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請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題 Alan Geaam was born into a Lebanese family living in Liberia. They lost everything in the civil war and were forced to return to Beirut, Lebanon, only to 16 again in more armed conflicts. At the age of 19, he embarked on a nomadic journey to seek a better life. He lived in the US, Italy, and the Czech Republic before he arrived in Paris. 17 he was unable to speak French, he managed to find work in a variety of restaurant kitchens, starting out as a dishwasher. One night, the cook cut his hand and had to go to hospital. Geaam took over and fed the customers. At the end of the night, all of the customers were delighted. Geaam’s 18 with food was evident in his childhood. He liked to watch cookery shows on television after school rather than cartoons. He started cooking while doing his national service in Lebanon. The colonel of his regiment was so impressed that he 19 him his personal chef. Today Geaam is the chef of his Michelin-starred restaurant, located in the center of Paris. “I thought the Michelin guide was about chefs in big fancy hotels or those trained by great masters. But it turned out to be the 20 ! I can’t believe they would be interested in someone like me, who was self-taught and had to sleep in the street at 19,” said the 43-year-old Michelin-starred chef.
(A) tolerance
(B) fascination
(C) dignity
(D) standard


請依下文回答第 47 題至第 50 題:
        It matters where you are born. This is true if you are a chicken. While most laying hens in the US live in cagesthe size of a file-cabinet drawer, California’s new laws require the space for each hen be doubled, enough to letthem stand up and extend their wings. The idea of animal welfare seems to be catching on as Oregon, Michigan andWashington are following suits. Furthermore, in India, dairy farmers also begin to believe happier cows can pay offin both healthier milk and bigger profits.

【題組】 47 What do California’s new laws ask their farmers to do?
(A) To enlarge the cages.
(B) To exercise their hens.
(C) To renew their cabinet drawers.
(D) To catch their chicken.


