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試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 新制多益閱讀測驗第二十回#114068
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101. _____ the lab security protocols, visitors must be escorted by an approved staff member at all times.
(A)In compliance with
(B)Stemming from
(C)Prior to
(D)On condition

2( ).

102. A successful negotiation requires clear communication, a willingness to compromise, and a _____ understanding of the opposing party's interests.

3( ).

103. Our cleaning services _____ by satisfied customers for consecutive years.
(A)will have recommended highly
(B)will have highly recommended
(C)have highly been recommended
(D)have been highly recommended

4( ).

104. All of our electronic products are covered by a one-year warranty, ensuring that any defects will _____ .
(A)be promptly addressed
(B)promptly addressed
(C)be promptly addressing
(D)promptly addressing

5( ).

105. _____ a valued member, you'll receive special pricing on our latest monitor models throughout your journey with us.
(A)As of
(B)As if
(C)As long as

6( ).

106. The intercity bus service has been _____ among travelers in terms of punctual departures.
(A)overwhelming popular
(B)overwhelming popularized
(C)overwhelmingly popular
(D)overwhelmingly popularized

7( ).

107. _____ the basic concepts of financial management is essential for success in any industry.
(A)With the understanding of
(B)Understand of
(C)An understanding

8( ).

108. The furniture wholesaler's showroom _____ a variety of modern and classic furniture pieces, from sofas to beds and everything in between.

9( ).

109. A considerable number of passengers _____ waiting at the station due to the train's unexpected delay.
(C)was left
(D)were left

10( ).

110. _____ attract top talent, the HR team has implemented a generous benefits package, including health insurance and retirement savings options.
(A)In order to
(B)In addition to
(C)In fairness to
(D)In response to

11( ).

111. The success of the project relied heavily on the team's collective brainpower, _____ was utilized to generate innovative solutions and ideas.

12( ).

112. Everything we can do to reduce our energy use and switch to greener energy sources _____ an impact.
(B)that have
(D)that has

13( ).

113. Restaurant owners should prioritize employee training programs to ensure that their staff _____ the necessary skills and knowledge to handle different situations, such as managing difficult customers or handling food safely.
(A)equip with
(C)are equipped with

14( ).

114. A company's pricing strategy should _____ the demand for its products or services in the market, as this can impact the success of the business.
(A)put into practice
(B)give a running commentary
(C)focus attention
(D)take into consideration

15( ).

115. Brimming with global iconic landmarks, natural beauty and a flourishing art scene, Sydney is a dynamic and vibrant city _____ color and character.
(A)awash with
(B)away from
(C)swarm with
(D)categorize into

16( ).

116. I had to wait for over 20 minutes at the hotel reception before the receptionist could find my reservation, _____ she was very apologetic and offered me a complimentary drink.

17( ).

117. _____ hours of negotiation with the dealer, we finally reached a compromise on the price and signed the contract.
(A)Later on

18( ).

118. A _____ workforce can bring new ideas and perspectives to the table, which can lead to more innovative and creative solutions.

19( ).

119. The company _____ a retirement party to honor the many years of hard work and dedication of our senior employees, who had played a crucial role in shaping the organization.

20( ).

120. They spent weeks researching and reaching out to potential overseas suppliers, but _____ found one that met all of their requirements.

21( ).

121. Despite my initial hesitations, the car dealer was able to offer me a great financing deal that _____ purchasing my dream car a reality.
(D)had been made

22( ).

122. _____ oversight in employee education and training programs can lead to inconsistencies in the quality of training and knowledge among employees, which can ultimately impact the overall performance of the company.
(A)Lack of
(C)Lacking of

23( ).

123. The _____ meetings have become a concern for departmental heads, as they are impacting the productivity and efficiency of their teams.

24( ).

124. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, our industry has seen a significant uptick in demand for our products, and our company was _____ , achieving record-breaking sales in the first half of the year.
(A)not much to look at
(B)no exception
(C)at a premium
(D)in a tight corner

25( ).

125. At TEE Corporation, _____ you have a personal need, the company is very understanding and supportive.
(A)for a long time
(B)for the time being
(C)any time
(D)by the time

26( ).

126. Switching off the lights when we leave a meeting room or our screens when we leave our desks may seem like small things, but _____ , all actions like this add up to reduce our energy consumption.
(A)taking it for granted
(B)taken for granted
(C)taking together
(D)taken together

27( ).

127. The sales figures from a flagship store are often higher than _____ from other stores, indicating that customers are willing to pay a premium for the convenience, exclusivity, and overall experience offered by the flagship location.

28( ).

128. The success of the pop-up store proposal relies heavily on creating a unique and memorable experience _____ will leave a lasting impression on customers.

29( ).

129. _____ some cleaning services may only offer basic cleaning, what we provide is a comprehensive deep cleaning that ensures a healthier and more hygienic living space.
(A)In spite of
(D)Due to

30( ).

130. After careful consideration, the project manager chose a software platform which would _____ the team's workflow and enhance project efficiency.

31( ).

Part 6 Text Completion

Questions 131~134 refer to the following conversation. 
Sarah Johnson: Hey David, can I talk to you about something?

David Lee: Sure. __131__ 

Sarah Johnson: I've been really struggling with my workload __132__ , especially since my daughter turned two and I have to take care of her at home. I'm considering quitting my job.

David Lee: Oh no! That's a big decision. Have you talked to our manager about your __133__ ?

Sarah Johnson: Yeah, but he hasn't been very helpful. He just keeps telling me to prioritize my tasks better.

David Lee: I'm sorry to hear that. Have you thought about hiring a babysitter or finding a daycare center?

Sarah Johnson: Yes, but it's really expensive and I'm not sure I can afford it.

David Lee: Well, before you make any final decisions, let's sit down and try to __134__ a solution together. I don't want you to quit your job because of this dilemma.

Sarah Johnson: Thank you, David. I really appreciate your support.

(A)What’s wrong with you?
(B)Hey, let’s catch up sometime!
(C)What’s up?
(D)That’s wicked!

32( ).


33( ).


34( ).

(A)turn out
(B)drop out
(C)figure out
(D)knock out

35( ).

Questions135~138 refer to the following press release. 
City's Bike-Sharing Shelter Employs Long-Term Unemployed Disabled Workers

A bike-sharing shelter in our city has recently hired a group of long-term unemployed disabled workers to assemble bicycles. This __135__ has created over 100 job opportunities, with more to come.

The shelter __136__ as a storage and maintenance facility for the city's bike-sharing program, which is growing in popularity. By hiring disabled workers, the shelter not only provides employment opportunities but also promotes social inclusion.

The workers receive proper training and supervision to ensure they can perform their duties effectively. The shelter __137__ to expand its workforce and provide more job opportunities to the disabled community in the future.

This unique approach __138__ job creation has garnered positive feedback from the community and received recognition for its efforts in promoting diversity and inclusion in the workforce.

【題組】 135.

36( ).


37( ).


38( ).


39( ).

Questions139~142 refer to the following article. 

This article tries to explain why some sectors are struggling to fill their employment __139__ while workers are doubtful to take up jobs in those sectors.

1.Wages: One of the most common __140__ workers might think they can do better elsewhere is the wage rates offered by the employers. If the pay offered by a particular sector is not competitive enough or does not match the workers' expectations, they might look for employment in other sectors that offer better compensation.
2.Skill Mismatch: Sometimes, the skills __141__ for a job may not match the skills that workers possess. In such cases, workers might feel that they are not suited for the jobs available in that sector and may look for employment in other sectors where their skills are more aligned with the job requirements.
3.Perception of the Sector: Workers might also be __142__ to take up jobs in certain sectors due to negative perceptions about the sector. For example, some workers might not be keen on working in the manufacturing sector because they perceive it to be a dirty or dangerous work environment. This perception can impact their willingness to work in that sector.


40( ).


41( ).


42( ).


43( ).

Questions143~146 refer to the following memo.

Date: April 29
To: All Staff
Subject: Paid Summer Internship Opportunity for Children and Relatives

Dear colleagues,

As the summer __143__ , we are excited to announce that our company is offering paid summer internships to college students who are related to or children of our employees. This is a great opportunity for them to gain valuable experience and learn about the industry __144__ earning some extra money.

We encourage you to share this opportunity with your children, nieces, nephews, or other eligible relatives. __145__ . The interns will work on various projects with our teams to develop their skills and knowledge.

To be eligible, applicants must meet the following criteria:
●Be a college student
●Be a child or relative of a current employee of our company
●Be available to work full-time during the internship period

If you know someone who meets these criteria and would be interested in applying for this opportunity, please share this memo with them and encourage them to apply as soon as possible. The application deadline is May 25, and interviews will __146__ in early June.

Thank you for your cooperation and support.

Daniel Ellsberg

【題組】 143.

44( ).


45( ).

(A)The internship program will run for 8-10 weeks during the summer.
(B)The interns want to take two-day paid leave each month.
(C)Applications for the internship program should have started earlier.
(D)If your child is interested in the position, please do not hesitate to contact me by email to arrange a time that will not interfere with your schedule.

46( ).

(B)be taken place
(D)be conducted

47( ).

Part 7 Reading Comprehension

Questions147~148 refer to the following travel guide. Fairhope is a charming town located in Baldwin County, Alabama, known for its beautiful parks and outdoor spaces. One outdoor space that stands out from the rest is the Fairhope Municipal Pier. 

 The Fairhope Municipal Pier is a must-visit destination for anyone who loves spending time outdoors. The pier extends 1,448 feet into Mobile Bay, offering stunning views of the water and the surrounding area. Visitors can take a leisurely stroll along the pier or simply relax and enjoy the scenery.

One of the main attractions of the pier is the opportunity to fish. The pier is equipped with benches and rod holders, making it the perfect spot to cast a line and try your luck at catching a variety of fish, including flounder, speckled trout, and redfish. Fishing on the pier is allowed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and there is no fishing license required.

【題組】147. What is the Fairhope Municipal Pier?
(A)A shopping center.
(B)A beach resort.
(C)An outdoor space.
(D)A museum.

48( ).

【題組】148. What type of fish can visitors catch at the Fairhope Municipal Pier?
(A)Mahi-mahi and tuna.
(B)Flounder, speckled trout, and redfish.
(C)Salmon and halibut.
(D)Catfish and bass.

49( ).

Questions149~150 refer to the following notice.

Entering the main building using a chip card is a simple and secure process for staff members. Here are the steps to follow:

1.Hold your chip card close to the card reader, with the chip facing towards the reader. Wait for the reader to beep and display a green light, indicating that your card has been successfully read and accepted. 2.Wait for the gate to open fully before proceeding through it.
3. If you experience any issues with the card reader, contact the building security team for assistance. 

Remember to keep your chip card secure and report any lost or stolen cards immediately to prevent unauthorized access to the building.

【題組】149. What should you do if the gate has not fully opened after the card reader has accepted your chip card?
(A)Attempt to enter the building before the gate has fully opened.
(B)Walk away and try again later.
(C)Use another staff member's chip card to try to open the gate.
(D)Wait for the gate to open fully before proceeding through it.

50( ).

【題組】150. What should you do if you lose your chip card?
(A)Immediately report the loss to the building security team and request a replacement card.
(B)Wait for the card to be returned to you.
(C)Search the building for your card before reporting it missing.
(D)Try to enter the building using a different card or form of identification.

51( ).

Questions151~152 refer to the following email.

Subject: Re: Offer to become Project Leader

Dear Paul Hopkins,

I appreciate the offer to become Project Leader for the new project at Teli-Works Corp. However, after careful consideration, I have decided to decline the opportunity.

While I am grateful for the trust and confidence you have placed in me, I believe that my true passion lies in coding and software development. I find great fulfillment in the technical challenges of programming and believe that my skills would be best utilized in that capacity.

As you know, I have been a software developer at Teli-Works Corp. for six years, and I am grateful for the opportunities I have had to grow and develop my skills during that time. However, I feel that my current role as a developer is where I can make the greatest contribution to the company.

I understand that the Project Leader position is critical to the success of the new project, and I am confident that you will find the right person to fill the role. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to support the project as a developer.

Thank you for your understanding, and please let me know if you have any further questions.

Best regards,
Kelly Phillips

【題組】 151. What is the reason Kelly Phillips gives for declining the offer to become Project Leader?
(A)She does not believe she has the necessary skills for the role.
(B)She feels that her true passion lies in coding and software development.
(C)She believes that the project is not a good fit for her.
(D)She is not interested in taking on additional responsibilities.

52( ).

【題組】152. What does Kelly Phillips offer to do to support the new project?
(A)She offers to take on the role of Project Leader.
(B)She offers to help find someone else to fill the role of Project Leader.
(C)She offers to support the project as a software developer.
(D)She does not offer any assistance to the project.

53( ).

Questions153~154 refer to the following social media post.

Happy World Earth Day! 

Today, let's take a step towards a better tomorrow by turning off the lights for an hour at 8:30pm in your local time zone. This small gesture can have a huge impact on our planet, reducing energy consumption and raising awareness about the importance of sustainability.

Join us and millions of people around the world in this global movement to protect our planet. Let's show our love and commitment to Mother Earth by taking action, no matter how small.

Together, we can make a difference. Let's start by turning off the lights and spreading the word.
#EarthDay #Connect2Earth #SwitchOff #Sustainability #ClimateAction

【題組】 153. What is the purpose of turning off the lights on World Earth Day?
(A)To save money on electricity bills.
(B)To increase greenhouse gas emissions.
(C)To create a romantic atmosphere.
(D)To reduce energy consumption and raise awareness about sustainability.

54( ).

【題組】154. Why is it important to take action on World Earth Day?
(A)To show your love and commitment to Mother Earth.
(B)To get likes and followers on social media.
(C)To win a prize.
(D)To make people jealous.

55( ).

Questions155~157 refer to the following conversation.

Hunter: Look at the gorgeous cupcakes on this catalog. I am going to initiate a group buying.
Anyone that participates is entitled to a 40% discount. Are you up for it?
Claire: Thank you for thinking of me, but I need to go on a crash diet now because I'm going to my bestie's wedding next month.
Hunter: No problem, I understand. How about we organize a group buying after the wedding? The offer will still be available then.
Claire: That's a great idea. I'm sure I'll be craving something sweet by then. Count me in for the next group buying.
Hunter: Perfect! I'll let you know when we have another event. I'm sure everyone will be excited to hear about it.

【題組】155. What is the reason Claire declined Hunter's offer for the group buying?
(A)She has a food allergy.
(B)She is on a strict budget.
(C)She does not like cupcakes.
(D)She is going on a crash diet for a wedding.

56( ).

【題組】156. How did Hunter react to Claire's decline?
(A)He understood and suggested organizing the group buying after Claire's bestie's wedding.
(B)He insisted that she buy cupcakes.
(C)He didn't acknowledge Claire's decline and changed the subject.
(D)He canceled the group buying event.

57( ).

【題組】157. What is Hunter's opinion about the next group buying event?
(A)He thinks nobody will be interested in joining.
(B)He thinks it will be even more successful than the previous one.
(C)He thinks the cupcakes will be of lower quality.
(D)The conversation did not mention Hunter's opinion.

58( ).

Questions158~160 refer to the following conversation.

Robert: Hi Winnie and Lisa, I think we need to discuss the current state of our company. With the recent financial crisis, we're running low on funds. We might have to let go of some employees.

Winnie: I agree, Robert. It's not an easy decision, but we have to ensure the sustainability of our company.

Lisa: I understand where you're coming from, but have we considered other options like reducing employee benefits or cutting expenses?

Robert: We have already reduced employee benefits, Lisa. And we have already cut down expenses to the bare minimum.

Winnie: Unfortunately, we have to face the reality that letting go of some employees is the only option left.

Lisa: But our employees are like family to us. We can't just let them go without exploring other alternatives.

Robert: I know it's a difficult decision, Lisa. But we have to do what's best for the company to survive. 

Winnie: Let's not forget that keeping the company afloat is also in the best interest of our employees who will still have jobs.

Lisa: I see your point, Winnie. Maybe we can explore options like reducing work hours or offering unpaid leave to some employees.

Robert: That's a good point, Lisa. Let's consider all options before making a final decision.

Winnie: Agreed. We'll schedule a meeting with HR to discuss alternative solutions before making any decisions. 

 Lisa: Thank you, Winnie and Robert, for considering alternative solutions. I think we owe it to our employees to explore all options before making any drastic decisions.

Robert: Absolutely, Lisa. We're all in this together, and we'll get through this as a team.

【題組】 158. What is the primary reason for the financial crisis faced by the company?
(A)The generous employee benefits package offered by the company.
(B)The lack of interest shown by potential investors in the company's products or services.
(C)The rising competition in the market that the company operates in.
(D)The high overhead costs incurred by the company in running its operations.

59( ).

【題組】159. What alternatives were suggested before resorting to laying off employees as a solution?
(A)Considering the possibility of introducing a profit-sharing plan for the employees.
(B)Exploring the option of partnering with other companies in a joint venture.
(C)Evaluating the feasibility of diversifying the company's offerings into related markets.
(D)Examining the option of restructuring the company's debt portfolio.

60( ).

【題組】160. What did Winnie emphasize as a reason for keeping the company afloat?
(A)It has a strategic significance in the market it operates in.
(B)It serves as an investment vehicle for the employees who remain in the company.
(C)It contributes to the social and economic well-being of the community it serves.
(D)It has a symbiotic relationship with other companies in its supply chain.

61( ).

Questions161~163 refer to the following article.

The World Startup Convention (WSC) was an important event for the Indian startup ecosystem, organized by NITI Aayog and Tracxn. However, it turned into a scandal due to poor organization, lack of substance, and allegations of financial mismanagement and fraud. High-profile figures such as Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son attended the event.

Reports suggested that Tracxn charged exorbitant fees to startups in exchange for access to investors and potential clients, which Tracxn denied, stating that all fees were charged in accordance with industry standards. The scandal raised concerns about transparency and accountability in the Indian startup ecosystem and led to calls for greater regulation and oversight of such events.

This incident highlights the importance of due diligence and careful vetting of event organizers and partners, as well as the need for clear and transparent communication with stakeholders. The allegations of fraud and mismanagement in the WSC underscore the need for event organizers to act with integrity and transparency, and for investors and startups to exercise caution when attending such events. Ultimately, greater transparency and accountability can help build trust and foster a healthy startup ecosystem in India and beyond.

【題組】 161. What was the issue with the organization of the WSC?
(A)Inadequate security measures.
(B)Lack of attendees and sponsors.
(C)Poor organization, lack of substance, and allegations of financial mismanagement and fraud.
(D)Technical difficulties with the event's virtual platform.

62( ).

【題組】162. What were the allegations against Tracxn in relation to the WSC?
(A)Charging reasonable fees to startups in exchange for access to investors and potential clients.
(B)Refusing to charge fees to startups for access to investors and potential clients.
(C)Refusing to provide startups with access to investors and potential clients altogether.
(D)Charging exorbitant fees to startups in exchange for access to investors and potential clients.

63( ).

【題組】163. What was the impact of the WSC scandal on the Indian startup ecosystem?
(A)It had no impact on the ecosystem.
(B)It led to calls for greater regulation and oversight of events like the WSC.
(C)It resulted in a decline in the number of startups in India.
(D)It led to increased investment in Indian startups.

64( ).

Questions164~167 refer to the following instant messaging chain.

Mandy: I haven't made up my mind whether to outsource our customer service.

Leo: Outsourcing could save us a lot of money in the long run. Have you considered the potential cost savings?

Henry: I think outsourcing could be a bad idea. We could lose control over the quality of our customer service.

Mandy: I see your points. But we need to weigh the pros and cons. Leo, can you give me an example of a successful outsourcing case?

Leo: Sure. My friend's company outsourced their customer service to a company in India and saved a lot of money. Plus, they were able to expand their business because of the savings.

Henry: But what about the cultural differences? Won't that affect the quality of customer service?

Mandy: That's a good point. We'll need to do some research on the potential outsourcing companies to make sure they're a good fit for us. Henry, what do you think are the most important qualities we should look for in an outsourcing company?

Henry: I think reliability, cultural fit, and language proficiency are the most important qualities to look for. 
 Leo: I agree. We need to make sure they're able to communicate effectively with our customers. 

Mandy: Okay, it sounds like we need to do some more research before we make a decision. Thank you both for your input.

【題組】 164. What is the main reason Leo thinks outsourcing customer service could be beneficial?
(A)It could lead to expansion of the business.
(B)It could lead to better customer service quality.
(C)It is the industry standard.
(D)It could lead to better communication with customers.

65( ).

【題組】165. What are the most important qualities that Henry suggests the outsourcing company should have?
(A)Reliability, language proficiency, and cultural fit.
(B)Cheap rates, good reviews, and availability.
(C)English proficiency, low wages, and location.
(D)Technological advancement, online presence, and global reach.

66( ).

【題組】166. What does Mandy suggest they need to do before making a decision?
(A)Hire an in-house team.
(B)Outsource immediately.
(C)Do more research.
(D)Abandon the idea of outsourcing altogether.

67( ).

【題組】167. What potential issue with outsourcing customer service do Leo and Henry disagree on?
(A)The potential cost savings.
(B)The impact on the quality of customer service.
(C)The impact on communication with customers.
(D)The cultural differences.

68( ).

Questions168~171 refer to the following advertisement.

Are you seeking a luxurious getaway to recharge your mind and body, but want to avoid the bustling weekend crowds? Look no further! Introducing the Midweek Luxury Escape, an exclusive offer from the Celestial Oasis Resort, nestled in the serene hills of Whispering Pines.

Our Midweek Luxury Escape package is designed to offer the ultimate relaxation experience, all while enjoying the tranquility of off-peak weekdays. Say goodbye to the stress of the city and indulge in the magnificent surroundings of our luxurious retreat.

What's Included in the Midweek Luxury Escape:

●Special Midweek Rates: Enjoy our specially discounted rates for a midweek stay, available exclusively for our midweek guests.
● Early Check-In and Late Check-Out: Maximize your vacation time by arriving early and staying late with our complimentary early check-in (from 11:00 AM) and late check-out (until 3:00 PM) services. ●Complimentary Welcome Gift: Start your stay in style with a welcome gift, handpicked by our team to celebrate your arrival.
●Daily Gourmet Breakfast: Wake up to a delicious gourmet breakfast each morning, prepared by our renowned chefs using the freshest local ingredients.
●Access to Resort Amenities: Immerse yourself in luxury with unlimited access to our world- class spa, infinity pool, fitness center, and more.

Experience the perfect balance of peace and indulgence at the Celestial Oasis Resort during your Midweek Luxury Escape. Book your unforgettable getaway now and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Don't miss this limited-time offer! Call us at 1-800-C-OResort or visit our website at www.celestialoasisresort.com to book your Midweek Luxury Escape today. Your heavenly retreat awaits!

【題組】168. What is the Midweek Luxury Escape?
(A)An exclusive offer from Celestial Oasis Resort.
(B)A package designed for weekend crowds.
(C)A special offer for city residents.
(D)A discounted stay for midweek guests.

69( ).

【題組】169. What are the check-in and check-out timings for the Midweek Luxury Escape?
(A)Early check-in from 10:00 AM and late check-out until 2:00 PM.
(B)Early check-in from 11:00 AM and late check-out until 3:00 PM.
(C)Early check-in from 12:00 PM and late check-out until 4:00 PM.
(D)Early check-in from 1:00 PM and late check-out until 5:00 PM.

70( ).

【題組】170. Which of the following is NOT included in the Midweek Luxury Escape package?
(A)Specially discounted rates for a midweek stay.
(B)Unlimited access to the world-class spa, infinity pool, and fitness center.
(C)Complimentary early check-in and late check-out services.
(D)Complimentary lunch and dinner.

71( ).

【題組】171. Suppose you are a busy professional who wants to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city and spend some quality time at the Celestial Oasis Resort during the weekdays. Which of the following options is the best reason to book the Midweek Luxury Escape package?
(A)You will get a complimentary welcome gift upon arrival.
(B)You can enjoy unlimited access to the world-class spa, infinity pool, fitness center, and more.
(C)You can avoid the bustling weekend crowds and enjoy the tranquil surroundings of the resort while also enjoying specially discounted rates for a midweek stay.
(D)You can maximize your vacation time with complimentary early check-in (from 11:00 AM) and late check-out (until 3:00 PM) services.

72( ).

Questions172~175 refer to the following press release.
Nick Tidy, CEO of CME Corporation, Announces CME Children's Festival on April 4 

 New York, NY - Nick Tidy, CEO of CME Corporation, is proud to announce the upcoming CME Children's Festival, which will take place on April 4th annually. The festival, which is sponsored solely by CME Corporation, aims to provide children with a unique and engaging experience that inspires creativity, emotional intelligence, and a drive to reach their full potential.

 "As a company, we believe that every child has the right to explore their creative potential and discover their passions," said Nick Tidy. "We are committed to providing a platform for children to showcase their talents and inspire others to do the same." 

 The CME Children's Festival is a one-of-a-kind event that brings together children from all walks of life to celebrate creativity and innovation. The festival features a wide range of activities, including art exhibits, music performances, interactive workshops, and much more. The festival is open to children of all ages and backgrounds, and admission is free.

 "We are excited to offer this festival as a way for children to explore their interests and talents in a supportive and inspiring environment," added Tidy. "We hope that this event will encourage children to pursue their passions and develop the skills they need to succeed in the future." 

 CME Corporation is proud to be the sole sponsor of this event, and we look forward to working with other organizations to expand the festival's reach and impact. We invite everyone to join us on April 4th to celebrate the creativity and potential of our children. 

 For more information about the CME Children's Festival, please visit our website or contact us at info@cmecorp.com. 

 About CME Corporation: 
CME Corporation is a leading provider of innovative solutions in the fields of engineering, construction, and project management.

【題組】 172. What is the goal of the CME Children's Festival?
(A)To provide a platform for children to showcase their talents and inspire others.
(B)To raise money for charity.
(C)To promote CME Corporation's products and services.
(D)To discourage children from pursuing their creative passions.

73( ).

【題組】173. What kind of activities are included in the CME Children's Festival?
(A)Art exhibits, music performances, and interactive workshops.
(B)Business seminars and networking events.
(C)Sports competitions and fitness classes.
(D)Cooking classes and food tastings.

74( ).

【題組】174. Which of the following best explains the reasons CME Corporation sponsors the CME Children's Festival?
(A)To offer a competitive environment for children to develop their skills.
(B)To promote their products and services to the community.
(C)To provide a platform for children to showcase their talents and inspire others.
(D)To generate revenue from admission fees.

75( ).

【題組】175. What can be inferred about CME Corporation based on the information provided in the press release?
(A)CME Corporation has a negative reputation in the community.
(B)CME Corporation only sponsors events for children.
(C)CME Corporation is the only sponsor of the CME Children's Festival.
(D)CME Corporation values creativity and emotional intelligence in children.

76( ).

Questions176~180 refer to the following memo and email.
Date: April 21
To: All Employees of WUK Kitchenware Manufacturing
From: Hank Wilson

Subject: Welcome to Sally Yarwood, our newest Board Member

I am excited to announce that Sally Yarwood has officially joined the Board of Directors at WUK Kitchenware Manufacturing. Many of you may already know Sally as a successful video creator on YouTube, but she also brings a wealth of business experience to our organization.

As we continue to grow and innovate as a company, Sally's expertise in marketing and social media will be invaluable. She has a deep understanding of the changing landscape of digital media and how it affects businesses of all sizes. Additionally, Sally's creativity and outside-the-box thinking will help us identify new opportunities and stay ahead of the curve in the kitchenware industry.

Please join me in welcoming Sally to our team. I am confident that she will be an outstanding addition to our Board of Directors and that her contributions will help us achieve even greater success in the years ahead.


Thank you, 

Hank Wilson

CEO of WUK Kitchenware Manufacturing 

Date: June 1
Subject: Join my new Marketing Team at WUK Kitchenware Manufacturing!

Dear All,

I am excited to announce that I have been assigned to lead a new marketing team at WUK Kitchenware Manufacturing, and I'm looking for talented individuals to join me!

As many of you may already know, I have a wealth of experience in marketing and social media, and I am passionate about identifying new opportunities and staying ahead of the curve in the kitchenware industry. I believe that by building a strong and dedicated team, we can achieve even greater success as a company.

If you are someone who is highly skilled in modern marketing strategies, including social media, digital advertising, and influencer marketing, I would love to hear from you. We are looking for creative, outside-the-box thinkers who are excited about the opportunity to work on cutting-edge campaigns that will help WUK Kitchenware Manufacturing stand out in the market.

If you're interested in joining my team, please send your resume and a brief cover letter outlining your qualifications and experience to [email protected] We will be accepting applications until May 15, so don't delay! I

look forward to hearing from you and building an incredible marketing team together.

Best regards,
Sally Yarwood
Marketing Team Leader at WUK Kitchenware Manufacturing

【題組】 176. According to the memo, what is the main reason for Sally Yarwood's appointment to the Board of Directors at WUK Kitchenware Manufacturing?
(A)Her knowledge of cooking techniques.
(B)Her expertise in marketing and social media.
(C)Her experience in manufacturing.
(D)Her ability to create videos.

77( ).

【題組】177. According to the memo, how do the skills of Sally Yarwood align with the goals of WUK Kitchenware Manufacturing?
(A)She will bring experience in manufacturing.
(B)She will provide free kitchenware to employees.
(C)She will help identify new opportunities.
(D)She will teach employees how to cook.

78( ).

【題組】178. What kind of people is Sally looking for to join her marketing team?
(A)Highly skilled in modern marketing strategies.
(B)Skilled in traditional marketing strategies.
(C)Experienced in finance and accounting.
(D)Experienced in human resources.

79( ).

【題組】179. What kind of campaigns will Sally's team work on?
(A)Old-fashioned campaigns.
(B)Boring campaigns.
(C)Cutting-edge campaigns.
(D)Ineffective campaigns.

80( ).

【題組】180. How can the board's attitudes towards Sally's new role be described based on the information provided?
(A)The board has not yet communicated their attitude towards Sally's new role.
(B)The board is neutral towards Sally's new role and has not provided any indication of support or disapproval.
(C)The board is unsatisfied with Sally's new role and has expressed negative opinions about her appointment.
(D)The board is highly supportive of Sally's new role and enthusiastic about her leadership.

81( ).

Questions181~185 refer to the following email and document.
Subject: Brainstorming Meeting Invitation for E-commerce Challenges and Solutions

Dear all,

 As the newly appointed E-commerce department head, I am excited to announce that we are entering into the world of online retail. Despite being a traditional brick-and-mortar office equipment retailer, we are now ready to step into the digital arena and expand our business through the e-commerce platform. 

To ensure a smooth transition into this new territory, I would like to invite you all to a brainstorming meeting on June 1 at 9:00 am. The meeting will be held in the conference room where we will discuss the potential challenges that our platform might face, as well as strategies to overcome them.

It is imperative that we address any issues beforehand so that we can be fully prepared to provide the best possible service to our customers. I encourage everyone to come to the meeting with ideas and suggestions for how we can optimize our e-commerce platform.

I look forward to seeing you all at the meeting.

Best regards,

Chloe Kim
E-commerce Department Head

Date: June 1

The meeting began with a welcome from the E-commerce Department Head, who thanked everyone for attending and introduced the meeting agenda. The attendees then introduced themselves, and the discussion began.

Challenges in the e-commerce platform were identified, including:
●Website speed and optimization
●Security and privacy concerns
●Product information accuracy
●Order fulfillment and shipping logistics
●Customer service and support

Strategies were suggested to overcome these challenges, including:
●Upgrading website infrastructure for faster loading times and improved user experience 
●Implementing SSL certificates and encryption for secure transactions
●Regularly updating product information and ensuring accuracy
●Partnering with reliable shipping companies for faster and more efficient delivery
●Providing easy-to-access customer support through multiple channels, including chat and email 

 The IT Manager offered to research and present solutions for website optimization and security, while the E-commerce Manager suggested implementing a customer feedback system to address any potential issues with product information and order fulfillment. The Marketing Manager offered to develop a customer service plan and improve the overall customer experience.

The E-commerce Department Head concluded the meeting by thanking everyone for their input and encouraged them to continue to brainstorm and develop innovative solutions.

Action Items: 
■IT Manager to research website optimization and security solutions 
■E-commerce Manager to develop a customer feedback system 
■Marketing Manager to develop a customer service plan

The meeting adjourned at 10:30 am.

【題組】 181. What is the purpose of the meeting?
(A)To discuss challenges and solutions for e-commerce.
(B)To introduce a new department head.
(C)To announce the launch of an online retail platform.
(D)To brainstorm ideas for a traditional brick-and-mortar store.

82( ).

【題組】182. What is the role of the E-commerce department head?
(A)To discuss strategies for optimizing the e-commerce platform.
(B)To introduce a new online retail platform.
(C)To brainstorm ideas for a brick-and-mortar store.
(D)To prepare the company for the digital arena.

83( ).

【題組】183. Which of the following best describes the type of the document?

84( ).

【題組】184. What is one potential disadvantage of partnering with multiple shipping companies to fulfill orders?
(A)Higher shipping costs due to increased competition among shipping companies.
(B)Greater flexibility in selecting shipping options and delivery times.
(C)Increased likelihood of shipping errors or delays.
(D)Improved customer satisfaction due to faster and more efficient delivery.

85( ).

【題組】185. What was the conclusion of the meeting?
(A)To stop pursuing the e-commerce platform.
(B)To continue brainstorming and develop innovative solutions.
(C)To outsource the e-commerce platform to another company.
(D)To ignore the identified e-commerce challenges.

86( ).

Questions186~190 refer to the following advertisement and emails.
Elite Events Management Presents: Consumer Trade Expo 
Attention all businesses! 
Are you looking to showcase your latest products to a wider audience? Look no further than the upcoming Consumer Trade Expo, hosted by the prestigious company, Elite Events Management, at the state-of-the-art Grand Exhibition Hall.
 A Variety of Exhibition Spaces Available
Our expo offers a variety of exhibition spaces to suit all needs, including the sleek and sophisticated Peninsula Booth, the spacious Island Booth, and the innovative Corner Booth. With a range of options available, you are sure to find the perfect space to showcase your products and services. 
Free Exhibition Handbook for Visitors 
Elite Events Management is committed to making your experience as smooth and seamless as possible. That's why we are offering all visitors a free exhibition handbook, complete with floor plans, exhibitor information, and schedules of events.
Advertise Your Business in the Handbook
And for businesses looking to make the most of their presence at the expo, we are offering the opportunity to place an advertisement in the handbook for a small fee.
Book Your Space 
Don't miss this opportunity to connect with new customers and showcase your brand. Book your space at the Consumer Trade Expo today.
Zoe Murray zoemurray2504@eliteevent.com
To Zoe Murray <zoemurray2504@eliteevent.com>
From: Bonnie
Subject: Questions
Dear Zoe Murray,
I am Bonnie, the PR Manager at WOW Smart Household Appliances Corporation, and I am writing to inquire about exhibiting space for our latest products at the upcoming Consumer Trade Expo.
We are thrilled to hear about the variety of exhibition spaces available, and we are particularly interested in the Peninsula Booth. Could you please provide us with more information, including the dimensions and rental costs?
Additionally, we would like to inquire about the post-conference logistics for our products, which was not found in the ad. Would you be able to provide us with information about how we can arrange for the shipping and handling of our products after the expo?
We appreciate your time and look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,
PR Manager, WOW Smart Household Appliances Corporation
Subject: Re: Questions
Dear Bonnie,
Thank you for reaching out regarding the upcoming Consumer Trade Expo. As a representative of Elite Event, I am more than happy to provide you with the information you requested. Unfortunately, we do not offer post-conference logistics services at this time.
In terms of exhibition space, there is presently just one Peninsula Booth up for grabs, situated next to the main entrance of the Expo and considered the most notable. The booth occupies a space of 20 feet by 20 feet, totaling 400 square feet, and has a rental cost of $5,000. Additional information can be found in the table below. 
64535f0f6fdbd.jpg I hope this information is helpful. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. 
Best regards,
Zoe Murray
Elite Event Representative

【題組】 186. According to the ad, which event is Elite Events Management hosting that allows businesses to showcase their products to a larger audience?
(A)A Corporate Networking Fair.
(B)A Business Promotion Conference.
(C)A Consumer Trade Expo.
(D)An Entrepreneurship Summit.

87( ).

【題組】187. What is the advantage of purchasing an advertisement in the exhibition handbook?
(A)Exclusive access to the attendees' list.
(B)Increased visibility.
(C)Guaranteed booth placement in high-traffic areas.
(D)Access to exclusive post-event networking opportunities.

88( ).

【題組】188. What information is Bonnie requesting about the Peninsula Booth, and what might this suggest about the products that WOW Smart Household Appliances Corporation intends to showcase?
(A)The dimensions and the products' size and design.
(B)The rental costs and the products' pricing strategy.
(C)The location and the products' market demographic.
(D)The nearest exhibition space and the products' transportation requirements.

89( ).

【題組】189. What information is NOT mentioned in the email but is crucial for WOW Smart Household Appliances Corporation's participation in the Consumer Trade Expo?
(A)The location of the Grand Exhibition Hall.
(B)The event's schedule of activities.
(C)The size and demographic of the expected audience.
(D)The promotional opportunities available for exhibitors.

90( ).

【題組】190. Who is Zoe Murray and what is her role in Elite Events Management?
(A)Zoe Murray is a representative of the WOW Smart Household Appliances Corporation.
(B)Zoe Murray is the representative of Elite Events Management.
(C)Zoe Murray is a representative of the Grand Exhibition Hall.
(D)Zoe Murray's role is not specified in the email.

91( ).

Questions191~195 refer to the following advertisement, table, and report. 
Join the Innovative Team at XYZ Inc. as a Summer Intern

Are you a motivated, creative individual looking for an exciting opportunity to gain real-world experience in the tech industry? Do you want to work alongside a team of talented professionals and contribute to innovative projects that make a difference? If so, XYZ Inc. is looking for you.

 As a summer intern at XYZ Inc., you will have the opportunity to work on a challenging project that will help develop your skills and push you to new heights. You will gain hands-on experience in programming, web development, data analysis, and other key skills that are in high demand in the tech industry. You will also have access to mentorship from experienced professionals and networking opportunities that will help you build your career.

To be considered for the internship program, you must meet the following requirements:
●Be enrolled in a college or university program or be a recent graduate 
●Have a strong academic record and relevant coursework in computer science, finance, marketing, or a related field
●Possess technical skills such as programming, web development, data analysis, or social media management
●Demonstrate a strong work ethic, positive attitude, and willingness to learn 
●Be available to work full-time during the summer months

If you meet these requirements and are ready to take your skills to the next level, we encourage you to apply for the summer internship program at XYZ Inc. We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. We welcome all applicants regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability status.

Apply today and take the first step towards a rewarding career in the tech industry.

The following table shows the top three interviewees for the summer internship program.
64535fcd1ae64.jpg64535ff3d8f8c.jpg As an HR Manager, I would consider various factors before making a decision to hire any candidate. After reviewing the backgrounds, skills, and other details of the top three interviewees for the summer internship program, I have decided to hire John Lee. Here are the reasons for my decision: 
1.Skills: John has a strong background in computer science and possesses the necessary technical skills for the internship position, including programming, web development, HTML/CSS, and JavaScript. These skills are crucial for the project that the intern will be working on during the summer. 2.Accomplishments: John's mobile app winning first place at a hackathon is an impressive accomplishment that shows his ability to apply his skills in a real-world setting. This indicates that he is motivated, proactive, and has the potential to make significant contributions to the company.
3.Potential: Although Jane Smith and Sarah Nguyen also have impressive backgrounds and skills, John's junior standing in university suggests that he has more room to grow and develop. This is valuable for the company as we are looking for someone who can learn quickly and adapt to new challenges in a fast-paced environment.
4.Fit: During the interview process, John demonstrated excellent communication skills and a positive attitude. He also showed a strong interest in the company's mission and culture, indicating that he is a good fit for the team.

Overall, I believe that John is the best candidate for the summer internship program due to his technical skills, accomplishments, potential, and fit with the company.

【題組】 191. According to the ad, which of the following skills can you gain hands-on experience in during the summer internship at XYZ Inc.?
(A)Cooking and baking.
(B)Programming and web development.
(C)Painting and drawing.
(D)Sewing and knitting.

92( ).

【題組】192. What kind of company culture does XYZ Inc. promote?
(A)A company that does not value diversity.
(B)A company that focuses only on one specific skill.
(C)A company that values diversity and equal opportunity.
(D)A company that only hires experienced professionals.

93( ).

【題組】193. According to the table, which interviewee has a combination of skills in data analysis and experience interning at a financial institution?
(A)Jane Smith.
(B)John Lee.
(C)Sarah Nguyen.
(D)None of the candidates.

94( ).

【題組】194. What is the potential benefit of hiring John as an intern based on his junior standing in university?
(A)He will require less supervision and training than Jane or Sarah.
(B)He will be able to take on more challenging tasks and responsibilities.
(C)He will have a better understanding of the company's culture and values.
(D)He will bring a fresh perspective and innovative ideas to the team.

95( ).

【題組】195. Which of the following statements is NOT a reason for why John was chosen as the best candidate for the summer internship program?
(A)He has more work experience than Jane or Sarah, making him a more qualified candidate.
(B)His mobile app won first place at a hackathon, demonstrating his ability to apply his skills in a real-world setting.
(C)He has a strong background in computer science and possesses the necessary technical skills for the internship position.
(D)He demonstrated excellent communication skills and a positive attitude during the interview process.

96( ).

Questions196~200 refer to the following summary, letter, and passage.
Executive Summary 

 This report analyzes the recent complaints received from citizens of Chestermere regarding the quality and safety of the local bus and intercity service. The complaints mostly focus on the condition of the buses, punctuality, and safety measures implemented by the service provider.

The findings of the report indicate that the service provider has not adequately maintained the buses, resulting in discomfort to passengers and safety hazards. Many buses lack basic amenities such as air conditioning, comfortable seats, and proper ventilation systems. Moreover, some buses have been reported to have technical issues such as faulty brakes, which pose a significant threat to the safety of passengers.

Additionally, the report found that the intercity service provider's punctuality has been inconsistent, with buses sometimes arriving late, causing passengers to miss appointments or connecting buses. Some passengers reported that buses arrived at their destination behind schedule, causing inconvenience and financial losses.

Regarding safety measures, the report discovered that the intercity service provider has not implemented adequate safety protocols, such as having first aid kits and fire extinguishers on board. Furthermore, some drivers were found to be driving recklessly and not adhering to traffic rules.

In light of the findings, the report recommends that the service provider should undertake immediate measures to ensure the safety and comfort of passengers.

Dear Dear Transportation Industry Leaders,

I am writing to invite you to attend a Transportation Forum, which will be held on April 19th, 2:00 pm at the Conference Center on the top floor of the City Hall.

As you may be aware, I have recently taken up the position of Mayor of this great city, and one of my key priorities is to improve the transportation system in our city. Over the past two months, I have received numerous complaints from citizens regarding the quality and safety of our public transportation system. I believe that it is important for us to work together to address these issues and improve our transportation infrastructure for the benefit of all residents.

During this forum, we will have an open discussion about the current state of our transportation system, as well as ways in which we can work together to improve it. I would be honored if you could join me and other transportation industry leaders to share your insights and suggestions.

Please feel free to invite any other members of your organization who you believe would be interested in attending. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me or my office. I look forward to seeing you.


Marshall Chalmers
Mayor of Chestermere

As an international tourist, I recently had the pleasure of experiencing the improved intercity bus service in Chestermere, and I must say, I was thoroughly impressed. The buses were modern, clean, and comfortable, providing a smooth ride throughout my journey. The improved safety measures were evident, and I felt secure during the entire trip. The schedules were punctual, and the drivers were polite and professional, ensuring a stress-free and enjoyable experience for all passengers. The overall experience was a significant improvement from my previous trip. I would not hesitate to recommend Chestermere to other tourists looking for a convenient and enjoyable travel experience.

【題組】 196. According to the summary, which of the following issues have been reported by citizens of Chestermere regarding the local bus and intercity service?
(A)Late arrival of buses.
(B)Lack of air conditioning.
(C)Faulty ticketing system.
(D)Overcrowding of buses.

97( ).

【題組】197. What could be the potential impact of addressing the complaints raised by citizens regarding the local bus and intercity service in Chestermere?
(A)Decrease in the cost of maintenance and repairs of buses.
(B)Increase in revenue due to increased ridership.
(C)Boost in the local economy due to improved accessibility for commuters.
(D)Improved passenger satisfaction and loyalty towards the service provider.

98( ).

【題組】198. According to Marshall’s letter, what is the purpose of the Transportation Forum?
(A)To invite members of the transportation industry to attend a public conference.
(B)To address complaints and concerns of citizens about the current state of the transportation system.
(C)To criticize the city's transportation infrastructure and management.
(D)To encourage private citizens to use public transportation services.

99( ).

【題組】199. What is the intended outcome of the Transportation Forum according to the letter?
(A)To discuss the current state of the transportation system and collaborate on ways to improve it.
(B)To plan a campaign to discourage citizens from using public transportation.
(C)To announce a new transportation infrastructure project for the city.
(D)To provide an opportunity for residents to voice their concerns about the transportation system.

100( ).

【題組】200. In the passage, based on the author's experience with the intercity bus service in Chestermere, which of the following best describes the overall experience?
(A)The experience was worse than the author's previous trip.
(B)The experience was the same as the author's previous trip.
(C)The experience was better than the author's previous trip.
(D)The author did not compare their experience to a previous trip.

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