(1 分24 秒)

6. He claimed there had been a_______________to overthrow the government.
(A) compelling
(B) compromise
(C) conspiracy
(D) corruption


12. Scott let his anger _____ and became bitter and resentful toward his best friend, Rose
(A) fester
(B) bleach
(C) paddle
(D) verify


15.It was the spiritual dimension of Indian life that was beginning to be appreciated, and with it_______________and understanding of Indian art.
(A) appreciated
(B) his appreciation
(C) the artist appreciated
(D) came a new appreciation


3. Frieda is such a _____ woman for she always insists on being the center of attention.
(A) vainglorious
(B) voracious
(C) villainous
(D) vexed


7. The number of ______ from the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues to rise.
(A) caucuses
(B) causalities
(C) casualness
(D) casualties


5. The magician's _______ was so skillful and precise that even the most skeptical audience members were convinced of his supernatural abilities.
(A) serendipity
(B) gratification
(C) legerdemain
(D) camaraderie


63. The artist’s abstract painting _____ the complexity and depth of human emotions.
(A) contradicted
(B) encapsulated
(D) personified


72. The marketing team knew they needed to act quickly to address consumer backlash _____ the product recall.
(A) in defiance of
(B) on account of
(C)on the heels of
(D) in the midst of


A. 76-80 題
       Molecular gastronomy is a branch of food science that applies principles of physics and chemistry to study the scientific processes behind cooking and food preparation. Its core goals are to understand the physical and chemical transformations that ingredients undergo __76__, and to utilize this knowledge to expand the boundaries of traditional cuisine. __77__ employs advanced scientific tools and ingredients like hydrocolloids and liquid nitrogen to precisely control and construct novel textures, flavors, and visual presentations of dishes. Techniques __78__ spherification allow for shaping liquids into spheres with gel membranes. By taking a technical, academic approach to __79__ the mechanisms of cooking, molecular gastronomy gains new perspectives and methods for preparing food in innovative ways. __80__ not directly involving quantum physics, it represents the intersection of culinary arts and science by rigorously examining the molecular processes in cooking to enable creative expansions of cuisine.

(A) what cooks
(B) when cooked
(C)where cooks
(D) while cooking


B. 91-95 題 
       The year 2010 saw a significant shift in the understanding of the famed “Mozart Effect” with the publication of a meticulous meta-analysis by Jakob Pietschnig, Martin Voracek, and Anton K. Formann. Their research, aptly titled “Mozart effect–Shmozart effect: A meta-analysis,” aimed to dissect the existing body of evidence surrounding the purported cognitive enhancements associated with listening to Mozart’s music. This analysis served as a crucial turning point, offering a more nuanced and objective perspective on the phenomenon.
       The researchers embarked on a rigorous quest for relevant studies, meticulously combing through academic databases to identify 36 studies that met their stringent inclusion criteria. These studies, encompassing a total of 3,000 participants, specifically investigated the effects of listening to Mozart’s music on spatial-temporal reasoning tasks. To gauge the magnitude of these effects, the researchers employed effect size calculations, a statistical measure that quantifies the difference between groups (e.g., Mozart listeners versus control groups) on spatial reasoning performance. Additionally, they conducted moderator analyses to explore potential factors influencing the effect size, such as the type of music used, the duration of listening, and the specific cognitive tasks employed.
       Contrary to the initial hype surrounding the Mozart Effect, the meta-analysis revealed a rather modest overall effect size. This indicated that listening to Mozart’s music had a minimal impact on spatial-temporal reasoning compared to control conditions. Furthermore, the analysis suggested that the observed effects were more likely attributable to factors such as mood enhancement and increased arousal rather than a direct improvement in spatial ability. Listening to enjoyable music, regardless of the composer, can elevate mood and alertness, which may indirectly enhance cognitive performance by improving focus and motivation. Interestingly, the researchers found no evidence to support the claim that the Mozart Effect was exclusive to Mozart’s music. Other genres, including Baroque and even pop music, could also produce similar cognitive enhancements, suggesting that the effect is not unique to Mozart’s compositions.
       The meta-analysis by Pietschnig et al. (2010) played a critical role in reshaping the scientific understanding of the Mozart Effect. By providing a more balanced and critical perspective, the findings challenged the initial claims of a direct and substantial improvement in spatial intelligence. Instead, they highlighted the role of mood and arousal as potential mediators of the observed effects, suggesting that the benefits of music listening extend beyond specific cognitive domains.

【題組】94. Which of the following is closest to the word hype in the third paragraph?
(A) Positive feedback.
(B) Intensive publicity.
(C)Reserved response.
(D) Lukewarm reception.


【題組】95. What is a meta-analysis?
(A) A meta-analysis is a study on research methodology.
(B) A meta-analysis concludes findings of various studies.
(C)A meta-analysis analyzes works composed by Mozart.
(D) A meta-analysis is an analysis of many studies on one subject.



Charlotte Hua剛剛做了阿摩測驗,考了90分