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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(331~335)
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A scorpion and a frog met at the side of a river. The scorpion wanted to cross the river, but he didn’t know how to swim. “Please, Mr. Frog,” he said, “would you carry me across the river?” “I can’t do that,” said the frog. “You are a scorpion, and you will sting me.” “No,” said the scorpion. “I won’t sting you because then we will both drown in the river.” This made sense to the frog, and he agreed to help him. The scorpion climbed onto the back of the frog, and the frog began to swim. When they reached the middle of the river, the scorpion stung the frog. It hurt the frog very much, and they both began to sink under the water. “Why did you sting me?” asked the frog. “Now I will die, and you will surely drown.” “I couldn’t help it,” said the scorpion. “I am a scorpion, and that is what scorpions do. And you knew I was a scorpion when you let me ride on your back.”
【題組】47. Which of the following statements is true about the story?
(A) The scorpion asked the frog to teach him to swim.
(B) The scorpion did what scorpions would do.
(C) The scorpion swam with the frog.
(D) The scorpion helped the frog to swim.


44 . Waitress: May I take your order now, sir? 
Customer: Yes. Please give me a cup of coffee. 
Waitress: Would you like your coffee black, sir? 
Customer: _____ 
(A)What other colors do you have? 
(B)No, I prefer black tea. 

(C)What is your suggestion? 
(D)No, with sugar and cream.


The historic center of Hoi An looks just how Vietnam is supposed to look: narrow lanes, wooden shop houses, a charming covered bridge. Hoi An’s well preserved architecture –from the 16th century onward, the harbor town attracted traders from China, India, Japan and as far as Holland and Portugal – led United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to deem it a World Heritage site, praising it as an outstanding demonstration of cultural blending over time in an international commercial port. When Hoi An was first recognized as a World Heritage site in 1999, the city welcomed 160,300 tourists. In 2011, 1.5 million tourists arrived. Today, tour buses crowd the edge of Hoi An’s old town. Tourists flood the historic center. Hundreds of nearly identical storefronts – providing food and selling the same tailored clothes, shoes and lanterns – colonize the heritage structures. To squeeze tourism revenue, a hospital has been forced to move out. Its building, built in the 19th century, now houses a tailoring business. While local government officials and business owners view changes in the old town positively, tourists are beginning to notice the loss of authenticity in Hoi An. A 2008 UNESCO report sounded the alarm that “unless tourism management can be improved, the economic success generated by tourism will not be sustainable in the long term.”
【題組】77 What country is Hoi An located in?


33 John: I stayed up last night again, writing my term paper. Jane: _____ You look very tired and I can see your dark circles clearly.
 John: Yeah, I know, and I’m heading home to get some sleep.
(A) No wonder.
(B) Forget it.
(C) Just kidding.
(D) Never mind.


42 A great _____ often succeeds by thinking out of the box.
(A) commuter
(B) inventor
(C) elevator
(D) register


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(331~335)-阿摩線上測驗
