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398. Grace is in excellent health and is _______ her life after retirement.
(A) savoring
(B) scored
(C) savored
(D) scoring


33 Some researchers have proved a strong ______between global warming and the greenhouse effect.


7 In order to effectively interdict smuggling and illicit trade, the Customs will keep on strengthening the exchange of ________with foreign Customs.


628. Rumor has it that a China manufacturing giant is going to _____ the bankrupted U.S. company.
(A) break put (
(B)take over
(C)come across
(D)respond to


11 The manager knows how to pay _____ to his staff and improve their relationship.
(A) compliments
(B) complaints
(C) committees
(D) competitions


634. Teamwork is important in accomplishing this creative task since discussing with partners can definitely help to _____ new and different ideas.
(A) generate (


8 Koalas are often _____ identified due to their appearance as a member of the bear family, but they are scientifically classified as a marsupial related to kangaroos.
(A) appropriately
(B) illegally
(C) mistakenly
(D) nominally


7 Michelle always _____ with the food when she has a party, so she ends up with a ton of leftovers.
(A) goes overboard
(B) goes through
(C) puts up
(D) keeps up


23 Inadequacy of security measures is hard to be tackled, because community policing is expensive and, in an era of budget cuts, increasingly______ .


11 For men who have cycled through expensive divorces, marriage, more than dating, fills old traditions of respectability, status, and comfort.
(A)Men who have gone through expensive divorces prefer dating to marriage since marriage comes with old traditions.
(B)Men who have gone through expensive divorces still go on dating actively in the hope of getting married again soon.
(C)Men who want to marry again, despite their history of expensive divorces, do not seem to have learned their lessons.
(D)Some men, despite their history of expensive divorces, still believe in certain traditional values symbolized by marriage.


21 According to Article 1 of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, industrial property should apply to “industry and commerce proper” and to “agricultural and extractive industries and to all manufactured or natural products”. In this regard, the phrase “industrial property” should be understood in the_____ sense.
(A) narrow
(B) narrowest
(C) broad
(D) broadest


編號第22題至第25題為篇章結構,各題請依文意,從四個選項中選出最合適者,各題答案內容不重複。 As it develops, every society produces a series of images and narratives that in some sense become the common property of its members. These “myths” and “legends” serve a variety of functions in the society. Some offer an explanation of the society’s physical and cultural origins. 22 Still others express the society’s beliefs, rituals, standards of morality, and values. The origins of early tales and legends are a matter of considerable speculation. 23 No doubt, too, whatever the initial form of a story, as it gets told and retold, it will gradually be developed, embellished, and altered over time. Particularly in pre-literate cultures, even well-developed myths seem to change over time as the conditions of life change. 24 Different groups within a society construct and pass on stories they prefer. Ultimately the stories of thedominant group in a society themselves may come to dominate. 25 This offers a form of resistance to cultural extinction, especially among oppressed minorities.
【題組】 22
(A)Some myths and legends are not expected to be realistic.
(B)Some justify the society’s hierarchy and other public arrangements.
(C)They present images of what the society regards as valued and deplored behavior.
(D)They probably emerge from an interaction of historical events or individual creations.


請回答第 39 題至第 43 題: For many years in the United States, most undergraduate students were 18 to 22 years old. They attended college full-time, lived in a dormitory on campus, and expected many “extras” from their colleges, not just classes. But things began to change in the 1970s and are very different now. Today, these “traditional” students are less than one-quarter of all college students. These days the nontraditional students are the majority; they are different from traditional undergraduates in several ways. They are older. Many attend college part-time because they have families and jobs. Most live off campus, not in dorms. These nontraditional students don’t want the extras that colleges usually offer. They aren’t interested in the sports, entertainment, religious groups, and museums that are part of most US colleges. They want mainly good-quality classes, day or night, at a low cost. They also hope for easy parking, access to information technology, and polite service. Both time and money are important to them. Psychological tests reflect different learning styles in this new student population, too. Each person has a certain learning style, and about 60 percent of the new students these days prefer the sensing style. This means that they are very practical. They prefer a practice-to-theory method of learning, which is experience first and ideas after that. They often have difficulty with reading and writing and are unsure of themselves. Most of these students are attending college because they want to have a good job and make a lot of money.
【題組】39 What is the best title for this passage?
(A) The Rise and Fall of Universities in the US
(B) Changes in Campus Life
(C) Current College Reform
(D) Getting a Good Job after College


請依下文回答第 48 題至第 50 題: 
   In 1970, a wild child was found in California: a girl of 13 who had been isolated in a small room and had not been spoken to by her parents since infancy. “Genie,” as she was later dubbed to protect her privacy by the psycholinguists who tested her, could not stand erect. At the time, she was unable to speak: she could only whimper. The case came to light when Genie’s 50-year-old mother ran away from her 70-year-old husband after a violent quarrel and took the child along. The mother was partially blind and applied for public assistance. Genie was sent to the Los Angeles Children’s Hospital for tests. 
   The discovery of Genie aroused intense curiosity among psychologists, linguists, neurologists, and others who study brain development. They were eager to know what Genie’s mental level was at the time she was found and whether she would be capable of developing her faculties. “It’s a terribly important case,” says Harlan Lane, a psycholinguist at Northeastern University who wrote The Wild Boy of Aveyron. “Since our morality doesn’t allow us to conduct deprivation experiments with human beings, these unfortunate people are all we have to go on.”

【題組】49 Why are many scientists curious about Genie’s case?
(A)Because they can study her brain development.
(B)Because they can earn a lot of money.
(C)Because they have sympathy for her.
(D)Because they want Genie to be a scientist.


請依下文回答第 44 題至第 47 題: 
   I was convinced that the only thing I wanted to do, ever, was to write novels. However, my parents, both of whom came from impoverished backgrounds and neither of whom had been to college, took the view that my overactive imagination was an amusing personal quirk that would never pay a mortgage, or secure a pension. I know that the irony strikes with the force of a cartoon anvil, now. They hoped that I would take a vocational degree, but I wanted to study English literature. A compromise was reached that in retrospect satisfied nobody, and I went up to study Modern Languages. Hardly had my parents’ car rounded the corner at the end of the road than I ditched German and scuttled off down the Classics corridor. I cannot remember telling my parents that I was studying Classics; they might well have found out for the first time on graduation day. Of all the subjects on this planet, I think they would have been hard put to name one less useful than Greek mythology when it came to securing the keys to an executive bathroom.

【題組】47 What of the following is closest in meaning to the word “compromise”?


Francisco Goya (1746-1828) has been regarded as the last of the old masters and as the first of the moderns. His paintings of the Spanish royal family show his great skills as a classical painter _____40_____ his bold and daring creativity revealed in his later years anticipates geniuses like Manet and Picasso. The cause of this divergent creative power, judging from Goya’s life, might be his diseases. After _____41_____ a high fever in 1792, Goya was left deaf, which kept him gradually isolating himself from the world. He started producing frightening paintings of insanity and fantasy, the so-called Black Paintings, as a way to _____42_____ the fears and nightmares in his dark mind. The deafness and noises in his head may be a result of a prolonged viral encephalitis or a series of minor strokes. In brief, it was perhaps Goya’s diseases that caused his astounding creativity.
(A) contacting
(B) contracting
(C) contrasting
(D) contributing


The history of electronic mailing goes all the way back to 1969 when a professor at UCLA sent the first message via computer to a colleague at Stanford. The computer which sent the first message actually crashed right after the message was sent, but the message did reach its _____39_____ at Stanford. E-mail was born. Today, e-mail _____40_____ communication. In 2002, the Internet provider AOL alone reported handling over 42 million e-mails each day. When the number of e-mails worldwide is _____41_____ to the number of pieces of mail sent each day, you will find that e-mail usage is more than seven times higher than “snail mail” usage. It is not hard to imagine why this is the case since the cost of sending postcards and letters is much higher, _____42_____ the fact that e-mail is more convenient than having to visit your mailbox or local post office. E-mail messages also beat postal delivery time hands down. _____43_____ an international letter might take a week or more for delivery, an e-mail can be sent and responded to the same day.


46.請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題 A man who became depressed, anxious, and phobic about flies after finding a dead insect in his bottled water has lost a claim for over $300,000 in compensation from the bottling company. The Supreme Court of Canada said Culligan of Canada Ltd. wasn’t legally liable for the psychological damage suffered by Martin Mustapha, a hair stylist from Windsor, Ont.. Mustapha sued after finding a dead fly, and later half of another, in an unopened bottle of water delivered for his home dispenser. He never drank any of the water, but said he became obsessed with thoughts of dead flies, couldn’t sleep, and was constantly on edge—to the point where his business and his life suffered. Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin didn’t question the fact that Mustapha had suffered real psychological harm. Medical evidence tendered at trial three years ago indicated he was afflicted with a psychiatric illness that was “debilitating and had a significant impact on his life,” said McLachlin. But she also noted that experts had described Mustapha’s reaction as “unusual and extreme” and concluded that Culligan could not have reasonably foreseen the harm he suffered—a key legal test for compensation in such cases.
【題組】 46 What is the passage mainly about?
(A) A fly found in a bottle.
(B) A man who suffered from an insect bite.
(C) A court ruling on a lawsuit concerning a dead fly.
(D) A bottling company that had problems with cleanliness.


請依下文回答第 37 題至第 41 題:
        Three of the nation’s most influential woman activists are launching an organization. It aims to __37__    thepolitical power of women to influence elections and shape local and national policy priorities. The organization,which __38_ itself as multiracial and intergenerational, has a goal of training and __39__ two million womenover the next year to become organizers and political leaders in their communities. The effort comes at a momentwhen women have emerged as perhaps the most powerful force in politics. The organization isn’t expectedto __40__    individual candidates. But the group will help educate women about candidates’ positions on issuesincluding pay equity and __41__ child care. They aim to push politicians to adopt an agenda akin to a “women’snew deal.”

(A) downgrade
(B) harness
(C) harass
(D) demote


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: 
  Owning closets of shoes may seem superficial, but in reality women are merely paying homage to the bricklayers of modern civilization. The history of shoes dates back to 4000 B.C. when they appeared on the walls of Egyptian temples and tombs. While women today fancy a pair of stylish heels, in 1500, it was men, descendants of European nobility, who began to wear heeled shoes. Since then “well heeled” suggests being wealthy or able to afford costly shoes.
  In 1533, the wedding of an Italian lady with a French nobleman brought high heels in vogue for women. The bride insisted on having heels made for her wedding, which set the rage for the new shoes in Paris. High heels stayed in style until the late 18th century, as during the French Revolution, it was considered in bad taste to show any sign of wealth. Finally,high heels emerged again in Europe in the late 19th century and continued to spread their enchantment around the world.

【題組】49 When did women start to wear high heels?
(A)As soon as heels were invented.
(B)After a noble wedding in Paris.
(C)After the French Revolution.
(D)After the late nineteenth century.


請依下文回答第 47 題至第 50 題: 
   The Warcraft video game franchise from Blizzard Entertainment is now 22 years old. The most successful game in this series has been World of Warcraft (WOW ), a massively multiplayer online role-playing game. According to Blizzard, over 100 million subscribers have played WOW. The extremely popular spinoff game DOTA (Defense of the Ancients) is also played at some of the biggest gaming competitions in the world. 
   Over the years, WOW has been considered by many people to be more than just a game. It has also been seen as a training ground for real-life business leaders. Players in WOW join together in large teams, called guilds. A player who wishes to be a successful leader, or “master,” of a team must learn how to attract new players to the group, evaluate each player, and arrange for him or her to be taught by experienced players. In addition, the leader must settle any quarrels that develop between team members and oversee development of strategies that the team will use to defeat its opponents. The lessons the leader learns through the game can be applied in real life. 
   A Warcraft film, in development since 2006, hits theaters this month. Its plot focuses on the arrival of Orcs looking to build a colony in the realm of humans and the conflict that arises between the two groups. Video-game fans will be pleased to know that the film’s director, Duncan Jones, is a player of the game, as are some of the actors. Anticipated by both gamers and movie fans, Warcraft may be the next big film franchise.

【題組】49 What will the guilds of WOW NOT do?
(A) To attract new players.
(B) To settle any quarrels.
(C) To hold a contest.
(D) To evaluate each player.


With the coming of September, I recall the day when I first met Alan. It was a rainy day. He seemed very handsome, but I didn’t love him because of that. I was moved by the tenderness in his blue eyes. As there was almost nothing in our room, it was difficult to call it “home.” Although we were very poor, we believed that we were the happiest couple in the world. In fact, I felt great happiness even when I served him a cup of tea. We often sat watching the stars without a word. His smile gave me the comfortable feeling of being loved. One rainy day he suddenly disappeared. He left me a letter which began, “I don’t want to make you unhappy, my dear….”I didn’t weep over the letter because I knew Alan would be in my heart forever. Even now I cannot abandon the thought that Alan will come back to me one day and gently whisper, “Look, my darling Miranda. Look how beautiful the stars are shining tonight!” Love in September left me with a lasting memory.… Yes, a lasting memory!
【題組】Why did Miranda love Alan? ______
(A) He was very handsome.
(B) He was very tender.
(C) He was very rich at that time.
(D) He had a job.


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
      Virtual reality represents the harnessing of computer and information technology to realize a long-held vision of humankind: the creation of a ‘dream machine’. It has often been stated that going to the cinema to watch a film involves entering a ‘dream palace’, in which we are encouraged to 41 disbelief and make the leap into an illusionary world. It can be argued that the history of the cinema is one in which the illusion of total immersion has been progressively sought. Cinerama and other forms of large screen or wrap-around cinema such as the experiments with 3D films in the 1950s, are 42 of this search for technological developments which would provide a strong stereoscopic illusion of the depth of a scene and sense of immersion in ‘reality’. Theme parks such as Disney World and Universal Studios also provide sophisticated versions of this film technology coupled 43 experience rides such as Star Wars, Back to the future, in which the visual information is co-ordinated with surround sound and movement of the vehicle. 
      Yet virtual reality is 44 an upgraded version of Cinerama or a theme park ride, as it achieves not only a greater sense of presence, but through the use of computer technology has developed an interface which facilitates ‘interactivity,’ the capacity to direct one’s gaze and movements so that one can explore and move around inside the illusory flow of images. It is this 45 between computer technology and movie-making which makes virtual reality possible.

(A) examples
(B) exports
(C) exclusion
(D) excommuncation


請依下文回答第 6 題至第 10 題In 2010, a South Korean couple was _6_ the murder of their daughter through neglect. When their daughter was born, she weighed 2.9 kilograms. Three months later, when she _7_ , she weighed 2.4 kilograms. The strangest part was that the parents were playing a game for many hours each day in which they raised a _8_ child online. Similarly, in 2014, a young South Korean man who spent much of his time in Internet Cafés was arrested after his two-year-old son starved to death. South Korea has seen exponential growth in computer and Internet use. This has caused many to worry that certain users are _9_ unable to control how much time they spend on the Internet. They fear an epidemic of addiction to video game. South Korea is not _10_ : many other developed countries have also experienced huge growth in video games and Internet addiction.
【題組】 9
(A) increasingly
(B) spaciously
(C) simultaneously
(D) interestingly


第 18 題至第 21 題為篇章結構,請依文意,從四個選項中選出最合適者,各題答案內容不重複。 
      A new study finds that the concave-eared torrent frog that uses ultrasonic communication can tune its ears like a radio dial to block out lower pitched background noise. 18 This is contrary to everything that we knew about the frog’s auditory system.
      Earlier this year, the researchers reported that male torrent frogs can localize sound with unusual accuracy to find females during ultrasonic mating duets. 19 This surprised the team, because in all other frogs eardrums always respond the same way to a sound stimulus. 
     Further examination revealed that the frogs were actively opening and closing their eustachian tubes, two narrow channels that connect the mouth cavity to the left and right ear. 20 In practice, shifting to high-frequency hearing could help the frogs pick out mating calls during a storm, when the low-pitched noises of plunking raindrops, booming thunder, and rushing water dominate. 21

(A) Closing the tubes improved the frogs’ ability to hear high frequencies and ultrasounds, while opening them increased sensitivity to low-frequency noises.
(B) Further studies of the amphibian’s hearing showed that its eardrums vibrate in response to ultrasonic noises, but only some of the time.
(C) By contrast, the frogs have evolved the biological equivalent of earmuffs to block out all sounds of a certain frequency range.
(D) In other words, the frogs’ tunable ears are an adaptation to their noisy home environments.



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