on prostitution. The first position argues that prostitution is a consequence of deficient moral character. This position draws heavily from patriarchal and religious traditions that equate female sexuality with temptation and male sexuality with dominance and sanctioned insatiability. The second position, the “sex work” position, asserts that prostitution is a valid form of labor and argues that prostitution is not inherently harmful to women. This position further contends that women have aright to decide what they will do with their bodies and that sex work, though oppressive for some, is potentially both lucrative and empowering for other women. The third position asserts that prostitution is a consequence of social, political, and economic inequality and argues that women are predominantly conscripted into prostitution because of their social vulnerability. Political regulation of prostitution activity varies according to each nation’s underlying economic and social justice commitments.

【題組】19 According to the passage, what is the major reason prostitution is immoral?
(A) Religious condemnation.
(B) Political commitment.
(C) Economic activity.
(D) Racial discrimination.


20 關於訴願期間之敘述,下列何者正確?


23 依司法院釋字第 469 號解釋之意旨,公務員怠於執行職務而成立之國家賠償責任,不包括下列那一個要 件?


23 甲生產製造之電動機車有重大瑕疵,委由乙經銷,丙購買後使用電動機車時,果因該重大瑕疵而發生車禍 受傷,且搭載之孩子丁亦受傷。依消費者保護法之規定,下列敘述何者錯誤?
(C)若丙之損害,係因甲之重大過失所致之損害,丙依消費者保護法所提之訴訟得請求三倍以下之懲罰性賠 償金


25 下列家庭暴力防治法所定民事保護令聲請相關規定之敘述,何者錯誤?
(A)家庭暴力被害人若為未成年人、身心障礙者或因故難以委任代理人者,其法定代理人、三親等以內之血 親或姻親,得為其向法院聲請民事保護令
(C)民事保護令之聲請,原則上應以書面為之,但被害人有受家庭暴力之急迫危險者,其法定代理人或三親 等以內之血親或姻親,得以言詞、電信傳真或其他科技設備傳送之方式,為其聲請緊急保護令


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
      In business or in daily life, when dealing with the things we know, we can plan accordingly and expect them to go as planned. However good business or personal plans may be, they can sometimes __41__       because of unexpected events or circumstances, which are often called contingencies. Success sometimes reflects the number of calculated risks we are willing to take, both personally and professionally. That is why contingency planning is so important for it allows active risk management and __42__ preparation rather than reactive decisions when faced with an emergency, which can result in failure.
       In business a contingency, either externally or internally, is generally negative, and it may influence the financial health, professional image, or market share of a company. __43__ , such unexpected development can likewise be a surprising windfall, for example, a giant order. Anything __44__          that upsets a company’s normal operation can hurt the company regardless of the possibility that the interruption is a direct result of a windfall. It should, therefore, be a normal part of the business planning process to __45__ potential threats and opportunities. Seeing to this can ensure that specific contingency plans and resources are well-prepared to deal with them.

(A) across the board
(B) in due course
(C) out of the blue
(D) up in the air


42 As the global economy will experience big and small changes in the coming decades, some economists believe a _______ minimal income is a way to start. But some fear to see a lot of idle hands who have no intention of working.


8 我國憲法第 9 條所稱軍事審判程序,是由軍事審判官職司審判。依司法院釋字第 704 號解釋之見解,下列 敘述何者錯誤?


43 稱無償行為者,謂當事人之給付義務並無對價關係。下列何者並非無償行為?


1 Mourning for a deceased family member is totally understandable, but if you find yourself on_______ the past too long and too much, you had better seek professional help.
(A) daunting
(B) dwelling
(C) drafting
(D) diving


45 關於行政裁量,下列敘述何者錯誤?
(A)行政機關在擬定各種計畫時,具有判斷及評價之自由,性質上雖同樣涉及行政之決定自由,但非行 政裁量
(C)行政機關自行決定是否採取措施,是為決定裁量,在多數為法律所許可之措施中,決定採取何一措 施,是為選擇裁量


29 若私人儲蓄報酬免稅;企業投資報酬之稅率為 50%。今若私人儲蓄之報酬率為 9%;在政府計畫會取代企業投資的情形下,下列何者最適合作為政府計畫之成本效益分析所使用之貼現率?
(A) 1%
(B) 3%
(C) 9%
(D) 18%




13 Most migrants were not treated fairly in the American society in the 19th century when the _____ of Asians was widespread throughout the Western society.
(A) oppression
(B) elevation
(C) inclination
(D) assumption




16 關於租稅,下列何者因違反比例原則,而被司法院大法官宣告違憲?
(A)稅捐稽徵法第 20 條及遺產稅及贈與稅法第 51 條第 1 項規定,逾期繳納稅捐應加徵滯納金
(C)使用牌照稅法第 7 條第 1 項第 9 款關於交通工具免徵使用牌照稅之規定「每一團體和機構以 3 輛為限」


50 關於損失補償之法理敘述,下列何者錯誤?


50 下列何者非屬國家賠償法上所定之「公共設施」?


34 The meeting finally came to an end when the committee members reached a ______ on adding an additional prize winner.
(A) consultant
(B) consensus
(C) collision
(D) competition


請依下文回答第 46 至第 50 題:
        Soon after ChatGPT debuted in 2022, researchers tested what the artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot would write afterit was asked questions peppered with conspiracy theories and false narratives. The results — in writings formatted asnews articles, essays and television scripts — were so troubling that the researchers minced no words in their criticismof the new technology. Researchers predict that generative technology like ChatGPT could make disinformation cheaperand easier to produce for an even larger number of conspiracy theorists and spreaders of disinformation. Personalized,real-time chatbots could share conspiracy theories in increasingly credible and persuasive ways, researchers say,smoothing out human errors like poor syntax and mistranslations and advancing beyond easily discoverable copy-pastejobs. And they say that no available mitigation tactics can effectively combat it.
        Predecessors to ChatGPT, which was created by the company OpenAI, have been used for years to pepper onlineforums and social media platforms with comments and spam. Microsoft had to halt activity from its Tay chatbot within 24 hours of introducing it on Twitter in 2016 after trolls taught it to spew racist and xenophobic language. ChatGPT isfar more powerful and sophisticated. Supplied with questions loaded with disinformation, it can produce convincing,clean variations on the content within seconds, without disclosing its sources. Recently, Microsoft and OpenAI introduceda new Bing search engine and web browser that can use chatbot technology to plan vacations, translate texts or conductresearch.
        OpenAI researchers have long been nervous about chatbots falling into villainous hands. In a 2019 paper, they voicedtheir concern about their chatbot’s capabilities to lower costs of disinformation campaigns and aid in the malicious pursuitof monetary gains, particular political agendas, and/or desires to create chaos or confusion. OpenAI uses machines andhumans to monitor content that is fed into and produced by ChatGPT. The company relies on both its human AI trainersand feedback from users to identify and filter out toxic training data while teaching ChatGPT to produce better-informedresponses. OpenAI’s policies prohibit use of its technology to promote dishonesty, deceive or manipulate users or attemptto influence politics; the company offers a free moderation tool to handle content that promotes hate, self-harm, violenceor sex.

【題組】46 What is the main idea of this passage?
(A) ChatGPT should not be used by conspiracy theorists and fake news spreaders.
(B) ChatGPT developers believe their chatbot can help users discern misinformation.
(C) Newly developed chatbots like ChatGPT can produce well-formatted news articles.
(D) Misinformation is a serious problem with ChatGPT, which is hard to solve.


【精選】 - 財政學 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文 - 公職◆行政法(包含行政程序法等) - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆法學知識(包括中華民國憲法、法學緒論) - 公職◆經濟學概論與財政學概論 - ..(3976~4000)-阿摩線上測驗
