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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文2024~2020難度:(1136~1145)
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33 New immigrants not only need to adjust to a new culture, they also, often, must _____ with traumatic experiences from their past.
(A) come to terms
(B) come in handy
(C) catch up
(D) team up


請依下文回答第 12 題至第 16 題
        The Buddhist attitude towards death is fundamentally conditioned by a belief in reincarnation.   12    Hindus, Buddhists believe that, after death, the soul is reborn in another body. The kind of body and the station of life into which the individual is reborn   13   upon the kind of life he or she led previously. Those who led virtuous lives and attained merit are reborn into conditions that allow them to practice even greater virtue and to achieve a yet more   14   incarnation. The   15      also holds true; those who lead depraved lives can suffer a series of rebirths, each lower and more wretched than the last. This process is not endless, however. The soul seeks the upward path, and after innumerable incarnations can, through meditation and contemplation, become aware of the universal meaning of things. The Buddha is released from the cycle of death and rebirth,   16   the forms and changes of the material universe, and dwells forever in a timeless, formless, and unchanging state known as Nirvana.

(A) follows
(B) detaches
(C) embodies
(D) transcends


請依下文回答第 37 題至第 41 題:
        Three of the nation’s most influential woman activists are launching an organization. It aims to __37__    thepolitical power of women to influence elections and shape local and national policy priorities. The organization,which __38_ itself as multiracial and intergenerational, has a goal of training and __39__ two million womenover the next year to become organizers and political leaders in their communities. The effort comes at a momentwhen women have emerged as perhaps the most powerful force in politics. The organization isn’t expectedto __40__    individual candidates. But the group will help educate women about candidates’ positions on issuesincluding pay equity and __41__ child care. They aim to push politicians to adopt an agenda akin to a “women’snew deal.”

(A) minimizing
(B) mitigating
(C) mobilizing
(D) modulating


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
        Since March 2020, routine childhood immunization services have been disrupted on a global scale that may be unprecedented since the inception of expanded programs on immunization in the 1970s. Fifty-three percent of the 129 countries where data were available reported moderate-to-severe disruptions, or a total __41__ of vaccination services during March-April 2020. “Immunization is one of the most powerful and fundamental disease prevention tools in the history of public health,”said Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “Disruption to immunization programmes from the COVID-19 pandemic __42__ to unwind decades of progress against vaccine-preventable diseases like measles.”
       “At the 4 June Global Vaccine Summit in London, donors will __43__ their support to the Vaccine Alliance to sustain and accelerate this lifesaving work in some of the most vulnerable countries. From the bottom of my heart, I urge donors to fully fund the Alliance.”
        The reasons for disrupted services __44__ . Some parents are reluctant to leave home because of restrictions on movement, lack of information or because they fear __45__ with the COVID-19 virus. And many health workers are unavailable because of restrictions on travel, or redeployment to COVID response duties, as well as a lack of protective equipment.

(A) vary
(B) defer
(C) deter
(D) verify


     Australia is literally a land apart. While it is attractive and welcoming to visitors, from the perspective of     46      they are very keen to keep themselves separate. Australia has had some bad experiences    47    misguidedly importing rabbits and cane toads into the country.    48    hence has become a major concern. The government maintains a data base of about 20,000 materials that have the potential to cause trouble and must be declared at the    49    . If you fail to declare them upon arrival, it is almost certain they will be confiscated and you may    50    have to paya fine up to $66,000. If you have declared all the items in the Incoming Passenger Card, then even if the goods are not permitted and must be confiscated, you will not be liable for a fine. The authorities are not unreasonable, just strict.

(A) Evolution
(B) Geneticism
(C) Biosecurity
(D) Ecosystem


38 Bruce_______ the order of the court by going near his wife and abusing her one more time until she was wounded.
(A) darted
(B) decreed
(C) deduced
(D) defied


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
       Two of the wealthiest African-American men in America live in Chicago, with its large African-American middle-class community. Because both men are named Johnson, their names and businesses are sometimes each confused with the other, aggravating both men. Each is justifiably proud of the business he has created for himself and the position it gives him in African-American cultural, social, and business life.
       George Johnson is the founder of Johnson Products Company, which manufactures cosmetics. The JohnsonProducts Company is one of the largest African-American owned companies in the United States, and it is also one of the most successful. Its founders and its corporate officers are proud of the company’s position. They also feel a certain pride because the Johnson Products Company was among the first companies to realize that African-Americans inAmerica were a distinct market group, with distinct needs, and with the affluence to buy and support products aimed at meeting their needs. The Johnson Products cosmetics are all designed for the needs of African-Americans.
       John Johnson is the founder of Johnson Publishing Company, the largest African-American owned publishing company in the nation. As an office boy at Supreme Life Insurance, Johnson was assigned to maintain a file of news clippings about the achievements of African-Americans, and he noticed that there was no national newspaper or magazine devoted to coverage of African-American news. He borrowed the printing equipment at the life insurance offices, and he raised money for advertisements by mortgaging his mother’s furniture. He knew he was going to make it when $6,000 worth of subscriptions poured in for his first issue. His monthly Negro Digest made him wealthy enough to launch a second publication, Ebony, which was even more successful than his first. Ebony has one and a third million subscribers. In fact, the company had been worth more than $60 million because the company has branched into real estate, banking, and insurance. The officers and owners are proud that this success has come from serving the African-American community, once again proving its power as a market. Life magazine, which Ebony followed in its use of large photographs, has ceased publication, but Ebony keeps rolling off the presses every week. In a word, Johnson Publishing Company is an iconic part of American and African American history .

【題組】 50 What does the word “affluence” mean in the passage?
(A) Knowledge
(B) Rationale
(C) Wealth
(D) Credit


26 The charity was established to offer essential assitance to______ children who lack access to basic education and healthcare.


36 Students develop the knowledge and skills to_______ texts for communicating in various contexts.


44 I was entrusted to_______ to a local newspaper article analyzing the stock market.

一、英譯中:請將下列英文翻譯成中文。(20分) Turkey has initiated a dispute complaint with the World Trade Organization (WTO) against the United States for imposing additional tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from Turkey. The WTO says Turkey requested dispute consultations on Monday on claims that the doubling of duties on steel and aluminum was inconsistent with international trade rules. The US has doubled the tariffs in response to Turkey's rejection of a request to release an American pastor detained for the past 2 years for alleged involvement in an abortive military coup. Turkey has retaliated by imposing tariffs on American products. As the rift deepens between the two North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) allies, anxiety is rising over Turkey's economic uncertainty.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文2024~2020難度:(1136~1145)-阿摩線上測驗

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