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試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 新竹市國民中學四校教師聯合甄選試題:英文科#120727
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1. With winter on the way and viral infections increasing, a lot of people may wonder how long they will be ______ after infection and how long they should take precautions and avoid contact with others.
(A) contagious
(B) suspicious
(C) impervious
(D) gregarious


2. I felt my heart rate increase as I opened my mouth to refute the charges a dear friend was ______ me.
(A) complying with
(B) leveling against
(C) consenting to
(D) abstaining from


3. Sweetly fragrant cherry tree blossoms ______ Japan ______ exquisite pale and vibrant pinks every spring, delighting the senses of residents and tourists alike.
(A) flood...with
(B) consent...to
(C) admire...for
(D) infer... from


4. In his parable The Wise Woman, George MacDonald tells the story of two girls, ______ selfishness brings misery to all, including themselves, until a wise woman puts them through a series of tests to help them become "lovely" again.
(A) who
(B) whose
(C) what
(D) which


5. As you look ahead, however, we believe it's important to look at lessons learned, mistakes that ______ from the past business cycle in order to avoid these pitfalls tomorrow.
(A) ought to be avoided
(B) must have avoided
(C) will be avoided
(D) could have been avoided


6. All the data shows that ______ home children come from, they increase exponentially their prospects of succeeding all the way through 12 years of school.
(A) however
(B) due to the fact that
(C) no matter what
(D) accordingly


7. Mr. Chang and Mr. Wang scored Amy's writing with very different scores. It may be that the directions were unclear or the scoring criteria were confusing. Which principle of assessment did Mr. Chang and Mr. Wang fail to achieve?
(A) reliability
(B) validity
(C) practicality
(D) authenticity


8. The language that learners are exposed to should be just far enough beyond their current competence that they can understand most of it but still be challenged to make progress. Which hypothesis best supports the above claim?
(A) the acquisition learning hypothesis
(B) the monitor hypothesis
(C) the natural order hypothesis
(D) the input hypothesis


9. Second language learners use regular past-tense endings (walked, opened) as applicable to all past-tense forms (goed, flied) until they recognize a subset of verbs that belong in an irregular category. Which concept supports the above-mentioned scenario?
(A) acculturation
(B) overgeneralization
(C) backsliding
(D) circumlocution


10. Under the task-based language teaching, Mr. Lin teaches his seventh graders the language they will need to complete the task, such as "How often do you ______?" and "I ______ every day?" Which phase is Mr. Lin at?
(A) a pre-task phase
(B) during the task
(C) a post-task phase
(D) self or peer- error correction


Part II. 11-15: 
        In 1892, a resident with cholera accidentally __(11)__ the disease via the Elbe River to Hamburg, Germany's entire water supply. Within weeks, ten thousand citizens died. Eight years earlier, German microbiologist Robert Koch had made a discovery: cholera was__ (12)__. Koch's revelation__(13)__ officials in large European cities to invest in filtration systems to protect their water. Hamburg authorities, __ (14)__, had done nothing. Citing costs and alleging dubious science, they'd ignored clear warnings while their city__(15)__ toward catastrophe.

(A) stagnated
(B) nominated
(C) transmitted
(D) vivisected


(A) hereditary
(B) waterborne
(C) congenital
(D) airborne


(A) prodded
(B) blurred
(C) flopped
(D) gawked


(A) otherwise
(B) however
(C) likewise
(D) similarly


(A) muzzled
(B) inflowed
(C) disarmed
(D) careened


Part III. 16-20:
        When I was a boy living on a ranch in Tennessee, I spent glorious afternoons__(16)__ my best friend. We'd hike into the woods, ride ponies, visit the rodeo arena, and venture into the barn to watch the cowboys work the horses. __(17)__ whenever I heard my dad's whistle—that clear sound __(18)__ the wind and all the other clatter—I'd immediately drop whatever I was doing and head home. The signal was unmistakable, and I knew I __(19)__ by my father. Decades later, I'd still__(20)__ that whistle.

(A) brining about
(B) turning around
(C) peering at
(D) roaming with


(A) But
(B) So
(C) If
(D) And


(A) pouncing on
(B) slicing through
(C) trooping into
(D) floating over


(A) was being called
(B) had called
(C) have been called
(D) called


(A) vitalize
(B) legalize
(C) recognize
(D) polarize


Part IV. 21-25:
 Passage A
        A diet high in ultra-processed foods could hurt your brain for similar reasons that these diets are linked to a slew of other chronic diseases. They are often high in calories, for example, there's nearly a day's worth in the 1,603-calorie Burger King Texas Double Whopper. High-calorie diets can lead to obesity, which is linked to depression. One reason why might be that fat cells become dysfunctional and release inflammatory molecules, which are triggers for depression, anxiety, and dementia.
      Processed foods can be healthy, it's the ultra-processed items that are linked to poor health. Ultra-processed foods include items such as soda, candy, cookies, cake, energy bars and frozen meals. They are often high in fat, sugar and/or sodium and typically enhanced with flavorings, dyes, artificial sweeteners and/or other additives. Ultra-processed foods use ingredients not found in a home kitchen.         As ultra-processed foods are typically hyperpalatable, about 14 to 20 percent of adults and 12 to 15 percent of children and adolescents are food addicted, based on research using the Yale Food Addiction Scale which Gearhardt helped develop. “Those are similar rates of addiction of alcohol and cigarettes,” she says.
     By consuming ultra-processed food people neglect the “good stuff like fruits, vegetables and simply-prepared whole grains. “That means you're shortchanged on nutrients that are good for the brain, including phytonutrients—beneficial substances in plants,” Lane wrote. For example, there are about 8,000 varieties of polyphenols that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties; early studies indicate that diets low in these compounds are linked to depression.

【題組】21. What is the best title for this passage?
(A) Ultra-processed foods: We should be guided by facts not fear
(B) How ultra-processed food harms the body and brain
(C) Ultra-processed food: A guide for parents of under-fives
(D) The growth of ultra-processed foods in school cafeterias


【題組】22. What does “they” in line 2 refer to?
(A) diets
(B) diseases
(C) foods
(D) reasons


【題組】23. According to this passage, what is the main feature of ultra-processed foods?
(A) The vitamins and nutrients are still intact.
(B) They are more affordable and appealing.
(C) They are safe to eat for longer periods of time.
(D) They most likely have added ingredients.


【題組】24. What can be inferred when Gearhardt states "Those are similar rates of addiction of alcohol and cigarettes”?
(A) Ultra-processed foods may be as addictive as smoking.
(B) Genetics plays a part in becoming an addict.
(C) Those who are more impulsive are easily addictive.
(D) Addiction care includes help with kicking the habit.


【題組】25. Why is consuming too much ultra-processed food related to depression?
(A) Adolescents intake more than 1,603 calories.
(B) People have low phytonutrients.
(C) Sugar substitutes lead to hypertension.
(D) Dyes are related to children's behavioral problems.


Part V. 26-30: 
        Sleeping on a plane can be difficult for even the most seasoned traveler, let alone a first-time flier. Research suggests passengers have difficulty sleeping on planes and experience anxiety about doing so. That's not surprising considering everything working against you, from visual distractions to airplane noise and off-kilter circadian rhythms due to crossing multiple time zones.
      With a little practice and the right tools, you can master sleeping on a plane. Some research suggests cooler rooms are better for sleeping—the opposite of some flights. To combat higher temperatures on planes, start with a light base layer. This Losano relaxed cardigan and nap pant set is lightweight and loose enough to keep you comfortable without looking like pajamas.
     Seats that barely recline are far from comfortable when you're trying to sleep on a plane. You can add some comfort with a few key items. A good pillow such as the Cabeau Evolution Classic Pillow with raised sides can support your head and help prevent neck cramps.
      If your carry-on is already stuffed to the gills, try a smartphone app for combatting noise on a plane. BetterSleep is like a virtual white noise machine and comes with an impressive array of sounds to help you snooze. With a mix of storytellers, therapists, and music, Aura is a versatile app that can help you relax so you can fall asleep. It also offers meditation, which may help improve sleep, according to one study.

【題組】26. Which one of the following questions is central to this passage?
(A) What happens to each sleep cycle?
(B) How to sleep soundly on a plane?
(C) How to prepare for your first flight?
(D) What makes a seasoned traveler stand out?


【題組】27. According to this passage, what leads passengers not to fall asleep faster and have a longer sleep duration on planes?
(A) higher temperatures
(B) muscle cramps
(C) blood clots
(D) low hydration


【題組】28. The word “circadian” in line 4 is closest in meaning to ______.
(A) a moderate degree of wetness, especially of the atmosphere
(B) a silver-white malleable ductile light metallic element
(C) the sleep-wake pattern over the course of a 24-hour day
(D) a compound formed by the union of water with some other substance


【題組】29. Which brand does the author recommend for a lightweight outfit?
(A) Aura
(B) BetterSleep
(C) Cabeau
(D) Losano


【題組】30. Which suggestion is NOT provided in this passage?
(A) Stay cool.
(B) Get cozy.
(C) Try an app.
(D) Snack smart.

第一題 素養導向課程設計
您是一位新竹市的國中英文老師,您任教的班級為 30 人的常態編班。請從我們提供的 三篇課文(附件一)中,挑選一篇,進行學習單設計,以輔助您的閱讀教學。

第二題 素養導向評量設計
     Do you know almost half of the people in the world use social media? Many of these people follow influencers to know what is popular and decide what to buy. Influencers talk about things like fashion, travel, or technology. They usually have a lot of followers who trust them and listen to their advice. That's why companies pay influencers to talk about their products. Some influencers can get paid up to $25,000 for just one post! If you want to be one too, here are some tips to help you start.
    First, pick what you know a lot about and what you love talking about as your topic, and focus on it. Then, write an interesting bio that tells people who you are and what you talk about. Make sure your bio can make people want to follow you. And, always remember to post as often as possible. In fact, many influencers post every day. The more you post, the more people will follow you.Besides, use the pictures or comments you post to tell a story. That will catch your followers' attention. What's more, share your posts on different social media, use hashtags   and catchy titles, and make sure people can find them easily. Even the best posts won't matter if no one sees them.
   Becoming an influencer takes time. Follow the tips above, and your followers will grow little by little. Good luck! 
 (Adapted from an article from British Council)667ba9695ea79.jpg667ba994912d3.jpg


試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 新竹市國民中學四校教師聯合甄選試題:英文科#120727-阿摩線上測驗
