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科目:新制多益閱讀(TOEIC Reading)
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Questions 176-180 refer to the following social media post and email.

Join the Innovative Team at DUST Corp.

DUST Corp. is on the hunt for talented individuals who can revolutionize the way we operate.We're not interested in traditional qualifications - we want visionary minds who can bring fresh ideas to the table and tackle our current challenges head-on.

Departments and Positions:
1. Research & Development: 2 Positions
2. Marketing & Branding: 2 Positions
3. Operations & Efficiency: 2 Positions

What we're looking for:
We're not asking for fancy resumes or CVs. Instead, we want you to showcase your skills and innovative thinking by attaching relevant work or identifying the key issues facing DUST Corp. today. We believe actions speak louder than words, so demonstrate your problem-solving abilities and let your ideas shine!

Additional Requirements:
At DUST Corp., we believe in going the extra mile to achieve greatness. That's why we need individuals who are ready to start their workdays earlier than traditional hours. We value dedication and commitment, so expect to put in a few extra hours each week. The reward?Being part of a team that's revolutionizing our industry and creating a lasting impact.

Perks and Benefits:
Competitive compensation package
Collaborative and supportive work environment
Access to cutting-edge technology and resources
Chance to work on exciting projects that will make a difference

To apply, send us your work samples or a brief overview of how you can address our current challenges. Get creative and impress us with your visionary ideas! Email your application to careers@dustcorp.com.
#DUSTCorpHiring #InnovationMinds #JoinTheRevolution
Subject: Application for Marketing & Branding Position at DUST Corp.

Dear Hiring Manager,

My name is Connie, and I am excited to apply for the Marketing & Branding position at DUST Corp. I recently graduated with a master’s degree in information technology, and although my background may seem unconventional for this role, I believe I can bring a unique perspective and contribute to the company's success.

From my observations, one of the biggest challenges DUST Corp. faces is effectively reaching and engaging with its target audience. To address this, I propose implementing a multi-channel marketing strategy that combines immersive storytelling, interactive content,and social media influencers. By creating captivating narratives around DUST Corp.'s products and their impact on people's lives, we can forge stronger emotional connections with customers.

Moreover, leveraging augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies in marketing campaigns can provide immersive experiences, allowing customers to interact with products before making a purchase. This approach would enhance brand engagement and differentiate DUST Corp. from its competitors.

I am confident that my strong analytical skills, creativity, and passion for marketing can contribute to DUST Corp.'s growth. I am eager to collaborate with a team of like-minded individuals to drive innovation and deliver exceptional results.

Thank you for considering my application. I have attached my resume for your reference. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss my ideas further in an interview. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,


【題組】179.How does Connie propose to implement immersive storytelling in marketing campaigns for DUST Corp.?
(A)Through the use of virtual reality (VR) technology.
(B)By creating captivating narratives around products.
(C)Conducting extensive market research and analysis.
(D)Building strong relationships with social media influencers.


Questions 181 ~ 185 refer to the following diary entry and email.

Date: February 15

Dear Diary,

Today was a typical day in my life as a young professional. I woke up early, eager to stay informed about the world around me. Reading the latest news in education, technology, and climate has become a daily ritual for me. It's essential for my job, which requires a broad knowledge across various topics.

After a productive morning of staying updated, I dedicated my evenings to preparing for the next day. A couple of hours were well spent organizing my tasks and ensuring I was fully ready for whatever challenges awaited me. I believe that being prepared is the key to success.

As the weekend approached, I took advantage of the Sunday mornings to relax and plan. I headed to a cozy coffee shop where I indulged in a delicious coffee and croissant. With a peaceful ambiance, I tackled administrative work and set goals for the upcoming week. It's a rejuvenating way to start afresh.

Overall, it was a fulfilling day filled with knowledge, preparation, and personal organization. I strive to maintain this routine to stay on top of my game and achieve my professional aspirations.

Date: April 3

Dear Management Team,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally resign from my position, effective on April 23.

Over the past months, I have been dedicated to staying informed and prepared in my role,which has required me to constantly keep up with breaking news and invest long hours.Unfortunately, this constant pressure and high workload have taken a toll on my physical and mental well-being, leading to burnout.

After much consideration, I have come to the difficult decision that it is necessary for me to step away and prioritize my health and well-being. I need a break to recuperate and regain balance in my life.

I am immensely grateful for the opportunities and experiences I have gained during my time here. I have learned and grown in ways I never imagined, and I sincerely appreciate the support and guidance I received from you and the entire team.

I will do my utmost to ensure a smooth transition of my responsibilities. I am open to discussing the handover process and providing any assistance needed during this time.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration. I genuinely value the time I have spent here, and I am hopeful that our paths may cross again in the future.

Yours sincerely,

Jessica Martin

【題組】181.According to Jessica, how does she spend her Sunday mornings?
(A)Reading the latest news in education, technology, and climate.
(B)Organizing her tasks for the upcoming week.
(C)Going to a cozy coffee shop and planning her upcoming week.
(D)Preparing for challenges that may come her way.


Questions 186-190 refer to the followingsummary, notice, and letter.

Book Title: "Unlocking AI's Business Potential: Realizing Value and Capturing Opportunities"

Summary: In the book, "What's the Real Value of AI for Your Business and How Can You Capitalize?" readers delve into the transformative power of AI and its immense potential for businesses. This concise guide equips readers with insights on identifying and leveraging AI-driven opportunities to drive growth, improve operational efficiency, and enhance customer experiences. From demystifying AI concepts to exploring practical implementation strategies, this book provides a comprehensive roadmap for organizations seeking to harness AI's true value and successfully capitalize on its transformative capabilities.

Dear Staff,

We would like to inform you that three esteemed members of our organization, Brian Langton, Ted Mack, and Leo McLeay, have made the decision to retire early, effective on March 1.

After careful consideration, these valued colleagues have chosen this path in response to the evolving landscape of AI in our industry. They believe that retiring now will allow them to explore new personal endeavors and take advantage of the opportunities arising from the widespread use of AI.

We express our deep appreciation for their dedicated service and substantial contributions to our company. Their knowledge, expertise, and experience have been invaluable assets,and they will be sincerely missed.

Please join us in congratulating them on their upcoming retirement and wishing them all the best for their future endeavors.


Robert Sullivan
CEO, WAH Company
Dear Robert,

As my retirement from WAH Company approaches, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for the opportunities and experiences I have had during my tenure with the company. It has been an incredible journey, and I am grateful for the support and guidance provided to me.

However, I would like to bring three concerns to your attention regarding the company's operations. Firstly, the current workload distribution among teams appears imbalanced,leading to burnout and potential inefficiencies. Secondly, there seems to be a lack of clear communication channels, which hampers effective collaboration and decision-making.Lastly, I have noticed a growing need for upskilling and training programs to keep pace with emerging technologies and market trends.

I believe addressing these concerns will contribute to the company's long-term success and employee satisfaction. Thank you once again for the opportunities and trust bestowed upon me.

Wishing you and WAH Company continued success.

Yours Sincerely,

Brian Langton

【題組】186.What is the main focus of the book "Unlocking AI's Business Potential: Realizing Value and Capturing Opportunities"?
(A)Exploring AI concepts and their practical implementation strategies.
(B)Unveiling the mysteries behind AI-driven opportunities.
(C)Analyzing the transformative capabilities of AI.
(D)Examining the impact of AI on customer experiences.


Questions 191-195 refer to the following table,report, and contract.
Jupiter Gift Provider is contemplating the development of an app aimed at enabling its
salespeople to deliver real-time quotations to customers.
Vendor Analysis for Jupiter Gift Provider's Real-time Quotation App

Jupiter Gift Provider wants to develop a real-time quotation app for its salespeople. This report compares two potential vendors to recommend the best option for Jupiter Gift Provider's needs.

Vendor Analysis: Please refer to the table provided.

Based on the analysis, we recommend Tiny App Design Studio for Jupiter Gift Provider.Although Famous App Design Company offers more features and in-depth analytics, our salespeople may not need to depend on so many advanced features, and it could potentially be a waste of resources. Tiny App Design Studio provides essential features, a simpler dashboard, and extensive customization options, which align better with our specific needs.This choice will save on development and maintenance costs while still delivering a user-friendly and adaptable app.

Jupiter Gift Provider should engage with Tiny App Design Studio to discuss their requirements and finalize the contract for the app development.
Outsourcing Contract

This Outsourcing Contract ("Contract") is made between Jupiter Gift Provider ("Client") and
Tiny App Design Studio ("Contractor") on [Contract Date].

1 Scope of Work:
1.1 Contractor will design and develop a real-time quotation app as requested by the Client.
1.2 The app will be created based on the agreed specifications and requirements.

2 Deliverables:
2.1 Contractor will deliver the following:
2.1.1 Fully functional real-time quotation app.
2.1.2 Documentation and source code related to the app.

3 Timeline:
3.1 A detailed project timeline will be established and agreed upon by both parties at least seven days before starting the project.

4 Payment Terms:
4.1 Client will compensate Contractor as follows:
4.1.1 Upfront payment of 20% of the total amount upon signing this Contract.
4.1.2 25% of the total project cost upon completion of each milestone.
4.1.3 Remaining balance due within 7 days after final deliverables approval.

By signing below, both parties acknowledge their acceptance and agreement to the terms outlined in this Contract.
Jupiter Gift Provider (Client)
Tiny App Design Studio (Contractor)
Date: October 16, 2020

【題組】192.According to the analysis report, why is Tiny App Design Studio recommended over Famous App Design Company?
(A)Tiny App Design Studio offers more advanced features.
(B)Famous App Design Company is more cost-effective.
(C)Tiny App Design Studio aligns better with Jupiter Gift Provider's needs.
(D)Both vendors are equally recommended.


【題組】193.Based on the analysis report, which of the following is NOT cited as an advantage over Tiny App Design Studio?
(B)More advanced features.
(C)Alignment with Jupiter Gift Provider's needs.
(D)Both vendors offer the same advantages.


【題組】195.According to the contract, what is the payment schedule for the Contractor?
(A)20% upfront, 50% upon completion of each milestone, remaining balance after final deliverables approval.
(B)20% upfront, 25% upon completion of each milestone, remaining balance after final deliverables approval.
(C)20% upfront, 25% upon signing the contract, remaining balance after final deliverables approval.
(D)20% upfront, 25% upon completion of each milestone, remaining balance due within 7 days of signing the contract.


Questions 196-200 refer to the following purchase order, email, and social media post.
Purchase Order
Rossi's Fresh Grocer
7/500 N Rocks Rd
Carlingford NSW 2118

Date: April 3, 2020
Order Number: CAJ522-E1433806
Payment Method: Credit Card
Payment Terms: Net 7 days

Delivery Address:
CHOOL Head Office
100 Mount St, North Sydney NSW 2060

Billing Address:
CHOOL E-10 Branch
Accounts Payable Department
8 Doris St, North Sydney NSW 2060

- Delivery is expected within 2 business days from the order date.
To: Rossi's Fresh Grocer
Fax Number: 525-3604464

Dear Rossi's Fresh Grocer,

We would like to make a modification to the previously placed purchase order (Order Number: CAJ522-E1433806) dated April 3, 2020. Please kindly add the following items to the order:
● Apples: 15 kg
● Chicken (breast): 5 kg
We kindly request that you update the quantities accordingly and adjust the total price accordingly as well.


Grace Lee
CEO, CHOOL Head Office
Subject: Urgent Complaint

Dear Rossi's Fresh Grocer,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention a serious matter regarding our recent order, Order Number: CAJ522-E1433806. Unfortunately, there have been two significant issues with the delivery.

Firstly, the goods were mistakenly sent to CHOOL E-10 Branch instead of our Head Office at 100 Mount St, North Sydney NSW 2060. This has caused significant inconvenience and delays in our operations.

Secondly, upon inspecting the chicken (breast) that was delivered, we noticed a foul smell,indicating that the quality is compromised. This is unacceptable and poses a health risk.

I kindly request your immediate attention to rectify these problems. We urgently need the correct delivery to be made to our Head Office, and we expect a replacement for the spoiled chicken.

Please respond promptly to resolve these issues and prevent any further disruptions. Your attention and cooperation in this matter are greatly appreciated.


Grace Lee
CEO, CHOOL Head Office

【題組】197.According to the purchase order, by what date should the order be delivered?
(A)April 1, 2020.
(B)April 3, 2020.
(C)April 5, 2020.
(D)April 7, 2020.


今日錯題測驗-新制多益閱讀(TOEIC Reading)-阿摩線上測驗
