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【精選】 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文難度:(91~105)
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36 Maria: Can I talk to Pat, please? 
Pat’s brother:_______ 
Maria: Maria Smith.
(A) She’s not home.
(B) Pat’s on the phone.
(C) Who’s calling, please?
(D) What did you say?


        One morning, Johnny and his little sister Shirley went to pick berries with other children and their mothers. They felt bored after picking for a long time. So they slipped away when nobody noticed them. They climbed up the hills. But soon they lost their way because there were many hills that looked the same. Feeling very tired, Shirley began to cry. Luckily, they found shelter in a cave among the rocks before it got dark. They slept in the cave that night. Next morning, they left the cave but still couldn't find the way home. They were happy to see a friendly wolf sitting on a rock. Johnny said to the wolf: “We are lost. Please help us find our way home.” The wolf wagged its tail and led them to a hilltop. Johnny and Shirley were filled with joy to see their home in the valley below. They begged the wolf to come and live with them. But the wolf wagged its tail again and disappeared in the wood. When they had returned home, they still missed the wolf very much.
【題組】50. Why did they want the wolf to live with them?
(A) The wolf was cute.
(B) They were not afraid of wild animals.
(C) Their mother wanted them to do so.
(D) The wolf had helped them and they wanted to thank him.


31 Joanna: I want to go shopping. ___________ Rainy: Sure. I also want to buy some winter clothes.
(A)How are you doing?
(B)How about you?
(C)Why not?
(D)How nice!


I enjoy _____ my bicycle to work in the city.


You need to _____ your cell phone when you are on board a plane.
(A)turn off
(B)turn down
(C)turn on
(D)turn up


37. Eating breakfast every morning is very important for students. It enables them to have enough _____ to learn new things.


41. John: Hello, is Mark there?
Mary: Yes.
John: _____
Mary: Well, he’s busy right now.
(A)Where is he?
(B)May I speak to him?
(C)I'll call again later.
(D)This is John speaking.


Stella is late again; she probably _______ the bus.
(A) mistook
(B) missed
(C) changed
(D) forgot


2 My letter to Susan was returned because I accidentally wrote down the wrong _____.
(A) typewriter
(B) address
(C) record
(D) postage


8 Kelly: What is your _____ ? 
Ashley: I like mountain climbing.
(A) language
(B) job
(C) ability
(D) hobby


43 Tony: I broke my arm last night. Carol: ___Did you have a car accident? Tony: No, I fell off my horse.
(A) Don’t worry.
(B) It’s very kind of you.
(C) Isn’t that wonderful?
(D) How did that happen?


39 As we all know, the ______ in Canada is much colder than that in Mexico.
(A) denture
(B) pressure
(C) moisture
(D) temperature


1.Although he is not a model, he always dresses himself in a ____________ way.
(A) feasible
(B) faithful
(C) formidable
(D) fashionable


39 These computers all look the same to me. Can you show me the _____?
(A) dislikes
(B) differences
(C) difficulties
(D) decisions


16 Visitors are allowed to hold a koala bear and feed a ________ in this city zoo.
(A) decision
(B) headache
(C) kangaroo
(D) necklace


【精選】 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文難度:(91~105)-阿摩線上測驗
