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試卷測驗 - 106 年 - 106 高等考試_三級_各類科(除公職醫事檢驗師、公職藥師、公職護理師、公職營養師、公職食品技師外):英文#63541
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31 Supporters worried that the revelation of the scandal may______ the reputation of their preferred legislator candidate.
(A) endeavor
(B) magnify
(C) accelerate
(D) jeopardize


32 Many charities are devoted to supporting the______ in society, such as providing food and clothes.
(A) dissident
(B) omnipotent
(C) indicator
(D) indigent


33 When the demonstration became violent and out of control, the police should take action to _____.
(A) intervene
(B) accumulate
(C) automate
(D) elevate


34 The best way to avoid committing ______is to always document the sources you use and respect the intellectual property rights of others.
(A) suicide
(B) vandalism
(C) harassment
(D) plagiarism


35 The protesters marched through the streets of the city______ a legal status in negotiations with their employers.
(A) declining
(B) demanding
(C) distinguishing
(D) distributing


36 After making a racist joke, the host apologized that it was never her intent to______ anyone.
(A) entertain
(B) defend
(C) soothe
(D) offend


37 After a few minutes’ preparation, the chair starts the meeting, introduces the______ , invites the first speaker to make his/her proposal, prevents interruptions, brings in other speakers, summarizes, etc.
(A) agenda
(B) advert
(C) artery
(D) angler


38 The oldest child in a family often______ quickly, learning early to take responsibility for his/her siblings.
(A) coincides
(B) declares
(C) interacts
(D) matures


39 People who use the ______style of communication appear to put themselves last and seem to consider themselves inferior to others.
(A) definite
(B) submissive
(C) coherent
(D) insane


40 Almost one thousand people have been ______because of the devastating forest fire that began last night. Over fifty buildings and homes have been destroyed.
(A) evacuated
(B) evaluated
(C) substituted
(D) suspected


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題: Giant pandas have better ears than people — and polar bears. Researchers found out that pandas can 41 surprisingly high frequencies. The scientists played a range of tones for five zoo pandas trained to 42 a target in response to sound. Training took three to six months for each animal and 43 serious focus and patience, which, according to an expert, was “a lot to ask of a bear.” Both males and females heard into the range of a “silent” ultrasonic dog whistle. Polar bears, the only other bears scientists have tested, are 44 sensitive to sounds at or above 14 kilohertz. Researchers still don’t know why pandas have ultrasonic hearing. The bears are a 45 bunch, but their chirps and other calls have never been recorded at ultrasonic levels. Great hearing may be a holdover from the bears’ ancient past.
(A) taste
(B) hear
(C) see
(D) touch


(A) call
(B) lose
(C) miss
(D) nose


(A) discounted
(B) dedicated
(C) demanded
(D) declared


(A) more
(B) much
(C) less
(D) equally


(A) vocal
(B) visual
(C) receptive
(D) tactile


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: The student market in the UK is estimated to be worth £13 billion of spending power in a year. It is a market no company should ignore. Marketers are desperate to get students’ attention before they turn into high-earning graduates. But students are hard to reach and cynical. How can brands target them? Youth market trends analyst Sean Pillot de Chenecey advises companies who hope to market to students. He says there is no single strategy. Students organize their life on their mobile phones, respect brands that are ethical, but worry more about how they are going to pay off their debt than world peace. To get students’ attention, marketers must offer them something that adds to their lives. It isn’t enough to simply sponsor a music tour: they have to make the event happen. For example, Carling (a beer manufacturer) introduced live music at train station. Offering students help with their education and careers is an effective marketing method. The Guardian newspaper runs careers fairs and offers discounts on its products, such as Guardian Student, a 32-page newspaper. Red Bull, a successful energy drinks brand, uses what it calls “energy teams” on university campuses. The company recruits teams of students and gives them a Red Bull car, which has a fridge. The students offer samples and give information about the product benefits. They do this on campus at sporting events and at times of the year when students might need an energy boost. “It’s extremely important that it is a student doing this and not a company sales rep,” says the company’s consumer manager who runs the scheme. “You need to have an approach that doesn’t look like a sales pitch.” Having an insider on campus can help marketers understand student life. Youth marketing agency, Virgin D3, has a database of students who act as “field staff”. They ask them for help when planning an event at their university. Perhaps, by getting ideas from the students themselves, companies can find ways to reach this difficult market.
【題組】46 What is the passage mainly about?
(A) Marketing to student consumers
(B) Helping student consumers with their education
(C) Offering discounts to student consumers
(D) Training student consumers to be field staff


【題組】47 According to the passage, what is NOT a characteristic of students?
(A) Establishing their social lives on mobile phones.
(B) Valuing brands that are ethical.
(C) Concerning their student loans.
(D) Prioritizing world peace.


【題組】48 Why does the author mention the newspaper The Guardian as an example in the passage?
(A) To illustrate a marketing strategy.
(B) To explain why student consumers are difficult to reach.
(C) To give marketers details of student life.
(D) To introduce a youth marketing agency.


【題組】49 What does “pitch” mean in the passage?
(A) logo
(B) agenda
(C) promotion
(D) bonus


【題組】50 According to the passage, what do “energy teams” and “field staff” have in common?
(A) Both are companies with social responsibility.
(B) Both are marketing strategies.
(C) Both are sponsors.
(D) Both are high-earning graduates.


試卷測驗 - 106 年 - 106 高等考試_三級_各類科(除公職醫事檢驗師、公職藥師、公職護理師、公職營養師、公職食品技師外):英文#63541-阿摩線上測驗
