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試卷測驗 - 110 年 - 110 臺灣菸酒股份有限公司_從業職員及從業評價職位人員甄試試題_共同科目:英文#103253
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26. With no typhoons last summer, the island is expected to face problems of water ____ this year.
(A) passage
(B) strategy
(C) shortage
(D) coverage


27. After the collision, both drivers got out of their cars to ____ the damage.
(A) sustain
(B) inspect
(C) receive
(D) propose


28. These figures clearly ____ that the company is facing large-scale financial problems.
(A) analyze
(B) suspect
(C) recommend
(D) demonstrate


29. The Taiwanese player Tai Tzu-ying has been in very good shape, so she is expected to win a gold medal ____.
(A) handily
(B) hardly
(C) usually
(D) remotely


30. Kevin was ____ that after three weeks of exercise, he did not shed much weight.
(A) incapable
(B) overjoyed
(C) courageous
(D) disappointed


31. In recent years, it has become a trend for businesses to get opinions and ____ through online surveys.
(A) refund
(B) feedback
(C) argument
(D) exhibition


32. For the sake of ____ , you should wash your hands before meals and after using the restroom.
(A) quality
(B) control
(C) interest
(D) hygiene


33. After losing the election, Mr. Trump filed lawsuits, disputing the results and ____ a recount of the ballots.
(A) calling for
(B) looking up
(C) taking over
(D) digging out


34. Mary ____ have forgotten to water the plants while we were on vacation because they are all dead now.
(A) must
(B) would
(C) should
(D) maybe


35. I once tried to cut hair myself but it looked horrible. I‟ve learned the lesson and ____ my hair cut at a hair salon now.
(A) let
(B) take
(C) have
(D) make


36. ____ money, I have decided to dine out with friends less and start cooking at home more.
(A) Save
(B) Saved
(C) To save
(D) Having saved


37. I had a wonderful afternoon tea at the café ____ it offered a wide choice of cakes and pastries.
(A) though
(B) because
(C) as though
(D) because of


38. ____ the north wind blew, ____ the traveler pulled his coat around himself.
(A) Hard;tight
(B) Harder;tighter
(C) The Harder;the tighter
(D) The hardest;the tightest


39. Travelers who ____ in Taiwan are advised to voluntarily inform the officer if symptoms such as fever and cough develop.
(A) arrive
(B) arrives
(C) arriving
(D) to arrive


40. As COVID rages on, it‟s high time that we ____ our behavior and avoided mass gatherings.
(A) changing
(B) changed
(C) have changed
(D) are going to change


       M&M‟s „melts in your mouth, not in your hand‟ is found to be the most liked slogan in a recent study conducted by Texas Tech University. M&M‟s are a delicious snack that comes __41__ a rainbow of colors. The two M‟s are from the last names of the two co-creators of the candy, Forrest Mars and Bruce Murrie. In the 1930s, Forrest Mars saw a handful of soldiers __42__ a British-made candy called Smarties. After sampling the candy and being impressed with how the candy resisted melting, Forrest Mars returned to the US and began a __43__ with Bruce Murrie in 1941.
       M&M‟s are easy to eat and aren‟t likely to make a mess. That‟s __44__ NASA included them aboard the space shuttle Colombia in 1981. To this day, M&M‟s, or rather “candy-coated chocolates,” can still be found on the menu for astronauts serving on the International Space Station. Classic, colorful, and fun—these chocolate __45__ bring more to the table than just a sweet taste. Remember that the next time you reach for a bag of M&M‟s. 

(A) in
(B) by
(C) from
(D) down


(A) to eat
(B) eating
(C) eaten
(D) ate


(A) friendship
(B) township
(C) partnership
(D) scholarship


(A) why
(B) where
(C) when
(D) what


(A) spices
(B) strips
(C) meals
(D) snacks


       Have you ever dreamed of becoming a flight attendant? It looks like you get to travel around the world, all while getting paid. Actually, the life of a flight attendant is not really like the glamorous image that most people have in mind.
       Flight attendants have a much harder job than what passengers see on board. Always smiling and courteous, they endure a much harder work schedule than most. Even discounting the possible dangers of flying, flight attendants must put up with rude and demanding passengers. Sometimes passengers spill drinks, have crying and vomiting babies, or do not speak the same language as the crew. If you think working an eight- or nine-hour day is rough, don‟t try working on an airplane. Typically, flight attendants work 16- to 18-hour days, and most of that time they are standing on their feet. Those long hours do not include layovers. The pay is not great, either. Furthermore, you‟re in close contact with hundreds of passengers every day. Some of them may be sick, and you run the risk of getting infected. Last but not least, pushing around beverage carts used to serve drinks and food is not easy because they weigh more than 100 kilograms. On long-distance flights, these carts may be used several times. Therefore, being a flight attendant can be a very physically demanding job.
       Of course, if the work of a flight attendant were all bad, no one would want to be one. You do get to meet some great people during the flights. You are eligible for free flights, sometimes for your friends and family too! You have the opportunity to see more places in a few years than most people see in their entire lives. Sightseeing can really broaden your horizons. No matter what job you hope to have, be sure to do a little research on it first. Most of us have to work, but working at what you really want to do is the best employment.

【題組】46. What does “glamorous” in the first paragraph most likely mean?
(A) Attractive.
(B) Mysterious.
(C) International.
(D) Complicated.


【題組】47. What is this article mainly about?
(A) Benefits of being a flight attendant.
(B) Pros and cons of working at an airport.
(C) Requirements for being a flight attendant.
(D) What being a flight attendant is really like.


【題組】48. Which of the following is NOT listed as a health risk or physical demand for attending on board?
(A) Handling heavy food trollies.
(B) Standing on feet for long hours.
(C) Contacting passengers who are sick.
(D) Lacking sleep on long-distance flights.


【題組】49. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of being a flight attendant?
(A) Having a good pay.
(B) Meeting great people.
(C) Traveling many places.
(D) Taking a flight for free.


【題組】50. What does the author imply by the last few sentences of the passage?
(A) Travel is the best teacher.
(B) Being a flight attendant is a great job.
(C) People should know and do what they love for a living.
(D) Everyone needs a job whether good or not.


試卷測驗 - 110 年 - 110 臺灣菸酒股份有限公司_從業職員及從業評價職位人員甄試試題_共同科目:英文#103253-阿摩線上測驗
