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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(386~390)
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The numbers 1,2,3,4, and 5 tell you the steps ______ you should follow.
(A)that can
(C)that is
(D)that are


As thousands of new ______ from Southeastern Asia have moved to Taiwan for work or marriage, we should try our best to help them adjust to our society.
(A) immigrants
(B) messengers
(C) possessors
(D) agencies


With the population ______ day by day, more and more space is needed for public activities.
(A) observing
(B) attracting
(C) examining
(D) increasing


15 Billy is a smart and____  secretary. He never wastes his time on trifles.
(A) fluent
(B) affluent
(C) efficient
(D) sufficient


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題 When a woman writer first starts writing a story, she often chooses to write about her relationship with her mother. As a common experience shared by all women, women writers regardless of her class, race, culture and language all engage themselves in writing about this subject. They do not abandon this topic even after they grow in their craft. Another reason why they are so enthusiastic about writing this theme is because it is one of their most personal and intimate relationships which greatly influences their relationships with other people. In their writing about mother-daughter relationships, they not only express their feelings of joy and happiness but also their fears and anxiety because not all mothers and daughters experience their relationship in the same way. Some have a peaceful and enjoyable relationship while others have a difficult and bitter relationship. As mixed feelings do exist between mothers and daughters, many women writers also attend to the dark side of this relationship. As a result, they often write about the separation between mothers and daughters if their relationship is hard to resolve. Despite this, a common practice between women writers is to establish a reconnection between mothers and daughters after settling down their harsh relationship. In The Joy Luck Club, a classic fiction about mother-daughter relationships, the Chinese American author, Amy Tan, writes about her relationship with her mother, who originally came from China. Being an American herself, Tan cannot totally understand her mother’s Chinese way of thinking. As her mother speaks less fluent English and sometimes behaves strangely in front of people, Tan feels ashamed of her and even has quarrels with her often. It is only until her mother dies that Tan begins to realize the truth about her mother. Replacing her mother’s position in the joy luck club, a group run by her mother and other friends, who Tan call aunts, Tan starts to know more about her mother’s stories and even discovers that her mother has lost daughters in China. Helping her mother to carry out her unfulfilled wish, Tan goes on a journey in search of her mother’s lost daughters in China. The story ends by having Tan reunited with her mother’s lost daughters in China, symbolizing a restoration of her mother-daughter relationship. The final scene describes a tearful moment when Tan and her half-sisters embrace each other and see their mother’s reflection shown in the photo they have taken together.
【題組】47 Who might find this article useful?
(A)Scholars who do research on global warming.
(B)Scholars who do research on scientific discovery.
(C)Experts who focus their studies on digital learning.
(D)Students who do research on women’s studies and motherhood.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(386~390)-阿摩線上測驗
