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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文2024~2020難度:(1241~1265)
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請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題 It is often said that your personal value is not what you know, but who you know. The most important lesson to learn from the best-connected 21 is that little of their networking activity is carried out with any specific business goal in mind. They 22 their effort on people they most like and who seem to like them back. However, according to Europe’s leading business networking strategist, Andy Lopata, connection is not enough. It is important also to determine how well your 23 understand what you do and then how inspired they might be to provide a referral. The chances of receiving a referral are greatly 24 if they know you have a high level of trust, and they understand exactly what you do, what problems you solve, and how you help people. Expert networkers work on the basis that if you connect with your network on mutually beneficial basis, the financial rewards will flow. Successful networking should be 25 and altruistic, giving referrals without remembering your simple favor, and receiving them without forgetting their kind gift.
(A) contacts
(B) concerns
(C) contracts
(D) contents


37. Some academic conference events were attended because of their potential for _____ rather than as an imperative for research.


34. Buttigieg served for six years as an _____ officer in the Navy Reserves to collect information in Afghanistan.


9 When traveling along the coast, we  _______  across the ruins of an old fort and enjoyed the historical site.
(A) sneaked
(B) skipped
(C) scrambled
(D) stumbled


請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題:
         Public demands and cries for vengeance disguised as justice were rampant and harrowing. Signs,rallies in front of the courthouses, editorials—all seemed unassuageable by anything less than the culprit’sbeheading. T. Jackson joined the chorus but was not impressed by so facile a solution. What he wantedwas not the man’s death, but his life afflicted with remorse and pain without end. Wasn’t there a tribe inAfrica that lashed the dead body to the back of the one who had murdered it? That would certainly bejustice—to carry the rotting corpse around as a physical burden as well as public shame and damnation.The rage, the public clamor upon the conviction of the nicest man in the world, shook him as much as hisbrother’s death. The trial itself was not long but the preliminaries seemed eternal to him. Throughout thedays of newspaper headlines, talk radio and neighborhood gossip he struggled to find some way to freezeand individualize his feelings, to separate them from the sorrow and frenzied anger of other families. Hisbrother’s calamity, he thought, was not public fare to be confined to one line in a newspaper’s list of thefew victims. It was private, belonging only to the two brothers. Two years later, a satisfactory and calmingsolution came to him. Reenacting the gesture he’d made at his brother’s funeral, he had a small rosetattooed on his left shoulder. Was this the same chair the predator sat in, the same needle used on his paste-white skin? He didn’t ask. The tattoo artist didn’t have the dazzling yellow of his memory, so they settledfor an orangish kind of red.

【題組】34 What is hinted at the end of the passage?
(A) The author had the same tattoo as his dead brother.
(B) The predator on the author’s brother was a relative of the tattoo artist.
(C) The predator was tattooed by the same artist who patterned the rose for the author.
(D) The revenge is done in a way that the author was needled with the same color as the victimizer.


37 As most people in the audience have never heard of cloud computing before, how to clearly explain it to these _____ is a big challenge to Prof. Lin.
(A) adherents
(B) apprentices
(C) disciples
(D) laymen


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
In the four minutes it probably takes to read this review, you will have logged exactly half the time the average 15- to 24-year-old now spends reading each day. That is, if you even bother to finish. If you are perusing this on the Internet, the big block of text below probably seems daunting, maybe even boring. Who has the time? Such is the kind of recklessly distracted impatience that makes Mark Bauerlein fear for his country. “As of 2008,” the 49-year-old professor of English at Emory University writes in “The Dumbest Generation,” “the intellectual future of the United States looks dim.”
The way Bauerlein sees it, something new and disastrous has happened to America’s youth with the arrival of the instant gratification go-go-go digital age. The result is, essentially, a collective loss of context and history. The problem is that instead of using the Web to learn about the world, young people mostly use it to gossip about each other and follow pop culture, relentlessly keeping up with the ever-shifting lingua franca of being cool in school. Social life is a powerful temptation and most teenagers feel the pain of missing out.
And all this feeds on itself. Increasingly disconnected from the “adult” world of tradition, culture, history, context and the ability to sit down for more than five minutes with a book, today’s digital generation is becoming insulated in its own stultifying cocoon of bad spelling, civic illiteracy and endless postings that hopelessly confuse triviality with transcendence.
At fault is not just technology but also a newly indulgent attitude among parents, educators and other mentors, who, Bauerlein argues, lack the courage to risk “being labeled a curmudgeon and a reactionary.”

【題組】48 What does the word “dim” in the first paragraph mean?
(A) Pessimistic.
(B) Dark.
(C) Gossipy.
(D) Illiterate.


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
       At the beginning of the 20th century, less than 1,000 colleges with 160,000 students existed in the US. The number of colleges skyrocketed in waves, during the early and mid 20th century. State universities grew from smallin stitutions of fewer than 1,000 students to campuses with 40,000 more students, with networks of regional campuses around the state. In turn, regional campuses broke away and became separate universities.
        To handle the explosive growth of K–12 education, every state set up a network of teachers’ colleges, beginningwith Massachusetts in the 1830s. After 1950, they became state colleges and then state universities with a broad curriculum. Major new trends included the development of the junior colleges. They were usually set up by city school systems starting in the 1920s. By the 1960s they were renamed as “community colleges.”
        Junior colleges grew from 20 in number in 1909, to 170 in 1919. By 1922, 37 states had set up 70 junior colleges, enrolling about 150 students each. Meanwhile, another 137 were privately operated, with about 60 student seach. Rapid expansion continued in the 1920s, with 440 junior colleges in 1930 enrolling about 70,000 students.The peak year for private institutions came in 1949, when there were 322 junior colleges in all; 180 were affiliated with churches, 108 were independent and non-profit, and 34 were private schools being run for-profit.
       Many factors contributed to rapid growth of community colleges. Students parents and businessmen wanted nearby, low-cost schools to provide training for the growing white-collar labor force, as well as for more advanced technical jobs in the blue-collar sphere. Four-year colleges were also growing, albeit not as fast; however, many ofthem were located in rural or small-town areas away from the fast-growing metropolis. Community collegescontinue as open-enrollment, low-cost institutions with a strong component of vocational education, as well as alow-cost preparation for transfer students into four-year schools. They appeal to a poorer, older, less preparedelement.

【題組】49 Which of the following statistics is TRUE?
(A) Before 1919, there were already more than 170 junior colleges.
(B) In the 1920s, there were about 140 privately-operated junior colleges.
(C) In 1949, there were totally 180 junior colleges with 108 independent non-profit.
(D) The peak year for private community college expansion came at the year of 1922.


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題 
In the ancient days, our ancestors took the time to connect with animals intimately. We also have the same abilities. We are   41   to learn how to connect with our pets and grasp simple insights just by being present with the creatures close to us. Animals see us with pure vision. Puppies will run up to charm anyone. They see all people as   42   of love and attention. Today, many people seek to connect with intuitive power. Nevertheless, the easy road is not the answer. Those seeking   43   from spiritual counselors or even psychics often miss the point.   44   such avenues can indeed help us, they should not become crutches. We need to look within and use our own sight, a divine gift of inner vision.   45   seeking answers elsewhere, let's spend more time with our animals and ourselves.

(A) Lest
(B) That
(C) Even
(D) While


1 The chemical company was fined eight million dollars for _____ environmental regulations.
(A) scratching
(B) dispatching
(C) poaching
(D) breaching


5 The president, hailing a “new era” to bring hopes to his people in the country, was _____ last month.
(A) yielded
(B) executed
(C) inaugurated
(D) terminated


39 Many scholars have reported that a recent publication on the gender pay gap is highly ________ ; they particularly criticize the reach team’s sampling procedure.
(A) contentious
(B) convincing
(C) commendable
(D) considerable


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
      In business or in daily life, when dealing with the things we know, we can plan accordingly and expect them to go as planned. However good business or personal plans may be, they can sometimes __41__       because of unexpected events or circumstances, which are often called contingencies. Success sometimes reflects the number of calculated risks we are willing to take, both personally and professionally. That is why contingency planning is so important for it allows active risk management and __42__ preparation rather than reactive decisions when faced with an emergency, which can result in failure.
       In business a contingency, either externally or internally, is generally negative, and it may influence the financial health, professional image, or market share of a company. __43__ , such unexpected development can likewise be a surprising windfall, for example, a giant order. Anything __44__          that upsets a company’s normal operation can hurt the company regardless of the possibility that the interruption is a direct result of a windfall. It should, therefore, be a normal part of the business planning process to __45__ potential threats and opportunities. Seeing to this can ensure that specific contingency plans and resources are well-prepared to deal with them.

(A) Also
(B) Yet
(C) In case
(D) In practice


2 He needs to submit all his college _______ to be reviewed by the authorities to decide whether he could be admitted to the graduate program.
(A) scripts
(B) transcripts
(C) scriptures
(D) prescriptions


2 John had never studied medicine, but he had rich _______ knowledge of it to give medical advice to his friends.
(A) embodied
(B) eloquent
(C) empirical
(D) elliptical


33 More and more TV channels with the proliferation of shouting-match political talk shows make voters______ by irrationality during an election season.
(A) fueled
(B) visualized
(C) fulfilled
(D) verified


請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題:
       The development of companion machine is making a lot of progress. The ideal companion machine would not only look, feel, and sound friendly but would also be programmed to behave in a   21   manner.Those qualities that make interaction with other people enjoyable would be   22   as closely as possible, and the machine would appear to be charming, stimulating, and easygoing. Its informal conversational style would make interaction comfortable, and yet the machine would remain slightly unpredictable and   23   interesting. In its first encounter it might be somewhat hesitant and   24   , but as it came to know the user it would progress to a more relaxed and intimate style. The machine would not be a passive participant but would add its own suggestions, information, and opinions; it would sometimes take the   25   in developing or changing the topic and would have a personality of its own.

(A) secondary
(B) congenial
(C) cynical
(D) similar


請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題
       There are many amazing underground creatures. The stars of the underground show are earthworms,__16__ their role in building soil, their importance to gardeners, and the fascination they afford schoolchildren. Earthworms are giants compared with most other soil__17__ . The earthworm’s body is made of__18__ cylinders, which look like many little rings joined together. They are__19__ that chew their way through soil, feeding on plant and animal detritus and on microbes, digesting and thoroughly mixing organic and inorganic components before eliminating it as humus. This__20__breaks complex organic molecules down into simpler forms more suitable for uptake by plants.

(A) omnivores
(B) erasers
(C) aviaries
(D) ulcers


10 Even though the driver had _____ fought the steering wheel for control, accidents still happened.
(A) inclusively
(B) desperately
(C) incidentally
(D) sufficiently


17 In recent weeks, hundreds of passengers go on daylong _____ to learn about the history, culture, economy and environment of this attraction.
(A) dedications
(B) devotions
(C) escalations
(D) excursions


31 The family followed the road to a _____ where three roads met and turned left to a big open area. That's where they saw a large number of colorful mushrooms.


22 Everyone was impressed with their dignity and ______ while they were in vigil for their late mother.


39 _____ is a way of having fun invented by holiday makers while they’re grounded by the pandemic.
(A) Tele-location
(B) Staycation
(C) Collocation
(D) Relocation


請依下文回答第 26 題至第 30 題
        Record companies and film studios have had to learn to live with internet piracy. __26__ their bestattempts to close sites or co-opt them, pirated copies of their wares are easily available. Increasingly,the__ 27___ is true of scientific papers. On June 21st 2017, a court in New York awarded Elsevier, a bigscientific publisher, $15 million in damages for copyright__28__ by Sci-Hub and the Library of Genesis,two websites that offer tens of millions of scientific papers and books for anyone to download. Both sitesare increasingly popular with scientists, who use them to__ 29__ pricy paywalls and subscriptions.Alexandra Elbakyan, who__ 30__ Sci-Hub in 2011, did not turn up for the trial, but did send a letteroutlining her reasons for starting the site.

(A) protect
(B) attack
(C) dodge
(D) offer


24 He didn’t feel any ______ for his school days, which were nothing but exams and unreasonable expectations from parents and teachers.
(A) commencement
(B) nostalgia
(C) sympathy
(D) reconciliation

一、翻譯:請將下列中文段落翻成英文,英文段落翻成中文。(40 分)

【題組】 ⑴ 伴隨著高齡化社會,社會上對於銀髮族的關照也越來越多,其中蘊含著無限商 機。各類型產業,只要運用巧思,針對銀髮族的需求,就可以開創新的客層與新 的商機。近幾年來,不論是保健食品、照護產業、遠距醫療、美容醫療及抗老保養 品、套裝旅遊、銀髮族理財投資專案、醫療器材等銀髮市場,都晉身為熱門產業之 林,成為經濟不景氣中的異數。


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文2024~2020難度:(1241~1265)-阿摩線上測驗

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