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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(26~50)
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The first coffee plants are said to have come from the Horn of Africa on the shores of the Red Sea. Originally, coffee beans were taken as a food and not as a beverage. East African tribes would grind the coffee cherries together, mixing the results into a paste with animal fat. Rolled into little balls, the mixture was said to give warriors much-needed energy for battle. Later, around the year AD 1000, Ethiopians concocted a type of wine from coffee berries, fermenting the dried beans in water. Coffee also grew naturally on the Arabian Peninsula, and it was there, during the 11th century that coffee was first developed into a hot drink.
【題組】According to this paragraph, coffee was first found by ______ .
(A) Africans
(B) Europeans
(C) Asians
(D) Americans


In Western civilization kissing has been accepted for many thousands of years. In Greece it was called “the key to Paradise.” But other cultures have often thought of kissing as vulgar and thought of it as bad behavior. For example, for many years in India it was forbidden for movie stars to kiss in a movie. In China kissing in public has been and still is frowned on by many people. The origin of kissing is reported to go right back to a primitive man who believed that the air he breathed out had magic power. It contained part of his soul, so by kissing men and women mixed their souls. Others say that kissing started with face touching just as the Eskimos and New Zealand Maoris rub noses even today. The lip is one of the most sensitive parts of the body, so it is no wonder that it is used to express deep affection and love.
【題組】In Greece, what is called ”the key to Paradise”?
(A) rubbing hands
(B) touching faces
(C) kissing
(D) mixing souls


35 Sam: Would you like to go swimming with me? Jane:______ I think I’m getting a cold.
(A)Sure thing.
(B)Yes, thank you.
(C)I’d rather not.
(D)You’re just being polite.


31 I am going to choose _______ for my main course because I love seafood.
(A) steak
(B) chicken
(C) pork
(D) lobster


She forgot to bring the map and ___ in this old town.
(A) lost her way
(B) gave her way
(C) made her way
(D) paved her way


4. 發明家;創作者
(A) inventor
(B) inventory
(C) area
(D) dowry


8. 經濟;節約
(A) administration
(B) distinction
(C) economy
(D) post


12.Man: Did you see this tomato, Maggie? Woman: Yes, I did. Isn’t it big? Man: It’s huge! ______________ Woman: I think I’ll cut it up for our salad tonight.
(A) Where did you buy it?
(B) How much did it cost?
(C) What are you going to do with it?
(D) When did you buy it?


19 I usually buy daily necessities in the same grocery store. The clerks know me because I’m a regular _________.
(A) patient
(B) owner
(C) customer
(D) entertainer


My father always gives me a lot of advice about ________ to live a happy life.


More and more young girls _______ becoming fashion models.
(A)burst into
(B)go to
(C)arrive at
(D)dream of


Brunce : I want to sell my new car. Can you help me? Mark : ____________ Brunce : No. I'm quite serious about that.
(A) Do you mean it?
(B) Are you kidding?
(C) Is that so?
(D) What a surprise!


Carol : Sue, this is Carol. Please tell me how to get to your place. Sue : OK. You take bus number 208 near to your college and get off at the railway station, then take bus number 301 heading north and get off at the Central Museum. Then you cross the street... Carol : Please speak slowly. ________
(A) I can't follow you
(B) I've no idea
(C) Mind our tongue.
(D) Keep our temper.


Karen:Mary enjoys playing the violin. John:________________ Karen:Since she was a little girl.
(A) Oh, she must be very good.
(B) Does she? How long has she been playing it?
(C) Was she good when she was young?
(D) I wish I could play the violin too.


Student 1:The teacher is so unfair. I got an F on the exam! Student 2:_____You'll do better next time.
(A)Isn't it nice?
(B)Don't be so upset.
(C)How funny it is!
(D)It sounds right.


Sue: The party has already started .______We're late. Sara: OK, I'll be ready in a minute.
(A)Take your time.
(B)Watch your step!
(C)Hurry up!
(D)Don't worry.


If you don’t want to put on more _______, you should eat less and take more exercise.
(A) treasure
(B) weight
(C) food
(D) body


31 My television has nearly 50 _____ . There are many programs I can choose from.
(A) channels
(B) departments
(C) commercials
(D) confessions


41 Clerk: Next, please! Passenger: Two one-way tickets to New York leaving at 4:00 on Platform A, please. Clerk: __________Passenger: Oh, that’s too bad.
(A) I’m sorry. Tickets to New York are sold out.
(B) They’re 20 dollars in total. Keep the change.
(C) You should ask people on Platform A.
(D) You have to wait there until the train comes.


30 I can’t ride my bicycle______ there isn’t any air in one of the tires.
(A) despite
(B) although
(C) because
(D) unless


41 A: Excuse me, can you help me? B: Sure. A: I’m new here. Would you please tell me how to get to the nearest train station? B: Train station. O.K._____ at the first stoplight and it is on the left.
(A) Come to pick me up right away
(B) Go straight ahead and turn left
(C) Stay away from those people
(D) Buy a ticket at the entrance


42 Customer: I want to make some A4 copies but I’ve never used a photocopier before._____ Clerk: Of course. First of all lift the lid and put the document you want to copy face down on the glass.
(A) Could you please help me?
(B) Do you feel the same way?
(C) May I know what type of machine you have?
(D) Could I take a photo of you?


238. In the Western culture, it is polite to _____ and kiss to greet each other.


38 Did you______ to leave your keys at the front desk?
(B) scatter
(C) forget
(D) negotiate


43 Teacher: How is it you are late again? 
Student: _ 
Teacher: It seems you can always find a good excuse.
(A) I won’t miss your class for anything.
(B) We don’t have any class in the morning.
(C) I need to figure out an excuse for it.
(D) I overslept because the alarm clock didn’t go off.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(26~50)-阿摩線上測驗
