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試卷測驗 - 106 年 - 106 學士後西醫:英文#78697
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1. The Prime Minister has repudiated racist remarks made by a member of the Conservative Party.
(A) approved
(B) assented
(C) confirmed
(D) spurned
(E) ratified


2. In the face of a recession of the business, he decided to travel to the other countries to learn about foreign production methods.
(A) stagnation
(B) reflation
(C) devotion
(D) emigration
(E) inflation


3. A series of atrocious acts committed by ISIS have provoked anger around the globe.
(A) destructive
(B) appalling
(C) virtuous
(D) falling
(E) alluring


4. The President’s speech has prompted an angry response from both political parties.
(A) provoked
(B) extinguished
(C) discouraged
(D) restrained
(E) celebrated


5. A great proportion of laborers, having lost their plots of lands, had no subsidiary earnings to cushion themselves against unemployment.
(A) advantageous
(B) managing
(C) supreme
(D) supplementary
(E) dominant


6. Freedom of expression is the matrix, the principle substance, of nearly every form of invention.
(A) mixture
(B) origin
(C) effect
(D) custom
(E) adjustment


7. There have been many leaders in the world, but Adolf Hitler is considered the ultimate monstrous dictator who entered the extraordinary stage of history.
(A) glorious
(B) magnificent
(C) gigantic
(D) outrageous
(E) miniature


8. Oil was used instead of water in magnetic compass to stabilize the compass disk from erratic movement.
(A) noticeable
(B) mercurial
(C) constant
(D) unoriginal
(E) threadbare


9. The gardening art in Central Florida makes the landscape vibrant and bright.
(A) muffled
(B) vigorous
(C) inactive
(D) sluggish
(E) apathetic


10. People in Minneapolis have called for a boycott of a local shopping mall over the unfair treatment of employees of color in hiring, promotion, and discipline.
(A) champion
(B) advocate
(C) patronage
(D) repression
(E) protest 


B. Please choose the BEST answer to complete each sentence.11. One of the new smartphone’s features is a magnetic wireless data transfer feature which keeps accessories from being made _________ by new connection standards.
(A) obsolete
(B) navigating
(C) essential
(D) graphic
(E) sensational


12. The key to avoid resource exhaustion is _________ — finding new and efficient ways of conserving more and consuming less.
(A) reasonability
(B) profitability
(C) achievability
(D) attainability
(E) sustainability


13. If the product doesn’t work, the customers are given an option of a refund or a _________.
(A) transaction
(B) redemption
(C) commission
(D) provision
(E) replacement


14. Leonardo Da Vinci _________ us with his knowledge of invention, painting, sculpting, architecture, science, music, and mathematics.
(A) dazzled
(B) deemed
(C) abolished
(D) addicted
(E) obliged 


15. You must have heard about The Phantom of the Opera. Its German language production _________ at the Theater an der Wien in December 1988.
(A) premiered
(B) predicted
(C) preceded
(D) precluded
(E) pre-oriented


16. A _________ of artists gathered in Berlin to display their innovative and grotesque artworks.
(A) block
(B) form
(C) coterie
(D) loner
(E) barrel


17. The general manager of the company refuted the _________ of misdirected investment concerning the decline of sales performance in the first quarter.
(A) allegations
(B) elongation
(C) allocation
(D) deletion
(E) adulation


18. Jack the Ripper was one of Britain’s most _________ serial killers who took prostitutes’ lives away in the slums of the East End of London.
(A) exquisite
(B) notorious
(C) qualitative
(D) tedious
(E) nutritious


19. The erudite scholar always delivers his speech in a _________ way, which always makes audience get lost in the labyrinth of lore.
(A) profound
(B) frivolous
(C) transparent
(D) disturbing
(E) propitious


20. After the occurrence of the 10th North Korean missile launch, UN Security Council _________ to call an emergent meeting.
(A) colluded
(B) counseled
(C) tumbled
(D) scrambled
(E) disposed 


21. The bookstore _________ closed many years ago but for the insistence of the customers to keep it open.
(A) would be
(B) were
(C) would have been
(D) had been
(E) has been


22. Laughter can reduce the effects that stress brings to us. Experts recommend that the stress sufferer _________ something funny nearby.
(A) keeping
(B) to keep
(C) has to keep
(D) keep
(E) is to keep


23. Mary is criticized as a “fallen woman” for her extramarital affair with the boss. _________ hard she tries to prove her ability in the workplace, she never gains the credit she deserves.
(A) However
(B) Whatever
(C) How
(D) Whoever
(E) No matter what


24. _________ journalists manipulate the order of the information to achieve more drama or other effects in their writing is inherent in all journalism.
(A) While
(B) Which
(C) That
(D) However
(E) Thus


25. Researchers built computer stimulations to compare 63 fossilized skulls from ancient times — each _________ to a different species — to 13 modern whales.
(A) correspond
(B) corresponding
(C) is corresponding
(D) corresponded
(E) corresponds


 B. For each sentence, please choose one underlined part that contains FAULTY English.26. On the evening of the poll, all candidates tried their best to address to the public concerning their political views and futureprospects with a view to winning a landslide victory
(B) address to
(C) concerning  
(E)landslide victory.


27. For every inch you tilt your head forward, the pressure on your spine doubles. So if you’re looking at a smartphone in  your lap, your neck is holding up which feels like 20 or 30 pounds.
(C) doubles


28. Singapore’s only landfill is a 20-minute ferry ride south from the main island. It is the home of coconut trees and banyan bushes. All the trash from Singapore’s 4.4 million residents has dumped here 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
(A) 20-minute
(B) south from
(C) All
(D) 4.4 million
(E) has dumped


29. Neither Prince nor Molly were wearing seatbelts, according to the accident reports, and it is likely that Molly would have survived the crash had she been wearing her seatbelt. 
(A) nor
(B) were wearing
(C)it is likely 
(D)would have survived
(E) had


30. The perception of attractiveness is multimodal, meaning it does not reliant on just one factor, such as physical appearance,  but rather multiple factors, including body order and voice.
(A) meaning
(B)does not reliant on
(C) such as
(D)but rather


Please read the following chart/excerpts/passages closely and then choose the BEST answer for each of the questions according to the contents. When humans first ventured out of Africa some 60,000 years ago, they left genetic footprints still visible today. By mapping the appearance and frequency of genetic markers in modern peoples, we create a picture of when and where ancient humans moved around the world. These great migrations eventually led the descendants of a small group of Africans to occupy even the farthest reaches of the Earth. Our species is an African one: Africa is where we first evolved, and where we have spent the majority of our time on Earth. The earliest fossils of recognizably modern Homo sapiens appear in the fossil record at Omo Kibish in Ethiopia, around 200,000 years ago. Once the climate started to improve, the population expanded, and some intrepid explorers ventured beyond Africa. These early beachcombers expanded rapidly along the coast to India, and reached Southeast Asia and Australia by 50,000 years ago. Around 20,000 years ago a small group of these Asian hunters entered the East Asian Arctic during the Last Glacial Maximum. At this time the great ice sheets covering the far north had literally sucked up much of the Earth’s moisture in their vast expanses of white wasteland, dropping sea levels by more than 300 feet. This exposed a land bridge that connected the Old World to the New, joining Asia to the Americas. People’s journey never ended. By 14,000 years ago they had penetrated the land south of the ice, and made it all the way to the tip of South America. Is this part of story amazing?
【題組】31. This essay falls into the research field of _________.
(A) genetic engineering
(B) biotech engineering
(C) romantic history
(D) travel literature
(E) migration studies


【題組】32. Please tell the reason why we human species can be called “African one”.
(A) Because we were all born in Africa.
(B) Because genetic footprints proved that humans first evolved in Africa.
(C) Because Ethiopian people have a longer history of civilization.
(D) Because Africans moved to Asia.
(E) Because the population of Africans is larger.


【題組】33. What is the purpose of this essay?
(A) The author suggests we should take a trip to Africa.
(B) The author’s purpose is to theorize the importance of human over other animals.
(C) The author argues about human rights.
(D) The author proposes a map of human migration.
(E) The author wants to discover America.


【題組】34. According to the essay, which statement is correct?
(A) Some 50,000 years ago, people knew how to reach Asia by reading the stars in the sky.
(B) Humans moved to South America two thousand years ago.
(C) Migration studies can help us understand human history and geographical exploration.
(D) One group of people chose to stay in Iceland.
(E) Asian hunters were brave enough to reach the Arctic.


【題組】35. In what way can the scientists produce the migration theory of Homo sapiens?
(A) Genetic analysis
(B) Horoscope
(C) Historical records
(D) Fiction
(E) Story tellers


The statue of the “raging bull” is world renown. Seeing it and taking a photo of it is a must for tourists. Its popularity, however, is not just about its huge size and expressive pose. Do you know where the “raging bull”, a 3,175 kg bronze, is located? What is the reason for its obvious might? It was created by the American-Italian sculptor Arturo di Modica and was meant to stand for “strength, power, and hope of the American people for the future”. The figure was first delivered to the New York Stock Exchange, Wall Street, on December 15, 1989 as a Christmas present to the citizens. It was confiscated by city government, but the public vocalized their opinions so loudly that it was displayed in Bowling Green Park where it still remains, just south of the Stock Exchange and facing Broadway. Di Modica gave the gift because of the hopelessness felt by the people after the 1987 financial crisis on Wall Street. The bull became much more applicable in 2008 than in 1989 when it was first given.
【題組】36. What did Arturo di Modica believe the bull could do when he created it?
(A) Show that anger cannot help you succeed.
(B) Teach you that the Stock Exchange is difficult to rein, like a bull.
(C) Remind people of the mistakes they made during 1987.
(D) Outcry for the public about their rage against the impotent government during the financial crisis.
(E) Give the American people hope and the realization that they have the strength to overcome difficulties.


【題組】37. In the third paragraph, what is the synonym of the word “confiscate”?
(A) relinquish
(B) abuse
(C) expropriate
(D) displace
(E) forfeit


【題組】38. Why do you think this article was written about the “raging bull”?
(A) The author was relaying a message to readers about the strength of the bull compared to the struggles of financial institutions in the stock market.
(B) It was written for lovers of art and sculpture who want to include viewing the statue as a part of a cultural event.
(C) The author intended to show the power of a bull to those who live in a big city and are not able to see such animals in person.
(D) The author wanted to send a message that America’s future is bright, because the bull stands for perfection in its financial system.
(E) The author aimed to narrate America’s financial history in the 1970s by the story of the bull.


【題組】39. According to the article, which of the following statements about the bull is incorrect?
(A) It was a Christmas gift for the New York people.
(B) It has been standing in Bowling Green Park for more than two decades.
(C) No tourist would want to skip the iconic sight of the famous bull when they visit the Wall Street.
(D) The raging bull is only temporarily permitted to stand on the city property and will be moved to Broadway in 2008.
(E) The pose of the bull is a symbol of financial optimism, encouraging New York citizens not to lose hope.


【題組】40. What is the author’s opinion about the “raging bull” as part of the culture of New York City and America at large?
(A) It is a controversial but inspiring piece of artistic object.
(B) It is supposed to be confiscated by the city government.
(C) It is a sarcastic showing of pride given the details of the stock market’s financial crises.
(D) It stands for the public protest against the heartless financial market.
(E) It is a very worthy, meaningful piece of art by a sculptor with good intentions.


In India’s capital, new housing sprawls as far as the eye can see, a symbol of the world’s fastest growing major economy. There also are towering symbols of the environmental cost of all this. Ghazipur, one of the city’s landfills, more than 10 stories high, an accumulation by now of more than 10 million tons of waste, is one of the biggest problems in India now. Trucks are bringing in an additional 2,000 tons of unsorted garbage here every day. The trash problem is now a crisis at many levels. First, India is on the _________ zone, so if there is an earthquake, the mound of trash would slide down. Even without an earthquake, festering garbage would spew toxins into the air while a stew of heavy metals and organic and inorganic pollutants washes into the soil when it rains. Now a company, contracted by Indian government, attempts to tackle this crisis by a power plant to convert waste to energy, sent to the electric grid. However, this is not the first attempt at creating energy from waste. Previous ones haven’t worked, according to environmental activists, because of the inability to sort and segregate the waste which is then used for incineration. If the trash isn’t sorted properly, you may have both very toxic emissions that come out of the plant and fuel of very poor quality that is generated. The proper segregation of the trash fails because in a caste society like India, waste has been the domain of people on the lowest rung of the age-old social hierarchy, not the middle classes who generate most of it.
【題組】41. According to the article, which of the following statements is correct?
(A) Cleaners have to sort 2,000 tons of garbage in Ghazipur everyday.
(B) The tallest skyscraper in the capital of India is 10 stories high.
(C) The economic growth encourages India to abolish its age-old caste system.
(D) The landfill is a consequence accompanying the rising awareness of eco-friendliness.
(E) Toxic emissions out of the power plant may have to do with the heavy metals in the burned waste.


【題組】42. In the second paragraph, which of the following words best fits the blank?
(A) buffer
(B) landslide
(C) temperate
(D) seismic
(E) infertile


【題組】43. What is the main reason for the failure to segregate trash in India?
(A) The speed of generating trash is way much faster than cleaning it.
(B) Waste is always treated as someone else’s problem.
(C) There is only one company in India in charge of 10 million tons of trash.
(D) Too many earthquakes in India cause the landfills to collapse.
(E) The toxic waste from the burning trash prevents the cleaners’ job.


【題組】44. In the second paragraph, what is the meaning of the word “festering”?
(A) massive
(B) thriving
(C) venomous
(D) flourishing
(E) rotten


【題組】45. Which of the underlined words in the following sentences has the similar meaning of the word “incineration” in the third paragraph?
(A) Add the ingredients from your favorite recipe, boil for a few minutes, and then turn the heat down to simmer all day.
(B) The Florida Forest Service says more than 100 active wildfires scorch part of Florida, urging Governor Rick Scott to declare a state of emergency.
(C) Samsung claimed that one cause of combustion of the Galaxy Note 7 is a problem with the “battery management system”.
(D) Desiccation damage in this season is a common problem that can lead to the death of formerly healthy plants.
(E) Microbes decompose organic waste into a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide.


Almost 2 billion people lack access to essential medicines. This deprivation causes immense and avoidable suffering: ill health, pain, fear, loss of dignity and life. Improving access to existing medicines could save 10 million lives each year, 4 million of them in Africa and South-East Asia. Besides deprivation, gross inequity in access to medicines remains the overriding feature of the world pharmaceutical situation. Average per capita spending on medicines in high income countries is 100 times higher than in low-income countries: about US$ 400 compared with US$ 4. WHO estimates that 15 percent of the world’s population consumes over 90 percent of the world’s production of pharmaceuticals. Especially, national supply systems for medicines often do not reach those living in poverty. The human right to health means that everyone has the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, which includes access to all medical services, sanitation, adequate food, decent housing, healthy working conditions, and a clean environment. The human right to health guarantees a system of health protection for all. Everyone has the right to the health care they need and to living conditions that enable us to be healthy, such as adequate food, housing, and a healthy environment. Existing national and international policies, rules and institutions give rise to these massive deprivations and inequalities. Our current goals include reducing child mortality, improving maternal health, and combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases in the world.
【題組】46. Which is the most appropriate title of this essay?
(A) Human Right to Health and Health Care
(B) Importance of Human Right
(C) A Need for a Healthy Environment
(D) Health Care for Public Good
(E) Medical and Health Care


【題組】47. According to the essay, what is the cause of inequalities of medicine and public care?
(A) Gross inequity
(B) Military expanses
(C) Personal saving
(D) Too many high income countries
(E) War


【題組】48. WHO estimates that 15 percent of the world’s population consumes over 90 percent of the world’s production of pharmaceuticals. What is the implication of this sentence?
(A) It is easy to use data from national surveys.
(B) Increases in the cost of medical treatment make healthcare increasingly unaffordable.
(C) Socioeconomic problems of health disparities can be solved easily.
(D) People in under-developed places have difficulties getting access to health care.
(E) People from South-East Asia have better access to healthcare.


【題組】49. The human right to health means that everyone has the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. What is NOT considered as the example of attainable physical and mental health?
(A) opportunities to play sports
(B) sanitation
(C) adequate food
(D) clean environment
(E) healthy working conditions


【題組】50. Which statement is true?
(A) Cases of lacking medicine involve the right to freedom.
(B) We need to depend on rich merchants to eliminate inequalities.
(C) National supply system always functions well.
(D) Very few people in the world need access to medicine.
(E) Deprivation causes immense suffering of people.

IV. Essay Writing: 20 points Please write a well-organized essay with at least 200 words to comment on part of the speech, “The Peril of Indifference,” delivered by Elie Wiesel in 1999. “Of course, indifference can be tempting — more than that, seductive. It is so much easier to look away from victims. It is so much easier to avoid such rude interruptions to our work, our dreams, our hopes. It is, after all, awkward, troublesome, to be involved in another person’s pain and despair. Yet, for the person who is indifferent, his or her neighbors are of no consequence. And, therefore, their lives are meaningless. Their hidden or even visible anguish is of no interest. Indifference reduces the other to an abstraction”.


試卷測驗 - 106 年 - 106 學士後西醫:英文#78697-阿摩線上測驗
