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25 The willingness of readers to______ on the content of the stories rather than to accumulate knowledge of concepts or terms will make the reading easier and more pleasant.


44 It is going to cost more to eat at McDonald’s after the government has _______ a tax on high-fat, high-sugar fast foods.


38 Nicole is not worried about her retirement life at all; her savings of nearly two hundred million dollars in her bank accounts give her a good sense of _______ .


36 John drank a lot of beer and whisky and got completely drunk last night because all the alcoholic drinks in the hotel room are _____.
(A) complimentary
(B) substantial
(C) benevolent
(D) additional


20 Bedtime procrastination is the phenomenon of deliberately _____ sleep even though there's nothing compelling you to stay awake.
(A) taking off
(B) putting off
(C) turning off
(D) getting off


2 When we don’t believe we have the resources or abilities to cope with a certain problem or stimuli, we create ___________behaviors to deny or avoid it.
(A) rigid
(B) adaptive
(C) indiscrete
(D) insulated


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
Cheese is a dairy product, derived from milk and produced in wide ranges of flavors, textures, and forms. There are hundreds of different types of cheese around the world, and they are made mostly from the milk of cows but also other mammals, including sheep, goats, buffalo, reindeer, camels, and yaks. Cheese also contains water. A soft cheese, like Brie, contains more water than a hard cheese, like Parmesan. Since it contains vitamins and protein, cheese is nutritious,which can be used both as a food itself and in many different types of cooking. Cheese is produced through a process called “fermentation.” The process of making cheese was probably discovered by chance. Ancient people used to make bags, using the skin from an animal’s stomach. When they used these skin bags to carry milk, bacteria from the animal’s skin reacted with the milk. Then the milk was fermented, and the result was cheese. Around 4,000 years ago, people started to breed animals and process their milk. Today, cheese making is a very scientific process. First, the milk that will be used is pasteurized, which means that it is heated to remove all bacteria. Then specially cultivated bacteria, called“cultures,” are added to the milk. The milk is kept fairly warm during this period to help the cultures grow. As they grow,the cultures sometimes release bubbles of carbon dioxide. These bubbles help make the holes in Swiss cheese. Next, as the milk ripens, it forms a solid substance. This substance is called “curd.” The curd is removed, and the water is drained from it. The curd forms the basis of the cheese and may be treated in different ways. Finally, once it is matured and dried,the cheese is ready.

【題組】50 Which of the following is true according to the passage?
(A) The ripened milk forms a curd that is ready to eat.
(B) Parmesan cheese contains more water than Brie cheese.
(C) Thousands of years ago people processed their milk by pasteurization.
(D) The released bubbles of carbon dioxide form the holes in Swiss cheese.


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
        Hikikomori is a psychological condition which makes people shut themselves off from society, often staying in their houses for months on end. There are at least half a million of them in Japan. It was once thought of as a young person’s condition, but sufferers are getting older and staying locked away for longer. It is an economic as well as a social threat to the country, and is seriously worrying Japanese government.
        As of 2015, there were 541,000 hikikomori aged 15-39 in Japan, according to government statistics. There is no data on other age groups, suggesting that the figure is likely to be far larger. Some families are also loath to report hikikomori in their households, Kingston said. Doctors began to observe hikikomori as a social phenomenon around the mid-1980s, when young men exhibited signs of lethargy, refused to communicate, and spent most of their time in their rooms. There’s no unifying reason why people become hikikomori. Some withdraw from society because they feel they don’t know what to do with their lives and can no longer cope with the pressure from people around them. Others are triggered by events in their lives, like bad grades or heartbreak. Hikikomori feel a deep sense of shame that they cannot work at a job like ordinary people. They think of themselves as worthless and unqualified for happiness. Almost all feel remorse at having betrayed their parents’ expectations.
        As hikikomori refuse to participate in society, let alone go to work, Japan’s economy also suffers. They diminish the size of the workforce, so they contribute to a tighter labor market. Also, they are not self-sufficient, so when family support dries up due to death or financial problems, they will need to rely on state assistance.
       Japanese government plans to set up counseling centers and have support staff visit hikikomori at home in a bid to boost the country’s flagging workforce. But some criticize this may put pressure on hikikomori. Professor Jeff Kingston, an Asian studies professor in Tokyo, said, “One can only hope that more access to various therapies and public health campaigns to destigmatize the phenomenon will encourage more to seek help, find it, and learn to manage their symptoms so that they can lead more productive and fulfilling lives.”

【題組】50 According to the passage, which of the following is one of the bad influences that hikikomori impose on Japanese society?
(A) They make up the main workforce in Japan.
(B) They become financial burdens to the government.
(C) They make people in the society more indifferent.
(D) They bring shame and pain to the family and country.


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
       We live a fast-paced life. Everything happens quickly nowadays, and efficiency is the key theme of our society. Email has replaced the paper letter. Words flow from our fingertips faster than ever before, but not everyone is happy about it. Some people prefer writing slowly. Tom Hanks, American actor, director, filmmaker, and collector of more than 100 typewriters, is one of them. The 58-year-old Oscar winner is__41__the sound his typewriters make. He can choose from a variety of them, each of which__42__its own sound. The volume and rhythm are determined by the force with which the fingers hit the keys. The collecting process itself, hunting and searching for rare pieces, is also a great pleasure. The__43__, however, is often tied to the price tag. Some vintage typewriters cost hundreds of dollars or more. Luckily his acting career is lucrative enough to pay for his hobby. Tom Hanks is not alone. More and more young people are tired of digital technology and looking for a better experience of writing. They enjoy typing because they can focus on thinking; they would not be__44__by email, googling, or Facebook.__45__ , typewriters are entirely powered by your fingertips. They do not require electricity, so you can gracefully carry on writing in a sudden power outage.

(A) enlightened
(B) stimulated
(C) abolished
(D) distracted


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題
        A new mother finally gets her baby to sleep and steps into a hot shower — with her glasses on. At a familybarbecue she can’t __36__ the name of a relative she rarely sees. Many women experience “mommy brain”as a(n) __37__ , the lost ability to remember people’s names or keep their attention undivided. __38__ sciencereminds us that if we look at the changes without judgment, we may find that they come with advantages. Astudy found that even two years __39__ pregnancy, women had brain changes in regions involved in theability to understand what is going on in the mind of another person, strengthening a mother’s ability to pickup on a baby’s __40__ communications through facial expressions and gestures.

(A) But
(B) If
(C) Or
(D) So


