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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文 - 高中(學測,指考)◆英文 - 國營事業◆英文2024~2019難度:3,4,5,6(801~825)
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1( ).

請依下文回答第 6 題至第 10 題In 2010, a South Korean couple was _6_ the murder of their daughter through neglect. When their daughter was born, she weighed 2.9 kilograms. Three months later, when she _7_ , she weighed 2.4 kilograms. The strangest part was that the parents were playing a game for many hours each day in which they raised a _8_ child online. Similarly, in 2014, a young South Korean man who spent much of his time in Internet Cafés was arrested after his two-year-old son starved to death. South Korea has seen exponential growth in computer and Internet use. This has caused many to worry that certain users are _9_ unable to control how much time they spend on the Internet. They fear an epidemic of addiction to video game. South Korea is not _10_ : many other developed countries have also experienced huge growth in video games and Internet addiction.
【題組】 8
(A) crucial
(B) visual
(C) racial
(D) virtual

2( ).

請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題 
   Is it true that loneliness causes more misery in the world than any other spiritual condition in life? Generally speaking, it is. Loneliness is a negative emotion that almost everyone suffers from now and then. This solitary feeling may even torture one's soul moment to moment throughout lifetime. Contrary to general belief, loneliness does not necessarily result from the state of being alone. To get over loneliness, it is essential to realize the source of this emotion.
   Loneliness must be examined honestly and completely before it can be handled since it is actually a deep-rooted personality habit. To begin with, personal beliefs and memories that support the feeling of loneliness must be discovered and understood. Then, the habitually lonely feeling has to be replaced with more constructive emotions.
   You must understand that feeling lonely now and then is not abnormal, and neither is it your fault. Life is sometimes a lonely process, which can somehow provide the energy and motion needed for personal growth and spiritual understanding. In other words, loneliness is a challenge, not a problem. It becomes a problem only when you view yourself as its victim and consider yourself incompetent to find any solution.
   Loneliness serves as a signal to get your attention so that you can start to deal with your inner state of being. In fact, loneliness can be your very best friend. You may even need to be thankful that it exists for it stimulates you to develop relationships with other people and pushes you out into the world to look for ways of meeting your interpersonal needs.

【題組】36 What is the main purpose of the passage?
(A)To explain the nature of loneliness and to provide some applicable solutions.
(B)To list sources of loneliness and to compare differences between beliefs and memories.
(C)To analyze the physical symptoms of loneliness and to advise some medical treatments.
(D)To emphasize the abnormal aspects of loneliness and their impact on mental health.

3( ).

   For many parents around the world, their children’s education is a top priority. 39 their sons and daughters excel, they often get them special tutors in subjects such as math or science. Now, however, there is a new education service on the market---video game tutoring.
   Companies such as Gamer Sensei have started offering private lessons for peop le 40 improve their gaming skills. In particular, it specializes in helping people advance in one of the most popular games out there right now: Fortnite. In this game, up to 100 players fight 41 at once to be the last man standing.
   Hiring a Gamer Sensei tutor could set you back anywhere from around NT$230 to $5,750 an hour. Many parents pay these rates 42 their kids might be the next top eSports player. Others, meanwhile, realize that games like Fortnite are an important part of their children’s soci al life. 43 their reasons, their children are valuing the chance to become champions of the exciting world of video games.

(A) So as to ensure
(B) Owing to ensure
(C) To ensure
(D) With a view to ensure

4( ).

請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
 It is believed that the color choices you make reflect a deeper meaning about your personality traits. For example,introverts and extroverts are likely to choose different colors – blue and red respectively. The colors you choose towear might also say something about how you are feeling that day. Some days you may feel like wearing somethinglighter, something red, or something blue. These choices are often a reflection of how you are feeling at the moment.Additionally, wearing certain colors may cause you to react differently to certain situations. The research also shows there may be a link between car color and serious injuries as a result of car accidents.From a safe perspective, it is recommended to choose expansive color with bright colors rather than contractive color 
with dark colors. Cars in light colors make lighter and cleaner impression than those in other colors. The study inAustralia identified a clear statistically significant relationship between vehicle color and crash risk. Compared towhite vehicles, a number of colors, generally those lower on the visibility index, were associated with higher crashrisk. The association between vehicle color and crash risk was strongest during daylight hours. The analysis results alsosuggested that vehicle color has an association with crash severity with lower visibility colors having higher risks ofmore severe crashes, although environmental factors can also modify the relationship between vehicle color and crashrisk. Further work is required to quantify this.

【題組】 44 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A)Vehicles with dark colors have higher crash risk during daylight hours.
(B)Vehicles with light colors have higher crash risk during daylight hours.
(C)Vehicles with dark colors have lower crash risk during daylight hours.
(D)Vehicles with light colors have more severe crashes during daylight hours.

5( ).

請依下文回答第 47 題至第 50 題: Japan has long been a pioneer in high-speed rail. It introduced bullet train, or Sinkansen, to the world in 1964 on the eve of the Tokyo Olympics. But other countries have caught up. France and Germany developed high-speed trains that matched the Japanese speeds. China has built a high-speed network that surpasses Japan’s in its reach if not its speed. Japan plans to begin construction of its first intercity maglev line next year, linking Tokyo with Nagoya and, eventually, Osaka. In tests, the Japanese maglev has reached speeds up to 580 kilometers an hour, the world record for a train. When it comes to maglev, though, there is still question of credibility. With the Japanese maglev, levitation occurs about 145 kilometers an hour. That is when the wheels, shod with rubber tires, lift off the concrete guideway. Then the maglev train floats 10 centimeters about the U-shaped guideway, held aloft and propelled toward by superconducting magnets. In Japan, many remain skeptical of the financial feasibility of the Tokyo-Osaka maglev line. The Tokyo-Nagoya portion is expected to be completed by 2027, with the Nagoya-Osaka stretch to follow in 2045. By that time the population of Japan will have declined to about 105 million from the current 127 million.
【題組】50 According to the passage, why will the construction of Tokyo-Osaka maglev line not make business sense?
(A)It takes too many years to complete the construction.
(B)The decline of population will reduce the demand for mass transportation.
(C)The construction cost will escalate in 2045.
(D)The line will stretch to the most populous region in Japan.


17. As soon as he ______ the email, he read it twice quickly.
(A) gets
(B) got
(C) has got
(D) will get

7( ).

請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題 Researchers have found out that early life misfortune or stress can significantly decrease the size of brain regions which are typically associated with emotional processing and control. To contextualize the obtained brain data, scientists interviewed the children’s parents. Both the brain data and the interview data suggested that when early-life misfortune becomes the norm of life, the nervous system would be overwhelmed and result in depression, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), anxiety, cancer, and even lack of career success in adulthood. Importantly, kids who experienced early-life misfortune often suffered from unconscious blackout of brain, and losing track of time. According to scientists, these physiological problems happen as a result of nervous system’s reaction to protect ourselves. Furthermore, many children who suffered from early-life adversity reported that they tend to be uncommunicative to anyone with exception to their best friends and tend to interpret everyday experiences from a negative lens. But this does not mean that the life path of these children cannot be changed. Many participants of the study reported that the encouragement from family members and school teachers gradually develops their confidence; many of them reported doing well in school subjects, especially in math, and were able to gradually get rid of horrible thoughts with the help from friends and family members.
【題組】49 Which of the following words has the closest meaning to the word “uncommunicative” in the passage?
(A) chatty
(B) innovative
(C) eloquent
(D) inexpressive

8( ).

Two years ago, a group of elders in a village in north-western Uganda agreed to lend their land to refugees from South Sudan. About 120,000 are now in the surrounding area. Here they live in tarpaulin shelters and mud-brick huts on a patch of scrub where cows once grazed. Kemis Butele, a gravel-voiced Ugandan elder, explains that hosting refugees is a way for a remote place, long neglected by the central government, to get noticed. He hopes for new schools, clinics and a decent road – and “that our children can get jobs.” There are more than 20 million refugees in the world today, more than at any time since the end of the second world war. Nearly 90% reside in poor countries. In many, to preserve jobs for natives, governments bar refugees from working in the formal economy. Uganda has shown how a different approach can reap dividends. The government gives refugees land plots and lets them work. In some places, the refugees boost local businesses and act as a magnet for foreign aid. Mr. Butele and many other Ugandans see their new neighbors as a benefit, not a burden. Sadly, such attitudes are still the exception. 
Refugees are “brothers and sisters,”say many Ugandans. Mr. Butele was once one himself. But the welcome is also a pragmatic one. Northern Uganda is so poor that some locals pose as refugees to receive food aid. Others see refugees as buyers for local goods. Elsewhere in Uganda has indeed seen such positive spillover. One study from 2016 found that the presence of Congolese refugees in western Uganda had increased consumption per household. Another estimates that each new refugee household boosts total income, including that of refugees, by $320-430 more than the cost of the aid the household is given. That rises to $560-670 when refugees are given cash instead of rations.

【題組】49 What is the implication of the statement, “such attitudes are still the exception”?
(A) The majority of refugees prefer to reside in rich countries.
(B) The majority of governments give refugees land plots.
(C) The majority of people consider refugees to be a burden.
(D) The majority of local businesses see refugees as a benefit.

9( ).

請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題: 
        With the growing number of solo diners, hotels and resorts are making sure they are comfortable. ThePlume restaurant in Washington, D.C., created a program for solo diners last fall; several of its 18 seats arededicated to diners who want a sense of privacy yet a feeling of inclusion. “The seating for this type of dinerdoesn’t include being in the center of the room,” said the restaurant’s manager, Sean Mulligan. “We make surethey are not near the entrance or exit for privacy and  31  while making sure the diners have items likenewspapers and magazines delivered to their table if they need it.” At Metropolitan by Miami Beach, a dinner-for-one menu made its  32  earlier this year, withrecommended seating at the corner of the hotel’s terrace and the Traymore bar  33  for people-watchingalong a pedestrian area of Miami Beach Drive. At the Atwood Restaurant in Chicago, which was renovatedlast year, the general manager said an extension of the bar area was intentionally  34  into the lobby toattract the solo diner. Bjorn Hanson, a clinical professor of  35  and tourism at New York University’s Tisch Center, saidhe has observed a recent increase in solo dining among those traveling on their own. “This type of experiencecontinues to become more of a desire, and much of the stigma is less of an issue for younger travelers,” he saidin an email.

(A) disguised
(B) positioned
(C) transformed
(D) pretended

10( ).

三 、 文 意 選 填 說明:第31題至第40題,每題一個空格,請依文意在文章後所提供的選項中分別選出最適當者,並將其英文字母代號劃記在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。各題答 對者,得1分;答錯、未作答或劃記多於一個選項者,該題以零分計算。
第 31 至 40 題為題組
        If you cannot find ways to fit exercise into your busy daily schedule, don’t worry! Exercise doesn’t always have to be laborious. Research shows that   31    amounts of exercise—even just 15 minutes a day—helps ease depression, enhance self-image, relieve stress, and much more. That’s right. Doing exercise makes you happy, and you don’t have to be a fitness   32     to do it. What you need to do is to make “start slow and have fun” a motto to   33   . Then you’ll be well on your way to using physical activity as a tool to make you feel better every day.
        The “no pain, no gain” view of exercise is now considered old-fashioned. In fact,   34      health studies prove that exercise doesn’t have to hurt to be effective. You might   35     that if working out doesn’t give you pain, it isn’t working. According to fitness trainers, physically   36     exercises may make you breathe heavily and your muscles may ache temporarily, but exercise should not be painful. In fact, if it is, it may   37   an injury or muscle strain. Many great forms of exercise—like walking, swimming, or gentle stretching—get results without the   38  or discomfort some people associate with exercise.
         For the sake of your health, it is time to make regular exercise a part of your life. Keep in mind that even short periods of low-impact exercise serve as a powerful   39    to improve your health. So, no matter how busy you are, try to   40   for exercise every day, like a 15-minute walk with your dog. Your body will thank you in many ways.

(AB) means (AC) soreness (AD) point to
 (AE) argue (BC) demanding (BD) abide by
 (BE) fanatic (CD) current (CE) make time (DE) modest


11( ).

第 49 至 52 題為題組
         Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, was not only a great politician but also a highly accomplished scientist and inventor. Of his many achievements, probably the least well- known are his accomplishments in music. He invented an instrument for which both Mozart and Beethoven composed music—the glass armonica.
         In 1761, while living in England, Franklin heard a performer playing musical glasses. Franklin was charmed by the music, but felt that there was a better way to create the same sound. He had a glassmaker create thirty-seven hemispheres made of glass, with each being a different size and thickness to produce different pitches. The glass hemispheres were color coded with paint to identify the notes. Franklin ran an iron rod through a hole in the top of each hemisphere so that they could nest together from largest to smallest. He linked all of this to a device shaped like a spinning wheel, with a foot control that turned the rod, making the glass hemispheres rotate. Franklin moistened his fingers and held them against the rims of the glass hemispheres as they turned, producing a unique sound. He mastered the instrument and took it to parties and gatherings to play for his friends and acquaintances. The instrument became so popular that thousands were built and sold.
          But musical fashions changed. Music was moving out of the relatively small halls of Mozart’s day into the large concert halls of the 19th century, and without amplification, the glass armonica simply couldn’t be heard. Concert reviews from the period mourned the fact that the armonica sounded wonderful—only when it could be heard. So, alas, Franklin’s marvelous invention was ultimately abandoned. The popularity of the instrument faded early in the 19th century, but it is still played occasionally today.

【題組】52. What does the highlighted “they” in the second paragraph refer to?
(A) Iron rods.
(B) Hemispheres.
(C) Colored notes.
(D) Musical pitches.


11 The manager knows how to pay _____ to his staff and improve their relationship.
(A) compliments
(B) complaints
(C) committees
(D) competitions

13( ).

請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
        I got sick last July with a crushing flu-like illness, and since then I have suffered from insomnia, day chills and night sweats, nausea, debilitating fatigue, low blood sugar, low appetite, shooting pain, anxiety, and more. This is why you have not seen me around much. I have had to cancel or turn down so much of my work and have missed so many friend and family experiences. I have seen eight doctors, two acupuncturists, and an herbalist. Finally one month ago I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. 
        Lyme disease, first reported in the town of Lyme, Connecticut, in 1975, is an infectious disease caused by the bacteria Borrelia Burgdorferi, which is transmitted to humans by ticks. Usually, the tick must be attached for 24 to 48 hours to transmit infection. One of the signs of infection is a “bull’s eye” rash, a sign that bacteria are multiplying in the bloodstream. The rash is neither itchy nor painful, and about 25-50% of infected people do not develop a rash. I never had this bull’s eye rash, and I was never aware of a tick bite last summer. Ticks are very tiny and most people with Lyme disease have no memory of a tick bite. Besides the rash, early symptoms include fever, sore throat, headache and fatigue, many of which are common in other diseases. These are why the disease is often misdiagnosed. I’ve been misdirected by doctors for the past ten months. I just learned that May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month. Here is some more information we all need to know.
        Lyme disease is estimated to affect 300,000 people a year in the United States. Infections are most common in the spring and early summer. Lyme disease is best treated in the early stages. Early treatment is a simple 14 to 21 day course of oral antibiotics to eliminate infection. If it is not diagnosed and treated early, the bacteria can spread and go into hiding in different parts of the body. Months or years later, patients may develop problems with the brain and nervous system.
        I’d like to thank everyone close to me who has been a huge support. I have been receiving antibiotic treatment for one week and hoping for the best recovery. Late Lyme detection makes the disease difficult to treat and heal, but I am hopeful.

【題組】45 Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?
(A) The passage was written near the end of summer.
(B) The author has been hospitalized for the past ten months.
(C) Lyme disease is named after the place where it was first discovered.
(D) The medical expenses have led to financial hardships for the author.

14( ).

第 40 至 43 題為題組
       France gave birth to restaurants, but it was no civilized affair. In fact, today’s restaurant business is a byproduct of the class warfare that arose during the French Revolution.
       Back in the Middle Ages, fine dining was a privilege enjoyed exclusively by noble families who had their own grand kitchens and personal chefs. The only commercial diners for the masses were dusty, shabby roadside inns, where strangers crowded around mediocre buffets of lukewarm roasts and over-sauced beans. But sometime in the 1760s, the merchant class of Paris developed a taste for healthy clear broths which were considered restorative; hence the term “restaurant.” By the 1780s, this new Parisian “healthy food” craze led to a handful of reputable dining halls, where customers could sit at individual tables and choose from a wide range of dishes.
       Ironically, the popularity of these restaurants grew at a time when the majority of the French population could not afford bread. Decades of harsh winters and oppressive taxation had taken their toll on kitchen tables. By 1789, the starving French masses could no longer be controlled. Looting and riots erupted throughout Paris, ushering in the French Revolution. Rich nobles fled to the countryside, leaving behind their highly skilled chefs and the fine wines from their cellars. Suddenly, unemployed cooks found their way to the city’s eateries, and within a year, nearly 50 elegant restaurants had popped up in Paris.
       The restaurant business truly came into its own during the early 1800s, after General Napoleon seized control of the country. He granted “freedom of pleasure” to all citizens, as he reasoned that people who were focused on champagne and fine food probably would not conspire against him. The number of restaurants rose quickly. By 1814, about three thousand restaurants were listed in a popular travel guide. Paris became the center of the new restaurant scene, which, to some degree, it remains today.

【題組】41. What does “taken their toll on kitchen tables” mean in the third paragraph?
(A) Deprived people of adequate food for living.
(B) Controlled the nutrients in people’s diet.
(C) Charged people for using kitchen tables.
(D) Paid tribute to chefs working in kitchens.

15( ).

第 13 至 16 題為題組 
One  major difference __13__ growing up in the city and in the country is the degree of friendliness. In large cities, we often hear of people living in huge apartment buildings with __14__ strangers. These urban apartment dwellers tend to be wary of unknown faces and rarely get to know their neighbors well. The situation in a small town is often just __15__. Small-town people generally grow up together, attend the same schools, and share the same friends. __16__, rural people are much more likely to treat their neighbors like family and invite them into their homes.

(A) in
(B) between
(C) among
(D) from

16( ).

請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
        A home is the most important purchase a person can make, so it goes without saying that you need to approach it very carefully. Unless you’re one of the lucky few who can afford to buy a house without relying on a bank, you’ll need to make a mortgage loan — and that’s an adventure in itself. Mortgages are long-term financing options that will have a massive impact on your future and you need to weigh your options carefully. Navigating the mortgage market can be quite challenging, especially as a first-time home-buyer, so follow these tips to make your journey easier:
        Sometimes, renting makes more sense than buying.
        A mortgage is a long-term commitment and it will influence the way you save and spend money for years to come. Unless you’re completely comfortable with paying monthly installments, it’s safer if you simply rent a property. Renting is a practical solution when you haven’t achieved a high enough degree of financial independence.
       Don’t rely on your emergency fund to get a mortgage.
       When the housing market is very competitive, first-time buyers often rush into making a purchase using their emergency funds as a down payment. However, that can be a huge mistake and it might affect your financial security in the long run. The emergency fund is for just emergencies. If you are left without your main source of income,you can use it, of course, but otherwise, it should be left untouched.
        The deposit matters just as much as the credit score.
        You’ve probably heard stories from senior family members who bought superb homes with no down payments.Unfortunately, the market has changed and approval conditions aren’t as flexible as they used to be. To buy your dream home, not only do you need a good credit score, but you also need to spend years building up your deposit.Many first-time buyers stop after reaching the minimum amount for the deposit, but, if you save more and wait an additional year, you can borrow at a better interest rate.

【題組】49 Which of the following is closest in meaning to “weigh your options” in this passage?
(A) To measure the weight of your purchase.
(B) To think about your mortgage choices.
(C) To estimate the profit of renting out your property.
(D) To calculate how much money you need for a trip.


33 New satellite images of Antarctica just revealed a number of Emperor penguin colonies that scientists were not ______ of in their early research.
(A) anxious
(B) aware
(C) afraid
(D) acquired

18( ).

    Fast fashion is the term used to describe clothing designs that move quickly from the catwalk to stores to meet new trends. How does this trend become popular and likely to beat up the traditional stores we __22__ visit? These days, all the clothes sold at the famous stores, such as Zara and H&M, __23__ the shorter “Lifespan.” The consumers’ tastes are constantly changing, so the businessmen do not want to miss the great opportunities. Fast Fashion is in the __24__of “ being quick” and thus shortens the time in every process, from designing, manufacturing, to inventory-checking. __25__, nothing exists without disadvantages, neither does Fast Fashion. Some environmentalists regard it as a negative trend since the mass-production lead to unnecessary garbage, which do great harm __26__ the nature. How to strike the balance between the business interest and the environment has still been a difficult issue for people to solve.
(A) are used to
(B) used to
(C) get used to
(D) were used to


38 Please handle the glassware with extreme caution. They are ______.
(A) feeble
(B) fragile
(C) fragrant
(D) feasible


18. I cannot ______ my new boss. He is too demanding.
(A) get up
(B) get over
(C) get on with
(D) get out


26 Being _____ late for school may be a sign that students are losing interest in studying.
(A) doubtfully
(B) habitually
(C) regionally
(D) punctually

22( ).

請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
       The ancient Greeks worshipped their deities by leaving offerings to them in temples, and honored them by holding regular festivals. Much is known about this worship because many of their temples, together with ritual objects and cult statues, have __41__ , and ancient Greek writers described religious rituals __42__ making offerings of food and wine. Worshippers hoped that the deities would look kindly on them __43__ return, since most gods and goddesses were said to take a keen interest in human affairs. In the mythical great war between Greece and Troy, for example, every stage of the conflict, together with the final outcome, was influenced as much by the actions of the deities __44__ by what the men of the two sides actually achieved on the battle field. The myths of Greece also show this __45__ between deities and humans in the guise of numerous heroes. Stories of heroes like Heracles and Jason, involving great adventures and journey as far as the Underworld, have been endlessly retold.

(A) unlike
(B) such as
(C) in spite of
(D) without


10 As the airplane encountered unexpected _______, passengers felt a mixture of anxiety and discomfort, but the experienced pilot skillfully navigated through the rough air, ensuring their safety.
(A) alternative
(B) emission
(C) turbulence
(D) multiplication

24( ).

第 16 至 20 題為題組
        The modern worker rolls out of bed, groans, and turns off an alarm clock before reluctantly getting up for the day’s work. But how did people get to work on time before alarm clocks were widely used?             During the second Industrial Age, people toiled at unusual hours in mines or factories and often had to get up for work early in the morning. They __16__ alarm clocks because adjustable alarms had been invented by the mid-19th century. But the new device was still relatively expensive and unreliable. British workers thus relied on a human alarm clock known as a “knocker-up.” __17__ sticks or pea shooters, the human alarms would tour the streets, tap on windows, or blast them with dried peas, trying to wake paying customers in time for work. 
      Whether they wielded rods or pea shooters, knockers-up became __18__ throughout the United Kingdom. Every morning, these people, often older in age, were seen in big streets and small alleys, waking up their customers professionally. They usually would not leave people’s houses until they were sure their customers were awake.
      While the practice continued in some parts of the country until the 1970s, it __19__ as alarm clocks became more widespread and affordable. Today, beeping alarm clocks and smartphones that play morning music are surely simpler and more convenient. However, they cannot __20__ the personal attention coming from the distinctive tap of a pea shooter.

(A) Aimed at
(B) Trained for
(C) Equipped with
(D) Exhausted by

25( ).

第 35 至 38 題為題組
        One fine morning in 1941, Swiss engineer George de Mestral went for a walk in the woods with his dog. Upon their return home, he found a lot of burrs (from plants) stuck to the dog’s fur and his pants. He immediately rushed to his microscope and examined the burrs attached on his pants—feeling a lightbulb moment coming on. 
        Upon closer examination, de Mestral observed that the burrs, which appeared straight to the naked eye, actually contained many small hooks that clung firmly to the loops in the fabric of his pants. He determined that if he could recreate the same thing, making hooks-and-loops that bind to each other firmly, he could produce a strong fastener with many uses. 
      De Mestral’s first challenge was finding a fabric for a strong bonding system. He first tried cotton, but it proved too soft and could not withstand repeated openings and closures. After years of research and testing, he learned that synthetics worked best and eventually settled on heat-treated nylon, a strong and durable substance. By 1955, he had completed an improved version of the product, with each square inch of material containing 300 hooks, which made it stay fastened and yet easy enough to pull apart when needed. Named “Velcro,” from the French words velours (velvet) and crochet (hook), the new product received a patent from the Swiss government in 1955. De Mestral thus began mass-producing Velcro, opening plants in Europe and eventually into Canada and the United States.
    Initially Velcro did not fare well. As most fashion critics considered it ugly and cheap-looking, the use of Velcro was limited to athletic equipment. In the early 1960s, the product received a huge boost in popularity when NASA began using it in a lot of equipment that went into space along with astronauts. Today, de Mestral’s design is found almost everywhere: clothing and footwear, toys, airline seat cushions, blood pressure cuffs and surgeons’ gowns. Most impressively, the magical fastener was used in the first human artificial heart transplantation to hold together parts of the device.


35. Which of the following pictures shows de Mestral’s invention?


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