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【精選】 - 國營事業◆英文難度:(601~625)
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I really ___ what you have done for me.


28.If I _____ you, I would turn down the offer. I don’t think your management skills can be put to good use in that company. 
(C)can be
(D)had been


High school students in Taiwan often _____ that preparing for tests keeps them from having enough sleep.


If the company cannot find a way to stop ________ their clients, their business is soon going bust. 
(A)to lose
(D)to be lost


(四)閱讀測驗 Good news for chocoholics: the treat preferred by millions all over the world is good for you, according to American researchers at the University of California. Chocolate contains substances called flavonoids that can help maintain a healthy heart and good circulation. The researchers have discovered that cocoaacts like aspirin and that eating a bar of chocolate has also been shown to release endorphins in the body: these chemicals help to reduce pain and stress and make you feel happy. The Olmec Indians of Mexico and Central America were the first to grow cocoa beans, in about 1500 BC, and the Mayas were drinking unsweetened coca hundreds of years before it became fashionable in Europe. In 1544, a delegation of Mayan nobles visited Philip of Spain and gave him jars of cocoa as a gift. Cocoa soon became fashionable in Spain and Portugal. The Spanish were the first to add sugar to their cocoa drink. By the middle of the century, solid chocolate was becoming familiar. In 1765, James Baker opened the first chocolate mill in the United States, introducing chocolate to the average citizen. In 1896, in Switzerland, Daniel Peter had the idea of adding milk in the chocolate-making process and produced the first milk chocolate. Since then, chocolate has grown enormously in popularity. One of the biggest chocolate-eating nations is Britain where the average man, women, and child eats nine kilos of chocolate a year. In fact, chocolate is the number one comfort food and there are more chocoholics in Britain than anywhere else in the world. Researchers warn that although chocolate is good for you, it should be eaten in small quantities—and with no added milk.
【題組】76. What benefit can chocolate NOT afford for us? 
(A)Good circulation.
(B) A strong heart.
(C) Higher IQ.
(D) Pain reduction.


    The English language has many expressions about the weather。One famous phrase is,“March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb." In many western countries early March is a time of cold and windy weather. People compare this wild weather to a wild lion. In contrast,the weather in later March tends to be far milder. People compare this gentle weather with a lamb.

    Another famous phrase says that,“April showers bring May flowers."While the weather in April is often rainy, the phrase reminds people that the rain will bring benefits in the end. Without the rain,the beautiful wild flowers that grow in May would not grow。

    Have you ever heard the phrase, “Red sky at night,shepherd's delight, red sky in the morning, shepherds take warning”? The phrase is actually a surprisingly accurate way of forecasting the weather. When the sky is red at night,it often means good weather Is on the way。As a result,shepherds — farmers who take care of sheep - will be happy. In contrast,a red sky in the morning often means bad weather is on the way. Shepherds and others who work outside should take a red sky in the morning as a serious warning.

【題組】49. Who is most likely to find the third saying useful?
(A) a doctor
(B) a lawyer
(C) an office worker
(D) a construction worker


Sam and Mark are working on a group project. They begin by making a 36 of tasks they need to complete. They 37 do some research and analysis. Then they need to write a report. Finally, they will need to put together a presentation. Once they have a plan, it’s time to 38 work. Sam uses the Internet to 39 the information they need. Mark creates a spreadsheet for the data they find. They create a graph and look at their spreadsheet. Something is wrong. The results don’t make 40 . Sam sees the problem. Mark has entered the data upside down!
(B) needs
(C) need to
(D) needed


四、閱讀測驗 Hello, and welcome to Business Talk. This month we’re looking at the role of ethics in business. According to Richard Reed, co-founder of Innocent Drinks, the company behind award-winning fruit-based smoothies, ethics are fundamental to the company’s success. Innocent says that, as well as making money, the objective is always to leave things a little bit better than it finds them, an inspiring way to approach business. So, how did the success of Innocent all begin? Innocent was founded back in 1998 by Richard and two friends from Cambridge University. They decided to set up a business together and spent £500 on fruit to make smoothies to sell at a music festival. A sign above their stall said ‘Should we give up our jobs to make these smoothies?’ They asked people to put their empty bottles in one of two bins marked ‘Yes’ and ‘No’. At the end of the festival the ‘Yes’ bin was full, so they went into work the next day and resigned. Innocent continues to innovate and the product range now consists of vegetable pots and other healthy, natural products as well as smoothies, and the company is constantly working on new lines. Innocent sells to over 10,000 retailers in 13 European countries, and its market is constantly growing. So what is it that makes Innocent an ethical company? Apart from only using packaging that can be recycled, it uses only 100% natural products and each year gives 10% of its profits to charities in the countries where its fruit comes from. Innocent wasn’t the first company to tap into the fruit market, but it was one of the first. It’s always important to be different from the competition and, with Innocent, the combination of ethics and clever marketing is a recipe for success.
【題組】49. What area might be Innocent’s main market?
(A) Europe.
(B) Asia.
(C) North America.
(D) Africa.


39. I was ___ for an important meeting. My boss was very disappointed.
(A) lost
(B) late
(C) long
(D) left


46. Jacob’s parents ________ him for cheating on the exam. He was thus grounded for a whole month.
(A) accepted
(C) rewarded
(D) benefited


2. Give up smoking, or it will _____your health.  
(A) offer
(B) improve
(C) increase
(D) affect 


70. A: Did you watch that video I sent you? B: Yes, and it disturbed me greatly. A: Really? ____________________ B: No, so please don’t send me any more video like that.
(A) Why didn’t you enjoy it?
(B) What kind of video do you like?
(C) Were you very busy?
(D) Didn’t you think it was cool?


16. Amy was curious about ________ was behind the locked door.
(B) what
(C) where
(D) whether


5. What’s the ______today ? It is so cold.


In 1888, Vincent Van Gogh moved to Arles, a town in southern France. The artist Paul Gauguin moved there too, and they became good friends. The weather was beautiful, and they were both inspired by the colorful countryside. They painted daily and talked about art, but they didn’t have much money. Van Gogh often became sad and couldn’t paint. One day he became very angry and argued with Gauguin. Gauguin left Arles, and shortly after, Van Gogh cut off a piece of his own ear. After a while, Van Gogh began to paint again. He sent some paintings to Paris but couldn’t sell them. Then, in 1890, early on a Sunday evening, Van Gogh went out to the countryside with his paints. He took out a gun and shot himself in the chest. His brother Theo traveled from Paris to be with him. Two days later, Van Gogh died. In his short, sad life, Van Gogh painted 200 paintings. He sold only one of them. In 1990, one of his paintings was sold for 82.5 million U.S. dollars.
【題組】38. One of Van Gogh’s paintings was sold for 82.5 million U.S. dollars about ________ years after his death.
(D)200 .


7. While eating, you may want to use a paper _____ to wipe your lips and fingers.
(A) napkin
(B) necklace
(C) pumpkin
(D) pillow


4. Jason’s father was very_when he knew that Jason didn’t go to school this morning.
(A) surprised
(B) bored
(C) excited
(D) satisfied


17. My friends from South Africa _________ many places around the island ever since they came to Taiwan.
(B) visited
(C) are visiting
(D)have visited


22. Mary worked day and night in summer _________ she could save money to pay her tuition.
(B) in case
(C) as if
(D)so that


15. Voting with our dollars _______ one of the most powerful actions we can take as consumers.
(A) was
(B) are
(C) were
(D) is


27. James plans to do volunteer work after he retires. He probably will ___.
(A) visit orphanages
(B) sell fruit
(C) be a policeman
(D) drive a truck


40. Mark Zuckerberg is the person ______ invented Facebook, and he is one of the richest people in the world.
(A) who
(B) whose
(C) whom
(D) what


25. Go to bed earlier, ________ you may oversleep, ending up being late for work.
(A) or
(B) so
(C) but
(D) and


35. A: Do you like to come to the party with me tonight?
 B: _________________, but I need to prepare for my exams.
 A: Don’t worry. Maybe next time.
(A)I’d love to go with you
(B) I can’t do it
(C) It’s a bad time
(D) I enjoying organizing a party for you


38. A: How often do you go swimming?
 B: ______________________.
 A: You really should exercise more.
(A)I go swimming quite often.
(B) Sure, swimming is good for you.
(C) I seldom swim.
(D)I prefer jogging.


【精選】 - 國營事業◆英文難度:(601~625)-阿摩線上測驗
