阿摩:一個人的成功絕不是個人的努力 而是別人給予的助力
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Collaborative online international learning (COIL) is a recently developed form of education that promotes global learning between colleges and universities from different countries around the world. With the aid of modern technology such as the Internet and videoconferencing, students from schools in different countries can    41    their learning with peers of different cultural and language backgrounds. This is also an affordable way of international learning through    42    students can establish friendship with people of similar age and learn together without having to spend much money going abroad in order to do so. As the word, collaborative, indicates, this is a pedagogy that focuses on a student-centered approach of learning with teachers playing merely the role of    43    . They need to build up a sounding collaboration by developing    44    learning strategies and activities that can boost students' motivation in learning and their willingness to learn with and through each other. Through modern technology such as videoconferencing, students could discuss topics that are of interest to them and communicate with each other crossculturally. This is one fruitful way of gaining one's own global literacy and cross-cultural   45   . That is the reason why some universities in both the United States and Japan play an active role in encouraging this kind of learning world-wide.



請依下文回答第 11 題至第 15 題
        A significant event that marked me indelibly occurred when I was twelve. That year my school held a music   11   and I was one of the students chosen to play the piano. I managed to get up the steps to the stage without any problem, but as I walked across the stage, I fell. Out of the audience, a voice said loudly and clearly, “Ayah! A baikah shouldn't be allowed to perform in public” I got up before anyone could get on stage to help me and, with tears   12   uncontrollably down my face, I rushed to the piano and began to play. Beethoven's “Fur Elise” had never been played so   13   fast before or since, but I managed to finish the whole piece. That I managed to do so made me feel really strong. I never again feared   14   . In later years I was reminded of this experience from time to time. During my fourth year as an assistant professor at the University of California at Berkeley, I won a   15   teaching award.

(A) distinguished
(B) distinguishing
(C) extinguished
(D) extinguishing


請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題 
       Crimes against humanity appeared for the first time in a treaty in the 1945 Nuremberg Charter at the end of the Second World War, albeit with a different definition than today. Since the 1990s, crimes against humanity have been codified in different international treaties such as the Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (1993), the Statute of the International Tribunal for Rwanda(1994) and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (1998). The Rome Statute provides the most recent and most expansive list of specific criminal acts that may constitute crimes against humanity. 
     Unlike other human rights violations, war crimes do not engage state responsibility but individual criminal responsibility. This means that individuals can be tried and found personally responsible for such crimes as murder, extermination, enslavement/deportation or forcible transfer of population, imprisonment, torture, sexual violence, execution against an identifiable group, enforced disappearance of persons, the crime of apartheid, and other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. Governments around the world often deny that crimes against humanity have occurred on their territory, thus ignoring the suffering of their people. Thousands of desperate victims are still struggling to get long-waited justice, reparation and recognition. 
     TRIAL International, a non-governmental organization, helps victims to get their voice heard by bringing their cases before domestic courts, as well as before regional and international human rights mechanism like the United Nations Human Rights Committee and the European Court of Human Rights.The organization provides free legal support to victims, from the preparation and submission of their case, to the proceedings and the implementation of the decisions on the ground. TRIAL International fights   impunity   by filing criminal and compensation claims against perpetrators of crimes against humanity. These complaints are brought before international bodies, and before national courts thanks to the principle of universal jurisdiction. TRIAL also pushes national justice systems to investigate situations and prosecute the perpetrators of mass atrocities.

【題組】17 Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
(A) Crimes against humanity appeared for the first time after the end of World War II.
(B) The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court provides the most extensive list of crimes against humanity.
(C) No individuals but the states can be tried and found responsible for engaging wars in other countries.
(D) Claims against perpetrators of crimes against humanity were brought to courts due to the principle of national jurisdiction.


請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題 
     Recently economists looked at the relationship between pupils’ month of birth and their schoolperformance. It was found that among fourth graders, the oldest children scored on math and readingsomewhere between four and twelve percentile points better than the youngest children. That can beexplained as a “huge effect.” It means that if you take two intellectually    21      fourth graders with birthdaysat opposite ends of the cutoff date, the older student could score in the eightieth percentile,    22    theyounger one could score in the sixty-eighth percentile. That’s the difference between    23    for a giftedprogram or not. The economists said, “We do ability grouping early on in childhood. We have advancedreading groups and advanced math groups. So, early on, if we look at young kids, in kindergarten and firstgrade, the teachers are    24    maturity with ability. And they put the old kids in the advanced stream,where they learn better skills; and the next year, because they are in the higher groups, they do even better;and in the next year, the same thing happens, and they do even better again. The only country we don’tsee this going on is Denmark.” Denmark waits to make selection decisions until maturity differences byage have      25   . This is because they have a national policy where they have no ability grouping untilthe age of ten.

(A) piled up
(B) turned off
(C) evened out
(D) fallen apart


40 Many university graduates prefer employment in the government to that in the private______ .
(A) compartments
(B) eras
(C) partitions
(D) sectors


請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題:
       Parents and educators are best positioned to help kids deal with information-quality issues. Children need to be taught critical skills in general.   31   suggests that as they learn these skills, they are better able to make   32   of information online as well as offline. We don’t need to teach them anything   33   new.But the need for critical thinking is even greater now than it was decades ago, when kids had library cards instead of Web   34   . The material at the library was already hand-picked for its suitability and   35   . We need to teach kids these skills earlier, and in ways that work for them in the digital environment as well as in traditional environments.

(A) attachments
(B) arguments
(C) appointments
(D) assessments



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