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試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 外交特種考試_四等_外交行政人員類科行政組:英文#116573
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1 The virus can be spread through coughing or sneezing, and this makes it highly _______.
(A) contagious
(B) compassionate
(C) customized
(D) constructed


2 This is a description of the _______period from an agricultural to an industrial society.
(A) transitional
(B) directional
(C) nutritional
(D) institutional


3 The dispute is a contest between these two countries over _______control of the region.
(A) territorial
(B) respiratory
(C) luxurious
(D) admirable


4 In a highly industrialized society, people tend to feel _______ and lonely because it is not easy to form a close relationship among people.
(A) disintegrated
(B) discharged
(C) distinguished
(D) alienated


5 Only people wearing _______ clothing can be admitted to the graduation ceremony.
(A) decent
(B) diplomatic
(C) dedicated
(D) duplicated


6 Every new employee is required to get familiar with the entire product _______ in one week.
(A) convention
(B) inventory
(C) invention
(D) conservatory


7 Of the five politicians criticized, only one was _______ enough to apologize to the public.
(A) bald
(B) bold
(C) bored
(D) blessed


8 Mexico has always had all the elements of an _______ vacation destination: fantastic beaches and beautiful hotels.
(A) upscale
(B) upside
(C) downside
(D) downscale


9 Good _______ helps a business to build better relationships with its customers.
(A) credibility
(B) termination
(C) hostility
(D) nomination


10 You had better not drink that milk. I think it _______ several days ago.
(A) inspired
(B) retired
(C) respired
(D) expired


11 Influenza is a highly _______ disease. It can easily be passed on to people around.
(A) influential
(B) infectious
(C) infamous
(D) inferior


12 Whole fruits and vegetables _______ their vitamins and other nutrients longer than those that have been cut and sliced.
(A) attain
(B) obtain
(C) detain
(D) retain


13 Injuries and death can be effectively prevented if more harsh _______ are to be enforced on drunk driving.
(A) motives
(B) penalties
(C) registrations
(D) violations


14 The furniture company already committed to making all its new products from eco-friendly, renewable and _______ materials.
(A) recycled
(B) removed
(C) repaired
(D) reprinted


15 About 600 residents were safely evacuated from their village before the volcano started to _______ .
(A) transform
(B) conceal
(C) erupt
(D) assemble


請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題
Bertie, a dog, had been left in a car in direct sunlight on the roof level of the multistory car park in SaffronWalden at midday yesterday. Firefighters were called to __16__ it from a boiling car after supermarket staffcouldn’t find its owner. While Bertie was __17__ in the car, its owner was shopping in the supermarket.Firefighters then broke a window to __18__ it. DogsTrust, a dog welfare charity,  __19__ that pets can die in just 20 minutes if left in a hot car, even if the windows are left open. Saffron Walden Fire Station is now urgingpet owners to keep pet safety and welfare in mind, as the UK is set for soaring __20__ this weekend.

(A) adopt
(B) feed
(C) highlight
(D) rescue


(A) accompanied
(B) imitated
(C) transported
(D) trapped


(A) insure
(B) please
(C) obtain
(D) release


(A) acclaims
(B) refutes
(C) disapproves
(D) warns


(A) prices
(B) sales
(C) temperatures
(D) groceries


請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題
We know that a lack of sleep will prevent your brain from being able to make new memories, so it’s __21__  withoutsleep the memory inbox of the brain shuts down and you can’t commit new experiences to memory. So thosenew __22__ informational emails are just bounced. You can’t essentially make and create those newmemories. We also know that a lack of sleep will __23__ an increased development of a toxic protein in thebrain and that is associated with Alzheimer’s disease. It is during deep sleep at night __24__ a sewage systemwithin the brain starts to wash away this toxic protein. So if you’re not getting __25__ sleep each and everynight, more of that Alzheimer’s-related protein will build up.

(A) as to
(B) as if
(C) as usual
(D) as for


(A) restoring
(B) incoming
(C) storing
(D) outgoing


(A) attribute to
(B) result from
(C) originate from
(D) lead to


(A) where
(B) when
(C) which
(D) who


(A) enough
(B) light
(C) rough
(D) slight

 (一) Like many of you, the Association has observed the unfolding events with regard to President Donald Trump’s recent Executive Order regarding entry to the United States with trepidation and concern. The order raises immediate and legitimate fears and concerns in relation to issues of immigration, refugees, human rights, and religious discrimination.

(二) We are saddened by the tragic loss of life and harm caused during the deadly shooting at Michigan State University, and we offer our deepest condolences to the families, friends, and communities of the victims. The shooting comes as a stark reminder of the tragedy of gun violence and is just the latest in a long string of similarly traumatic events at U.S. schools and higher education institutions. These traumatic events call for urgent attention. Together we must ensure that students and educators, whether at school, on campus, or elsewhere, are able to live and thrive safely and securely.

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試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 外交特種考試_四等_外交行政人員類科行政組:英文#116573-阿摩線上測驗

Caspar Chen剛剛做了阿摩測驗,考了100分