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試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113-1 國立屏東高級中學正式教師甄試試題:英文科#120180
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1. Because of her excellent communication skills, Liza has garnered widespread attention and enthusiastic participation for the charity event from various sectors of the community.
(A) amassed
(B) diffused
(C) renounced
(D) scattered


2. The town’s plan is to eventually raze that old building, but there is no exact timetable and no firm plan for how many houses would be built in its place.
(A) demolish
(B) fortify
(C) preserve
(D) wager


3. In a society where norms and values guide behavior, maintaining propriety in one's actions, speech, and demeanor is necessary, because it ensures respect for social conventions and the cultivation of trust and harmony among individuals.
(A) caliber
(B) decorum
(C) indecency
(D) luster


4. As the sun set and shadows stretched across the countryside, I meandered along the winding riverbank, letting my thoughts drift like the flowing water, tracing memories and reflections in the serene moment of quiet contemplation.
(A) charged
(B) foraged
(C) roamed
(D) scampered


5. With each word hesitantly escaping his lips, the little boy falteringly recounted the scary event that happened the previous night, and his voice trembled with the weight of the memories he struggled to articulate.
(A) fatuously
(B) inadvertently
(C) resolutely
(D) unsteadily


6. Driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge, Roy immersed himself in literature of all genres and eras, hoping to explore the depths of human experience and the mysteries of the universe.
(A) apathetic
(B) intrepid
(C) opulent
(D) unquenchable


7. With ongoing economic struggles and social problems, people were wrestling with a mood of despondency, feeling uncertain about the future and looking for something to make them feel better.
(A) exuberance
(B) gloominess
(C) jubilation
(D) radiance


8. After repeatedly dialing their number throughout the day and encountering only a busy signal, Bob grew exasperated and decided to call the operator for assistance.
(A) infuriated
(B) nostalgic
(C) placid
(D) unruffled


9. Even as the storm raged furiously outside, the old lady remained unmoved, sitting impassively by the window, and continued to sip her tea.
(A) fitfully
(B) grouchily
(C) stoically
(D) tremulously


II. Cloze 9%
           Feeling a bit down lately? Eager to shake off that sadness and boost your mood? One effective strategy is to lend a helping hand to others. Research has shown that altruistic acts can enhance our well-being. For instance, Carolyn Schwartz, a researcher at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, found in her study that people who volunteered their time to help others 10 having a better quality of life.
        A longitudinal study conducted by the University of Michigan revealed that regular engagement in volunteer work was associated with a reduced risk of__11__ . This study emphasized the importance of social connections and a sense of purpose derived from helping others in fostering better outcomes. Moreover, a meta-analysis published in Psychological Bulletin in 2023, which examined over 40 studies, concluded that altruism is __12__ lower levels of anxiety and depression. These benefits were found to transcend cultural and age differences, underscoring the __13__ impact of altruism.
      So, the next time you're feeling low or bored, consider putting down your smartphone or gaming console and reaching out to see if your elderly neighbor or your community needs any help. By helping others, you're not only making a positive difference in their lives but also nurturing your own well-being.

(A) reported
(B) reporting
(C) is reported
(D) to report


(A) integrity
(B) mortality
(C) prosperity
(D) tranquility


(A) alienated from
(B) linked to
(C) originated from
(D) subjected to


(A) minimal
(B) partial
(C) superficial
(D) universal


       Fake news, a term that has become ubiquitous in recent years, refers to misinformation or false information presented as news. The rise of digital media and social networks has significantly amplified the reach and impact of fake news, making it a pressing issue for societies worldwide.
       One of the primary characteristics of fake news is its deliberate creation to deceive. __14__ mere misinformation, which can arise from honest mistakes, fake news is often crafted with the intent to manipulate public opinion or achieve specific political, social, or financial objectives. The proliferation of fake news is facilitated by the Internet’s vast, unregulated landscape. Social media platforms play a crucial role in its spread. Algorithms on these platforms __15__ content that generates high engagement, unintentionally promoting sensational or false stories over accurate, less provocative news. So, fake news can quickly go viral and reach millions of people in a short time. 
      The impact of fake news is far-reaching. It can erode public trust in legitimate news sources, create confusion, and polarize communities. __16 __, it has led to real-world consequences, such as influencing election outcomes or inciting violence. The spread of fake news during the COVID19 pandemic, for example, contributed to widespread misinformation about the virus and vaccines, undermining public health efforts.
       Combating fake news requires a __17__ approach. Media literacy is essential because it equips individuals with the skills to critically evaluate information sources. Technology companies must also take responsibility for curbing the dissemination of false information on their platforms.__ 18__ , fact-checking organizations play a vital role in identifying false stories. By combining these efforts, we can create a more informed and resilient society.
       In conclusion, fake news represents a significant challenge in the digital age, undermining informed public discourse and democratic processes. Addressing this issue necessitates collective effort from individuals, media organizations, and technology companies to foster a more informed and discerning public.

(A) Besides
(B) Regarding
(C) Unlike
(D) With


(A) abolish
(B) override
(C) prioritize
(D) revoke


(A) Even so
(B) Taken together
(C) By and large
(D) In some cases


(A) complimented
(B) multifaceted
(C) nullified
(D) simulated


(A) Furthermore
(B) Otherwise
(C) All in all
(D) For this reason


III. Fill in the Blanks 10% 
       When examining the salinity of ocean waters, one observes only slight variations from one location to another. However, these__19__ fluctuations can have significant implications. There are three primary mechanisms driving changes in oceanic salinity. The first is evaporation, which involves the __20__ of liquid water to vapor, leaving salts behind and thereby increasing salinity. Under certain conditions, this process can result in the__21__of salt crystals, which is how much of the commercially available table salt is harvested.
Conversely, precipitation, including rainfall, introduces__22__ water into the ocean, diluting it and reducing salinity. This phenomenon is particularly__23__ in regions with high rainfall or in coastal areas where rivers discharge into the ocean. Hence, salinity is augmented through evaporation and diminished through the__24__ of fresh water via precipitation or river runoff. Typically, in tropical zones where solar intensity is high, ocean salinity is__25__ due to significant evaporation. In contrast, in coastal regions where rivers dilute seawater, salinity tends to be lower.
      A third process that affects salinity involves the formation and __26__ of sea ice. During the freezing of seawater, dissolved salts are excluded, increasing the salinity of the water directly beneath the newly formed ice. Conversely, when this ice melts, it reduces the salinity of the __27__ water. In the Weddell Sea, located off Antarctica, the densest water masses in the oceans are __28__ by this freezing process, which heightens the salinity of the frigid water. This dense, saline water then sinks and spreads into the deeper regions of the global oceans. (AB) melting (AC) likened (AD) conversion (AE) notable (BC) influx (BD) surrounding (BE) elevated (CD) deposition (CE) minor (DE) generated (ABC) softening (ABD) additional

【題組】19.(AB) melting (AC) likened (AD) conversion (AE) notable (BC) influx (BD) surrounding (BE) elevated (CD) deposition (CE) minor (DE) generated (ABC) softening (ABD) additional


【題組】20.(AB) melting (AC) likened (AD) conversion (AE) notable (BC) influx (BD) surrounding (BE) elevated (CD) deposition (CE) minor (DE) generated (ABC) softening (ABD) additional


【題組】21.(AB) melting (AC) likened (AD) conversion (AE) notable (BC) influx (BD) surrounding (BE) elevated (CD) deposition (CE) minor (DE) generated (ABC) softening (ABD) additional


【題組】22.(AB) melting (AC) likened (AD) conversion (AE) notable (BC) influx (BD) surrounding (BE) elevated (CD) deposition (CE) minor (DE) generated (ABC) softening (ABD) additional


【題組】23.(AB) melting (AC) likened (AD) conversion (AE) notable (BC) influx (BD) surrounding (BE) elevated (CD) deposition (CE) minor (DE) generated (ABC) softening (ABD) additional


【題組】24.(AB) melting (AC) likened (AD) conversion (AE) notable (BC) influx (BD) surrounding (BE) elevated (CD) deposition (CE) minor (DE) generated (ABC) softening (ABD) additional


【題組】25.(AB) melting (AC) likened (AD) conversion (AE) notable (BC) influx (BD) surrounding (BE) elevated (CD) deposition (CE) minor (DE) generated (ABC) softening (ABD) additional


【題組】26.(AB) melting (AC) likened (AD) conversion (AE) notable (BC) influx (BD) surrounding (BE) elevated (CD) deposition (CE) minor (DE) generated (ABC) softening (ABD) additional


【題組】27.(AB) melting (AC) likened (AD) conversion (AE) notable (BC) influx (BD) surrounding (BE) elevated (CD) deposition (CE) minor (DE) generated (ABC) softening (ABD) additional


【題組】28.(AB) melting (AC) likened (AD) conversion (AE) notable (BC) influx (BD) surrounding (BE) elevated (CD) deposition (CE) minor (DE) generated (ABC) softening (ABD) additional


IV. Discourse 4%
       Researchers are making significant strides in the fight against cancer by exploring new substances, including a promising product derived from the bark of trees native to the Pacific Northwest of America. This product, paclitaxel (also known as Taxol), stands out due to its three primary advantages: affordability, minimal side effects, and remarkable efficacy in shrinking certain types of tumors.
      Paclitaxel has drawn considerable interest from the scientific community. Its affordability is particularly noteworthy in cancer treatments, where costs can be prohibitively high. While conventional treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation, which often come with hefty price tags and severe side effects, Taxol offers a more economical and gentler alternative. 29 Moreover, the minimal side effects associated with Taxol are a significant advantage. Traditional cancer treatments are notorious for their harsh side effects, which can include nausea, hair loss, fatigue, and an increased risk of infections due to weakened immune systems. __30__ This not only improves the quality of life for patients during treatment but also reduces the overall burden on healthcare systems.
       The efficacy of Taxol in shrinking tumors has been remarkable.__31__ This has been particularly evident in cases of specific cancer types that have been resistant to other forms of treatment. The mechanism by which Taxol works involves the inhibition of specific pathways that cancer cells use to grow and multiply. 
__ 32__ These groups argue that harvesting tree bark on a large scale could lead to deforestation and the loss of biodiversity. However, proponents of Taxol emphasize that sustainable harvesting practices can mitigate these environmental impacts. They argue that with proper management, it is possible to balance the need for new medical treatments with environmental conservation.
       Though the tree bark extract has shown potential to revolutionize cancer treatments, the discovery of Taxol also reminds us of the importance of preserving natural habitats, as they may hold the key to future medical breakthroughs.

(A) Preliminary studies indicate that it can significantly reduce the size of certain tumors, sometimes more effectively than existing treatment options.

(B) Scientists are optimistic about the potential of this new drug, despite concerns from environmental groups about the impact of its production on virgin forests.

(C) Consequently, the fact that the drug is entirely natural appears to contribute to the absence of fatal side effects recorded so far.

(D) This could make cancer treatments accessible to a broader segment of the population, especially in low-income regions where healthcare resources are limited.

(E) In contrast, early clinical trials of Taxol have shown that patients experience far fewer and less severe side effects.

(A) Preliminary studies indicate that it can significantly reduce the size of certain tumors, sometimes more effectively than existing treatment options.
(B) Scientists are optimistic about the potential of this new drug, despite concerns from environmental groups about the impact of its production on virgin forests.
(C) Consequently, the fact that the drug is entirely natural appears to contribute to the absence of fatal side effects recorded so far.
(D) This could make cancer treatments accessible to a broader segment of the population, especially in low-income regions where healthcare resources are limited.
(E) In contrast, early clinical trials of Taxol have shown that patients experience far fewer and less severe side effects.


(A) Preliminary studies indicate that it can significantly reduce the size of certain tumors, sometimes more effectively than existing treatment options.
(B) Scientists are optimistic about the potential of this new drug, despite concerns from environmental groups about the impact of its production on virgin forests.
(C) Consequently, the fact that the drug is entirely natural appears to contribute to the absence of fatal side effects recorded so far.
(D) This could make cancer treatments accessible to a broader segment of the population, especially in low-income regions where healthcare resources are limited.
(E) In contrast, early clinical trials of Taxol have shown that patients experience far fewer and less severe side effects.


(A) Preliminary studies indicate that it can significantly reduce the size of certain tumors, sometimes more effectively than existing treatment options.
(B) Scientists are optimistic about the potential of this new drug, despite concerns from environmental groups about the impact of its production on virgin forests.
(C) Consequently, the fact that the drug is entirely natural appears to contribute to the absence of fatal side effects recorded so far.
(D) This could make cancer treatments accessible to a broader segment of the population, especially in low-income regions where healthcare resources are limited.
(E) In contrast, early clinical trials of Taxol have shown that patients experience far fewer and less severe side effects.


(A) Preliminary studies indicate that it can significantly reduce the size of certain tumors, sometimes more effectively than existing treatment options.
(B) Scientists are optimistic about the potential of this new drug, despite concerns from environmental groups about the impact of its production on virgin forests.
(C) Consequently, the fact that the drug is entirely natural appears to contribute to the absence of fatal side effects recorded so far.
(D) This could make cancer treatments accessible to a broader segment of the population, especially in low-income regions where healthcare resources are limited.
(E) In contrast, early clinical trials of Taxol have shown that patients experience far fewer and less severe side effects.


V. Reading Comprehension 8%
        Labor dynamics in colonial America presented a complex tapestry of economic, social, and ethical challenges, shaped by a confluence of historical forces and human motivations. At the heart of this intricate web lay the persistent issue of labor scarcity, a challenge that echoed throughout the emerging colonies and profoundly influenced their development. 
       From the earliest days of colonial settlement, the specter of labor shortages loomed large, casting a shadow over the economic aspirations of settlers and administrators alike. Despite the fertile promise of the New World, the scarcity of hands to till the soil and toil in the burgeoning industries threatened to hinder the realization of colonial ambitions.
       Into this milieu stepped various labor arrangements, each bearing its own peculiarities and implications. Slavery, a practice as ancient as civilization itself, found a foothold in the New World from the outset of European colonization. Yet, the high costs associated with acquiring and maintaining enslaved individuals rendered them a luxury beyond the reach of all but the most affluent colonial elites. Thus, while slavery represented one aspect of the labor mosaic, its prevalence was limited by economic constraints.
       Indentured servitude emerged as a vital alternative, offering a pathway for those unable to afford the passage to the New World. Through the mechanism of indenture, individuals willingly bound themselves to a term of labor in exchange for transportation to the colonies, with the promise of eventual freedom at the expiration of their contract. These "redemptioners," as they came to be known, formed a critical labor force, supplying the necessary hands to cultivate the fields and construct the edifices upon which colonial society rested.
       In the meantime, the colonial authorities brokered agreements with the British Parliament to import convicts as a source of labor. Through these arrangements, thousands of individuals found themselves transplanted from the confines of British prisons to the fertile fields of the American colonies, where they labored under the shadow of their criminal pasts. For colonial settlers, convicts offered a cost-effective alternative to both slaves and redemptioners, providing a readily available source of labor to meet the urgent needs of agricultural and industrial production.
       Yet, despite the best efforts of colonial officials to regulate labor markets through wage controls and employment restrictions, the fluidity of the labor force often defied such constraints. Workers, motivated by the promise of higher wages and better opportunities, migrated freely between colonies, unsettling established labor patterns and challenging the authority of colonial administrators.
       In this manner, the labor system in colonial America emerged as a complex and dynamic ecosystem, shaped by economic imperatives, social structures, and individual agency. Slavery, indentured servitude, and convict labor each played a distinct role in meeting the labor demands of the colonies, reflecting the myriad facets of human experience and aspiration in the crucible of the New World.

【題組】33. What is this passage mainly about?
(A) The slave problems in colonial America
(B) The sources of workers in colonial America
(C) Overabundance of laborers in colonial America
(D) Excessive government interference in colonial America


【題組】34. According to the passage, what was the main reason for the rarity of slaveholding in colonial America?
(A) High prices.
(B) Short supply.
(C) Religious sentiments.
(D) Anti-slavery movements.


【題組】35. Which is true about the convicts in the labor system of colonial America?
(A) They were granted freedom upon arrival in the colonies.
(B) They were banned from working and were confined to prisons.
(C) They led the colonial settlers to establish the colonies’ industries.
(D) They provided cheap labor and fulfilled the colonies' labor demands.


【題組】36. What factors contributed to the fluidity of the labor force in colonial America?
(A) Geographic mobility, higher wages, and better opportunities.
(B) Lack of transportation options, low wages, and limited job opportunities.
(C) Abundance of skilled workers, stable wages, and efficient communication networks.
(D) Strict laws restricting worker mobility, stagnant wages, and monopolistic control by colonial elites.


       Standing as proof of humanity's ingenuity in overcoming geographical barriers, bridges not only serve as vital conduits for foot, vehicular, and rail traffic, but also traverse obstacles to facilitate connectivity and progress. The evolution of bridge design reflects both the practical needs of transportation and the advancement of engineering skills throughout history.
       The earliest bridges were simple yet effective, often nothing more than straight, rigid beams laid across small water or low areas. These humble structures, exemplified by logs strategically positioned over streams, represent the genesis of bridge engineering. Often, rudimentary bridges lacked formal foundations, relying instead on the natural stability of the terrain.
       A significant advancement in bridge construction came with the development of the circular arch, a breakthrough attributed to the ancient Romans. By distributing forces both downward and outward, arch bridges allowed for the utilization of durable masonry blocks, enabling longer spans and increased structural stability. This innovation marked a departure from reliance on single timbers or stone slabs, bringing about an era of more robust infrastructure.
       Further innovation led to the creation of the cantilever bridge, which expanded the possibilities for spanning even greater distances. Utilizing the principle of the cantilever—a projecting beam anchored at one end—this design enabled the construction of bridges over expansive gaps, pushing the boundaries of engineering feasibility.
        The suspension bridge represents another leap forward in bridge technology, with its distinctive reliance on parallel cables and towering piers. Thousands of individual wire strands compose these cables, bearing the weight of the bridge and transferring it to anchor points at either end. While the concept of suspension bridges has ancient roots, exemplified by footbridges woven from vines in remote jungle and mountainous regions, their widespread application emerged in the twentieth century, facilitating the development of modern transportation networks.
       Bridge design often combines elements from various methodologies, resulting in structures that showcase the distinct characteristics of each approach. Despite these combinations, the defining features of each bridge type remain discernible, reflecting the diverse array of challenges faced by engineers in different contexts.

【題組】37. What is the main topic of this passage?
(A) Reasons to build a bridge.
(B) Different types of bridges.
(C) Challenges in bridge design.
(D) Functions of modern bridges.


【題組】38. Which is closest in meaning to “rudimentary” in the second paragraph?
(A) fragile
(B) diverse
(C) primitive
(D) terrestrial


【題組】39. According to the passage, what is the main feature of a cantilever bridge?
(A) Using parallel cables for suspension.
(B) Reliance on circular arches for support.
(C) Anchoring of a projecting beam at one end.
(D) Use of masonry blocks for foundation support.


【題組】40. How does a suspension bridge differ from other bridge types in terms of support structure?
(A) It relies solely on masonry blocks for support.
(B) It utilizes cantilever beams anchored at both ends.
(C) It depends on circular arches for structural integrity.
(D) It relies on parallel cables and towering piers for support.

VI. Test Design 20%
Please summarize the following article in 200 to 250 words (8%). Based on your summary, design FIVE cloze test questions (7%) and ONE mixed question (混合題) (5%) for PTHS 12th graders. The cloze test questions should each have four options and the correct answers should be included.
       Hot chili peppers can illicit big reactions: flushing in the face and ears, panting, tearing up, sweating, and maybe even some swearing. Chilis are inherently dramatic—and even by its own standards, the peppers have had an explosive couple of years.
       Severe climate conditions might cause another shortage of sriracha hot sauce after a lapse in 2022 for the same reason. In 2023, a product with a single tortilla chip made with two of the hottest peppers in the world was pulled from shelves “out of an abundance of caution,” though a 14-year-old’s family says he died after eating the chip. Meanwhile, over the last year or so, panic that peppers are being purposefully grown to be less spicy have been inflamed by conspiracy theorists.
      On the other hand, certain farmers are pushing back on the alleged “weakening” of peppers by cultivating barely-fit-for-human-consumption levels of heat. There’s also the popularity of viral internet series like “Hot Ones,” where celebrities eat chicken wings basted in hotter and hotter sauces, and “hot” snack varieties that have grown to include Cinnefuego Toast Crunch and Carolina Reaper chocolate.            Regardless of whether you prefer milder peppers or boundary-pushing spice, it seems like there is less and less middle ground for the curious foodie. Do you have to settle for only mild or life-choice-questioning hot, with nothing in between? And is our understanding of a chili’s heat— largely through the 112-year-old Scoville measurement process—even accurate?
       “There’s no denying things are going in two different directions,” says Ted Ballweg, chili farmer and owner of Savory Accents. There are two camps, he says: one that prefers flavor over heat, and the other pushing the limits of how spicy chilis can be.
       For those of us noticing weaker chilis at the supermarket, something else might be at play. As food historian and novelist David DeWitt, known as “The Pope of Peppers,” points out, part of the reason is simple profit.
       “Generally, the larger the chili, the milder it is,” says DeWitt. “These days, jalapeños are getting to be about six inches long, when they used to be about three. Farmers are deliberately breeding for larger pods because they get paid by the poundage. Larger chilis weigh more, so they get paid more.”
       Brad Rubin, Agri-Food Institute sector manager at Wells Fargo, told the Food Institute that yes, peppers are getting bigger and less flavorful because larger, more consistently spicy peppers sell better in stores.
       To be clear though, DeWitt says in his experience he hasn’t found products like sriracha (which uses very common serrano peppers) to be any less spicy than before. Abstracted from National Geography

VII. Unit Design 20%
Please identify ONE core concept from the unit “Mammon and the Archer.” (e.g. competencies, genre, discourse, critical thinking, language skills, etc.) Then, design a FOUR-period course based on the core concept within the reading text. Teaching objectives, activities, and assessment must be included. VIII. Curriculum Design 20% Reflect on your teaching experiences over the course of the past years. Is there anything that you wish to teach your students but didn’t because of the lack of time. Please design a 6-8 week elective course for PTHS 12th graders as a graduation gift from you. Course description, objectives, syllabus, activities, and assessment must be included. Old Anthony Rockwall was a successful millionaire who believed money could solve any problem. Therefore, when he noticed that his son, Richard, had been quite upset lately, he assured him that money could be the solution to all his troubles. Richard, however, disagreed. “There are some things that money can’t accomplish,” he replied. “Tell me something money won’t buy,” Anthony challenged. Richard told his father that money couldn’t buy time. He then explained that he was desperately in love with Miss Lantry but had had no chance to express his feelings. The reason was that Miss Lantry was a popular socialite and every moment of hers was filled with engagements. Furthermore, she was going to depart for Europe in two days and would stay there for two years. The only time Richard and she could be alone was a few minutes the next evening, when the two would take a cab together to the theater— hardly enough time for him to declare his love. As Richard and Miss Lantry were on their way to the theater, Richard accidentally dropped the ring. He got out of the cab to look for it, and when he returned with the ring, a car stopped right in front of them. The cab driver tried to pass the car but was cut off by a wagon. Soon, the cab got stuck in a traffic jam. As they waited for the road to clear, Miss Lantry was curious about the ring and asked if she could see it.... Later that evening, Aunt Ellen informed Anthony that Richard and Miss Lantry were engaged. She described the traffic jam and how it had given Richard the time to propose to Miss Lantry. She announced that it was the ring, a symbol of love, that had brought the pair together. Anthony did not argue with her. He just said that he was glad to see the boy get what he wanted.
       The next day, a man showed up at Anthony’s house to report how much money he had paid drivers and policemen to create the traffic jam. The millionaire gave the man a check and jokingly asked if he had seen a naked fat boy shooting arrows at the scene of the traffic jam. “No,” said the man, confused. Anthony laughed, satisfied with himself for having proven that money could buy time. However, was it money or the ring that brought love?

VIII. Curriculum Design 20%
Reflect on your teaching experiences over the course of the past years. Is there anything that you wish to teach your students but didn’t because of the lack of time. Please design a 6-8 week elective course for PTHS 12th graders as a graduation gift from you. Course description, objectives, syllabus, activities, and assessment must be included.


試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113-1 國立屏東高級中學正式教師甄試試題:英文科#120180-阿摩線上測驗
