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試卷測驗 - 107 年 - 107高等考試_三級_各類科(除公職醫事檢驗師、公職藥師、公職護理師、公職臨床心理師、 公職食品技師外):英文#70249
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31 Looking left and right, the thief walked cautiously down the hallway to ______the security guards.
(A) afford
(B) avoid
(C) assign
(D) assure


32 In Philadelphia, a new kind of trash can is______ waste management via cutting down on air pollution and potentially saving the city millions in the process.
(A) revolutionizing
(B) comprehending
(C) comforting
(D) rendering


33 Obviously, Joe thought too highly of himself and enjoyed behaving ______to draw the attention of people around him.
(A) concordantly
(B) pretentiously
(C) recursively
(D) sporadically


34 On a clear night in the countryside, we have a very good chance to see many stars ______in the sky.
(A) colliding
(B) glistening
(C) retrieving
(D) smothering


35 Dolphins and sharks are natural enemies. Sharks are______ of dolphins, and will kill and eat young dolphins if they can.
(A) predators
(B) protectors
(C) successors
(D) survivors


36 A person’s facial expressions and gestures ______powerful messages that go beyond words.
(A) alleviate
(B) conceal
(C) evolve
(D) transmit


37 Fans waited outside the movie theater, hoping to catch a______ of their favorite stars.
(A) glitter
(B) cold
(C) glimpse
(D) clue


38 Scientists have been searching for better, faster and cleaner ______sources of energy in order to create better lives and help solve the pollution problem.
(A) allusive
(B) allocative
(C) alternative
(D) allergic


39 My sister has a ______memory. She remembers every single thing she sees and hears, and she never forgets.
(A) remarkable
(B) pristine
(C) compulsive
(D) reluctant


40 We essentially know the world in terms of a specific cultural package or preconception, and we are so unaware of it that the most liberal of us go through life with a kind of ethnocentricity that automatically rules out all other ways of seeing the world.
(A) We pursue diversity in our lives and are always aware of different cultures.
(B) We have a clear understanding that we need to incorporate different cultures in our ways of life.
(C) We are born into a cultural preconception that we call reality and never question it.
(D) Most of us go through life not knowing that we are liberated by cultural package.


41 Locational changes have been made possible by easy access to IT networks, so much so that financial and office functions no longer require spatial proximity.
(A) Companies and offices do not require a great amount of space simply because of the availability of Internet connection.
(B) The spread of IT networks has resulted in a change in financial and office functions, as well as in locations.
(C) IT networks that are widespread in the modern world have helped reduce the running cost of businesses.
(D) Locational changes are made possible due to widespread Internet connection; financial and office functions no longer require physical adjacency.


請依下文回答第 42 題至第 46 題: 
    Internet cookies are small information files that websites put onto personal computers. The main function of cookies is to give Internet users quick 42 to webpages. For example, because of cookies, customers on e-commerce sites can keep items in their shopping carts while they look at 43 products and then check out with ease whenever they are ready. Cookies also allow a website to remember personal information such as a 44 name, home address, email address, and phone number, so that these items do not have to be 45 . For online sellers, cookies provide an important advantage. They allow the sellers to collect information about visitors to a website. 46 can then use the customer data for advertising and other marketing purposes. Although there are concerns about what sellers might do with private information, it is clear that cookies have their benefits.











請依下文回答第 47 題至第 50 題: 
   The Warcraft video game franchise from Blizzard Entertainment is now 22 years old. The most successful game in this series has been World of Warcraft (WOW ), a massively multiplayer online role-playing game. According to Blizzard, over 100 million subscribers have played WOW. The extremely popular spinoff game DOTA (Defense of the Ancients) is also played at some of the biggest gaming competitions in the world. 
   Over the years, WOW has been considered by many people to be more than just a game. It has also been seen as a training ground for real-life business leaders. Players in WOW join together in large teams, called guilds. A player who wishes to be a successful leader, or “master,” of a team must learn how to attract new players to the group, evaluate each player, and arrange for him or her to be taught by experienced players. In addition, the leader must settle any quarrels that develop between team members and oversee development of strategies that the team will use to defeat its opponents. The lessons the leader learns through the game can be applied in real life. 
   A Warcraft film, in development since 2006, hits theaters this month. Its plot focuses on the arrival of Orcs looking to build a colony in the realm of humans and the conflict that arises between the two groups. Video-game fans will be pleased to know that the film’s director, Duncan Jones, is a player of the game, as are some of the actors. Anticipated by both gamers and movie fans, Warcraft may be the next big film franchise.

【題組】47 What is this passage mainly about?
(A) Making big money through games.
(B) Beating opponents in video games.
(C) WOW’s success story.
(D) WOW’s excellent reviews.


【題組】48 Which of the following statements is true about WOW?
(A) It offers useful training for leadership.
(B) It is not practical for real-life business.
(C) It leads to quarrels among its players.
(D) Its teams are quite localized.


【題組】49 What will the guilds of WOW NOT do?
(A) To attract new players.
(B) To settle any quarrels.
(C) To hold a contest.
(D) To evaluate each player.


【題組】50 Which of the following do the gamers look forward to?
(A) A new series of Warcraft online magazine.
(B) A motion picture based on Warcraft.
(C) A workshop that extends the Warcraft game.
(D) A Warcraft concert with amazing prizes.


試卷測驗 - 107 年 - 107高等考試_三級_各類科(除公職醫事檢驗師、公職藥師、公職護理師、公職臨床心理師、 公職食品技師外):英文#70249-阿摩線上測驗
