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A: Do you know when the new traffic rules will become effective? B: ___________________________ 
(A)It is ten past ten. 
(B)So far so good. 
(C)As far as I know, it is in January 2011. 
(D)I know an efficient method.

2( ).

13. The ________ of the Internet was ARPANET, something used by the US Department of Defense in the late 1960s.
(A) renaissance
(B) melancholy
(C) concession
(D) predecessor

3( ).

Music which is original is individual and personal. That is to say, it can be identified as belonging to a particular composer. It has particular qualities, or a style, which are not copied from another. If you can recognize the style of a composer, you will probably be able to tell that a certain composition belongs to him or her even though you have never heard it before. A basket-maker has the skill of weaving and interweaving his materials to create colorful patterns. Similarly, in music a composer organizes his melodies and rhythm and combines sounds to create harmony. A composer may be capable of thinking up very good, original tunes, yet if tunes are poorly organized, that is, if the workmanship is poor, the final result will not be up to standard. Good music expresses feelings in a way that is suitable to those feelings. These may be joy, sorrow, fear, love, anger, or whatever. Bad music, on the other hand, may exaggerate some feelings and make them vulgar, that is, cheap and ugly. Good music will stand the test of time. It will not go out of fashion but will continue to be enjoyed and respected long after it is first introduced. It will gain a kind of permanent status while bad music will disappear and be forgotten quickly in pop music, where the general rule seems to be Tthe newer the better,U the test of time is the hardest test of all to pass.
【題組】Which of the following is true about a piece of original music? 
(A) It has a personal style. 
(B) It sounds very familiar to our ears. 
(C) It has a style that cannot be recognized.
(D) It does not belong to any composer.

4( ).

   If you took off your skin and laid it flat, it would cover an area of about 1.9 square meters, making it by far the body’s largest organ. Covering almost the entire body, skin protects us from a variety of external forces, such as extremes of temperature, damaging sunlight, harmful chemicals, and dangerous infections. Skin is also packed with nerves, which keeps the brain in touch with the outside world. 
   The health of our skin and its ability to perform its protective functions are crucial to our well-being. However, the appearance of our skin is equally – if not more – important to many people on this planet. Take skin color for example. Your genes determine your skin’s color, but for centuries, humans have tried to lighten or darken their skin in an attempt to be more attractive. In the 1800s, white skin was desirable for many Europeans. This color meant that its owner was a member of the upper class and did not have to work in the sun. Among darker-skinned people in some parts of the world, products used to lighten skin color are still popular today. In other cultures during the 20th century, as cities grew and work moved indoors, attitudes toward light skin shifted in the opposite direction. Tanned skin began to represent leisure time and health. In many places today, sun tanning on the beach or in a salon remains popular, even though people are more aware of the dangers of UV rays.     Just as people have altered their skin color to show wealth or beauty, some cultures around the globe marked their skin to indicate cultural identity or community status. Tattooing, for instance, has been carried out for thousands of years. Leaders in ancient Egypt, Britain, Peru and other places wore tattoos to demonstrate their social importance or bravery. Today, among the Maori people of New Zealand as well as cultures in Samoa, Tahiti, and Borneo, full-facial tattoos are still used to identify the wearer as a member of a certain family and to symbolize the person’s achievements.

【題組】10. Which of the following is NOT what ancient people or cultural tribes intend to show by tattoos?
(A) How skillful they are in facial painting.
(B) Their social status among their people.
(C) Which group or tribe they belong to.
(D) What they have accomplished successfully.

5( ).

       A Native-American sweat lodge is a ceremonial sweat bath that typically has its roots in Native-American history and culture. Traditionally, it is a purifying ritual that uses intense heat to stimulate vision and insight. A sweat lodge ceremony helps detoxify the body by stimulating blood circulation and causing you to sweat out impurities. You are typically naked or wrapped in a towel.
       A traditional Native American sweat lodge is dome-shaped and built low to the ground. Rocks are heated up in a fire outside the lodge and then brought into the center of the lodge with a shovel and placed in a dug pit. More rocks are brought in, traditionally in four rounds, and the sweat lodge gets progressively hotter. The person in charge of the ceremony “pours the water” and is responsible for the health and well-being of participants. Typically, there are 8 to 12 participants, but there can be as many as a few dozen. Pouring water on the rocks creates steam, which makes the Native American sweat lodge feel even hotter. Sweet grass or sage is scattered on the rocks. You might be smudged with sage smoke before entering the sweat lodge to aid with the ritual of purification. It is usual to offer up prayers, share your thoughts with others, and ask for the release of pain and suffering.
       The sweat ceremony is intended as a spiritual reunion with the creator and a respectful connection to the earth itself as much as it is meant for purging toxins out of the physical body. The ceremony is believed to free the mind of distractions, offering clarity (mental healing); to allow for introspection and connection to the planet and the spiritual world (spiritual healing); and to provide antibacterial and wound-healing benefits (physical healing).

【題組】12. What is the purpose of a sweat lodge ceremony?
(A) To lose weight by sweating a lot.
(B) To reconnect with family through heat.
(C) To spiritually reunite with the creator.
(D) To enjoy the wonder of nature.


