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請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
Bringing a new pet into the home is like introducing a new member to the family. It is a wonderful, memorable event and if managed correctly will be the start of a long and happy home environment for both you and your puppy. Read on for some useful tips to help you prepare to welcome a puppy into your home.
       1. Firstly you should choose a breed that is suitable to your living situation. For example, a large dog will require a garden and wouldn’t be suitable for apartment living. Think about your lifestyle, the time you have available for a dog and the size of your home and garden. 2. Decide what room the puppy will sleep and eat in. Then make sure the room is secure and warm. 3. Contact the owner or kennel you are getting the puppy from and find out what it is being fed. It is important that the puppy gets the same food when it arrives in its new home. You can gradually change its food at a later date once your puppy has settled in. 4. A good suggestion is to get a small soft toy for your puppy to give to the owner a week or so before the puppy is collected. This way the puppy will have something familiar, in scent and texture, to keep it company. 5.Research your local vet and make an appointment to bring your puppy in for a check up and vaccinations. 6.Arrange your pet insurance. Pet health care can be very expensive, so insurance can help you with any unforeseen costs. For instance, many companies have a selection of pet insurance packages for you to choose from. 7. Put together your new puppy check list and get new items before your puppy arrives. Before you collect your pet, for example, make sure that you have your pet travel case in the car so you can then transport your new pet safely. Also, it is always a good idea to bring some wipers in case your new puppy gets car sick.

【題組】41 What is the passage mainly about?
(A) How to create a happy and comfortable kennel for your new pet.
(B) How to make proper preparations for the arrival of a new puppy.
(C) How to deal with your new puppy in the first few days at a new home.
(D) How to keep your car clean as you transport the new pet to your home.


5 A severe______ storm is heading for the city, and people are advised to stay at home.
(A) tropical
(B) internal
(C) explicit
(D) judicial


