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試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 一般警察、移民行政特種考試_三等_各類別、移民行政:英文#120514
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31 Her family didn’t ________ her marrying this person so they would not attend her wedding.
(A) look for
(B) agree
(C) care for
(D) assent


32 A forest fire has recently ________ in California. It has claimed two lives and caused some damage to the natural resources nearby.
(A) gone through
(B) broken out
(C) taken off
(D) dried up


33 The minister delivered the preach in a(n) ________ tone, so his congregation began to feel bored and doze off.
(A) coherent
(B) imperative
(C) innocent
(D) monotonous


34 If affordable and autonomous ride-sharing is made available to people, individual vehicle ownership could ________ , especially in metropolitan areas.
(A) privatize
(B) prevail
(C) plunge
(D) proliferate


35 If you’re designing your dream kitchen, tools that allow you to ________ different design ideas on the computer are essential to the success of your plans.
(A) authorize
(B) eliminate
(C) subscribe
(D) visualize


36 The flash of lightning is almost ________ followed by the thunder during the storm.
(A) confidentially
(B) opaquely
(C) instantaneously
(D) transparently


37 A large crowd gathered and listened ________ to the president’s Memorial Day speech.
(A) solemnly
(B) empirically
(C) imperially
(D) regionally


38 At his store, he sold broken-down second-hand cars at ________ prices, so he made a fortune.
(A) existential
(B) exiguous
(C) exortica
(D) exorbitant


39 Great speakers would agree on the idea that ________ is an asset. More often than not, long talks end up boring the audience.
(A) brevity
(B) geniality
(C) hilarity
(D) validity


40 The president’s political advisors are scheming that issues like civic unrest would ________ the pandemic crisis for winning the re-election.
(A) eclipse
(B) fortify
(C) amplify
(D) strengthen


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
       Recent societal changes have caused a questioning of the relationship between higher education institutions andtheir hosting state governments. While there have been an increasing number of __41__     causes and agencies, such asprisons and health care, funding for higher education institutions has not increased. Some state governments have evenchallenged institutional __42__ of right to funding by providing funding to the student rather than the institution.Most recently, some governments even assigned funding according to certain performance __43__ deemedappropriate and necessary to the state. __44__ , some institutions have openly challenged the state’s authority inassigning governing board members. Some have radically increased tuition and become __45__ on fundraising.Others have eliminated programs or restricted enrollment of high-cost programs.

(A) competing
(B) confusing
(C) complimented
(D) contrived


(A) complacence
(B) claims
(C) conceit
(D) capabilities


(A) magnitude
(B) manners
(C) measures
(D) manifesto


(A) In addition
(B) In sum
(C) In conclusion
(D) In response


(A) reliant
(B) redundant
(C) rebellious
(D) ruthless


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
        In New Zealand’s Westland District the closure of the local indigenous timber industry alongside rapid growthof the dairy and tourism sectors has produced dilemmas for families and communities as they attempt to adjust tothe social consequences of rapid industry change. Drawing on a social capital perspective and a case study of 12Westland families, this project examines how rural families bring balance to aspects of the three actions defined byArendt as being essential to the human condition: family, work and community life. The findings reveal significantinsights into how social capital is effectively reproduced in times of change. These insights are discussed in termsof their social policy implications.
        Fifty years ago Hannah Arendt published The Human Condition. In this work she contended that there arethree types of action required to be “fully human.” The first two of these actions, engagement in family life and paidwork, are necessary for human existence in contemporary society. The third action she called vita activa, or publiclife: a life that is actioned within jointly built civil spaces. Within these spaces we are capable of debate, we shareactions and we resolve collective dilemmas. Arendt reminds us that the absence of, or over-attention to, any oneaspect of the human condition is likely to be problematic.
         A half a century on from Arendt’s original thesis, public policy continues to debate aspects of vita activa anddemocratic governments still seek to engage vita activa in economically and socially productive ways. Working outthe shifting balance between family life, paid work and vita activa is a crucial aspect of responding effectively tosignificant social change, be it local issues (such as natural disaster relief) or meeting the challenges that arise as aconsequence of external or global forces (such as the loss of a core industry). The concept of social capital has beenused as a way to recognise and gauge vita activa.
         The term “social capital” originated, in part, in an attempt to understand how features of social organisation, suchas trust, norms and networks can improve the efficiency of society by facilitating coordinated actions. Voluntary orjoint social actions provide the opportunity to resolve collective dilemmas. Individuals achieve this through thedevelopment and use of social bonds and networks as resources to facilitate productive activity. By maintaining thesocial relationships and structures necessary for collective activity, individuals, families and communities are able torealise some of these benefits, and in doing so can resolve some of the issues they face in common.

【題組】46 Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
(A) Rural Families, Industry Change and Social Capital.
(B) The Human Condition: A Book Review.
(C) Governmental Roles in the Face of Social Change.
(D) The Living Conditions of 12 Westland Families.


【題組】47 According to the passage, which of the following statements about Arendt is NOT true?
(A) Her work has an important theoretical influence on the current study.
(B) She proposes that to be fully human he/she must have a public life, a salary or wage, and a family.
(C) She believes that public life is the most important among the three types of action mentioned.
(D) Her theory suggests that action play a central role in facilitating and maintaining human conditions.


【題組】48 According to the passage, what kind of challenge is faced by Westland District?
(A) Forest fires that destroyed hundreds of houses.
(B) Loss of the timber industry to agriculture and tourism.
(C) Lack of capital to provide free education to the community.
(D) Lack of co-ordination among government agencies in saving the environment.


【題組】49 According to the passage, what is the main value of social capital?
(A) It provides volunteers with crucial funding for social charity work.
(B) It helps a community to share power and resources more equally.
(C) It offers a hope for the unemployed people to start their new careers.
(D) It enables a community to deal with its problems via joint efforts and actions.


【題組】50 In what kind of text would the above passage most likely appear?
(A) A book review in an agriculture magazine.
(B) A letter to the editor in a newspaper.
(C) A research paper in a social policy journal.
(D) A news report in New Zealand.


試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 一般警察、移民行政特種考試_三等_各類別、移民行政:英文#120514-阿摩線上測驗

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