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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(416~420)
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With the coming of September, I recall the day when I first met Alan. It was a rainy day. He seemed very handsome, but I didn’t love him because of that. I was moved by the tenderness in his blue eyes. As there was almost nothing in our room, it was difficult to call it “home.” Although we were very poor, we believed that we were the happiest couple in the world. In fact, I felt great happiness even when I served him a cup of tea. We often sat watching the stars without a word. His smile gave me the comfortable feeling of being loved. One rainy day he suddenly disappeared. He left me a letter which began, “I don’t want to make you unhappy, my dear….”I didn’t weep over the letter because I knew Alan would be in my heart forever. Even now I cannot abandon the thought that Alan will come back to me one day and gently whisper, “Look, my darling Miranda. Look how beautiful the stars are shining tonight!” Love in September left me with a lasting memory.… Yes, a lasting memory!
【題組】Why did Alan leave Miranda?
(A) Because he didn’t love her.
(B) Because he thought that he couldn’t make her happy.
(C) Because he had found a new love.
(D) Because he had found a new job.


If we look _____, we can see that in the painting there is a little rabbit under the tree.
(A) care
(B) careless
(C) careful
(D) carefully


32 Friend A: Look at this. I think I want to get this purple skirt. Friend B: I thought _____________. Friend A: Yeah, but I don’t have a purple one. Friend B: Do you need every color in the rainbow? Friend A: Yes!
(A) I’ve had one already
(B) you’ve had one in green
(C) I’ve told you about the purple skirt
(D) you’ve told me about the rainbow


37 Typhoons and earthquakes are by far the most frequent natural _____ in Taiwan.
(A) criminals
(B) disasters
(C) governors
(D) survivors


33 In the video the driver ran away immediately as the police officers ____ him. A chase then began.
(A) approached
(B) delighted
(C) employed
(D) recommended


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(416~420)-阿摩線上測驗
