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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(201~225)
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35 Mother: My daughter eats like a bird. Doctor:____________ Advise her to eat more.
(A) That’s interesting.
(B) That’s too bad.
(C) That’s good for her.
(D) That’s hard to say.


The hotel ___ good meals for guests.
(A) curtails
(B) devises
(C) proceeds
(D) provides


I believe in what you said. I ___ you in every aspect.
(A) agree with
(B) agree on
(C) disagree with
(D) disagree on


I was invited to her birthday party, ______ I couldn′t go as I had to take care of my little brother.
(A) because  
(B) but  
(C) for  
(D) so  


47 Sue: Can you give me a ten percent discount? The price is outrageous. Clerk: _____________________ Sue: It’s such a pity. I love this hat so much. Clerk: Would you like to leave your number so that we can call you next time when our products are on sale? Sue: Thanks.
(A) Indeed, it is.
(B) I’m sorry, we can’t.
(C) I beg your pardon?
(D) Tell me about it.


18 Cheating on the exam is absolutely ___________. You will fail this course, and your name will be made public on the university website.
(A) unacceptable
(B) unapproachable
(C) uncountable
(D) unmanageable


19 You should make good use of this __________ to broaden your experience. Chances like this are rare.


The teacher loved to teach young students, ________ those who were smart.
(A) officially
(B) especially
(C) popularly
(D) similarly


It is a long ______ from Taipei to New York. It takes more than 15 hours to fly.
(A) drive
(B) trip
(C) walk
(D) run


Crime is growing at a rapid rate, ______ in urban areas.
(A) cheerfully
(B) appropriately
(C) reasonably
(D) especially


The famous singer’s wonderful voice made a deep ______ on the audience.
(A) progress
(B) impression
(C) promise
(D) introduction


12 I could hardly _____ Susan, my kindergarten classmate. She had become so tall and pretty.
(A) resolve
(B) renounce
(C) recognize
(D) organize


Nearly 50% of all workers in the United States have jobs they aren’t happy with. Don’t let this happen to you! If you want to find the right job, don’t rush to look through the classified ads in the newspaper. Instead, sit down and think about yourself. What kind of person are you? What makes you happy? According to psychologist John Holland, there are six types of personalities. Nobody is just one personality type, but most people are mainly one type. For each type, there are certain jobs that might be right and others that are probably wrong. Understanding your personality type can help you make the right job decision. Liz is a good example. Liz knew she wanted to do something for children. She thought she could help children as a school counselor or a lawyer. She took counseling and law courses— and hated them. After talking to a career counselor, she realized the problem was that she’s an Artistic type. Liz studied film, and she now produces children TV shows— and loves it. Here are some descriptions of the six types of personalities: (1) The Realistic type is practical and enjoys working with machines and tools. (2) The Investigative type is curious and likes to learn, analyze situations, and solve problems. (3) The Artistic type is imaginative and likes to express himself or herself by creating art. (4) The Social type is friendly and enjoys helping or training other people. (5) The Enterprising type is outgoing and likes to persuade or lead other people. (6) The Conventional type is careful and likes to follow routines and keep track of details.
【題組】 42 What does the author suggest one do in order to find a right job?
(A) Go through the ads to find one.
(B) Consider what one is like and is happy with.
(C) Think about parents’advice.
(D) Ponder over all the jobs that are popular.


第 46 題至第50 題為題組 Are you a Mac user? For many, home computers have become synonymous with Windows and Bill Gates, but there has always been a loyal band of Apple and Macintosh users whose devotion to the Apple brand and its co-founder Steven Jobs is almost religious. Steven Jobs and Steven Wozniak dropped out of college and got jobs in Silicon Valley, where they founded the Apple Computer company in 1976, the name based on Jobs’s favorite fruit. They designed the Apple I computer in Jobs’s bedroom, having raised the capital by selling their most valued possessions—an old Volkswagen bus and a scientific calculator. The later model, the Apple Macintosh, introduced the public to point and click graphics. It was the first home computer to be truly user friendly, or as their advertisements put it, "the computer for the rest of us." When IBM released its first PC in 1981, Jobs realized that Apple would have to become a more grown-up company to compete effectively. He brought in John Sculley, the president of Pepsi-Cola, to do the job, asking him, "Do you want to just sell sugared water, or do you want to change the world?" Sculley and Jobs began to argue bitterly, however, and after a power struggle, Jobs was reluctantly forced to resign. By 1996 Apple was in trouble due to the dominance of Windows software and the increasing number of PC clones that used it. Jobs, having had great success with his animation studio Pixar, was brought back to the ailing firm for an annual salary of $1, and the company gradually returned to profitability. Apple’s computers cost more than most PCs and have a more limited range of software available for them, but their great appeal has been the attention to design, making Apple the cool computer company. The launch of the stunning multicolored iMac in 1997, followed by the sleek new iMac in 2002, marked the end of the computer as an ugly, utilitarian machine and brought the home computer out of the study and into the lounge. As Steve Jobs put it, "Other companies don’t care about design. We think it’s vitally important." Apple’s fortunes were transformed again with the development of the iPod in 2003 and the iPhone in 2007, which soon became must-have gadgets that brought about a boom in Internet music sales and transformed the cell phone industry. And, of course, they were beautifully stylish.
【題組】 46.Where did the Apple Computer company begin?
(A) New York
(B) Chicago
(C) Silicon Valley
(D) Seattle


47 A: We went camping in the mountains last week. B: Oh, really? Did you have fun? A: _____But during the trip, we had a flat tire.
(A) It was awful.
(B) We had a great time.
(C) We were in time.
(D) We had a terrible time.


32 His family did not stay in one place; they moved ______ .
(A)to some extent
(B)out of reach
(C)from place to place
(D)up and down


13 Edward expected to see Gina at the party, but he was greatly_____ because Gina never turned up at the party.
(A) expectant
(B) disappointed
(C) hospitable
(D) amused


27 I could hardly_____ her in the street yesterday. She has changed a lot after graduation.
(A) recognize
(B) accuse
(C) expose
(D) inspect


38 Wendy: What are you doing, Jenny? 
 Jenny: Just surfing the Net. Did you know Levi’s originally made jeans for workers? 
 Wendy:____ You mean the jeans we’re wearing now?
(A) Really?
(B) Needless to say.
(C) You are telling me.
(D) No sweat.


41 Clerk: Northwestern Airlines. How can I help you? Customer: Hello, I’d like to make a reservation for July 5 at 12 o’clock. Clerk: ________ Customer: What about one o’clock? Clerk: One o’clock is fine.
(A) Oh, I’m sorry. We don’t take reservations.
(B) Oh, the flight was delayed.
(C) I’m sorry. We’re fully booked at twelve.
(D) I see. How many seats?


474. The deal is still a secret, so please do not talk about it _______.
(A) gradually
(B) actually
(C) really
(D) publicly


694. My schedule is not tight; it is quite _____. I could arrange to meet with you any day next week.
(A) flexible
(B) brutal
(C) favorable
(D) divine


40 Mike had to ______the floor because his little brother just dropped a glass of water on the floor and got it all wet.
(B) label
(C) mop
(D) renew


17 Bird-dispersing equipment ______gas bombs, ultrasound and laser guns will be used at local airports.
(A) as such
(B) such as
(C) so as
(D) for instance


43 If_______ skills are taught in school, students will know how to save their own lives in the wilderness.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(201~225)-阿摩線上測驗
