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【精選】 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文難度:(76~90)
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42. Robert: You look lost. Can I help you?
Tourist: _____________________________________
Jane: It’s right around the corner. See the tall building over there?
(A)Please don’t ask. I’d rather not talk about it.
(B)No, thank you. I know the place like the back of my hand.
(C)Yes, please. I lost three hundred dollars. Could you lend me some money?
(D)Oh, yes. Please tell me how to get to the post office.


37. Clerk:What would you like, sir? 
Customer:Two Double Cheese Burgers. 
Clerk:OK, that’ll be $12.00 even. 
Clerk:Thank you, sir. Next, please. 
(A)Give me five.
(B)Here you are.
(C)Excuse me.
(D)Is that all?


13 Nicole: Do you have any plans for tomorrow, Alison? Alison: ____________________ Nicole: Let’s go shopping!
(A) No, it’s not going to rain tomorrow.
(B) No, I’m not doing anything special.
(C) Yes, I’m going to the movie with Tom.
(D) Yes, I’m going south to visit my aunt.


A: I’m worried the test may be very difficult. B: Believe me. It’s just _____. A: Are you sure?
(A)a bottle of water
(B)a piece of cake
(C)a glass of juice
(D)a couch potato


        Many people like to take exercises to keep fit. Some go jogging and cycling while others go swimming and play sports. One more common way of exercising nowadays is walking at a faster speed. It’s now getting more and more popular as you can see people doing it in parks and on roads. It is easy to follow and cheap as well. What you need is comfortable clothing and a pair of good shoes. Besides, it is a very effective exercise. It can make your hearts, lungs, and bones stronger and help you lose weight in a healthy way. It is also safer than other exercises such as jogging since it won’t hurt the joints on your knees. With so many benefits to gain from, there is no wonder that more and more people enjoy doing it.
【題組】According to the passage, which item is suggested every time you go walking?
(B)An umbrella
(C)A formal dress
(D)Comfortable clothing


33 Doris: Do you like country life? 
Danielle: _____. Living in the country is much more comfortable than that in the city.
(A) Not at all
(B) Of course
(C) Oh no
(D) Don’t mention it


40 Susan: What’s the weather going to be like? 
Emily: __________. 
Susan: Great! Maybe we can go fishing.
(A) It’s going to be sunny and mild
(B) It’s going to be cheap and delicious
(C) It’s going to be quick and convenient
(D) It’s going to be short and interesting


39 Waiter: Sir, are you ready to order now?
John: ______
Waiter: I will come back later.
(A)I'm always ready for food.
(B)Not yet.
(C)What can I say?
(D)Yes, I will reserve a table of four.


37 Penguins have______ but they cannot fly.
(A) legs
(B) wings
(C) eyes
(D) nests


33 A: Can you recommend to me an English tutor? B: Sure. Mr. Johnson is a very good one. A: Where does he live? B: ____
(A) Here’s my card.
(B) He’s my brother.
(C) Here’s his address.
(D) He likes live colors.


        When I was a kid, I did not like to play the piano. My parents asked me to practice the piano every day, but I just
   42   to go out and play with my classmates. I was so bored with practicing the same piece of music for hours that I
almost gave it   43   . When I was ten years old, I began my piano lessons with an   44   teacher, Beth, who allowed
me to choose the piece I would like to play and urged me to play for the pleasure of the music. Instead of criticizing me,
she encouraged me and taught me to have self confidence. I also learned from Beth that the beauty of music comes from
passion rather than from techniques. I am grateful to her   45   introducing me to the wonderful world of music.
        Now I enjoy playing the piano. I practice not for my parents but for   46   . Playing the piano can be a lot of fun. 



Her life seemed perfect to many people. Diana Spencer was born in 1961 to wealthy parents in Sandringham, England. She grew up with money, education, and love and in 1981 she did what many little girls dream about. She married a prince. By 1984, Diana had two beautiful sons, William and Harry. How could life be more perfect? But Diana’s life wasn’t perfect. She was terribly unhappy in her marriage to Prince Charles. In 1992 they separated, and in 1996 they divorced. But people in Britain and all over the world still loved Diana and respected her for the work she did to help people in poor countries. The press still followed her everywhere and reported everything she did, in both her public and private lives. And it seems that this adoring, sometimes critical, but always invasive press was at least partly responsible for Princess Diana’s death on August 31, 1997. Diana and Dodi al Fayed, who was reported to be her fiancé, were killed in a car crash in Paris while trying to escape a group of paparazzi. The princess’ death left many people wondering about just how far reporters should be allowed to go to get a story. Is a good story or photograph worth risking someone’s life?
【題組】47 How old was Diana Spencer when she died?
(A) 38 years old.
(B) 36 years old.
(C) 34 years old.
(D) 30 years old.


23 This hotel in the suburb is recently renovated. In fact, staying in this hotel is____________ comfortable than staying in a small and old one downtown.
(C) more
(D) little 


37 Thai people ______ the New Year with a water festival during which they throw water at each other all day.
(A) skip
(B) apply
(C) escape
(D) celebrate


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: 
 Summer Camp Schedule 

 Watch a movie, play in the yard, play with blocks, color, or read. Just do something easy and relax.
 Visit a museum. Take a trip to the zoo. Walk to the park. Just go. 

 Cook something together. Let’s have fun in the kitchen. 

 Try a new fun craft idea. Make play-dough. Finger paint. The options are endless. 

 Do something fun!

【題組】48 On which day can kids prepare food together in the kitchen?
(A) Monday.
(B) Wednesday.
(C) Thursday.
(D) Friday.


【精選】 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文難度:(76~90)-阿摩線上測驗
