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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文2024~2020難度:(1146~1155)
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Collaborative online international learning (COIL) is a recently developed form of education that promotes global learning between colleges and universities from different countries around the world. With the aid of modern technology such as the Internet and videoconferencing, students from schools in different countries can    41    their learning with peers of different cultural and language backgrounds. This is also an affordable way of international learning through    42    students can establish friendship with people of similar age and learn together without having to spend much money going abroad in order to do so. As the word, collaborative, indicates, this is a pedagogy that focuses on a student-centered approach of learning with teachers playing merely the role of    43    . They need to build up a sounding collaboration by developing    44    learning strategies and activities that can boost students' motivation in learning and their willingness to learn with and through each other. Through modern technology such as videoconferencing, students could discuss topics that are of interest to them and communicate with each other crossculturally. This is one fruitful way of gaining one's own global literacy and cross-cultural   45   . That is the reason why some universities in both the United States and Japan play an active role in encouraging this kind of learning world-wide.

(A)apply for
(B)embark on
(C)iron out
(D)own up


請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題
        A Tokyo-bound flight made a U-turn while flying over the Pacific Ocean and returned to Los Angeles because one passenger, for reasons still unclear, had boarded the wrong flight. All Nippon Airways Flight 175 left the Los Angeles International Airport at about 11:30 a.m. Tuesday Pacific Standard Time, spent about eight hours in the air and landed back in California just after 7:30 p.m., majorly inconveniencing its passengers, including model Chrissy Teigen, who live-tweeted the “flight to nowhere” to her 9.2 million followers. Teigen, who was traveling with her husband John Legend, wrote on Twitter that the plane was turned around about four hours into the flight. The Twitter world watched in amusement as Teigen kept her followers updated on the ordeal, which apparently involved an hours-long wait at the airport, unanswered questions, some police presence and a microwaveable Ramen meal.
        The incident involved two brothers, one of whom was an authorized All Nippon Airways, or ANA, passenger while the other had a United Airlines ticket, Transportation Security Administration spokesman Mike England said.
        The brothers, who were not identified, went through security screening without incident and had valid passports and boarding passes. Both were headed to Tokyo and were scheduled to leave around the same time. Both ended up on the ANA flight even though only one of them was an authorized passenger. It remains unclear how that happened. The airline said the decision to turn around was part of a security procedure.
        Weather concerns, mechanical problems, medical issues and terrorist threats are among the common reasons for diverting a plane. Others are unusual, but not unheard of.
        In 2015, for example, a British Airways flight flew back to Heathrow Airport just 30 minutes into the seven-hour flight to Dubai because of an overwhelming odor coming from the lavatory. A similar incident happened earlier this year, when a SpiceJet flight headed to New Delhi was diverted because of a “very foul smell” coming from the lavatory.

【題組】24 Which of the following reasons for diverting a plane has been mentioned in this passage?
(A) Toilet problems.
(B) Police presence.
(C) Publicity stunts.
(D) Twitter updates.


請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題
        Issues concerning women’s bodily integrity and autonomy, such as abortion, rape, and sterilization, are subject to strong opinions that give rise to equally charged political policies. As with other issues pertaining to women’s bodies, prostitution discourse is largely concerned with determining whether this social practice is exploitative, empowering, or a consequence of immorality.
         Prostitution is here defined as a social practice by which men gain sexual access to the bodies of predominantly women, children, and sometimes other men, through the exchange of money, goods, or housing.Prostitution, as a social construct, arises from “men’s dominance and women’s subordination.”
         Most people take one of three salient positions on prostitution. The first position argues that prostitution is a consequence of deficient moral character. This position draws heavily from patriarchal and religious traditions that equate female sexuality with temptation and male sexuality with dominance and sanctioned insatiability. The second position, the “sex work” position, asserts that prostitution is a valid form of labor and argues that prostitution is not inherently harmful to women. This position further contends that women have aright to decide what they will do with their bodies and that sex work, though oppressive for some, is potentially both lucrative and empowering for other women. The third position asserts that prostitution is a consequence of social, political, and economic inequality and argues that women are predominantly conscripted into prostitution because of their social vulnerability. Political regulation of prostitution activity varies according to each nation’s underlying economic and social justice commitments.

【題組】19 According to the passage, what is the major reason prostitution is immoral?
(A) Religious condemnation.
(B) Political commitment.
(C) Economic activity.
(D) Racial discrimination.


1 Mourning for a deceased family member is totally understandable, but if you find yourself on_______ the past too long and too much, you had better seek professional help.
(A) daunting
(B) dwelling
(C) drafting
(D) diving


請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題
     Do you have a “  type  ”? Do you always find yourself with a certain type of partner? Whether we like it or not, most of us have a certain ‘type’ of person we usually date or are attracted to. It doesn’t need to be physical. It might be something about their energy, the way they hold themselves or the way they command attention when they enter the room. Whatever it is, we find ourselves drawn to this ‘type’ of person. If you’re lucky enough to go for the lovely person with a gentle soul ‘type’, then it’s probably unlikely you care about the fact you have a ‘type’. ‘Type’ awareness comes to our attention because nine out of the last ten relationships were really not that great!
    The reason why we    wind    up with the same ‘type’ or find ourselves in a familiar relationship dynamic dates back to our earliest relationships. As a young child, we developed defense mechanisms in order to help us cope with fear, pain or frustrating circumstances in our environment. These defenses were a key contributing factor to how we formed opinions of ourselves, others and relationships. Without realizing, we unconsciously seek out people whose behavior support these opinions and beliefs. If we have formed negative ideas about ourselves, for example “I’m unlovable” or “I’m unattractive,” we seek out people who reinforce these unconscious beliefs, even if in reality we don’t like it.
    So how do you stop yourself from falling for the usual ‘type’? First, start from working out why you are attracted to your ‘type’. Spend some time with yourself to try and discover your deep-seated beliefs that contributed to attracting your partners. When you invest time in exploring your early attachment patterns, you can start to identify some of the areas that lead you to develop a love for your ‘type’. Next, look at your relationship history. What negative traits, patterns or similarities do all your ex-partners share? Make comparisons, but don’t forget the more subtle emotional aspects. How did they treat you? How did they make you feel?
    Understanding what draws you to your ‘type’ takes some time. Rushing out to find a new, perfect partner that’s the total opposite of your usual type isn’t going to be the answer to your ‘type’ dilemma. Although this may be refreshing for a short period of time, it is unlikely to turn out to be a long-lasting relationship. 21 What does the word “type” mean in this passage?

【題組】24 According to this passage, which of the following factors influences our date choice?
(A) Personal taste.
(B) Social media.
(C) Childhood experience.
(D) Inner beliefs.


35 Many successful leaders believe that a _____ approach should be taken in order to solve complex problems, with feasible solutions often being preferred over more idealistic ones.
(A) resilient
(B) resistant
(C) pragmatic
(D) precarious


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
       Nikola Tesla, a Serbian-American who emigrated to New York City in 1884, was a scientist and visionary who developed the basis for alternating current (AC) that most of us use today and pioneered numerous technologies that improve our everyday lives. Without his contribution to the AC electric power, we would be fifty years behind technologically than where we are today.
       In 1884, Tesla left Europe and worked for Thomas Edison, the developer of direct current (DC). It was said that Edison promised Tesla $50,000 to fix the problems with his DC system. When Tesla succeeded and demanded his reward, Edison claimed the offer was a joke, saying “When you become a full-fledged American, you will appreciate an American joke.” This prompted Tesla to quit and he ended up in a battle with Edison. Today, Tesla’s AC system is predominantly used to power most of the world’s electricity. DC motors are still used for some industrial machines, but often require more maintenance. 
         It is not just AC power that Tesla worked on. Motors, radios, X-rays, neon signs were advanced by his extraordinary mind. History often touts Italian entrepreneur Guglielmo Marconi as the inventor of radio, but actually he was using technology from seventeen of Tesla’s patents. The two inventors became embroiled in a patent war. In 1943, the United States Supreme Court revoked Marconi’s radio patents in favor of Tesla. Unfortunately, Tesla and Marconi had already passed away by the time the court handed down their decision.
       Tesla also invented one of the world’s earliest remote control and was a pioneer of X-ray technology. He took some of the first X-ray images of the human body and was one of the first scientists to hypothesize that X-rays could be harmful. The brilliant inventor contributed to reusable energy as well. Nine out of the twelve patents used to build the world’s first hydroelectric station, erected at Niagara Falls, New York, belonged to Tesla. He helped pave the way toward clean energy because he understood the physics behind energy and what might be possible in the future.
       Often referred to as “the man who invented the 20th century,” Tesla was involved in many more discoveries and creations. When he died in 1943, there was so much interest in what he was working on that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) raided his hotel room within hours of his death. Experts say Tesla envisioned his inventions improving people’s lives. Indeed, his innovative ideas were milestones of technology. The great pioneer believed “Invention is the most important product of men’s creative brain.”

【題組】50 Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
(A) Not until recently did Tesla become widely known.
(B) Edison mocked Tesla for not being a real American.
(C) Having won the case against Marconi meant a lot to Tesla.
(D) The US government had approached Tesla for cooperation.


12 Whole fruits and vegetables _______ their vitamins and other nutrients longer than those that have been cut and sliced.
(A) attain
(B) obtain
(C) detain
(D) retain


29 According to the report, the government is to increase spending next year in a bid to stimulate domestic demand and GDP growth as exports might continue to fall due to a ______ global economy.
(A) booming
(B) sluggish
(C) buoyant
(D) thriving


請依下文回答第 41 至第 45 題:
       Wolf pack leadership has long been of great interest to many scientists. What makes a wolf decide to __41__ out onits own and assert leadership of its pack? That question has long __42__ scientists. Now, a new study shows that graywolves infected with the parasite Toxoplasma gondii are more likely to become top dogs than uninfected wolves. Thefinding forces us to think more broadly about what influences how animals act, says Kira Cassidy, a __43__ biologist.Toxoplasma gondii is a single-celled parasite that infects at least one-third of the world’s human population at any giventime with the disease toxoplasmosis. __44__ the infection is usually mild, it can be fatal to the young or immune-suppressed. It’s famous for its ability to __45__ its hosts, most notably in making rodents reckless around housecats. Toxoplasma can only reproduce in the intestines of domestic or wild cats, yet it is widespread in nature, and can infect any warm-blooded animal.

(A) transplant
(B) manipulate
(C) demobilize
(D) impoverish

三、Redacción(15 分) 
Caso y tema: Si un comerciante taiwanés tuviera conflictos con alguna empresa latinoamericana y lo secuestraran, como representante de nuestro Gobierno, (1) ¿qué haría usted? (2) Escriba una carta oficial dirigida a la entidad responsable del país designado explicando la situación y posibles soluciones.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文2024~2020難度:(1146~1155)-阿摩線上測驗

Sam PENG剛剛做了阿摩測驗,考了70分