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【精選】 - 新制多益閱讀(TOEIC Reading)難度:(1~25)
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Questions 168~171 refer to the following email. 

Dear Valued Customer,

We regret to inform you that due to an unexpected surge in demand, we are unable to fulfill your order of two packages of laundry detergent on time. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

We have been working tirelessly to increase our production capacity to meet the unprecedented demand. However, we regret to inform you that we will need to delay the shipment of your order by two weeks. We understand that this delay is frustrating, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

To make up for the inconvenience caused by the delay, we would like to offer you a complimentary package of laundry detergent with your shipment. Additionally, we will refund the shipping charges to your credit card account.

We appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter. We value your business and strive to provide the best service possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for your continued support.

Caroline Taylor
 Customer Service Representative

【題組】170. What is the company's attitude towards the delay?
(A)The company is indifferent to the delay.
(B)The company is unhappy with the delay.
(C) The company does not acknowledge the delay.
(D)The company is apologetic about the delay.


Questions 168~171 refer to the following leaflet. 

Welcome to Universal Retail Park! We are excited to offer you the opportunity to apply for our exclusive co-branded credit card in partnership with Eagle Star Bank. Please follow these steps to apply for your card and gain entry to our facility:

1. Visit the Universal Retail Park website or the Eagle Star Bank website to apply for the co-branded credit card.
2. Fill out the online application form with your personal information and submit it.
3. Wait for approval from Eagle Star Bank. You will receive a notification via email or mail regarding the status of your application.
4. Once approved, you will receive your co-branded credit card in the mail within 7-10 business days.
5. Present your co-branded credit card at the entrance of Universal Retail Park to gain access. You may bring up to two guests with you.

Thank you for choosing Universal Retail Park and Eagle Star Bank as your preferred shopping and banking partners. We look forward to seeing you soon!

【題組】 168. What does Universal Retail Park offer in partnership with Eagle Star Bank?
(A) A discount program.
(B)A co-branded credit card.
(C) A loyalty rewards program.
(D) A gift card program.


Questions 151~152 refer to the following news article. 

A coffee vendor from a single-parent family who served as a professional soldier for four years before retiring, has recently gained unexpected popularity after an act of kindness towards a fallen motorcyclist. For the past six months, the vendor has struggled to attract customers at a busy intersection in the city. However, one day, a motorcyclist fell and he quickly rushed to help. Despite the unfortunate incident, the motorcyclist was grateful and wrote a social media post to praise the vendor. The story went viral and was eventually picked up by the news media, leading to long queues of customers waiting to buy coffee from the vendor. The vendor's heartwarming story has touched many and serves as a reminder that small acts of kindness can have a significant impact on others.

【題組】152. What is the lesson to be learned from the vendor's story?
(A)Small acts of kindness can have a significant impact on others.
(B)Being a professional soldier is the best way to gain popularity.
(C)Social media posts are the key to success.
(D) Selling coffee is not a profitable business.


Questions 168~171 refer to the following passage. 

Adventure travel has become increasingly popular in recent years, with many people seeking outdoor recreational activities that involve physical exertion and offer a thrill of excitement. However, adventure travel can also come with inherent risks, and it is important to take steps to ensure that you are properly prepared and minimize the risk of injury or illness. 

 Some popular adventure travel activities include hiking, biking, and white-water rafting. These activities require a certain level of fitness and appropriate equipment to be carried out safely. For example, if you are planning to go hiking, it is important to wear comfortable, sturdy shoes and bring plenty of water and snacks. Biking requires a good quality helmet and a well-maintained bike. White-water rafting requires specialized equipment such as helmets and life jackets, and it is important to choose a reputable company with experienced guides.

 In addition to being properly equipped, it is important to take steps to minimize the risk of injury or illness while engaging in adventure travel. Staying hydrated is critical in all activities, and it is important to take frequent breaks to avoid overexertion. It is also important to take appropriate safety precautions, such as wearing a helmet while biking and following the guide's instructions while white-water rafting. 

 Furthermore, it is recommended to consult a healthcare provider or travel medicine specialist before embarking on any adventure travel. This is especially important if you are traveling to a location where there may be specific health risks, such as altitude sickness or water-borne diseases. A healthcare provider can provide advice on how to minimize these risks and provide any necessary vaccinations or medications.

 To sum up, adventure travel is an excellent way to challenge yourself and experience the great outdoors. However, it is crucial to prioritize your safety and take necessary precautions to minimize any risks of injury or illness. By being well-equipped, staying hydrated, taking appropriate safety measures, and seeking advice from a healthcare provider, you can ensure that your adventure travel experience is enjoyable, fulfilling, and safe.

【題組】 168. What are some examples of adventure travel activities mentioned in the passage?
(A)Reading and painting.
(B)Swimming and sunbathing.
(C)Hiking and biking.
(D) Dancing and singing.


【題組】169. What is the importance of taking appropriate safety precautions in adventure travel?
(A)To minimize the risk of injury or illness.
(B)To make the experience more difficult.
(C)To impress others with your bravery.
(D) To make the activity more fun.


Questions 181~185 refer to the following Book Excerpt and email. 

Book Excerpt: "The Art of Thinking Clearly" by Rolf Dobelli 


 The human mind is capable of incredible feats, yet it has surprising limitations. We often fall into thinking traps that lead us to make poor decisions, based on flawed assumptions or incomplete information. These traps are so common that they have names: confirmation bias, hindsight bias, the sunk cost fallacy, and many others. In this book, I will explore these thinking traps and offer strategies for avoiding them. 

 Chapter 1: The Anchoring Effect 

Our minds are wired to use anchors - starting points - when making decisions. Once an anchor is set, we tend to adjust our thinking around it, even if it is arbitrary or irrelevant. For example, when negotiating a salary, the first number mentioned tends to become the anchor, even if it is not a reasonable figure. 

 Chapter 2: The Sunk Cost Fallacy 

 We often make the mistake of continuing to invest in a failing project, simply because we have already invested so much time, money, or effort. This is known as the sunk cost fallacy. We need to recognize when a project is unlikely to succeed and cut our losses, rather than throwing good money after bad. 

 Chapter 3: Confirmation Bias 

 We tend to seek out information that confirms our existing beliefs, and discount or ignore information that contradicts them. This is known as confirmation bias. To avoid this thinking trap, we need to actively seek out dissenting opinions and consider them with an open mind. 

 Chapter 4: The Halo Effect 

We often form an overall impression of a person or thing based on a single positive attribute, such as attractiveness or success. This is known as the halo effect. To avoid this thinking trap, we need to break down our judgments into smaller components and evaluate each one separately. 

 Chapter 5: Overconfidence 

We are often overly confident in our own abilities and judgments, leading us to take risks or make decisions that are not backed up by evidence. To avoid overconfidence, we need to seek out diverse perspectives and be willing to admit when we don't know something. 


 The thinking traps explored in this book are just a few examples of the ways in which our minds can lead us astray. By recognizing these traps and using strategies to avoid them, we can make better decisions and lead more successful lives. 

 Subject: Invitation to Speak at our Virtual Training Course on "The Art of Thinking Clearly" 

 Dear Mr. Rolf Dobelli, 

 My name is Sarah Johnson and I am the HR Manager at GCSE Company, a leading sports equipment manufacturer. I recently came across your book, "The Art of Thinking Clearly", and was impressed by your insights on decision-making and critical thinking.

 As we strive to improve the skills and knowledge of our employees, we would like to invite you to be a guest speaker at our upcoming virtual training course. We believe that your expertise would be invaluable in helping our employees develop their critical thinking skills, and make better decisions in their work and personal lives. 

 The virtual training course is scheduled for September 1 at 9:00 A.M.. We expect twenty to thirty employees to participate, ranging from entry-level positions to senior management. During your session, we would like you to cover the following topics: 

 The most common thinking traps that we fall into Strategies for avoiding these traps and making better decisions Real-world examples of how critical thinking can lead to success in business and life We understand that your time is valuable, and we would be happy to compensate you for your participation in the training course. Additionally, we will provide you with a detailed agenda for the event, as well as any necessary technical support to ensure a smooth and successful presentation.

 We believe that your expertise and insights would be a valuable addition to our training course, and we would be honored if you would accept our invitation. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns, and we look forward to hearing from you soon.

 Best regards, 

 Sarah Johnson
HR Manager, GCSE Company

【題組】183. According to the email, what is the purpose of the virtual training course?
(A)To introduce new sports equipment products.
(B)To teach employees about teamwork.
(C)To help employees develop their critical thinking skills.
(D) To provide technical support for remote work.


Questions 172~175 refer to the following news story. 

David Thompson was a humble market vendor in Sunderland, UK. One day, while he was selling his fresh produce, a talent scout noticed his friendly personality and unique style of selling his goods. The talent scout offered him a role in a leisure food advertisement that turned out to be a massive hit, making David an overnight sensation. 

Following his success in the advertisement, David was invited to join a popular reality show as a regular cast member. His humorous and outgoing personality quickly won the hearts of the audience, and he became one of the most beloved members of the show. 

However, things took a sour turn when David responded harshly to a negative comment on his social media page, which resulted in a massive backlash from his fans. Many viewers criticized him for his disrespectful behavior, and the producers of the reality show decided to replace him with another cast member.

Feeling ashamed and embarrassed by his actions, David decided to take a break from the limelight and returned to his hometown to reflect on his behavior. Despite the setback, he continued to run his market stall, where he enjoyed interacting with the local community and selling his fresh produce. In time, he regained the trust and support of his fans, and he even started a charity program to help those in need.

【題組】173. How did David Thompson become famous?
(A)He won a lottery.
(B)He starred in a movie.
(C)He appeared in a popular advertisement.
(D)He won a cooking competition.


Questions 147~148 refer to the following advertisement.
Fresh, delicious, and locally grown - our produce is the perfect addition to any meal! Our farmers work tirelessly to bring you the highest quality fruits and vegetables, all grown right here in your community. From crisp apples to juicy tomatoes, our selection is second to none. By choosing our local produce, you're supporting your neighbors and reducing your carbon footprint. So why not savor the flavor of homegrown goodness today? Visit us at the farmers market or our farm stand and taste the difference that local can make.

【題組】147. Where can you find the locally grown produce mentioned in the ad?
(A) At the supermarket.
(B) Online.
(C)Farmers market or farm stand.
(D) In a specialty store.


Questions 158~160 refer to the following conversation.
Paula: I wanted to ask for your advice. I'm thinking about quitting my job as a sales manager at DICC and focusing on being a YouTuber.
Nancy: Oh really? What kind of content do you want to create?
Paula: --[1]-- I will be recording my journey to becoming a yoga teacher on my YouTube channel. I'm really passionate about it and I think it could be a successful career for me.
Nancy: I don't think that's a good idea, Paula. Being a YouTuber is not a stable career and you have a good job at DICC. --[2]-- 
Paula: I appreciate your concern, Nancy, but I really want to take this chance. --[3]-- 
Nancy: I understand, but have you thought about the financial aspect? It can be hard to make a living as a YouTuber, especially in the beginning. 
Paula: I understand your concerns, Nancy, but I'm determined to pursue this. Thanks for listening to me. --[4]-- 
Nancy: Of course, Paula. I wish you the best of luck and let me know if there's anything I can do to support you.

【題組】158. What is Paula's plan according to the conversation?
(A)To quit her job as a sales manager at DICC and focus on being a YouTuber.
(B)To start a new job at a yoga studio.
(C)To pursue a career as a chef.
(D)To become a full-time writer.


Questions 176~180 refer to the following email and table.
Subject: Employee Survey for Store Expansion - Complete by Next Friday 

Dear Store Managers, 

I am writing to inform you of an urgent task that must be completed. As TROTP Pharmacy & Beauty plans to open three new stores in prime locations during the second half of this year, we need to evaluate our workforce and potentially transfer some employees to these new branches. The new stores will be located in Carindale, Coorparoo, and Moorooka. 

You are required to conduct a survey among your employees to determine their interest in transferring to the new stores. Complete this survey for each employee and submit the results by next Friday, without exception. 

Present the survey in a table format, with the following columns: 
● Employee ID 
● Employee Name 
● Interest in Transferring to the Three New Stores (High, Medium, or Low, represented by H, M, or L) 
● Distance from Employee's Residence to Carindale, Coorparoo, and Moorooka (Far, Medium, or Near, represented by F, U, or N) 

Inform employees of the advantages of transferring to these new branches, such as potential for growth, increased visibility, and promotion opportunities. Ensure that they are aware of the company's plans and motivated to contribute to our ongoing success. 

Complete this task promptly and accurately. If you have any questions or concerns, contact me immediately. 


Alicia Wellington 
General Manager 
TROTP Pharmacy & Beauty 

As per your request, I have conducted the survey among our South Brisbane branch employees. Please find the completed table below:

【題組】178. How are the distances from the employees' residence to the new stores represented in the survey table?
(A)In kilometers.
(B)In miles.
(C)In driving time.
(D)Using the letters F, U, and N.


【題組】179. According to the results of the survey of South Brisbane branch employees, if the company prioritizes employees with high interest and proximity to the new stores, which two employees are most likely to be selected for transfer?
(A)Emily Brown and Jessica White.
(B)Emily Brown and Laura Martin.
(C)Sophie Harris and Lisa Thompson.
(D)Sarah Clark and Jessica White.


Questions 155~157 refer to the following email.

Subject: Announcement of Food Court Opening

Dear All,

We are excited to announce the opening of a brand new food court at the basement level of our main building. This food court will feature a range of different dining options, catering to all tastes and preferences.

Currently, we have five established deli chains ready to serve you with delicious meals, and another five will be opening in just two months' time. With ten fantastic options to choose from, we are confident that everyone will be able to find something to suit their palate.

In addition, we are pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications for our limited number of regular customer cards. These cards will allow you to enjoy exclusive discounts and promotions, as well as the convenience of cashless transactions.

If you are interested in applying for a regular customer card, please visit the food court at the basement level of our main building and fill out an application form. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity as soon as possible, as the number of cards is limited.

We look forward to seeing you at the food court.

Best regards,

Jemma Reekie
Marketing Manager

【題組】 155. What is the announcement about?
(A) The opening of a new fitness center at the basement level.
(B) The opening of a new food court at the basement level.
(C) The opening of a new library at the basement level.
(D) The opening of a new gift shop at the basement level.


Questions 158~160 refer to the following letter.

Dear Jack Dorsey,

Thank you for taking the time to interview for the Marketing Specialist position at our company. We were impressed by your enthusiasm and the experience you gained during your internship with us. 

Unfortunately, we regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you the position. After conducting a comprehensive background check, we discovered that there are some issues that are of concern to our organization.

We understand that this may come as a disappointment, but please know that this decision was not based on your performance during the interview. We appreciate the effort and time you took to apply and participate in the interview process.

We encourage you to keep searching for new opportunities that suit your qualifications and skills. We also want to thank you for your interest in our company and wish you the best in your future endeavors. 

If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We are more than happy to provide you with feedback on your interview and assist you in any way possible.

Thank you once again for your interest in our company and for taking the time to interview with us.

Best regards,

Arvind Krishna

【題組】 158. According to the letter, what position was Jack Dorsey interviewed for?
(A) Marketing Specialist.
(B) Senior Manager.
(C) Customer Service Representative.
(D) Business Analyst.


Questions143~146 refer to the following instant messaging conversation.

Michael: Hey Annie, It's been a busy week at work, but I managed to get everything done on time. How about you?

Annie: I've been doing okay. I've been trying to stay busy with some new hobbies, like painting and learning a new language. But __143__ , I've been feeling a bit lonely lately and thought it would be nice to go out and do something fun with someone.

Michael: I completely understand how you feel. Sometimes it's good to take a break from the daily routine and spend some time __144__ something enjoyable. Actually, I was thinking the same thing. I've been wanting to try out this new escape room that just opened up in town.

Annie: That sounds like a lot of fun. I've never done an escape room before, but I've heard they're really exciting. __145__

Michael: Perhaps we could go this Saturday afternoon. That way we'll have__146__ time to solve the puzzles and still have the evening free.

Annie: Saturday works for me! 'll meet you there at 2 pm. Send me its address.

(A)When were you thinking of going?
(B) How much are you willing to pay for going out with me?
(C)What are you going to wear to the party tonight?
(D) Where are you going to travel for your next vacation?


Questions161~163 refer to the following web page.
Welcome to join us.

Regardless of your reasons for volunteering, we are committed to working with you to identify opportunities that align with your goals and allow you to realize your aspirations.

Your name: _____

Tell us about your reasons for volunteering
□Wanting to give back to the community 
□Believing in the cause or organization
□Meeting new people and making social connections
□Gaining new skills and experiences
□Feeling a sense of personal fulfillment and satisfaction
□Making a positive impact on others
□Helping those in need
□Improving mental and physical health
□Networking and career development 


【題組】162. What is another reason people may choose to volunteer?
(A)Getting paid.
(B)Avoiding social interactions.
(C)Feeling a sense of personal fulfillment and satisfaction.
(D) Harming those in need.


【題組】163. What is a potential outcome of volunteering for career purposes?
(A)Becoming less employable.
(B)Developing a negative reputation.
(C)Losing valuable skills.
(D) Networking and career development.


Questions153~154 refer to the following social media post.

Happy World Earth Day! 

Today, let's take a step towards a better tomorrow by turning off the lights for an hour at 8:30pm in your local time zone. This small gesture can have a huge impact on our planet, reducing energy consumption and raising awareness about the importance of sustainability.

Join us and millions of people around the world in this global movement to protect our planet. Let's show our love and commitment to Mother Earth by taking action, no matter how small.

Together, we can make a difference. Let's start by turning off the lights and spreading the word.
#EarthDay #Connect2Earth #SwitchOff #Sustainability #ClimateAction

【題組】 153. What is the purpose of turning off the lights on World Earth Day?
(A)To save money on electricity bills.
(B)To increase greenhouse gas emissions.
(C)To create a romantic atmosphere.
(D)To reduce energy consumption and raise awareness about sustainability.


Questions 186-190 refer to the followingweb page and emails.

Welcome to "AppEase," the premier app design studio that creates customized mobile apps to streamline the guest experience in the hospitality industry.

Our team of expert designers understands the importance of creating a seamless and effortless experience for guests, and we use cutting-edge technology to deliver innovative and user-friendly solutions.

Our services include custom app design and development, integration with existing systems, and ongoing maintenance and support. We work closely with our clients to understand their unique needs and create tailored solutions that exceed expectations.

Our mobile apps offer a range of features to enhance guest experiences, including easy check-in and check-out, personalized recommendations, mobile key access, room service ordering, and much more.

Don't hesitate to get in touch with us today to discover how our services can elevate your hospitality business.

Subject: Inquiry about Customized Mobile Apps

Dear AppEase Team,

My name is Alex, the owner of a beachfront B&B called SeaSpray located in Jakarta, which has been in operation for just over a year. I recently came across your website and were impressed with the services you offer.

I am interested in acquiring two customized mobile apps for our business, one for room booking and check-in/check-out the other to help us manage our operations and finances. I believe that these apps will help streamline our business processes and provide a better experience for our guests.

Could you please provide me with a quote for the development of these two mobile apps, along with an estimated timeline for completion? We would also appreciate it if you could let us know about the after-sales maintenance and upgrade costs that we should anticipate.

We are excited about the prospect of working with your team and look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Best regards,


Owner, SeaSpray Beachfront B&B

Subject: Re: Inquiry about Customized Mobile Apps

Dear Alex,

Thank you for your interest in our customized mobile app development services for your beachfront B&B. We can definitely develop two apps, one for room booking and check-in/check-out the other to help you manage your operations and finances.

To provide you with an accurate quote, we need more information about your specific requirements. Once we have that, we'll be able to give you a detailed quote and an estimated timeline for completion.

We also provide ongoing support and maintenance for the apps after the development is complete. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.

Thank you for considering AppEase for your mobile app needs.

Best regards,

The AppEase Team

【題組】188.What type of mobile apps is Alex interested in acquiring for SeaSpray Beachfront B&B?
(A) Booking and check-in/check-out apps.
(B) Social media and online marketing apps.
(C) Food ordering and delivery apps.
(D) Educational and e-learning apps.


Questions 176-180 refer to the following invoice and email.
More Fun Deli Invoice

Order ID: TC2-UE9-0021
Order Date: May 4, 2020, 12:15 PM
Customer Name: Wendy Lee

Delivery Information
● Delivery Personnel: Harry (Employee ID: R4258333)
● Delivery Date: May 4, 2020
● Delivery Time: 12:35 PM
● Time of Receipt: 12:59 PM
Thank you for your purchase.
Subject: Missing item in my order
Dear More Fun Deli Team,
I am writing to you regarding my recent order (ID: TC2-UE9-0021) which I received yesterday. I was disappointed to find that there was only one serving of the Vegan Beyond Sausage in my order, when I had ordered two servings as mentioned in the invoice.

I have attached a photo of the order to this email as proof of the missing item. I was really looking forward to enjoying this item as it's one of my favorites, but I only received half of what I had paid for. I am a regular customer of More Fun Deli and have always been satisfied with your food and service, but this experience has left me feeling disappointed and frustrated.

I request that you please investigate this matter and take appropriate steps to ensure that this does not happen in the future. Besides, I would like to claim a refund for the missing item.

I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Wendy Lee 

【題組】179.How did Wendy prove that there was a missing item in her order?
(A) She called More Fun Deli's customer service.
(B) She sent a text message to the delivery driver.
(C) She visited the More Fun Deli location in person.
(D) She attached a photo of the order to her email.


Questions 176-180 refer to the following table, and email.

The results of a survey with 260 junior-level employees, 2021655c5c1b7edb3.jpg
Subject: Proposed Solutions for Employee Stressors

Dear Oliver,

I wanted to address the key stressors that our employees are facing, as identified through recent surveys. To tackle these challenges, I propose the following solutions:
1. "Switching off" from work: Implement structured technology breaks to allow employees to disconnect and recharge, promoting a healthier work-life balance.
2. Mental health challenges: Enhance mental health support programs, including training for managers to recognize and address job-related stressors effectively.
3. Feeling overwhelmed: Explore ways to reduce overwhelming workloads, such as task prioritization and workload redistribution, to prevent burnout.
4. Job insecurity for contract employees: Assess and refine job security measures for contract employees to alleviate their concerns and enhance their job stability.

I look forward to discussing these proposals further to support the well-being and productivity of our team.

Best regards,

HR Manager, HUE Sportswear Manufacturing Company

【題組】176.According to the table, which stressor did the highest percentage of junior-level employees strongly agree or agree with?
(A) With the rise of technology, it's become harder to "switch off" from work.
(B)Mental health challenges result from high job demands, low job control, or lack of support from managers and colleagues.
(C)Feeling overwhelmed and being unable to meet constant demands cause burnout.
(D)The increasing use of contract work has resulted in more job insecurity.


【題組】178.What is the proposed solution to alleviate job insecurity concerns for contract employees?
(A) Implementing structured technology breaks to disconnect and recharge.
(B)Enhancing mental health support programs for employees.
(C)Reducing workloads through task prioritization and workload redistribution.
(D)Assessing and refining job security measures for contract employees.


Questions 186-190 refer to the followinginvoice,advertisement, and press release.
Issued on April 20
The Rocks Seafood Supplier
3 Lagoon Pl, Yeppoon QLD 4703

Hanna's Seafood Restaurant
378 Fenlon Ave, Frenchville QLD 4701

Please make the payment within 7 days to the following account:

Bank: Bendigo Bank
Account Number: 451944780543

Thank you for choosing Hanna's Seafood Restaurant. We look forward to serving you again soon!


Hanna's Seafood Restaurant

Join us at Hanna's Seafood Restaurant's special event, where we'll be celebrating our love for seafood! On April 25th, from 11 AM to 1 PM, we're hosting a tasting event like no other - a King Crab Legs feast at Giant Park, right across the street from our restaurant.

That's right, we're rolling out the red carpet for all you seafood lovers. Be one of the first 100 attendees, and your King Crab Legs tasting is on us. Absolutely free! Don't miss this unique opportunity to enjoy the exquisite flavors of our renowned King Crab Legs, prepared by our skilled chefs.

Mark your calendars, seafood enthusiasts. April 25th at Giant Park, just across the road from Hanna's Seafood Restaurant. We can't wait to see you there!
Hanna's Seafood Restaurant Temporarily Closed; Legal Action Pending

Following an underwhelming public response to a King Crab Legs tasting event on April 25,Hanna's Seafood Restaurant, located at 378 Fenlon Ave, Frenchville QLD 4701, has unexpectedly closed its doors from the next day. There have been no indications of when the restaurant will reopen.

Furthermore, we regret to announce that The Rocks Seafood Supplier, a prominent seafood distributor based in Yeppoon QLD, has taken legal action against Hanna's Seafood Restaurant due to an outstanding payment of AUD 2,448, despite a generous 15% regular customer discount extended to the restaurant.

The invoice dated April 20 included items such as Fresh Barramundi Fillets, Prawn Skewers,King Crab Legs, Tartar Sauce, Lemon Wedges, and Bottled Water, as specified in our records. All payment details were provided, including the account at Bendigo Bank, with the expectation of receiving the payment within seven days.

Hanna's Seafood Restaurant has been a valued customer, and it was always a pleasure to serve them. The Rocks Seafood Supplier aims to foster a strong relationship with all clients and hopes that this situation will soon find a resolution.

【題組】188.How can attendees qualify for a free gift at the event?
(A) Purchase a ticket in advance.
(B)Be one of the first 100 attendees.
(C)Participate in a cooking competition.
(D)Bring a friend to the event.


Questions 181 ~ 185 refer to the following voucher and web page.

Betty’s Clothing Voucher

Code: ECOSALE2023
Discount: 20% off on Accessories orders over $1500
Validity: Expires on March 31, 2030

Terms and Conditions:This voucher code is valid for purchases of Accessories category items only. To avail of the discount, the order total (excluding taxes and shipping fees) must be equal to or exceed $1,500. This voucher code cannot be combined with any other offers or promotions. Please enter the voucher code during the checkout process to apply the discount
Checkout Results:

Order Summary:
Accessories Total: $2,000.00
Discount (20% off): -$400.00
Shipping Fees: $10.00
Total: $1,610.00

Congratulations! You have successfully applied the voucher code "ECOSALE2023" during the checkout process. As per the terms and conditions, since your Accessories order total (excluding taxes and shipping fees) is equal to or exceeds $1,500, you are eligible for a 20% discount.

The original total for your Accessories items was $2,000.00. However, with the voucher code, you have received a discount of $400.00 (20% off). The final discounted total for your Accessories items is now $1,600.00.

In addition to the order total, there are shipping fees of $10.00 applicable.

Therefore, your final amount payable, including shipping fees, is $1,610.00. Please proceed with the payment process to complete your purchase.

Thank you for shopping with Betty's Clothing.

【題組】183.When does the voucher code expire?
(A)March 31, 2024.
(B)March 31, 2025.
(C)March 31, 2029.
(D)March 31, 2030.


【題組】184.What is the total discounted amount for the Accessories items after applying the voucher code?


Questions 176-180 refer to the following information and email.

Elevate your next corporate gathering, seminar, or collaborative session at our cutting-edge meeting spaces, conveniently situated in the heart of the city center. Equipped with contemporary facilities such as high-speed internet, state-of-the-art audio-visual equipment, and ergonomic seating, our versatile conference rooms cater to a range of occasions, including:
● Team Assemblies: Our conference rooms provide a serene and professional setting for your team to foster teamwork, generate ideas, and strategize for the future.
● Training Workshops: Whether you are conducting orientation programs for new hires or enhancing the skills of your current workforce, our conference rooms offer a comfortable and distraction-free atmosphere for effective learning.
● Client Presentations: Wow your clients with an impressive presentation in our conference rooms, complete with top-notch audio-visual equipment and breathtaking panoramic views of the cityscape.
● Interactive Workshops: Host your upcoming workshop in our conference rooms and offer participants a stimulating and cozy environment conducive to learning and networking.
● Study Collaborations: Our conference rooms offer a serene and focused ambiance for students to engage in group study sessions and collaborative projects.

Reach out to us today to arrange a personalized tour and uncover why InnovaSpaces stands as the premier choice for your next event.
Subject: Complaint

Dear InnovaSpaces,

I am writing to express my disappointment regarding a recent study group session that took place in one of your conference rooms. As the head of the study group, I am concerned about the significant noise disruptions caused by individuals occupying the adjacent room.

Despite the quiet and distraction-free environment your conference rooms are known for,we experienced constant disturbances due to excessive noise from the neighboring occupants. This situation greatly hampered our ability to concentrate and collaborate effectively during our study session.

I kindly request that you address this issue promptly to ensure a peaceful and conducive environment for future study groups. It would be highly appreciated if you could implement measures to minimize such disturbances and ensure that all guests adhere to the expected standards of behavior and noise control.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response and a satisfactory resolution.

Yours sincerely,

【題組】178.What was the main issue faced by Nelson's study group during the session?
(A)Insufficient seating arrangements.
(B)Lack of study materials.
(C)Disturbances caused by neighboring occupants.
(D)Inadequate lighting conditions.


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