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All city council members decided to ____________ a percentage of their income to the poor.
(A) rebuild
(B) bribe
(C) finish
(D) donate


5. We cannot give you a______answer now;there are still many uncertainties about this issue.


38 Scientists have been searching for better, faster and cleaner ______sources of energy in order to create better lives and help solve the pollution problem.
(A) allusive
(B) allocative
(C) alternative
(D) allergic


Peter: My hands really itch. I can’t stop scratching them. Robert: It looks like a rash. Are you allergic to anything? Peter: ________________________It never happened to me before.
(A)I have it only once in a while.
(B)There are too many mosquitoes.
(C)I’m not sure.
(D)I eat too many shrimps.


Theresa’s mother heard her ______ in the room.
(B)to sob
(D)was sobbing


11 The manager knows how to pay _____ to his staff and improve their relationship.
(A) compliments
(B) complaints
(C) committees
(D) competitions


Every year we have _____ days to raise money for people in poverty.


37.U.S. military leaders in early 2013 formally lifted the     on women serving in combat positions.
(A) ban
(B) cap
(C) dip
(D) tan


The old lady felt ___ and alone after her husband died and four children married and left home.
(A) alienated
(B) accurate
(C) conceited
(D) delicate


36 Chinese martial arts, such as qigong and tai chi chuan, are practiced by many for their reputed restorative and ____ effects, especially for chronic illnesses.
(A) boisterous
(B) celestial
(C) discreet
(D) therapeutic


5 The journalist was finally caught _______   all the stories he had made up for the newspaper he worked for.
(A) dazzling
(B) equating
(C) fabricating
(D) greasing


38 If you argue that, “Socrates is wise and just. X is wise; therefore, X is just,” you have a syllogism that is _____ .
(A) bounty
(B) faulty
(C) purity
(D) scarcity


11 Vitamin D _____ can arise if a person does not take in enough or their skin has an impaired ability to nurture it from the sun.
(A) defaults
(B) deficiencies
(C) demerits
(D) disorders


434. There is mounting scientific evidence that global warming is already having _____ effects on birds, broader biodiversity, wildlife habitat, and ecosystems.
(A) suppressive
(B) profound
(C) obscure
(D) transparent


19 The Customs is commissioned to enforce other Customs-related laws and regulations. One of the extra functions relates to trade control over national or foreign________ , such as checking national or foreign banknotes, RMB and gold carried by inbound/outbound passengers.


One of the first things most people want to hear discussed in relation to composing is the question of inspiration. They find it difficult to believe that composers are not as 2 that question as they had supposed. The layman always finds it hard to realize how natural it is for the composer to compose. He has a tendency to put himself into the position of the composer and to 3 the problems involved, including that of inspiration, from the perspective of the layman. He forgets that composing to a composer is like 4 a natural function. It is like eating or sleeping. It is something that the composer happens to have been born to do; and, because of that, it 5 the character of a special virtue in the composer’s eyes. The composer, therefore, confronted with the question of inspiration, does not say to himself, “Do I feel inspired?” He says to himself, “Do I feel like composing today?” And if he feels like composing, he does. It is 6 like saying to yourself, “Do I feel sleepy?” If you feel sleepy, you go to sleep. If you do not feel sleepy, you stay up. If the composer does not feel like composing, he does not compose. It is as simple as that.
(A) little by little
(B) more or less
(C) now and then
(D) by no means


44 題至第 46 題為題組 A: Good afternoon. Henry’s Russian Restaurant. B: Hello. I’d like to make reservations for dinner tonight. A: Yes. 44 B: Five. We’d also like a table near the window, too, please. A: I’ll certainly see 45 . What time do you want your reservation for? B: 46 A: And what is the name, please? B: The name is Miller.
(A) We’ll be ordering at 7:30.
(B) We’ll be paying at 7:30.
(C) We’ll be leaving at 7:30.
(D) We’ll be coming at 7:30.


Colors have a direct and powerful impact on the way we feel and react to our surroundings. Some colors excite us, while others soothe and calm us. For example, when the Blackfriar Bridge in London was painted green, suicide jumps from the bridge decreased by 34%. Research reveals that people have similar emotional responses to specific colors and in general, the brighter the color, the stronger the response. Blue, for example, creates a tranquil, quiet feeling in many people. Blue makes it easier for people to resolve conflicts and accept themselves. Blue also seems to act as an appetite suppressant. People snack less out of a refrigerator when the refrigerator light is blue. And they eat less when they use blue dishes. Green has a soothing effect. People who work in green rooms have fewer stomachaches and feel less pain generally. Orange improves mental clarity and promotes happiness. Orange increases the flow of oxygen to the brain. In a red room, people are more likely to feel angry and tense. Red has also been found to stimulate the autonomic nervous system. Yellow produces rather different emotional responses depending on its brightness. People in a bright yellow room feel tired. Babies cry more in bright yellow rooms and husbands and wives fight more. Pale yellow, on the other hand, creates a feeling of harmony.
【題組】47 What color of the plate should we use if we want to lose weight?
(A) Blue.
(B) Orange.
(C) Red.
(D) Yellow.


A simple change to the design of the gallon milk jug, adopted by the retail giants Wal-Mart and Costco, seems made for the times. The jugs are cheaper to ship and better for the environment, the milk is fresher when it arrives in stores, and it costs less. However, the jugs have no real spout, and their unorthodox shape makes consumers feel like novices at the simple task of pouring a glass of milk. “I hate it. It spills everywhere,” said a customer. Though the greener milk jug isn’t widely welcomed, retailers are undeterred because it has advantages from their perspective. In an era of soaring global demand and higher costs for energy and materials, virtually every aspect of the economy needs to be reexamined and many products must be redesigned for greater efficiency. The redesign of the gallon milk jug is a typical example of this change. In the past, the bottling and shipping of milk jugs were inefficient and labor-intensive. Workers used a long hook to drag plastic crates loaded with milk jugs onto a conveyor belt. The crates were essential to prevent old-fashioned milk jugs from stacking atop one another but took a lot of room. With the new jugs, the crates are gone and the shipping can cut labor by half. The whole operation is so much more efficient that milk coming out of a cow in the morning winds up at a store by that afternoon, compared with the next morning by the old method. The question now is whether customers will go along. A shopper named Jodi Kauffman gave the jugs a glance. “Maybe,” she said.
【題組】50 What can be inferred from this passage?
(A) The retailers will keep selling the new gallon jugs.
(B) The retailers will be unable to make profit from the new gallon jugs.
(C) The customers will call for a worldwide boycott of the new gallon jugs.
(D) The customers will take lessons to learn how to use the new gallon jugs.


It was a harsh and dreary winter night. With the freezing wind 136 with intense gusts, it was downright cold. Standing alone by the side of the country road, Mrs. Rich felt 137 . A flat tire had left her 138 in the middle of nowhere for hours. “The 139 are that I will have to spend the night in the bleak wilderness,” she thought to herself. Just as she was worried sick about her situation, a car 140 and pulled up in front of her. Out of the car 141 named Joe. “Anything I can do for you, ma’am?” Joe asked earnestly. 142 finding out Mrs. Rich’s predicament, Joe offered her the much-needed help. He even considerately suggested she 143inside her car to ward off the chill while he changed the tire for her. Afterwards, instead of asking for a 144 sum of money as a reward, Joe asked Mrs. Rich to pass on the good will and help someone else in need. Mrs. Rich did so by leaving a huge tip that was probably 145 her meal to a pregnant waitress in a shabby café in the hope of helping her cope with financial difficulties.
(A) a smiling young man had come
(B) had come a smiling young man
(C) came a smiling young man
(D) did come a smiling young man


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
       Two of the wealthiest African-American men in America live in Chicago, with its large African-American middle-class community. Because both men are named Johnson, their names and businesses are sometimes each confused with the other, aggravating both men. Each is justifiably proud of the business he has created for himself and the position it gives him in African-American cultural, social, and business life.
       George Johnson is the founder of Johnson Products Company, which manufactures cosmetics. The JohnsonProducts Company is one of the largest African-American owned companies in the United States, and it is also one of the most successful. Its founders and its corporate officers are proud of the company’s position. They also feel a certain pride because the Johnson Products Company was among the first companies to realize that African-Americans inAmerica were a distinct market group, with distinct needs, and with the affluence to buy and support products aimed at meeting their needs. The Johnson Products cosmetics are all designed for the needs of African-Americans.
       John Johnson is the founder of Johnson Publishing Company, the largest African-American owned publishing company in the nation. As an office boy at Supreme Life Insurance, Johnson was assigned to maintain a file of news clippings about the achievements of African-Americans, and he noticed that there was no national newspaper or magazine devoted to coverage of African-American news. He borrowed the printing equipment at the life insurance offices, and he raised money for advertisements by mortgaging his mother’s furniture. He knew he was going to make it when $6,000 worth of subscriptions poured in for his first issue. His monthly Negro Digest made him wealthy enough to launch a second publication, Ebony, which was even more successful than his first. Ebony has one and a third million subscribers. In fact, the company had been worth more than $60 million because the company has branched into real estate, banking, and insurance. The officers and owners are proud that this success has come from serving the African-American community, once again proving its power as a market. Life magazine, which Ebony followed in its use of large photographs, has ceased publication, but Ebony keeps rolling off the presses every week. In a word, Johnson Publishing Company is an iconic part of American and African American history .

【題組】 46 What is the main idea of this passage?
(A) To provide a short biography of two of the richest African-American men in America.
(B) To discuss how John Johnson manages Johnson Publishing Company well.
(C) To describe how George Johnson runs Johnson Product Company successfully.
(D) To compare why George Johnson runs business better than John Johnson does.


       As little as thirty years ago, few people questioned the gender roles that had prevailed for centuries. The conventional wisdom was that a woman’s place was in the home and that a man’s main responsibility to his family was to put food on the table. In the 1970s and 1980s, however, greater numbers of working women meant that men were no longer the sole breadwinners. A father’s emotional involvement with his family also became more important. Forty years ago, almost no husbands were present in the delivery room when their wives gave birth. Today, it is generally expected for male partners to attend childbirth classes, to be there for the delivery, and to take more responsibility for child rearing than their fathers or grandfathers did.
      In addition to society’s changing views of the role men play in relation to childcare, social scientists also found that the presence of the father in the home can contribute to lower juvenile crime rates, a decrease in child poverty, and lower rates of teenage pregnancy. Differences in parenting styles between men and women are also believed to contribute to children’s ability to understand and communicate emotions in different ways. The research supports the claim that the absence of a father in the family is the single biggest problem in modern society.

【題組】49 Children under the care of both parents develop good ability to communicate emotions because _____.
(A) there are more conflicts in the family
(B) there are two breadwinners in the family
(C) there are two parenting styles in the family
(D) there are fathers and grandfathers in the family


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: 
        Turns out that “coupling” doesn’t just mean “pairing” in the traditional sense, but is also a catchphrase when it comes to finances. As we head into wedding season, it’s especially relevant. Because as much as you may think no two people have ever been more in love than you are, the truth is that it could be less than smooth sailing ahead if you’re not on the same page when it comes to financial matters. “Couples have a very hard time talking about money,” Joan Atwood,a Hofstra University professor of marriage and family therapy, bemoaned on an NPR “Money Coach” segment on the issue. “I would say it’s the last taboo.” 
        You have probably discussed life goals in a dreamy sort of way while dating, but turning those reveries into reality requires habitually saving to pay for them and to finance your later retirement years. This is most likely one thing you may not have thought of at a time when the median ages, respectively, for brides and grooms are 29 and 31. “While people may come into a marriage with their own assets, they need to take some time after the wedding to sit down and start getting organized as a couple,” advised a famous investment company. 
       One thing that needs to be done is be transparent about your personal finances. There’s nothing that says you have to put all your cash into a joint account – but at the very least you’d be “less than truthful” by not divulging anyoutstanding debts – and then figuring out, together, how to pay them down. It is also important that you two develop away to retain vital information in case a sudden need arises. To truly mark your financial coupling, you might consider using a trustworthy online service that lets you store, access and share all your new family’s important records anddocuments anywhere via a web browser or an app. With all the other things on their to-do lists, newlyweds typically don’t focus on all the important financial and other documents they need to begin married life on a solid footing, but itwill make things easier for them from the start, as well as through the years as they have even more joint documents toretain – including those related to perhaps buying a house and having children.

【題組】46 In what tone is this passage written?
(A) Informative.
(B) Ironical.
(C) Pessimistic.
(D) Subjective.


請依下文回答第 42 題至第 45 題 Numbers have a strange grasp on people's lives, thanks to the human tendency to 42 deeper meaning to numbers. Some people make a wish at 11:11. Others believe that good things 43 in threes. We celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, sweet 16s. Some numbers are divine, e.g., seventh heaven, or are given divine connotations through math, e.g., the golden ratio. And of course, there's pop culture: James Bond is 007; Jim Carrey did something-or-other with the number 23. Twelve has found particular significance across cultural fields—there are 12 zodiac signs, 12 months in a year, 12 models of Cylons. But 13? Thirteen's cultural meaning is a little more 44 . This number is most often associated with fear or superstition, mostly in Western culture. Thirteen is rooted in negative meaning, which can partly be 45 to the Bible since Judas, who betrays Jesus, was the 13th guest at the Last Supper, as well as to pop culture. The horror franchise Friday the 13th capitalizes on the fear of the date itself.


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題
        A new mother finally gets her baby to sleep and steps into a hot shower — with her glasses on. At a familybarbecue she can’t __36__ the name of a relative she rarely sees. Many women experience “mommy brain”as a(n) __37__ , the lost ability to remember people’s names or keep their attention undivided. __38__ sciencereminds us that if we look at the changes without judgment, we may find that they come with advantages. Astudy found that even two years __39__ pregnancy, women had brain changes in regions involved in theability to understand what is going on in the mind of another person, strengthening a mother’s ability to pickup on a baby’s __40__ communications through facial expressions and gestures.

(A) after
(B) during
(C) later
(D) within



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