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試卷測驗 - 103 年 - 103慈濟大學 學士後中醫-英文#27049
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I. Vocabulary: Choose the word that best fits in the sentence. 20% 1. There’s always ______ for improvement however much you’ve already done.
(A) place
(B) occasion
(C) room
(D) area


2. As forecasting improved, communities were no longer surprised by hurricanes and could ______ ahead of the storms.
(A) eradicate
(B) evacuate
(C) evaporate
(D) elaborate


3. Research indicates that a powerful El Niño from 1789 to 1793 ______ crop yields in Europe, which in turn helped spark the French Revolution.
(A) devastated
(B) boosted
(C) deleted
(D) raised


4. With climate change a growing concern, more people are turning to living roofs as a ______ — and stylish — way to help insulate their homes.
(A) syndicated
(B) sustainable
(C) sophisticated
(D) subtle


5. The availability of reputable, quality programs of higher education in Asia is increasing ______, giving local students more incentives not to study abroad.
(A) obtrusively
(B) exponentially
(C) strenuously
(D) languidly


6. As a doctor, you have to be a people person and have ______.
(A) empathy
(B) pathos
(C) telepathy
(D) apathy


7. Roger has a ______ to order too much food when dining out.
(A) proportion
(B) proclamation
(C) preponderance
(D) proclivity


8. Her mother used to ______ her on her bad table manners.
(A) lecture
(B) dissuade
(C) complain
(D) encourage


9. My bank has agreed to ______ the repayments on my loan while I'm still a student.
(A) defer
(B) infer
(C) refer
(D) confer


10. It is difficult to list all my brother’s ______ because he has so many different talents.
(A) smirks
(B) fortunes
(C) attributes
(D) wisecracks


11. They got their van ______ at the garage before they went on the long journey.
(A) check up
(B) checking up
(C) checked up
(D) to check up


12. An employment survey revealed that demand for high-level executives ______ decreased unexpectedly this year.
(A) was
(B) has
(C) have
(D) were


13. In 1791, Quebec was divided into two sections, Upper Canada and Lower Canada, ______ were ruled by elected assemblies.
(A) both
(B) they both
(C) both of them
(D) both of which


14. The tuition of a public university is usually much lower than _____ a private university.
(A) which of
(B) theirs
(C) that of
(D) those of


15. Because of the Eskimos' constant exposure to cold weather, they have long recognized _____.
(A) the body's need for fat
(B) and body's need for fat
(C) how fat the body needs
(D) body's need the fat


16. The employees recruited to work in the factory complained that they were not accustomed ______ a time card.
(A) to punching
(B) to punch
(C) by punching
(D) having punched


17. Americans have come to fear the West Nile virus, ______.
(A) being transmitted by the common mosquito
(B) for transmitting by the common mosquito
(C) because it is transmitted by the common mosquito
(D) for being transmitted by the common mosquito


18. We are ______ the poor.
(A) ourselves dedicated to help
(B) dedicated ourselves to help
(C) dedicated to help
(D) dedicated to helping


19. Joel’s collection includes ______.
(A) four antique silver small coins
(B) small four antique silver coins
(C) four small silver antique coins
(D) four small antique silver coins


20. ______ joint, the knee is among the most frequently injured.
(A) Being a weight-bearing
(B) Being a weight-born
(C) For been a weight-bearing
(D) For being a weight-born


III. Reading Comprehension: Choose the best answer for each question. 20%
Passage 1
        Around 4000 years ago, in an important step in their socioeconomic evolution, people started to breed animals and process their milk. That's when cheese was born. We say "born" because cheese cannot really be said to have been "invented." It must have resulted from the simple observation that milk left in a container ends up changing to a solid state. This might be considered the first technological cheese-making discovery.
        While Cheddar is the most popular cheese in the world today, a trend in modern cheese making is to invent new kinds of cheeses. Scientific advances in the study of nutrition have prompted shifts in consumer preferences, resulting in a sizable market for low fat cheeses, and even vegetarian cheeses made from soybeans instead of milk. Furthermore, as the human diet becomes more varied, there is also a trend towards cheeses with gourmet additives, such as salmon or dill flavorings.
        So here's food for thought: if Asia continues its fascination with Western culture, and cheese makers continue to invent new products for new markets, it is possible that one day we will even see a stinky tofu cheese! If you ever saw such a cheese on the supermarket shelf, would you be even slightly tempted to buy some?

【題組】21. According to this article, human eating habits have improved in terms of which of the following options?
(A) Preferences and markets
(B) Nutrition and variety
(C) Animals and milk
(D) Additives and marketing


【題組】22. Modern cheese marketing trends can best be described as ______.
(A) market-driven invention
(B) Cheddar popularity
(C) catering to the Asian market
(D) low fat vegetarianism


【題組】23. According to this article, which of the following statements is NOT true?
(A) Cheese originated as the result of a natural transformation of milk.
(B) Virtually any flavor of cheese is imaginable.
(C) Science says that avoiding fat and meat can be healthy.
(D) Cheddar is a very modern cheese with gourmet additives.


Passage 2: Questions 24-27 refer to the following advertisement.
This month only, every membership plan is substantially reduced. That's great! But the real excitement at HRC comes from what people do.
Ours is the most complete and advanced equipment available.
Free Classes
We offer over 120 free classes each week including aerobic and tap dance, calisthenics, yoga and more. You'll also enjoy free clinics in racquetball, squash and tennis. Don't forget about our whirlpools, saunas and swimming pools either.
Come to HRC for 3 days. If all that action leaves you less than satisfied you'll get a full refund.
5 Locations
By the way, your membership allows you to use all 5 locations in Manhattan 7 days a week. Give us a call or drop by for more information.
Sale Ends Aug. 31st!          NEW YORK HEALTH & RACQUET CLUB

【題組】24. The advertisement emphasizes ______.
(A) locations
(B) a trial membership
(C) reduced cost
(D) opening hours


【題組】25. It can be inferred that if you join the club ______.
(A) the sale ends on August 31
(B) you will go to all five club locations
(C) your body will improve
(D) you will get a refund


【題組】26. From the context of the expression free clinics, it must mean ______.
(A) cost-free medical care
(B) no charge for lessons
(C) liberated movement
(D) low-cost games


【題組】27. Membership in the club enables you to enjoy ______ in winter.
(A) the cold
(B) a full refund
(C) dropping by
(D) swimming


Passage 3
        Of all the accessories and adornments to garments one perhaps pays least of all attention to buttons. Functional and often unexciting, replaced by zip fasteners or hooks and eyes there is, one would think, nothing much to be said about the humble button.
        Yet it is very probable that buttons started life as ornaments; certainly it is not known that they had any practical function until the 13th century. By the 14th century buttons were once again ornamental, often lavishly so, to such an extent that it was by no means uncommon for a person of wealth and consequence to have as many as 300 buttons on a single article of dress. Unimaginable as it seems today, sewing superfluous buttons on clothes became a craze—not one that seems harmful to us though some Italians took a different view and a law against buttons was enforced in Florence. No buttons were to be worn on the upper arms; penalty for disobedience—a sound whipping. (How often this had to be carried out, history does not relate!)
        Most of the buttons on modern clothes which could be called decorative once did in fact serve a useful purpose. Buttons on boots are one good example. Sleeve buttons on men's coats are a reminder of the days when the fashion was for wearing shirts with frilly lace cuffs.
        On the tails of a modern tail coat there are indeed buttons which are purely ornamental but in earlier days horsemen used these buttons to keep the tails out of harm's way.
        With regard to the side on which clothes are buttoned, originally both male and female dress was buttoned on the left hand side. Changes came when men had to have access to their swords.
        So perhaps it is worth taking a look at buttons.

【題組】28. Buttons are ______.
(A) the only accessories and adornments one pays little attention to
(B) one of the accessories and adornments which receives least attention
(C) one of the best adornments to any garment
(D) a very useful accessory


【題組】29. Buttons have been used as ornaments ______.
(A) on and off throughout their history
(B) before the 13th century
(C) since the 14th century
(D) only in modern times


【題組】30. In the Italian city of Florence ______.
(A) all buttons were banned because they were a craze
(B) buttons were forbidden to be worn on the upper arms
(C) buttons were considered harmful as they drove men crazy
(D) superfluous buttons were only sewn on single articles of dress


【題組】31. The punishment of whipping ______.
(A) was often carried out
(B) has been related in historical documents of the time
(C) was never carried out
(D) was possibly carried out but we don’t know how often


【題組】32. Buttons on the tails of a modern tail coat ______.
(A) were always purely ornamental
(B) were used to keep the horse’s tail out of the way
(C) are now only used by horsemen to stop their tails being harmed
(D) were once useful to horsemen


【題組】33. Male and female dress ______.
(A) is buttoned on the left side
(B) is now buttoned on the right side
(C) is buttoned now on different sides
(D) is buttoned on the same side


Passage 4
        The small platform became increasingly crowded and by quarter to nine (half an hour after the train was due) there was hardly space to move. Mostly the people were farmers and their wives going in to the local market town for market day. The elderly taxi which was all that the district boasted rattled and screeched its way into the station yard and shuddered to a halt just as the train finally rumbled into the station. Mrs. Smith, a stout elderly woman whom I knew well by sight, tumbled out clutching a shabby bag, a mackintosh and various parcels. Puffing and panting, she shoved her way through the crowd till she reached the engine, and, to my intense amusement, climbed up into the cab.
        "Bill,"she bellowed above the noise of the train."Sarah's had the baby—it's a boy!"
        All the would-be passengers let out a cheer and I realized that of course Mrs. Smith was the engine driver's aunt.
        "Thanks!"said Bill. The engine gave out an ear-splitting whistle and we hastily climbed in.
        Bill's delight in his fatherhood expressed itself by the speed at which he drove the train and never have I had such a terrifying journey by rail.

【題組】34. The train ______.
(A) was due at a quarter to nine
(B) had been due at a quarter past nine
(C) was already late at a quarter to nine
(D) was nearly on time


【題組】35. The platform ______.
(A) became more and more crowded
(B) was already very crowded
(C) became less crowded after quarter to nine
(D) needed increased space


【題組】36. The author ______.
(A) disliked Mrs. Smith because she was stout and elderly
(B) knew Mrs. Smith but not to speak to
(C) had never seen her before
(D) thought she was being a nuisance


【題組】37. Mrs. Smith ______.
(A) fell down after she got out of the train
(B) fell over her parcels because she was clumsy
(C) got out of the taxi as quickly as possible
(D) bumped into the taxi driver who was carrying her parcels


【題組】38. Mrs. Smith had come to the station ______.
(A) to tell the engine driver that his wife had had a baby
(B) to boast that she was the baby’s aunt
(C) to stop the train because of the baby
(D) to take the news to the local market town


【題組】39. The passengers, when they heard the news ______.
(A) were all smiling
(B) shouted “Hurrah!”
(C) clapped loudly
(D) let themselves become very cheerful


【題組】40. Because Bill had become a father ______.
(A) the author was terrified of traveling by train
(B) he made the train go so fast that the author was terrified
(C) the author never travelled by train again
(D) the author determined never to go by rail if he could help i


試卷測驗 - 103 年 - 103慈濟大學 學士後中醫-英文#27049-阿摩線上測驗
