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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文2024~2020難度:(1341~1355)
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請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題 If you want to know where Google is headed, look through Google Lens. The artificially intelligent, augmented reality feature seemed to generate the most interest at Google’s developer conference. Of all announcements, it best encapsulated what Google’s transition to an “AI first” company means. Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai underscored the tool as a key reflection of Google’s direction. “All of Google was built because we started understanding text and web pages. So the fact that computers can understand images and videos has profound implications for our core mission,” he said so in his introduction of Lens. During a demo, Google showed off how you could point your camera at something and Lens would tell you what it is-like, it could identify the flower you’re preparing to shoot. In another example, Pichai showed how Lens could do a common task-connecting you to a home’s Wi-Fi network by snapping a photo of the sticker on the router. A third example was a photo of a business’s storefront-and Google Lens could pull up the name, rating and other business listing information in a card that appeared over the photo. The technology basically turns the camera from a passive tool that’s capturing the world around you to one that’s allowing you to interact with what’s in your camera’s viewfinder. Later, during a Google Home demonstration, the company showed how Lens would be integrated into Google Assistant. Through a new button in the Assistant app, users will be able to launch Lens and insert a photo into the conversation with the Assistant, where it can process the data the photo contains. To show how this could work, Google’s Scott Huffman holds his camera up to a concert marquee for a Stone Foxes show and Google Assistant pulls up info on ticket sales. “Add this to my calendar,” he says-and it does. The integration of Lens into Assistant can also help with translations. Huffman demonstrates this by holding up his camera to a sign in Japanese, tapping the Lens icon and saying “What does this say?” Google Assistant then translates the text. Pichai said in his founders’ letter a year ago that part of this shift to being an AI first company meant computing would be less device-centric. Lens is an example of being less device-centric, on mobile. The technology behind Lens is essentially nothing new, and that also tells us something about where Google is going. This is not to say that Google is done coming up with new technologies, but that there are a lot of capabilities the company is still putting together into useful products.
【題組】38 According to Paragraph 2 and 3, which of the following tasks CANNOT be done by Google Lens?
(A) To tell you what you see.
(B) To turn on a home wifi router by snapping a photo at it.
(C) To provide restaurant ratings and phone number.
(D) To translate a sign in a different language with Google Assistant.


10 A _____ of scandals and revelations has collectively undermined the government over the past year.
(A) transmission
(B) concession
(C) scenario
(D) succession


Capital controls may be imposed on capital leaving a country or entering it. The former include controls over   41   transactions for direct and equity investments by residents and/or foreigners. For example, restrictions on the repatriation of capital by foreigners can include   42   a period before such repatriation is allowed, and regulations that phase the repatriation according to the availability of foreign exchange. Residents may be restricted   43   their holdings of foreign stocks, either directly or through limits on the permissible portfolios of the country’s investment funds. Law can also restrict bank deposits abroad by residents. Alternatively, bank accounts and transactions   44   in foreign currencies can be made available to residents, and non-interest-bearing capital reserve requirements can be imposed on deposits in foreign currencies,   45   reducing or eliminating the interest paid on them and therefore diminishing their attractiveness. The main purpose of controls over capital out flows is to thwart attempts to shift between currencies during financial crises, which can exacerbate currency depreciation.

(A) in respect of
(B) in addition to
(C) by way of
(D) in spite of


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
        A home is the most important purchase a person can make, so it goes without saying that you need to approach it very carefully. Unless you’re one of the lucky few who can afford to buy a house without relying on a bank, you’ll need to make a mortgage loan — and that’s an adventure in itself. Mortgages are long-term financing options that will have a massive impact on your future and you need to weigh your options carefully. Navigating the mortgage market can be quite challenging, especially as a first-time home-buyer, so follow these tips to make your journey easier:
        Sometimes, renting makes more sense than buying.
        A mortgage is a long-term commitment and it will influence the way you save and spend money for years to come. Unless you’re completely comfortable with paying monthly installments, it’s safer if you simply rent a property. Renting is a practical solution when you haven’t achieved a high enough degree of financial independence.
       Don’t rely on your emergency fund to get a mortgage.
       When the housing market is very competitive, first-time buyers often rush into making a purchase using their emergency funds as a down payment. However, that can be a huge mistake and it might affect your financial security in the long run. The emergency fund is for just emergencies. If you are left without your main source of income,you can use it, of course, but otherwise, it should be left untouched.
        The deposit matters just as much as the credit score.
        You’ve probably heard stories from senior family members who bought superb homes with no down payments.Unfortunately, the market has changed and approval conditions aren’t as flexible as they used to be. To buy your dream home, not only do you need a good credit score, but you also need to spend years building up your deposit.Many first-time buyers stop after reaching the minimum amount for the deposit, but, if you save more and wait an additional year, you can borrow at a better interest rate.

【題組】47 Which of the following is NOT a piece of advice given in the passage?
(A) Don’t use the emergency fund to get a loan.
(B) Renting instead of buying could be a possible option.
(C) It is important to save more money for the down payment.
(D) Building up a good credit score is a long-term commitment.


請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題
For most of its history, America was precisely the “polyglot boardinghouse” Teddy Roosevelt once worried it wouldbecome. That history has turned out very well not just for America, but for English—the most successful language in thehistory of the world. __31__ with American power, English has spread around the globe. At home, wave after wave ofimmigrants to America have not only learned English but __32__ the languages their parents brought with them.Today the typical pattern is that the arriving generation speaks little English, or learns it __33__ ; the first children born inAmerica are __34__ , but English-dominant, and their children hardly speak the __35__ language. This is as true of Hispanicsas it is of speakers of smaller languages.

(A) appreciated
(B) decoded
(C) forgotten
(D) studied


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
       At the beginning of the 20th century, less than 1,000 colleges with 160,000 students existed in the US. The number of colleges skyrocketed in waves, during the early and mid 20th century. State universities grew from smallin stitutions of fewer than 1,000 students to campuses with 40,000 more students, with networks of regionalcampuses around the state. In turn, regional campuses broke away and became separate universities.
        To handle the explosive growth of K–12 education, every state set up a network of teachers’ colleges, beginning with Massachusetts in the 1830s. After 1950, they became state colleges and then state universities with a broad curriculum. Major new trends included the development of the junior colleges. They were usually set up by city school systems starting in the 1920s. By the 1960s they were renamed as “community colleges.”
      Junior colleges grew from 20 in number in 1909, to 170 in 1919. By 1922, 37 states had set up 70 junior colleges, enrolling about 150 students each. Meanwhile, another 137 were privately operated, with about 60 student seach. Rapid expansion continued in the 1920s, with 440 junior colleges in 1930 enrolling about 70,000 students.The peak year for private institutions came in 1949, when there were 322 junior colleges in all; 180 were affiliated with churches, 108 were independent and non-profit, and 34 were private schools being run for-profit.
      Many factors contributed to rapid growth of community colleges. Students parents and businessmen wanted nearby, low-cost schools to provide training for the growing white-collar labor force, as well as for more advancedtechnical jobs in the blue-collar sphere. Four-year colleges were also growing, albeit not as fast; however, many of them were located in rural or small-town areas away from the fast-growing metropolis. Community colleges continue as open-enrollment, low-cost institutions with a strong component of vocational education, as well as alow-cost preparation for transfer students into four-year schools. They appeal to a poorer, older, less prepared element.

【題組】48 Which is one of the factors that contributed to the rapid growth of community colleges in the United States?
(A) It is a major new trend to include as many rural students as possible.
(B) The purpose is to handle the explosive growth of K–12 education.
(C) Parents and businessmen wanted nearby, low-cost schools in rural or small-town areas to provide training for the growing white-collar labor force.
(D) Many community colleges were located in the center of the fast-growing metropolis to provide more advanced technical jobs in the blue-collar sphere.


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
 A wet spring in Las Vegas has spawned hordes of grasshoppers so large that they are showing up on the weather radar. In viewing the radar, CNN meteorologist Allison Chinchar said it looked like there were two storms over the Vegas area: one in the north of the city (that was actual rain) and another right over Las Vegas. But the second one wasn’t moving as rain normally would, she said. “It looked as though it should be torrentially downpouring in Las Vegas,” said Chinchar. By changing the settings on the radar, meteorologists could see that the other “storm” was actually the massive hordes of grasshoppers that have settled over the city in recent days, Chinchar said. Las Vegas, like all of Nevada, has had almost twice as much rain in 2019 than normal, Chinchar said. “It appears through history that when we have a wet winter or spring, these things build up often down below Laughlin and even into Arizona,” Jeff Knight, state entomologist, said. “We’ll have grasshopper migrations about this time of the year, and they’ll move northward.” Knight said the swarms aren’t terribly unusual given the amount of rain the state has had this year. “We have records clear from the ’60s of it happening, and I have seen it ... at least four or five times in my 30-plus years,” he said. “There are some special weather conditions that trigger the migration.”

【題組】49 According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about grasshoppers?
(A)They can be easily seen on the radar system.
(B)They often migrate to Arizona.
(C)They like torrential downpouring.
(D)The swarms of grasshoppers are a common scene in Arizona.


     During the course of a year, the path of the Sun among the stars—the ecliptic—passes through 12 ancientconstellations. Because all but one of these 12 constellations represent living things, human or animal, the Greekscalled them the “circle of Animals”—in ancient Greek, kyklos zodiakos, now shortened to zodiac. The one starpattern in the zodiac that doesn’t represent an animal is Libra, the Scales. However, the Greeks considered the starsof Libra to be both a Scales and the Claws of the Scorpion, which follows Libra in the zodiac, so it’s appropriate toinclude it in the circle as well. 
     The Greeks inherited the 12 constellations of the zodiac, as well as the concept of the zodiac as a singularobject, from the Babylonians. (Ancient Babylonia occupied south-central Mesopotamia on the floodplain betweenthe Tigris and Euphrates Rivers; today, it corresponds to southern Iraq.) The concept of the zodiac was closelyrelated to horoscope astrology—the system of predicting a person’s character and future from where the Sun andplanets were in the zodiac at the time of their birth—a practice which also came to Greece from Babylonia, thoughit was a very late development in Mesopotamia. In fact the earliest known horoscope from Babylonia dates only to 410 BC. But by that time Babylonia had been under the rule of Persian kings for over a century. The ancient Persianswere Sun-worshippers, whereas traditionally the Babylonians had used a lunar rather than a solar calendar. Thus,though it was indeed the Babylonians who conceived of the 12 ancient constellations in the path of the Sun as aunit, which the Greeks then called the zodiac, they did so only as late as the 5th century BC under the influence ofPersian Sun-worship.
     Horoscope astrology as we think of it today developed even later: It didn’t attain its final form and greatpopularity until the 3rd century AD, when the social and political dislocations of the decaying Roman Empire madethe powerless multitudes vulnerable to any superstition that promised knowledge about the insecure future and someillusion of control over it.

【題組】47 Which of the following is true about Libra?
(A)The author questions its legitimacy in the circle.
(B)It was perceived as part Scales and part Scorpion.
(C)The Greeks thought it didn’t represent an animal.
(D)It is one constellation in the “Circle of Animals.”


請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題:
       The development of companion machine is making a lot of progress. The ideal companion machine would not only look, feel, and sound friendly but would also be programmed to behave in a   21   manner.Those qualities that make interaction with other people enjoyable would be   22   as closely as possible, and the machine would appear to be charming, stimulating, and easygoing. Its informal conversational style would make interaction comfortable, and yet the machine would remain slightly unpredictable and   23   interesting. In its first encounter it might be somewhat hesitant and   24   , but as it came to know the user it would progress to a more relaxed and intimate style. The machine would not be a passive participant but would add its own suggestions, information, and opinions; it would sometimes take the   25   in developing or changing the topic and would have a personality of its own.

(A) initiative
(B) drive
(C) edge
(D) creativity


請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題
        "Time" is the most commonly used noun in the English language. The word itself is used in a __31__ of ways: wecan kill time, do time, save it, and spend it. Time even takes on a medicinal role when it comes to healing both physicaland emotional __32__ . Most of us wish we __33__ more of it, and yet time persists as an object of value, as in "Timeis money," and an enemy of every person, as in "The deadline is approaching" or "His days are __34__ ." It is, eventually,the thing__35__ kills all of us. And yet for all its pervasiveness in our everyday conversations, describing what timeis doesn't come easily.

(A) have
(B) to have
(C) had
(D) will have


49 The defense attorney is charged with official misconduct and ______ with witnesses.


50 _____, we should explore different possibilities before making any final decision.
(A) Tentatively
(B) Abusively
(C) Ostensibly
(D) Reluctantly


請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題
       Since the 1990s, a prolific amount of memoirs written and published about the lives of girls and womenin the third world appeared in the market, telling the stories of their wretched girlhood or womanhood.Those stories often depict miserable lives under the dictatorship of strict regimes or by the__  31__  oftraditional cultural practices such as genital cutting. In the narration of these lives, girls and women usuallysuffer from different forms of gender violence. But a clear majority of those stories also__32__a brightside by turning those victims into heroines. They exhibit how those unfortunate girls and womeneventually survive through those terrible ordeals or stand on their own two feet by fighting against all theodds.__ 33__ are especially able to change things for themselves as well as their fellows of the samegender. As the first in the series, Desert Flower is Dirie’s (auto)biography detailing her combat withthe 34 of female genital mutilation (FGM). In her third book,__35__ , Dirie works together withseveral allies to launch an investigation into the practice of FGM and explore the possibility of relatedjuridical protection of girls’/women's rights in several European countries. Dirie’s true story is a livingproof that anyone can succeed in overcoming all the obstacles if they’re brave and determined and havefaith in themselves.

(A) The later
(B) The latest
(C) The latter
(D) The last


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題
       Fuel poverty occurs when a household is unable to afford the most basic amount of energy foradequate heating, cooking, lighting, and use of appliances in the home. According to European UniversityInstitute, in 2011, 9.8% of households in the EU27 countries and 15.8% of households in the 12 newmember states could not afford to heat their homes adequately. Thus, fuel poverty is an increasingly seriousproblem across Europe and requires the intervention of policymakers.
       In particular, corrective measures have been implemented which aim to help fuel-poor householdspay their energy bills, and preventive policies have also been introduced, which focus more on improvingresidential energy efficiency. Debates about the effectiveness of these measures have ensued for severalreasons; mainly because energy retrofit renovations have often been undertaken by wealthier households.Thus, despite these measures, given the expected increase in the cost of energy, some could find it difficultor even impossible to satisfy their energy needs. As a prerequisite to discussions about the effectivenessof different measures to fight fuel poverty, debates have often focused on the need to reliably identify fuel-poor households and create a detailed profile of such households. In fact, the multidimensionality of fuelpoverty makes it difficult to achieve this.
       Fuel poverty has traditionally been treated as a monetary poverty problem. At European Union level,there is no common definition or standardized indicator for assessing fuel poverty. While there is a largebody of literature on measuring poverty, consensus has not yet been reached on the related methodologicaland conceptual issues. However, households affected by fuel poverty are not always the same as thoseaffected by monetary problems, even if the two phenomena are inextricably linked.
       In this context, we suggest that a more careful and systematic understanding can be developedthrough a multidimensional approach to the relationship between monetary poverty, residential energyefficiency of buildings, and heating restrictions. Our objective in this paper is not to challenge existingmeasures of fuel poverty, but provide new ways to better identify those who suffer the most from fuelpoverty in order to optimize policy. We argue this is needed to better identify the connection betweenenergy use and well-being and therefore deepen understanding of energy poverty.

【題組】39 To which of the following statements about fuel poverty do the authors of this paper disagree?
(A) It is mainly caused by higher prices of natural gas.
(B) It is mainly a financial problem of low-income households.
(C) It is difficult to define, so a more comprehensive view is needed.
(D) It affects mainly low-income households in winter.


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
       The ancient Greeks worshipped their deities by leaving offerings to them in temples, and honored them by holding regular festivals. Much is known about this worship because many of their temples, together with ritual objects and cult statues, have __41__ , and ancient Greek writers described religious rituals __42__ making offerings of food and wine. Worshippers hoped that the deities would look kindly on them __43__ return, since most gods and goddesses were said to take a keen interest in human affairs. In the mythical great war between Greece and Troy, for example, every stage of the conflict, together with the final outcome, was influenced as much by the actions of the deities __44__ by what the men of the two sides actually achieved on the battle field. The myths of Greece also show this __45__ between deities and humans in the guise of numerous heroes. Stories of heroes like Heracles and Jason, involving great adventures and journey as far as the Underworld, have been endlessly retold.

(A) inspired
(B) relieved
(C) survived
(D) supplied

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【題組】 ⑴海關是少數全年無休,每天提供全國商旅二十四小時服務的政府機關。海關效率的良窳與全國民 眾息息相關,也殷切期望全國同胞在進出國境時,能適時給予我們指正與鼓勵。


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文2024~2020難度:(1341~1355)-阿摩線上測驗

Sam PENG剛剛做了阿摩測驗,考了100分