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試卷測驗 - 107 年 - 107 普通考試_各類科:英文#70241
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31 The police turned the apartment almost___________ , searching for the criminal evidence.
(A) in and out
(B) up and down
(C) inside and outside
(D) upside down


32 AT&T said that it had reached an agreement with America’s biggest satellite television provider, DirecTV, in a___________ worth almost $50 billion.
(A) motivation
(B) deal
(C) hearing
(D) sample


33 Our family trip to Yellow Stone National Park last summer is one of the most___________ experiences in my life. I will never forget all the beautiful sceneries I saw there.
(A) luxurious
(B) memorable
(C) popular
(D) romantic


34 College students are___________ to explore the world by participating in international volunteer programs.
(A) improved
(B) enforced
(C) suspected
(D) encouraged


35 Worried about the terrorism___________ , the government has been stricter on issuing the tourist visa.
(A) request
(B) medium
(C) selection
(D) threat


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題: Among the well-preserved historical sites in Lukang, a coastal city located in the western Changhua county, the Longshan Temple is something a visitor cannot miss. 36 the busy Longshan Temple in Taipei, the one in Lukang is quieter and less touristy. Built in the end of Ming Dynasty, the temple was 37 a small one and later it was renovated several times to the current larger scale. It is mainly dedicated to Guanyin, Goddess of Mercy and Compassion, 38 there are over one hundred gods and goddesses in the rear and side halls. The beautifully-designed temple is worthy of detailed 39 . Check out the colorful figures on the roof, the wonderful spider web ceiling structure, the stone carvings on the dragon poles at the front gate, as well as the largest bronze bell in Taiwan. During the 921 Earthquake in 1999, the Longshan Temple in Lukang was severely damaged. Community members, local and national government institutions, and prominent enterprises came together to help rebuild this national heritage site. The restoration was 40 from 2001 to 2008. Nine years after the earthquake, with lots of efforts from specialists, the temple was restored from ruins and today remains an important religious center.
(A) Unlike
(B) Except
(C) Despite
(D) Through


(A) permanently
(B) regularly
(C) effectively
(D) originally


(A) since
(B) though
(C) once
(D) wherever


(A) celebration
(B) recognition
(C) observation
(D) prescription


(A) looked after
(B) passed over
(C) broken down
(D) carried out


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題: Climate change is having a significant effect on one of the biggest green turtle populations in the world. A study shows that 99% of immature green turtles born in the northern part of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef are female. Among adult turtles, 87% are female. The result is 41 —rising temperatures have turned sea turtle population female. The sex of a sea turtle is 42 by the temperature of the nesting environment. Warm temperatures produce more female hatchlings, and cooler temperatures produce more males. During the past two decades, temperatures in northern Great Barrier Reef have increased to the point that virtually no male turtles are produced, 43 raises new concerns over the immediate threats of climate change to the population’s future. Sea turtles, protected under the Endangered Species Act, are among the most ancient species roaming the oceans and have adjusted to shifting climates. Increasing numbers of females may 44 be a good thing for its population. The reproductive potential can be boosted. The problem, however, is that the modern climate appears to be changing faster than turtles can adjust to it. Species evolve 45 climate and other environmental changes, but they need time for that. According to researchers of World Wildlife Fund Australia, setting up shade cloth to cool beaches might help, but the only sustainable solution is to stop climate change.
(A) deceitful
(B) alarming
(C) prosperous
(D) thoughtful


(A) maintained
(B) classified
(C) determined
(D) straightened


(A) while
(B) whatever
(C) which
(D) whether


(A) once again
(B) little by little
(C) worst of all
(D) at first


(A) at the risk of
(B) in response to
(C) in place of
(D) on the verge of


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: In a recent interview, the venerable Mr. Xu lamented how the Korean Drama obsession is hurting China’s “cultural self-esteem.” In an interesting twist, Guangzhou’s Time Weekly reported how the show is challenging traditional gender roles in China: “The handsome male characters have also encouraged Chinese women to demand their men take more care with their appearance. By contrast, the archetype of a male character in Chinese dramas is someone who is careless and nagging but generally a good person. Korean dramas, on the other hand, like their male leads to be Prince Charming characters.” ... This nationwide love for Korean dramas such as My Love From the Star, as well as the hit American show, House of Cards, has left people like Xu wondering: Where is the love for Chinese TV? But, Xu is no dummy: He acknowledged in the interview that most Chinese television shows are “poorly written and lack creativity.” Even The China Daily acknowledges the overall shittiness of Chinese television, saying: “Chinese TV screens are flooded by knock-off and/or poorly made soap operas. Most of the Chinese TV dramas either distort the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, which is a distortion of history, or blindly copy foreign programs. The lack of good stories has of late resulted in loads of TV series on time travel or fights in the harems of Qing Dynasty emperors. These, in short, are the bane of Chinese TV productions.” So, in short, it’s no surprise to anyone involved that Chinese TV clearly needs to step its game up.
【題組】46 According to this passage, which of the following is NOT the problem with Chinese TV dramas?
(A) Frequently distorting history.
(B) Not enough good stories.
(C) Too much repetition in the stories.
(D) Too many love stories.


【題組】47 Which of the following is the best title for this passage?
(A) The Impact of Chinese Obsession with Korean Dramas
(B) The Secrets of Korean TV Dramas’ Success
(C) Ways to Stop Chinese Women’s Craze for Korean Dramas
(D) Ways to Encourage Chinese Men to Improve Their Looks


【題組】48 According to this passage, what is the biggest problem for Chinese TV shows?
(A) Lack of enough funding from foreign enterprises.
(B) Too many old-fashioned scripts that are not creative.
(C) Not enough handsome male characters inside the show.
(D) No good love stories in Chinese TV shows.


【題組】49 Which of the following statements is NOT true about this passage?
(A) The media is making invalid criticism of the shittiness of Chinese TV shows.
(B) In China, there seemed to be a nationwide love for Korean dramas as well as some hit American shows.
(C) Chinese TV screens are flooded by knock-off and/or poorly made soap operas.
(D) The Korean Drama obsession is hurting China’s “cultural self-esteem.”


【題組】50 According to this passage, which of the following is the best way to improve Chinese TV shows?
(A) To avoid creating the archetype of a male character in Chinese dramas.
(B) To present more love stories just like the Korean dramas.
(C) To produce more well-written and original stories for TV shows.
(D) To imitate good stories like the one in the hit American show “House of Cards.”


試卷測驗 - 107 年 - 107 普通考試_各類科:英文#70241-阿摩線上測驗
