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試卷測驗 - 102 年 - 102 國中教育會考(試辦):英文科#86575
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21. Look at the picture. A bee                is on the rose.
(A) landing
(B) lying
(C) parking
(D) surfing


22. I enjoy drinking a cup of black coffee                Friday nights.
(A) at
(B) by
(C) in
(D) on


23. It’s raining ________. I think you should stay here until the rain stops.
(A) politely
(B) heavily
(C) clearly
(D) easily


24. This restaurant is                for its chicken soup. Many people come to eat it.
(A) crazy
(B) delicious
(C) famous
(D) sharp


25. Lisa’s room was very dirty. It took her three hours ________ it.
(A) clean
(B) cleaned
(C) has cleaned
(D) to clean


26. It’s cold outside; _________ sure to put on your coat before you leave the house.
(A) be
(B) it is
(C) being
(D) it will be


27. Tommy uses chopsticks well, but his younger brothers                , so they usually eat with spoons.
(A) don’t
(B) doesn’t
(C) aren’t
(D) isn’t


28. Jane is going fishing tomorrow. She wants to know                the weather will be fine.
(A) how
(B) what
(C) whether
(D) why


29. David forgot to bring money with him, so I                him NT$60 to pay for his lunch.
(A) borrowed
(B) lent
(C) ordered
(D) spent


30. Why don’t we have a                for our singing group? I think it looks great when everybody in a group wears the same thing.
(A) party
(B) program
(C) test
(D) uniform


31. The tall man                at the bookstore is my high school teacher.
(A) you saw
(B) who saw
(C) you saw him
(D) that you saw him


32. Stella: Is this Simon’s book? I found it under the chair.
 Joyce: No, it’s _________. Thank you. I’ve been looking for it.
(A) I
(B) me
(C) my
(D) mine


33. Shirley: How’s your new English teacher? She looks friendly.
 Lauren: She is nice!                , she’s the nicest person I’ve ever seen.
(A) Even so
(B) In fact
(C) Also
(D) However


34. Doris: Why                so many things to do when I’m busy enough?
 Frank: That’s because you don’t know how to use your time well.
(A) does it have
(B) have
(C) are they
(D) are there


Dear Tina,
  I think I have to say I’m sorry to you because I   35    the last time you came to me. I was so busy with my own studies at that time that I didn’t spend any time listening to your problems with Mary. I know you’re very sad about this, and it’s too late for me to make any excuses.
   I’ve tried to call you many times, but you’ve never answered. I think you    36     . Please pick up the phone and talk to me. We are still good friends, aren’t we? Please give me another chance!
Your friend always,

(A) was not of much help
(B) spent too much money
(C) said bad things about you
(D) forgot to help you with your studies


(A) are not interested in my friends
(B) do not have enough time for study
(C) may not even want to hear my voice
(D) have found a better way to talk with Mary


(37-38)Below is a report on four new restaurants.

【題組】37. What CANNOT be found in the report?
(A) How many seats each restaurant has.
(B) Whether dogs can enter the restaurant.
(C) What food can be ordered in each restaurant.
(D) How much it may cost to eat in each restaurant.


【題組】38. Sherry is talking about one of the four restaurants:
“It’s a clean and comfortable place. Even the floor of the restroom shines. The food is delicious. But each of their waiters has to take care of so many tables that you seldom see them smiling and may get spaghetti when you order steak. It’s difficult to get a table on weekends. To save time, it’s better to visit on weekdays.”
Which restaurant is Sherry talking about?
(A) Food Station.
(B) Aunt Lucy’s.
(C) Fresh & Hot.
(D) Full House.


Life is a long trip.
Both good and bad things happen on the road:
People love and hate,
They share and hide things.
Some things make me smile;
Some things make me cry.
Some days are sunny,
Some days are rainy—
Life is a trip full of opposites.
I can’t decide what will happen,
So I have decided to be happy right now, every minute of my life.
To remember all that is beautiful;
To let go of all that makes me sad—
In this way I will live my life to the fullest.                     ~Johnny Wang~

【題組】39. What does the writer think of life?
(A) He thinks that life is short.
(B) He wants to enjoy life as much as he can.
(C) He is glad to find that life can be planned.
(D) He thinks that love is the most important thing in life.


【題組】40. What does opposites mean in the reading?
(A) Clear and fine days.
(B) The joy and hope of life.
(C) The bright and dark sides of life.
(D) People who are sad about their lives.



【題組】41. Which is true about these three DVDs?
(A) They all talk about special places.
(B) They all talk about weather changes.
(C) They all show what is hurting the Earth.
(D) They all show something about animals.


【題組】42. Which is NOT said about Into the Amazon?
(A) There is lots of rain in the Amazon.
(B) There are fires burning in the Amazon.
(C) There are special flowers in the Amazon.
(D) There are few people living in the Amazon.


【題組】43. How does one feel when seeing something creepy?
(A) Tired.
(B) Bored.
(C) Afraid.
(D) Lonely.


(44-45) (In front of the Golden Theater)
Fred : May I help you?
Nora : Yes, how can I get to the ticket office? I have to meet with my friends there.  
  Fred :   See the coffee shop over there? Our ticket office’s right next to it. May I ask which movie you are seeing?
Nora : Dance with the Snake.
Fred : I’m afraid you’ve come to the wrong place. That movie is playing at another theater, the New Theater.
Nora : Oh, no! What should I do now?
Fred : Don’t worry. The theater is only a few blocks away. You can get there in ten minutes by taxi. Just have the driver stop on Market Street. The theater is beside a big gift shop.
Nora : OK. Thank you for your help.
Fred : No problem.

【題組】44. What is Nora going to do after talking to Fred?
(A) Go to the coffee shop.
(B) Hurry to another theater.
(C) Buy gifts for her friends.
(D) Decide which movie to see.


【題組】45. Which is true?
(A) The two theaters are next to each other.
(B) There is a gift shop above the New Theater.
(C) Dance with the Snake can be seen at both theaters.
(D) More than one movie is playing at the Golden Theater.



【題組】46. What do we know from this email?
(A) Andy has already paid on the Internet for his order.
(B) One has to pay a shipping fee for an order of NT$1,000.
(C) Page-Plus Bookstore is at No. 157 Comfy Street, Cozy City.
(D) Andy can get what he had ordered the day after the email was sent.


【題組】47. If Andy picks up his order on May 29 and finds one page missing in Talking Horses, when is the last day for him to send Talking Horses back?
(A) May 31.
(B) June 2.
(C) June 4.
(D) June 5.



【題組】48. What does the reading say about the story of the movie?
(A) It happens in snowy winter.
(B) It comes from a popular book.
(C) Henry does not believe what Claire says when they first meet.
(D) Henry does not know how to change the story of his book for Claire.


【題組】49. Which do we know from the reading?
(A) Out of the Pages is Sophie Besson’s first movie.
(B) Out of the Pages has won Julio Latio a Rolling Prize.
(C) Out of the Pages is Linda Kinsley’s best-selling work.
(D) Out of the Pages has won Mary Keys a best actress prize.


        You don’t want to be Kim’s assistant. She gives you lots of work and never feels pleased with what you do. However, if you “pass the test,” you’ll almost 100% sure be promoted to “real” lawyer. I passed, and now I have my own office and my own assistant.
   Last week Kim kicked out her new assistant. And now she’s treating me like her assistant again. “Maureen, get me a coffee.” “Maureen, copy this for me.” Yes, the coffee room is closer to my office, and yes, I know the copying machines better, but now my business card says L-A-W-Y-E-R, not A-S-S-I-S-T-A-N-T!
   No one will fight Kim because she’s dating Emerson, our boss. Fighting the boss’s girlfriend won’t do you any good. Ted fought her once, and now he’s sitting in the “Cage,” the smallest office here.
   Next to my office is Jackson’s. He was Kim’s assistant before me. He told me that I had to let her know that now I work WITH her, not FOR her. “She’ll get very angry at first, but she’ll forget about you after she finds the next ‘lucky’ person, and then you’ll be OK,” said he.
 assistant 助理 pleased 滿意 promote 升職 

【題組】50. Why does Maureen say “my business card says L-A-W-Y-E-R, not A-S-S-I-S-T-A-N-T”?
(A) She is not pleased with her assistant.
(B) She has not got her new business cards yet.
(C) She found a spelling mistake on her business card.
(D) She is unhappy about still being seen as an assistant.


【題組】51. What can we learn from the reading?
(A) Kim’s assistants were all promoted.
(B) Ted’s fight with Kim ended terribly.
(C) Ted fought with Kim because of Maureen.
(D) Maureen is popular with everyone in her workplace.


【題組】52. Sally is another lawyer in Maureen’s workplace. If Sally agrees with Jackson, what would she most likely say to Maureen?
(A) “Make it clear to Kim that she is not your boss.”
(B) “Help Kim find a new assistant or share yours with her.”
(C) “Don’t fight with Kim, if you want to keep your job here.”
(D) “I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be part of your fight with Kim.”   



53. Which picture best shows Maureen’s workplace?
(A) 5ed8a68de9b36.jpg
(B) 5ed8a69949eeb.jpg
(C) 5ed8a6ab52349.jpg
(D) 5ed8a6b935d54.jpg


(54-56) Below is the video that was made for Pattie.


54. A friend of Pattie’s took a picture on her big day. Which is most likely the picture?
(A) 5ed8a6ef35e99.jpg
(B) 5ed8a6fbc3d35.jpg
(C) 5ed8a7071f98b.jpg
(D) 5ed8a710cfe6d.jpg


【題組】55. What do we know about the four people in the video?
(A) One of them is Pattie’s sister.
(B) One of them is David’s best friend.
(C) One of them is the aunt of two of the others.
(D) One of them is the mother of two of the others.


【題組】56. What can we learn from the video?
(A) Pattie is good at taking care of people.
(B) Pattie remembers little about her mother.
(C) David is a serious man who seldom smiles.
(D) David finds it difficult to talk about his family.


                                                                    Sports News
   Maria Sharapova is a world-famous tennis player. She was born in Russia in 1987. At the age of four, she started her first tennis lesson. From then on, she    57     that she’s one of the best tennis players ever. Tennis fans all over the world enjoy watching her play.
   Although her family had little money, Sharapova moved to America with her father in 1994. Soon after they arrived, Sharapova’s father brought her to a famous tennis school in Florida. Back in Russia, her father    58     a great future ahead of little Sharapova. He wanted to do his best to help her, and an American tennis school would be a good start. Now the sevenyear-old girl    59     at the school and would start to make her dream come true.
   The little girl surprised the teachers when she knocked off the hat of one teacher with a strong serve. They told her father that she    60    a scholarship when she was old enough to enter the school in 1995.
   That is where it all began. Sharapova has since caught the eye of the world with her excellent tennis skills. 
■serve 發球 scholarship 獎學金 skill 技巧

(A) has shown    
(B) had shown     
(C) showed      
(D) will show


(A) has seen      
(B) had seen      
(C) sees      
(D) would see


(A) has been       
(B) had been     
(C) was        
(D) will be


(A) has got        
(B) had got        
(C) got        
(D) would get


試卷測驗 - 102 年 - 102 國中教育會考(試辦):英文科#86575-阿摩線上測驗
