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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文2024~2020難度:(1316~1340)
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38 Some tourists intend to _____ from one attraction to the next in order to make the most of the trip.
(A) drain
(B) halt
(C) recess
(D) whisk


Capital controls may be imposed on capital leaving a country or entering it. The former include controls over   41   transactions for direct and equity investments by residents and/or foreigners. For example, restrictions on the repatriation of capital by foreigners can include   42   a period before such repatriation is allowed, and regulations that phase the repatriation according to the availability of foreign exchange. Residents may be restricted   43   their holdings of foreign stocks, either directly or through limits on the permissible portfolios of the country’s investment funds. Law can also restrict bank deposits abroad by residents. Alternatively, bank accounts and transactions   44   in foreign currencies can be made available to residents, and non-interest-bearing capital reserve requirements can be imposed on deposits in foreign currencies,   45   reducing or eliminating the interest paid on them and therefore diminishing their attractiveness. The main purpose of controls over capital out flows is to thwart attempts to shift between currencies during financial crises, which can exacerbate currency depreciation.

(A) in respect of
(B) in addition to
(C) by way of
(D) in spite of


Capital controls may be imposed on capital leaving a country or entering it. The former include controls over   41   transactions for direct and equity investments by residents and/or foreigners. For example, restrictions on the repatriation of capital by foreigners can include   42   a period before such repatriation is allowed, and regulations that phase the repatriation according to the availability of foreign exchange. Residents may be restricted   43   their holdings of foreign stocks, either directly or through limits on the permissible portfolios of the country’s investment funds. Law can also restrict bank deposits abroad by residents. Alternatively, bank accounts and transactions   44   in foreign currencies can be made available to residents, and non-interest-bearing capital reserve requirements can be imposed on deposits in foreign currencies,   45   reducing or eliminating the interest paid on them and therefore diminishing their attractiveness. The main purpose of controls over capital out flows is to thwart attempts to shift between currencies during financial crises, which can exacerbate currency depreciation.

(A) distributed
(B) denominated
(C) denounced
(D) discriminated


39 Ever since he came back from the war, Tom had been a hopeless _____ in the village for the rest of his life because he continuously attacked anyone that tried to approach him.
(A) hypocrite
(B) activist
(C) idealist
(D) outcast


6 Even in the face of personal  _______ , she does not see herself as totally defeated. She does what she can to make the world a better place.
(A) adversity
(B) contribution
(C) denomination
(D) opulence


請依下文回答第 26 題至第 30 題
         In contrast to other host cities who have often taken on the Olympic Games without clear objectives, the organizers of the Barcelona Olympics set one major goal: the transformation of Barcelona into one of Europe's great centers of tourism and business. For this reason, the organizers worked to   26   the direct costs of hosting the Games while focusing their investment on improvements that would benefit the city for years to come. The construction of sports venues   27   less than 10% of the construction costs; the rest of the money went to expanding roads, green spaces, housing, hotels, and business centers. Most notably, the Olympic Village was built to reconnect the city with its waterfront; an attractive port was added, and over two miles of beaches were created. In terms of its direct profit from the Games, Barcelona had a modest surplus of about $5 million.   28   , the positive effects in future years were immense. The improvements to the waterfront and roads greatly improved the quality of life. Furthermore, the Olympics helped   29   Barcelona from an often-overlooked city to a prime destination for tourism and business. In 1990, it was ranked as only the 11th-best European city to do business in, but by 2011 it had   30    to number four. Tourism doubled, and the Olympics generated over 20,000 permanent jobs for the city.

(A) In the meantime
(B) Inversely
(C) As a result
(D) On the other hand


3 The cattle, ________ peacefully, moved past us towards their sheds for the night.
(A) leveling
(B) lowing
(C) losing
(D) loosing


請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題:
        You might think of yoga as just a way for people to twist their bodies into odd shapes, but there’smore to it than that. Yoga can improve your overall well-being by __21__  your mind, body and spiritsimultaneously. __22__ in ancient India, yoga is practiced today all over the world. On the most basiclevel, yoga is a form of exercise that combines stretching and strength training, __23__ can help youavoid injuries. Certain poses, like the cobra, work your whole body by strengthening your arm, leg, andcore muscles while lengthening your spine. Of course, when you first begin to do yoga, you might not beable to touch your toes, __24__ do difficult postures. With consistent practice, however, your body willbecome more flexible and the poses will get easier to do. Besides, when you pay attention to your breathwhile practicing, you also reach a more peaceful state of mind. This, __25__ , can improve your moodand memory. Even if you practice yoga just an hour a week, you’ll feel the difference it makes to yourbody and mind.

(A) Originated
(B) Originating
(C) Being originated
(D) Having been originated


     During the course of a year, the path of the Sun among the stars—the ecliptic—passes through 12 ancientconstellations. Because all but one of these 12 constellations represent living things, human or animal, the Greekscalled them the “circle of Animals”—in ancient Greek, kyklos zodiakos, now shortened to zodiac. The one starpattern in the zodiac that doesn’t represent an animal is Libra, the Scales. However, the Greeks considered the starsof Libra to be both a Scales and the Claws of the Scorpion, which follows Libra in the zodiac, so it’s appropriate toinclude it in the circle as well. 
     The Greeks inherited the 12 constellations of the zodiac, as well as the concept of the zodiac as a singularobject, from the Babylonians. (Ancient Babylonia occupied south-central Mesopotamia on the floodplain betweenthe Tigris and Euphrates Rivers; today, it corresponds to southern Iraq.) The concept of the zodiac was closelyrelated to horoscope astrology—the system of predicting a person’s character and future from where the Sun andplanets were in the zodiac at the time of their birth—a practice which also came to Greece from Babylonia, thoughit was a very late development in Mesopotamia. In fact the earliest known horoscope from Babylonia dates only to 410 BC. But by that time Babylonia had been under the rule of Persian kings for over a century. The ancient Persianswere Sun-worshippers, whereas traditionally the Babylonians had used a lunar rather than a solar calendar. Thus,though it was indeed the Babylonians who conceived of the 12 ancient constellations in the path of the Sun as aunit, which the Greeks then called the zodiac, they did so only as late as the 5th century BC under the influence ofPersian Sun-worship.
     Horoscope astrology as we think of it today developed even later: It didn’t attain its final form and greatpopularity until the 3rd century AD, when the social and political dislocations of the decaying Roman Empire madethe powerless multitudes vulnerable to any superstition that promised knowledge about the insecure future and someillusion of control over it.

【題組】48 Which event took place the earliest?
(A)The Greeks called the 12 constellations “zodiac.”
(B)The Babylonians invented the earliest horoscope.
(C)Babylonia was absorbed into the Persian Empire.
(D)The Babylonians invented the concept of the zodiac.


13 While _______ an unjustified war on a peaceful neighboring country, the dictator is also tightening his control over the protestors back at home.
(A) raging
(B) waging
(C) racing
(D) withholding


請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題 
     The process for awarding host city honors came under intense scrutiny after Salt Lake City had beenawarded the right to host the 2002 Olympic Games. Soon after the host city had been announced, it wasdiscovered that the organizers had engaged in an elaborate bribery scheme to     31   with IOC(International Olympic Committee) officials. Gifts and other financial considerations were given to thosewho would evaluate and vote on Salt Lake City’s bid. These gifts included medical treatment for relatives,a college scholarship for one member’s son and a land deal in Utah. Even IOC president Juan AntonioSamaranch received two rifles    32   $2,000. Samaranch defended the gift as inconsequential since, aspresident, he was a non-voting member. 
     The subsequent investigation has uncovered inconsistencies in the bids for every Olympics (bothSummer and Winter) since 1988.   33   , the gifts received by IOC members from the JapaneseOrganizing Committee for Nagano’s bid for the 1998 Winter Olympics were described by the investigationcommittee as “astronomical.” Although nothing strictly illegal had been done, the IOC feared thatcorporate sponsors would lose faith in the integrity of the process and that the Olympic brand would betarnished to such an extent   34   advertisers would begin to pull their support. The investigation resulted in the expulsion of 10 IOC members and the sanctioning of another 10.New terms and age limits were established for IOC membership, and 15 former Olympic athletes wereadded to the committee. Stricter rules for future bids were imposed, with   35      imposed on the valueof gifts IOC members could accept from bid cities.

(A) valuing at
(B) valued at
(C) valuing for
(D) valued for


(A) centurion
(B) certainty
(C) chagrin
(D) ceilings


35 It was impossible to sue them for_______ the contract because the deadline for finishing the project had not been specified.
(A) reimbursing
(B) bailing
(C) breaching
(D) receiving


請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題:
       What do urban building materials have in common? First of all, materials such as asphalt, steel, and brick are often very dark colors—like black, brown and grey. A dark object absorbs all wavelengths of light energy and   16   them into heat, so the object gets warm. In contrast, a white object reflects all wavelengths of light. The light is not converted into heat and the temperature of the white object does not increase noticeably.   17   , dark objects—such as building materials—absorb heat from the sun.
       To cool down urban heat islands, some cities are “lightening” streets.   18   is done by covering black asphalt streets, parking lots, and dark roofs with a more reflective gray coating. These changes can drop urban air temperatures dramatically, especially during the heat of summer. Planting gardens on urban rooftops can also help to cool down the city, too!   19   , a study in Los Angeles, California, calculated that changes like these would be enough to save close to $100 million per year in energy costs!
       Urban building materials are another reason that urban areas trap heat. Many modern building materials are impervious surfaces. This means that water can’t flow through surfaces like a brick or a patch of cement like   20   would through a plant. Without a cycle of flowing and evaporating water, these surfaces have nothing to cool them down.

(A) Little
(B) This
(C) Which
(D) What


請依下文回答第 26 題至第 30 題:
       Some scholars look within nations to explain the source of current dissatisfaction with open market.Economists offer an   26   view that over time, trade should be increasingly valued by voters. This is because the new and more   27   consumer goods are available for purchase. Also, more exports opportunities   28   growth and employment. However, all these gains are not taken for granted in politics.One reason for this is that although consumer prices have declined and exports grown, job gains are   29   .Even if history ultimately reveals a positive relationship between job growth and globalization, the potential benefits of globalization have been   30   by increasingly long value chains, by job growth in less legible service sectors, and by the geographic consolidation of winners.

(A) temporary
(B) uncountable
(C) accelerating
(D) permanent


(A) promoted
(B) undermined
(C) reinstated
(D) enhanced


7 Those board members who looked at Amanda’s new business idea ___________ and challenged it harshly would never expect that the idea later turned out to be a huge success.
(A) leniently
(B) pervasively
(C) quizzically
(D) susceptibly


6 Denny's parents worried that he might be led _____ by his inappropriate friends.
(A) astray
(B) asunder
(C) robustly
(D) roughly


20 Bedtime procrastination is the phenomenon of deliberately _____ sleep even though there's nothing compelling you to stay awake.
(A) taking off
(B) putting off
(C) turning off
(D) getting off


33 The two organizations officially came into _____ two years after the adoption of the convention.


40 The general manager’s refusal to sell the company______ a major blow to our plans.
(A) constituted
(B) distributed
(C) elaborated
(D) terminated


17 A critical goal of the Highway Administration is to help the Nation’s transportation workforce recognize and ______significant causes of early asphalt pavement distress.
(A) aggregate
(B) address
(C) abolish
(D) advocate


25 He lives in the immediate ______ of the school, not only shortening the time on commuting but also sparing more time for sleep.
(A) veracity
(B) velocity
(C) vicinity
(D) verbosity


30 As commodity prices have grown ______ recently, low-income families are struggling to put food on the table.
(A) exponentially
(B) numerously
(C) ostensibly
(D) vengefully


       Gender equality is a fundamental principle that advocates for equal rights, opportunities, andtreatment for individuals of all genders. It is a cornerstone of human rights and a crucial component ofsocial justice. Achieving gender equality is not just a matter of fairness; it has far-reaching benefits for society __31__ . In societies where gender equality is promoted and upheld, there is greater economic prosperity. When women have the same access __32__ education, employment opportunities, andleadership roles as men, it leads to increased productivity and innovation. Gender diversity in theworkplace fosters creativity and a wider range of perspectives, which can drive business success andsocietal progress. Moreover, gender equality is important for the well-being and empowerment ofindividuals. It ensures that all people, __33__ their gender identity, have the freedom to make choicesabout their lives, pursue their ambitions, and live free from discrimination and violence. Gender equalitypromotes physical and mental health, self-esteem and confidence. Despite significant progress, genderinequality __34__ in many parts of the world. Discrimination, gender-based violence, and disparitiesin education and employment opportunities continue to affect countless individuals. Achieving genderequality needs concerted efforts from governments, institutions, communities, and individuals. It involveschallenging stereotypes, addressing systemic biases, and creating policies and practices that promoteinclusivity and fairness. __35__ , gender equality is not just a goal; it is an important aspect of humanrights and social progress. When societies prioritize and work towards gender equality, everyone benefits,leading to a more just, prosperous, and harmonious world.

(A) as follows
(B) as a whole
(C) at best
(D) at all

一、英譯中:請將下列英文譯為中文。(20 分) Logistics management is the part of supply chain management that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services, and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customer's requirements. By investing in this sector, multinational firms position themselves to better facilitate the flow of goods throughout the world's largest consumer market.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文2024~2020難度:(1316~1340)-阿摩線上測驗

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