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【精選】 - 國中會考基測◆英語科難度:(541~550)
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When we get wet, we need a towel to get ourselves dry. When a dog gets wet, all it needs is to shake its body. A study in 2010 showed that a wet dog can throw off half the water on its body by shaking for less than a second. In fact, this common act of dogs works better than a washing machine. The study found that animal shaking begins with the head and ends with the tail. During a shake, the animal’s head, body and skin all move. Smaller animals must shake faster than bigger animals to get water off. For example, in one second, a rat can shake 18 times, a dog 6 times, and a bear 4 times. Bigger animals can get their bodies dry with fewer shakes. For animals, shaking is not just about getting themselves dry. It is also about saving their lives. Being wet makes animals heavier, and that makes it harder to run. In the animal world, how fast an animal can run often decides whether it will live or not. Maybe that’s why the “wet-dog shake” has become a common habit of many animals.phpKJw8Rj


31. The four pictures below show how fast tigers, cats and mice can shake. From the reading, which picture is most likely correct? phpiElh2S phpkjv8FI


3. Can you _____ your feet a little off the floor? I want to see if my keys are under the sofa.
(A) check
(B) kick
(C) raise
(D) show


19. Abby: Too bad you couldn’t come to the beach with us. It was so much fun there! You must come next time. Bree: No, thanks. I don’t think _____ any fun. I can’t swim.
(A) I was having
(B) I’ve had
(C) I have
(D) I’ll have


10. Tina ___hamburgers for lunch every day last week.
(A) has
(B) had
(C) has had
(D) was having


15. Andy: Did Mary ___that square watch? Lucy: Yes, she just bought it.
(A) buy
(B) buys
(C) bought
(D) has bought


12. I was surprised to know from the newspaper yesterday ___flowers do not always smell sweet; some can smell like dead fish.
(A) that
(B) when
(C) where
(D) which



【題組】42. From the interview, what do we know about the children at Rosario Landing?
(A) They do not live with their parents.
(B) They are not treated kindly.
(C) They have serious learning problems.
(D) They were born there.


9. Victoria's little daughter has beautiful big eyes. Everyone says she is just like a pretty _________.
(A) ball
(B) doll
(C) pair
(D) poster


15. The_________of this shop was so bad; I never got any answer after I emailed them my questions.
(A) item
(B) business
(C) price


17. Do you remember the CD I was looking for for months? I_________found it in a small shop. Look, here it is!
(A) almost
(B) even
(C) finally


【精選】 - 國中會考基測◆英語科難度:(541~550)-阿摩線上測驗
