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試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112-2 國防法務官考試_相當高考:英文#118399
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1 The company's financial statements revealed a significant liability stemming from an unexpected lawsuit, which had the potential to impact its future profitability and _______ in the industry.
(A) morality
(B) reputation
(C) intersection
(D) exaggeration


2 The stock market can be highly unpredictable; prices _______ daily based on various factors like economic data, company performance, and global events, making it a challenging investment environment.
(A) fluctuate
(B) grant
(C) intrigue
(D) reinforce


3 The professor used detailed diagrams and real-life examples to _______ the complex concept, making it much easier for the students to understand and apply in their studies.
(A) intimidate
(B) deprive
(C) vaccinate
(D) elucidate


4 The powerful explosion threatened to obliterate the ancient ruins, but careful excavation efforts were made to _______ and protect the historical site for future generations to explore and appreciate.
(A) resemble
(B) meditate
(C) preserve
(D) predicate


5 The couple believed their wedding day's sunny weather and the appearance of a rainbow were _______ signs, foretelling a happy and prosperous life together.
(A) rebellious
(B) recreational
(C) deceitful
(D) auspicious


6 The minor misbehavior- a traffic _____- on his record had little impact on his life, but it served as a reminder for him to drive responsibly and obey traffic laws.
(A) transaction
(B) violation
(C) foundation
(D) communication


7 After years of hard work and _______, she finally decided to let go of her control of the family business, passing it on to the capable hands of her daughter.
(A) humiliation
(B) dedication
(C) transmission
(D) casualty


8 In a hypothetical scenario, if we were to discover a new energy source, it could _______ the way we power our cities and drastically reduce our carbon footprint.
(A) characterize
(B) revolutionize
(C) smuggle
(D) incorporate


9 After a heavy meal, he felt tired and struggled to stay awake during the afternoon meeting, longing for a cup of coffee to shake off his _______.
(A) drowsiness
(B) narration
(C) magnificence
(D) fracture


10 As the airplane encountered unexpected _______, passengers felt a mixture of anxiety and discomfort, but the experienced pilot skillfully navigated through the rough air, ensuring their safety.
(A) alternative
(B) emission
(C) turbulence
(D) multiplication


11 After picking the carrots, one thing to do is to clean the dirt off them by _____ them in a bucket of water.
(A) rinsing
(B) rousing
(C) ripping
(D) rotating


12 We are a company that is very respectful of the _____ and tradition of how this country was built.
(A) heritage
(B) heredity
(C) hermitage
(D) heronry


13 The _____ for this year’s GDP growth remain favorable, although the growth is likely to be at a slower pace.
(A) precisions
(B) precautions
(C) prospectus
(D) prospects


14 One of the biggest _____ of living near a busy airport is sound pollution.
(A) comebacks
(B) conveniences
(C) discoveries
(D) disadvantages


15 I learn everything and want to get more certificates to prove that I am just as _____ as possible in this area.
(A) complete
(B) competent
(C) compliant
(D) communal


請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題:
      Air pollution is a persistent and escalating global problem that poses significant threats to publichealth, the environment, and the climate. It __16__ the release of harmful substances into theatmosphere, primarily through human activities, including industrial processes, transportation, agriculture,and energy production. One of the most immediate and concerning consequences of air pollution is itsdetrimental impact on human health. Exposure to polluted air can lead to respiratory diseases such asasthma, bronchitis, and lung cancer, __17__ cardiovascular problems. Vulnerable populations,including children, the elderly, and those with preexisting health conditions, are particularly at risk. Airpollution also takes a heavy toll on the natural world. It leads to the formation of acid rain, which damagesforests, aquatic ecosystems, and even buildings. __18__ , pollutants like sulfur dioxide and nitrogenoxides can harm plant life and disrupt ecosystems. Another critical dimension of air pollution is its role inclimate change. Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide trap heat in the Earth'satmosphere, leading to global warming and the associated impacts of rising temperatures, more frequentextreme weather events, and sea-level rise. Addressing air pollution requires a multifaceted approach. Thisincludes stricter regulations on emissions, transitioning to cleaner energy sources, promoting sustainabletransportation, and investing in technologies that reduce pollution. Additionally, public awareness andadvocacy __19__ driving change and creating a future __20__ cleaner air and a healthierenvironment for all.

(A) sets out
(B) adheres to
(C) holds on
(D) results from


(A) as well as
(B) as long as
(C) as soon as
(D) as far as


(A) Instead
(B) Yet
(C) Therefore
(D) Furthermore


(A) reside in
(B) are acquired by
(C) are crucial to
(D) coincide with


(A) by
(B) with
(C) on
(D) in


       A workers' strike is a powerful and often last-resort collective action taken by employees to demand betterworking conditions, fair wages, and improved benefits from their employers. It is a manifestation of thefundamental right of workers to organize and advocate for their rights. Strikes typically occur whennegotiations between labor unions or worker representatives and employers reach an impasse. Workers, __21__ that their concerns are not adequately addressed, may decide to withhold their labor as __22__ exerting pressure. This form of protest can be disruptive to businesses and industries, but it serves as an important mechanism for addressing grievances and achieving necessary changes in theworkplace. Although strikes can be challenging for both workers and employers, they often lead to positiveoutcomes. They can force employers to reconsider their positions and come back to the negotiating tablewith a more conciliatory approach. __23__ , strikes have brought about significant improvements inworking conditions, salary increases, and enhanced job security. However, strikes are not without theirrisks. Workers may lose income during a strike, and employers may face disruptions to their operationsand image damage. Therefore, they are typically considered a last resort after other __24__  forresolution, such as mediation or arbitration, __25__ .

(A) to feel
(B) felt
(C) feeling
(D) feel


(A) a means of
(B) a proportion of
(C) a variety of
(D) a piece of


(A) In no way
(B) In some cases
(C) In essence
(D) In contrast


(A) apertures
(B) adventures
(C) revenues
(D) avenues


(A) have been exhausted
(B) are exhausting
(C) exhausted
(D) has exhausted


        Artificial Intelligence (AI) represents a transformative force in the modern world, reshaping industries,strengthening our daily lives, and raising profound questions about the future. AI __26__  thedevelopment of computer systems that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence, such aslearning, problem-solving, and decision-making. One of the most visible applications of AI is in automation, __27__ machines can carry out repetitive tasks more efficiently and accurately than humans. This haspromoted advancements in manufacturing, logistics, and customer service, streamlining operations andreducing costs. AI's impact on healthcare is substantial. Machine learning algorithms can analyze vastamounts of medical data to assist in disease __28__ , drug discovery, and personalized treatment plans. Infinance, AI is used for fraud detection, algorithmic trading, and risk assessment. AI's presence is also felt inour daily lives, with virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa __29__ voice interactions a commonoccurrence. Recommender systems on streaming platforms and e-commerce websites use AI to tailorcontent and products to individual preferences. However, AI also raises ethical and societal concerns.Questions about job displacement, bias in algorithms, and data privacy are hotly debated. Ensuring that AIbenefits all of society __30__ mitigating potential risks is a complex challenge. The future of AI holdsgreat promise, from autonomous vehicles to advanced healthcare solutions. It will continue to shape ourworld, necessitating careful consideration of its implications as we navigate the path forward.

(A) diverges from
(B) leaves behind
(C) refers to
(D) takes after


(A) where
(B) which
(C) that
(D) whether


(A) intention
(B) consumption
(C) pressure
(D) diagnosis


(A) doing
(B) making
(C) to do
(D) to make


(A) while
(B) though
(C) that
(D) what


       Gender equality is a fundamental principle that advocates for equal rights, opportunities, andtreatment for individuals of all genders. It is a cornerstone of human rights and a crucial component ofsocial justice. Achieving gender equality is not just a matter of fairness; it has far-reaching benefits for society __31__ . In societies where gender equality is promoted and upheld, there is greater economic prosperity. When women have the same access __32__ education, employment opportunities, andleadership roles as men, it leads to increased productivity and innovation. Gender diversity in theworkplace fosters creativity and a wider range of perspectives, which can drive business success andsocietal progress. Moreover, gender equality is important for the well-being and empowerment ofindividuals. It ensures that all people, __33__ their gender identity, have the freedom to make choicesabout their lives, pursue their ambitions, and live free from discrimination and violence. Gender equalitypromotes physical and mental health, self-esteem and confidence. Despite significant progress, genderinequality __34__ in many parts of the world. Discrimination, gender-based violence, and disparitiesin education and employment opportunities continue to affect countless individuals. Achieving genderequality needs concerted efforts from governments, institutions, communities, and individuals. It involveschallenging stereotypes, addressing systemic biases, and creating policies and practices that promoteinclusivity and fairness. __35__ , gender equality is not just a goal; it is an important aspect of humanrights and social progress. When societies prioritize and work towards gender equality, everyone benefits,leading to a more just, prosperous, and harmonious world.

(A) as follows
(B) as a whole
(C) at best
(D) at all


(A) with
(B) at
(C) to
(D) on


(A) regardless of
(B) instead of
(C) in contrast to
(D) with a view to


(A) assists
(B) consists
(C) insists
(D) persists


(A) On average
(B) In general
(C) In conclusion
(D) On the contrary


        In the "swinging sixties", a little London street near Piccadilly Circus suddenly became the world'smost famous street for youth fashions. Carnaby Street was where the stars of the sixties, from the Beatlesto Jimi Hendrix, bought their amazing clothes. Until then, "fashion" styles came from Paris or Milan, notfrom old London! Since then much has changed, and today London is one of the most creative cities inthe world. Though Chelsea and the King's Road, Carnaby Street and Camden are the most famous names,other parts of London have become centers of style too. For pop style, punk style, neo-punk, post-punk,grunge, disco, techno and more, there are streets for each. Today, London's famous "Fashion Week" hasbecome the biggest fashion event in the world.
        While many of the world's top fashion designers now work in London, some of London's topdesigners, such as John Galliano, are now in charge of major collections in Paris and New York.Vivienne Westwood, who looked at London's punk styles and redesigned them for the international "off-the-peg" market, was perhaps the most significant fashion designer of the past 50 years. Meanwhile StellaMcCartney, the daughter of Paul McCartney, is the world's leading designer of eco-friendly fashion.... oneof those who has understood that there are some serious downsides to the fashion industry too.
        New generations of designers keep coming on too. London's "University of the Arts" is the largestuniversity of the arts in Europe; its London College of Fashion and Central St. Martin's college are two ofthe world's most prestigious and dynamic colleges of fashion and design.

【題組】36 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) London did not become a creative city of fashions until the nineteen seventies.
(B) London’s Piccadilly Circus became the world's most famous center for youth fashions gradually.
(C) London is a city famous for its following the fashion of Paris or Milan.
(D) Chelsea, the King's Road, Carnaby Street, and Camden are all parts of London’s centers of style.


【題組】37 Which of the following statements is true, according to the passage?
(A) The "swinging sixties" is a little London street near Piccadilly Circus where adults buy their fashions.
(B) It is said that stars from the Beatles to Jimi Hendrix would buy their amazing clothes from the King’s Road.
(C) In London, there are streets for pop style, punk style, neo-punk, post-punk, grunge, disco, techno and more.
(D) London's famous "Fashion Week" following that of Paris has become the biggest fashion event in the world.


【題組】38 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true about London’s top fashion designers?
(A) They learned from designers of Milan to become the world’s best.
(B) Some of them are now responsible for the major fashion collections in Paris and New York.
(C) John Galliano was the owner of Milan’s fashion collections.
(D) Vivienne Westwood is the world's leading designer of eco-friendly fashion.


【題組】39 Which of the following expressions is true about Stella McCartney, according to the passage?
(A) Granddaughter of Paul McCartney, the singer and composer.
(B) The designer of punk styles for the international "off-the-peg" market.
(C) The world's leading designer of bio-friendly fashion.
(D) The designer who understands the negative aspects of the fashion industry.


【題組】40 Which of the following statements is true, according to the passage?
(A) Despite past success, London is short of new generations of designers.
(B) The world’s largest university of the arts is in Paris.
(C) London College of Fashion is one of the most reputable and dynamic colleges of fashion and design in the world.
(D) Central St. Martin's College is the only fashion and design college in London that is worth mentioning.


試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112-2 國防法務官考試_相當高考:英文#118399-阿摩線上測驗

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