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【精選】 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文難度:(101~125)
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40. There is plenty of food on the table. You could choose __________ you like to eat.
(A) whatever
(B) wherever
(C) whenever
(D) whomever


39. It’s easy to get around the city because it has a very good transportation ______ .


39. I’m a stranger here. Could you please show me__________the train station is?
(B)how long


31 Joanna: I want to go shopping. ___________ Rainy: Sure. I also want to buy some winter clothes.
(A)How are you doing?
(B)How about you?
(C)Why not?
(D)How nice!


33 Ken: Taxi! Driver: Where would you like to go, sir? Ken:_________
(A)It starts to rain.
(B)I’m going to Taipei by train.
(C)Take me to Taipei Train Station.
(D)I’m carrying a bag with me.


43 George: Hi, Tina. ________? 
Tina: Sure, of course. But you have to give it back to me by tomorrow. 
George: Sure. I will. I won’t forget.
(A)Could I borrow your bicycle
(B)Do I lend you my bicycle
(C)How do I give you my bicycle
(D)When can I loan you my bicycle


44 My __________ is 222 Broadway, New York, NY 10027-6902.


15 Ken: Oh my! Claire: ____________________ Ken: My headache is killing me.
(A) It’s a shame.
(B) What’s the matter?
(C) How about yours?
(D) Don’t get me wrong.


45 Mother: Tell me, how is Jake doing in Math this year? 
Teacher: He’s doing very well.____ 
Mother: I’m happy to hear that. Thank you.
(A) You should be proud of him.
(B) You have to take care of him.
(C) You have never heard of it.
(D) You must punish him.


Go to a _____ if your toothache doesn’t get better in a couple of hours.


Bill: I am Bill. I am a fashion designer. What do you do? Jane: _____
(A)How do you do?
(B)Fine. Thanks.
(C)I’m a teacher.
(D)I am drinking milk tea.


41. David: I’m planning to go camping next weekend with my friends. Would you like to come with us? 
Doris: _____
David: Are you sure you don’t want to go? It should be a lot of fun.
(A)Oh, I’d like to, but I already have other plans.
(B)Where will you go?
(C)That sounds wonderful.
(D)Thanks for inviting me.


2 My letter to Susan was returned because I accidentally wrote down the wrong _____.
(A) typewriter
(B) address
(C) record
(D) postage


6 After a nice dinner of meat and potatoes, I like to have something sweet for _____ along with a cup of coffee.
(A) dessert
(B) an appetizer
(C) gourmet
(D) a main dish


8 Kelly: What is your _____ ? 
Ashley: I like mountain climbing.
(A) language
(B) job
(C) ability
(D) hobby


34 Father: What are you going to do with the scholarship? 
Son: I’m going to put some in savings and use the rest to buy books. 
Father: ____________________
(A) Well, I’m not sure if I have that much.
(B) Oh no, my money is stolen.
(C) Yes, I guess I could do that.
(D) That sounds great.


47 I am not good with number so I found math very_______ when I was at school.
(A) hard
(B) easy
(C) useful
(D) careful


36 CSI and Sex and the City are my favorite TV____________ .
(A) programs
(B) courses
(C) classes
(D) festivals


27 Mimi: I want strawberry ice-cream, Dad. 
Father: Well, it’s____________ . You can order it later, but you must eat something else first. 
Mimi: ...OK! Then I’ll have beef noodles.


9 A _____ is a person who has a lot of money.
(A) daughter
(B) millionaire
(C) neighbor
(D) policeman


39 These computers all look the same to me. Can you show me the _____?
(A) dislikes
(B) differences
(C) difficulties
(D) decisions


38 Before the players start the game, their basketball coach always tells them to follow the _________.
(A) checks
(B) means
(C) rules
(D) shows


36 The show is boring; let’s switch to another_______.
(A) channel
(B) tunnel
(C) change
(D) bridge


16 Visitors are allowed to hold a koala bear and feed a ________ in this city zoo.
(A) decision
(B) headache
(C) kangaroo
(D) necklace


29 Kids ________ their time reading stories and roleplaying their favorite characters from the stories.
(A) cost
(B) left
(C) rested
(D) spent


【精選】 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文難度:(101~125)-阿摩線上測驗

Annie Tang剛剛做了阿摩測驗,考了96分