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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文2024~2020難度:(1291~1315)
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8 If you are planning to _____, Canada may be a good destination.
(A) allocate
(B) emigrate
(C) immigrate
(D) accommodate


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題 If you want to know where Google is headed, look through Google Lens. The artificially intelligent, augmented reality feature seemed to generate the most interest at Google’s developer conference. Of all announcements, it best encapsulated what Google’s transition to an “AI first” company means. Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai underscored the tool as a key reflection of Google’s direction. “All of Google was built because we started understanding text and web pages. So the fact that computers can understand images and videos has profound implications for our core mission,” he said so in his introduction of Lens. During a demo, Google showed off how you could point your camera at something and Lens would tell you what it is-like, it could identify the flower you’re preparing to shoot. In another example, Pichai showed how Lens could do a common task-connecting you to a home’s Wi-Fi network by snapping a photo of the sticker on the router. A third example was a photo of a business’s storefront-and Google Lens could pull up the name, rating and other business listing information in a card that appeared over the photo. The technology basically turns the camera from a passive tool that’s capturing the world around you to one that’s allowing you to interact with what’s in your camera’s viewfinder. Later, during a Google Home demonstration, the company showed how Lens would be integrated into Google Assistant. Through a new button in the Assistant app, users will be able to launch Lens and insert a photo into the conversation with the Assistant, where it can process the data the photo contains. To show how this could work, Google’s Scott Huffman holds his camera up to a concert marquee for a Stone Foxes show and Google Assistant pulls up info on ticket sales. “Add this to my calendar,” he says-and it does. The integration of Lens into Assistant can also help with translations. Huffman demonstrates this by holding up his camera to a sign in Japanese, tapping the Lens icon and saying “What does this say?” Google Assistant then translates the text. Pichai said in his founders’ letter a year ago that part of this shift to being an AI first company meant computing would be less device-centric. Lens is an example of being less device-centric, on mobile. The technology behind Lens is essentially nothing new, and that also tells us something about where Google is going. This is not to say that Google is done coming up with new technologies, but that there are a lot of capabilities the company is still putting together into useful products.
【題組】39 According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
(A) Google is shifting its emphasis on high tech devices such as Google Assitant.
(B) Google’s core mission centers around the computer application of image processing.
(C) Google Lens can be integrated into Google Assistant for tasks.
(D) Google is focusing on providing useful products that utilizes artificial intelligence.


請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題 
  Would you ever eat a plant whose genes were altered by scientists in a laboratory? You probably already have, for genetically modified organisms (GMOs), also known as genetically engineered organisms, are 16 in modern food supplies. The concept underlying genetic modification is not new. For centuries, farmers have used a method called selective breeding to produce more 17 crops. They do this by choosing seeds from plants that appear to be particularly 18 to pests and cold or dry weather and planting those seeds in place of weaker strains. Over time, the desirable strains come to dominate the genetic 19 of the farmers’ crops. Not everyone is supportive of the technology, however. Critics point to the fact that GM foods are simply too new to be embraced, 20 that there could exist long-term health risks that have yet to surface. For instance, consumers with allergies have had adverse reaction to the implanted genes.

(A) homelands
(B) restraints
(C) defects
(D) profiles


35. The victim said, “If the police want to keep me in jail, they will _____ a case of keeping a weapon without a license or just anything.”
(A)turn up
(B)trump up
(C)petition for
(D)plan on


32 Until they obtain citizenship through _____ , immigrants may be denied full rights of citizenship precisely because they are not citizens.
(A) alienation
(B) internalization
(C) internationalization
(D) naturalization


請依下文回答第 26 題至第 30 題:
         Recently, Luis Jimenez, an undocumented and uninsured immigrant, sustained traumatic braininjuries in a car accident with an intoxicated Floridian driver. After the accident, he was hospitalized atMartin Memorial Medical Center, a private community hospital in Florida. Because Jimenez, whoremained incapacitated, required ongoing care but lacked medical insurance, Martin Memorial was unableto find a rehabilitation facility willing to accept him. Instead, Jimenez remained as a ward of the hospitalfor several years at a cost exceeding $1.5 million. Of this $1.5 million, Martin Memorial collected only$80,000 from Medicaid for the emergency services rendered to Jimenez; the hospital absorbed theremaining costs associated with his care. Faced with both Jimenez’s continuing medical needs and thefinancial costs borne of this care, Martin Memorial secured a state court order to authorize the hospital totransport Jimenez to a medical facility in Guatemala, his country of origin. Acting under this court order,which was later deemed invalid on appeal, the hospital leased an air ambulance at its expense and forciblytransported Jimenez back to Guatemala.
          Martin Memorial’s actions in returning Jimenez to his country of origin do not represent an isolatedincident. Instead, through a practice known as medical repatriation, some hospitals return indigentimmigrant patients who are ineligible for long-term Medicaid to their countries of origin to reduce the  financial burdens associated with their uncompensated care. Indeed, international medical repatriationshave emerged as a creative response to the financial conundrum imposed upon hospitals by virtue ofimmigration and health care policies. Collectively, these policies restrict immigrants’ access to long-termMedicaid, obligate certain hospitals to render emergency medical services without regard for the patient’sability to pay, and require hospitals to secure appropriate follow-up care for patients in accordance withfederal discharge regulations. While hospitals may recoup some costs through Emergency Medicaid--which covers the treatment of emergency medical conditions without regard for immigration status--thescope of Emergency Medicaid, as demonstrated in Jimenez’s case, may not fully compensate hospitals forthe treatment of uninsured, indigent patients. Consequently, medical repatriations provide an alternativemethod of cost reduction.

【題組】26 What is the passage mainly about?
(A) International medical repatriations.
(B) Emergency Medicaid compensations.
(C) Medical care for uninsured immigrants.
(D) Human rights violations by hospitals.


【題組】28 Which of the following is NOT true about the hospital’s action of sending Jimenez back to Guatemala?
(A) The hospital obtained a legal permission before sending Jimenez back.
(B) The hospital was ordered by the court to send Jimenez back.
(C) The court revoked its earlier order after Jimenez was sent back.
(D) Martin Memorial hired an air ambulance to send Jimenez back out of its own budget.


38 The retired CEO had been in excellent physical health, but recently he _____ pneumonia in both lungs and passed away in two weeks.
(A) acquired
(B) contracted
(C) relieved
(D) engaged


38 The company has been very cautious about dealing with takeover bids from their _____ competitors.
(A) predatory
(B) prohibitive
(C) proportionate
(D) predestined


39 Patrick is such a good-natured person; he practices ______ faithfully and is always more than ready to help needy people.
(A) altruism
(B) cynicism
(C) euphemism
(D) metabolism


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
       With the advent of freezers, we’re able to preserve our food longer than before. But is there a differencebetween fresh and frozen produce __41__ nutrition? Well, it highly depends on the circumstances. Most food youtake off the shelf in a grocery store __42__ under-ripe to avoid damage during travel time. This means it hasn’tyet reached its peak nutrition. Furthermore, the minute it is picked, its nutritional content begins to __43__ . Whenit finally appears on your dinner table days later, the food may lose up to 50 percent of its nutritional value. Frozenfoods, __44__ , are picked when they’re ripe and frozen immediately. __45__ the quick freeze process may affectsome of the vitamin content, it essentially locks most of the nutrients in place. Compared with the fresh producethat has been sitting around for days, there’s no doubt that frozen foods contain more nutrition.

(A) descend
(B) deflate
(C) deprive
(D) deteriorate


36 The police released tear gas, trying to _____ the violent crowd.
(A) despise
(B) deprive
(C) dispose
(D) disperse


請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題
        Issues concerning women’s bodily integrity and autonomy, such as abortion, rape, and sterilization, are subject to strong opinions that give rise to equally charged political policies. As with other issues pertaining to women’s bodies, prostitution discourse is largely concerned with determining whether this social practice is exploitative, empowering, or a consequence of immorality.
         Prostitution is here defined as a social practice by which men gain sexual access to the bodies of predominantly women, children, and sometimes other men, through the exchange of money, goods, or housing.Prostitution, as a social construct, arises from “men’s dominance and women’s subordination.”
         Most people take one of three salient positions on prostitution. The first position argues that prostitution is a consequence of deficient moral character. This position draws heavily from patriarchal and religious traditions that equate female sexuality with temptation and male sexuality with dominance and sanctioned insatiability. The second position, the “sex work” position, asserts that prostitution is a valid form of labor and argues that prostitution is not inherently harmful to women. This position further contends that women have aright to decide what they will do with their bodies and that sex work, though oppressive for some, is potentially both lucrative and empowering for other women. The third position asserts that prostitution is a consequence of social, political, and economic inequality and argues that women are predominantly conscripted into prostitution because of their social vulnerability. Political regulation of prostitution activity varies according to each nation’s underlying economic and social justice commitments.

【題組】18 According to the passage, which of the following is true of the prostitution discourse?
(A) Prostitution is partially defined as exploitative sexuality.
(B) Prostitution is part and parcel of social work.
(C) Prostitution is empowered by enhancing morality.
(D) Social vulnerability sanctions females’ sexual inequality.


請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題 
       Crimes against humanity appeared for the first time in a treaty in the 1945 Nuremberg Charter at the end of the Second World War, albeit with a different definition than today. Since the 1990s, crimes against humanity have been codified in different international treaties such as the Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (1993), the Statute of the International Tribunal for Rwanda(1994) and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (1998). The Rome Statute provides the most recent and most expansive list of specific criminal acts that may constitute crimes against humanity. 
     Unlike other human rights violations, war crimes do not engage state responsibility but individual criminal responsibility. This means that individuals can be tried and found personally responsible for such crimes as murder, extermination, enslavement/deportation or forcible transfer of population, imprisonment, torture, sexual violence, execution against an identifiable group, enforced disappearance of persons, the crime of apartheid, and other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. Governments around the world often deny that crimes against humanity have occurred on their territory, thus ignoring the suffering of their people. Thousands of desperate victims are still struggling to get long-waited justice, reparation and recognition. 
     TRIAL International, a non-governmental organization, helps victims to get their voice heard by bringing their cases before domestic courts, as well as before regional and international human rights mechanism like the United Nations Human Rights Committee and the European Court of Human Rights.The organization provides free legal support to victims, from the preparation and submission of their case, to the proceedings and the implementation of the decisions on the ground. TRIAL International fights   impunity   by filing criminal and compensation claims against perpetrators of crimes against humanity. These complaints are brought before international bodies, and before national courts thanks to the principle of universal jurisdiction. TRIAL also pushes national justice systems to investigate situations and prosecute the perpetrators of mass atrocities.

【題組】19 What is the meaning of the word “impunity” in the last paragraph?
(A) Exemption.
(B) Constitution.
(C) Mechanism.
(D) Reparation.


請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題
     Do you have a “  type  ”? Do you always find yourself with a certain type of partner? Whether we like it or not, most of us have a certain ‘type’ of person we usually date or are attracted to. It doesn’t need to be physical. It might be something about their energy, the way they hold themselves or the way they command attention when they enter the room. Whatever it is, we find ourselves drawn to this ‘type’ of person. If you’re lucky enough to go for the lovely person with a gentle soul ‘type’, then it’s probably unlikely you care about the fact you have a ‘type’. ‘Type’ awareness comes to our attention because nine out of the last ten relationships were really not that great!
    The reason why we    wind    up with the same ‘type’ or find ourselves in a familiar relationship dynamic dates back to our earliest relationships. As a young child, we developed defense mechanisms in order to help us cope with fear, pain or frustrating circumstances in our environment. These defenses were a key contributing factor to how we formed opinions of ourselves, others and relationships. Without realizing, we unconsciously seek out people whose behavior support these opinions and beliefs. If we have formed negative ideas about ourselves, for example “I’m unlovable” or “I’m unattractive,” we seek out people who reinforce these unconscious beliefs, even if in reality we don’t like it.
    So how do you stop yourself from falling for the usual ‘type’? First, start from working out why you are attracted to your ‘type’. Spend some time with yourself to try and discover your deep-seated beliefs that contributed to attracting your partners. When you invest time in exploring your early attachment patterns, you can start to identify some of the areas that lead you to develop a love for your ‘type’. Next, look at your relationship history. What negative traits, patterns or similarities do all your ex-partners share? Make comparisons, but don’t forget the more subtle emotional aspects. How did they treat you? How did they make you feel?
    Understanding what draws you to your ‘type’ takes some time. Rushing out to find a new, perfect partner that’s the total opposite of your usual type isn’t going to be the answer to your ‘type’ dilemma. Although this may be refreshing for a short period of time, it is unlikely to turn out to be a long-lasting relationship. 21 What does the word “type” mean in this passage?

【題組】22 Which of the following words is closest in meaning to “wind” in the second paragraph?
(A) Add.
(B) End.
(C) Blow.
(D) Twist.


請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題:
       Parents and educators are best positioned to help kids deal with information-quality issues. Children need to be taught critical skills in general.   31   suggests that as they learn these skills, they are better able to make   32   of information online as well as offline. We don’t need to teach them anything   33   new.But the need for critical thinking is even greater now than it was decades ago, when kids had library cards instead of Web   34   . The material at the library was already hand-picked for its suitability and   35   . We need to teach kids these skills earlier, and in ways that work for them in the digital environment as well as in traditional environments.

(A) evaluation
(B) accuracy
(C) probability
(D) correction


17 Our school sponsors a blood ______ to promote blood donation every year.
(A) dive
(B) drain
(C) drive
(D) drill


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題 
        Terms considered proper for a group or phenomenon seem to change every generation or so. The term crippled, forexample, sounds abusive today,__ 36__ it was once considered civil by educated, sensitive people. Crippled began asa(n) __37__ term. However, a sad reality of human society is that there are negative associations and even dismissalharbored__ 38__  those with disabilities. Crippled thus became accreted with those overtones to the pointthat handicapped was fashioned as a replacement term __39__ from such baggage. Similarly, because humans stayedhuman, handicapped, later__40__     shades of abuse, also conditioned another replacement like disabled. Such a(n)periodic semantic renewal is an inevitable and healthy process.

(A) blind
(B) clung
(C) free
(D) weary


依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
 Noah considered it a sign from God; Aristotle was obsessed with its geometry.__ 41__ comes to your mind whenyou see the symbol of a rainbow? In the past few years, the rainbow flag has been internationally known to be closelyrelated to the pride of the LGBTQ+ community. However, the rainbow has come to __42__ many different meaningsthat some may not know about. For example, in the 1980s, the rainbow was used as a symbol by the GreenpeaceOrganization, which aimed at protecting the Earth’s environment. Recently, the rainbow has been used by children andadults alike as a sign of encouragement and resilience for__43__ providers like doctors and nurses. Having been aroundfor a long time, the rainbow as a symbol is __44__ for everyone. It is important that we all__45__ not only respectbut also empathy when using it or talking about it. That way, we can all relate to its meaning of hope no matter who weare or where we are.

(A) exclude
(B) say
(C) hold
(D) write


7 It’s been two weeks since the body was found, but the police have so far been unable to______ who the victim is, let alone arrest the murderer.
(A) ascertain
(B) demonstrate
(C) investigate
(D) justify


10 Affording the______of medical and health care for the residents in this area is crucial for resolving the spread of the diseases.
(A) provision
(B) prohibition
(C) propaganda
(D) proficiency


請依下文回答第 26 題至第 30 題
        Record companies and film studios have had to learn to live with internet piracy. __26__ their bestattempts to close sites or co-opt them, pirated copies of their wares are easily available. Increasingly,the__ 27___ is true of scientific papers. On June 21st 2017, a court in New York awarded Elsevier, a bigscientific publisher, $15 million in damages for copyright__28__ by Sci-Hub and the Library of Genesis,two websites that offer tens of millions of scientific papers and books for anyone to download. Both sitesare increasingly popular with scientists, who use them to__ 29__ pricy paywalls and subscriptions.Alexandra Elbakyan, who__ 30__ Sci-Hub in 2011, did not turn up for the trial, but did send a letteroutlining her reasons for starting the site.

(A) encirclement
(B) endangerment
(C) infringement
(D) invasion


38 The young artist was determined to ______ his skills as a musician, practicing diligently every day.
(A) lace
(B) race
(C) hone
(D) zone


5 The couple believed their wedding day's sunny weather and the appearance of a rainbow were _______ signs, foretelling a happy and prosperous life together.
(A) rebellious
(B) recreational
(C) deceitful
(D) auspicious


       Gender equality is a fundamental principle that advocates for equal rights, opportunities, andtreatment for individuals of all genders. It is a cornerstone of human rights and a crucial component ofsocial justice. Achieving gender equality is not just a matter of fairness; it has far-reaching benefits for society __31__ . In societies where gender equality is promoted and upheld, there is greater economic prosperity. When women have the same access __32__ education, employment opportunities, andleadership roles as men, it leads to increased productivity and innovation. Gender diversity in theworkplace fosters creativity and a wider range of perspectives, which can drive business success andsocietal progress. Moreover, gender equality is important for the well-being and empowerment ofindividuals. It ensures that all people, __33__ their gender identity, have the freedom to make choicesabout their lives, pursue their ambitions, and live free from discrimination and violence. Gender equalitypromotes physical and mental health, self-esteem and confidence. Despite significant progress, genderinequality __34__ in many parts of the world. Discrimination, gender-based violence, and disparitiesin education and employment opportunities continue to affect countless individuals. Achieving genderequality needs concerted efforts from governments, institutions, communities, and individuals. It involveschallenging stereotypes, addressing systemic biases, and creating policies and practices that promoteinclusivity and fairness. __35__ , gender equality is not just a goal; it is an important aspect of humanrights and social progress. When societies prioritize and work towards gender equality, everyone benefits,leading to a more just, prosperous, and harmonious world.

(A) assists
(B) consists
(C) insists
(D) persists

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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文2024~2020難度:(1291~1315)-阿摩線上測驗

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